One Lap Heroes feature vid

2025.01.30 22:00 yoshimura53 One Lap Heroes feature vid
My friends from OLH made a video of me and my car. Enjoy!
submitted by yoshimura53 to AE86 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 reddit_lss_1 Image Post Title 30-January-2025 22:00:12

Image Post Title 30-January-2025 22:00:12 submitted by reddit_lss_1 to lssAuto [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 perisosa working on self concept when bullied as a kid/felt undesirable as a teen

hellooooo the title explains the gist of it, but i do need to add i had a glow up when i was around 18 and got my first boyfriend and every since then every year i got prettier and prettier but men mostly were interested in me sexually, that’s another topic tho lol. i noticed that when manifesting a beautiful husband, which alongside all the other personality traits i know i deserve because i am also beautiful, my lack of self esteem growing up keeps popping up and creating resistance. i got confident right before my glow up btw and started accepting my chubbier body and then i randomly lost weight etc. only thing looks wise i still struggle with is hairloss as a woman i’m 28 and it started around 15/16 i wanna say, and i’ve been wearing wigs for a few years now that help me be more confident and feel more beautiful. does anyone have any advice to help me work on my self concept and manifest the relationship/marriage i want? thanks!
submitted by perisosa to lawofassumption [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 cristimm 90-93°C while building shaders

90-93°C while building shaders Hi guys, just downloaded the last of us part 1, and my cpu temp goes crazy while building shaders who take a while… it is normal?
Specs: CPU: ryzen 5 7600x GPU: RTX 4070 super It never got past 75°C, in any other game that i played, what should i do?
submitted by cristimm to thelastofus [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 laniiiiiszl trading 3.5k rbx for rhd!

nyp in dms ^
submitted by laniiiiiszl to crosstradingroblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 MartRane Started playing GTA3 Definitive Edition or the first time. Is there supposed to be some kind of aim assist? I keep reading about it but my game only allows me free aim and I am struggling to hit shots. Can't find any setting for it either.

submitted by MartRane to GTA [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 Bunny_Carrots_87 Are there any headcanons you have about minor or deceased characters?

-Angela and Stacy were childhood best friends. Their mothers are also friends/know each other well.
-Angela saw a therapist after the aftermath of everything that’d happened with Eleven. I don’t know whether or not I think she’d have come to “accept” that she had bullied Eleven.
-Angela and Stacy regarded each other as pretty.
-Angela and Stacy were both upper middle class.
-Lonnie and the girlfriend we see in s1 didn’t stay together in the longrun.
-Carol thought Steve was attractive.
-Billy was very into horror movies. He really liked “Halloween” in particular.
-Chrissy had come across Billy. She thought he was very attractive, didn’t think he seemed like a great person.
-Chrissy had always liked the thought of having a boyfriend who was “masculine,” someone who she knew and felt could protect her from danger.
-Chrissy owned mood rings back in the 70s. In general, she had actually quite liked jewelry.
-Chrissy had always hoped to marry and have kids, at some point in the future. Jason wanted the same, even though they weren’t right for each other.
-Bob used to tutor in high school to pick up extra money.
-Chrissy’s favorite vintage songs were “My Boyfriend’s Back,” “Going to the Chapel,” “Can’t Help Falling in Love,” “Mr. Sandman,” “Lollipop,” and “It’s My Party.” She had a crush on Elvis Presley, had a poster of him in her room.
submitted by Bunny_Carrots_87 to StrangerThings [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 Let_Them_Fly 531 Lego Batarangs

submitted by Let_Them_Fly to LegoBatman [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 nbultmanArt I painted this with a dustpan then spent about 100 hours adding details. Stoked on it!! Titled "Ultraphotonics" acrylic on canvas

submitted by nbultmanArt to acrylicpainting [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 feelinsortawoozy carrie was so real for this we’ve all been here

submitted by feelinsortawoozy to Funnymemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Game Shop

⬆️ Up Game Shop submitted by GameProfessional to UpGameShop [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 AlarmedCauliflower90 Any Assumptions?

Any Assumptions? submitted by AlarmedCauliflower90 to BookshelvesDetective [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 AnEerieNose I can’t do the math, is photochad combo better than what I have?

I can’t do the math, is photochad combo better than what I have? submitted by AnEerieNose to balatro [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 Subject_Constant3627 The dog park is for…relaxing?

The dog park is for…relaxing? As soo as we got into the dog park Fletcher plopped himself into the pool and looked to me. Obviously I presented my foot as a pillow like the good servant I am. God forbid Fletcher actually gets EXERCISE at the dog park 🤣
submitted by Subject_Constant3627 to Greyhounds [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 L3NTON Big Oceans means Big Friends, Nautilon for scale

Big Oceans means Big Friends, Nautilon for scale submitted by L3NTON to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 GameProfessional 🛍️ eBay Video Games | ⬆️ Up Game Shop

🛍️ eBay Video Games | ⬆️ Up Game Shop submitted by GameProfessional to eBayVideoGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 Logical-Race8871 Is it weird that we've had three unexplained/edge-case airliner crashes in a month?

(This is not a conspiracy post, but rather I'm looking for systemic analysis.)
Azerbaijan Airlines Flight 8243, Jeju Air Flight 2216, American Eagle Flight 5342 all crashed more or less within the same month. As far as I know, that's extremely rare.
Weirdly, the incidents all occurred during approach and landing, though for entirely different reasons. What's even more puzzling is that each failure mode has been considered solved or greatly mitigated through engineering, design, operations mgmt, etc.
What's going on here? Are we seeing a spike in pilot and ATC error? Operator fatigue? Regulatory collapse? Have we hit the capacity of global flight infrastructure?
Or is it just random chance?
submitted by Logical-Race8871 to aviation [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 Opig2 M2 Air 13 Inch Display Slightly outside of chassis

I got my first macbook, an M2 Air from Costco. I just have a few quick questions to make sure my Mac has no defects. 1. Is the Display screen supposed to be slightly outside of the chasis, like this? 2. I hear a very slight almost clicking sound when adjusting the screen all the way to the back, and while closing the lid I also hear a faint sound. Is this normal?
submitted by Opig2 to mac [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 DimensionHead2818 PlayStation US Console Northeast Gold 2

1 KD 1.3 WL UncleSlamm2 PSN. Have a couple friends in gold and platinum looking to have a good time and try to rank up. Pretty casual.
submitted by DimensionHead2818 to R6STeams [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 Independent_Pay6365 Nifty test results. Help!

I know that the result is positive. But is the probability really 1 in 20? or is it a Nifty way of saying it's 100%?
submitted by Independent_Pay6365 to NIPT [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | ⬆️ Up Game Shop

🌐 24/7 Video Game | ⬆️ Up Game Shop submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 Ok-Reality9800 Cold front is officially the best custom map

Cold front is officially the best custom map I am very bias lol I fuckin love weezer and the blue album
submitted by Ok-Reality9800 to l4d2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 Legitimate-Security6 Psych salary reality check: What are PGY-4s actually getting?

M1 here, strongly leaning toward psychiatry. Every psych resident I've spoken to mentions that starting offers fresh out of residency are typically in the low to mid $300K range, but national statistics don't seem to align with that. I'd love to hear from PGY-3-4s about the offers you've been receiving (or heard about), particularly in South Florida (where I hope to practice) or in other major cities. Any insights would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Legitimate-Security6 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 Anmothra Could a Classic Tibia even work?

Time after time, I see people on the forums saying that Cipsoft should release a "Classic Tibia" version of the game, saying that it would bring old players, that it would be fun, etc, etc. However, I don't see how this would even work.
What is "CLASSIC" Tibia?
This is my first question. I started back in 2005, version 7.5, when I was in middle school. For me, old Tibia is anything that has the pre-addons outfits. Old, mana regen system, no hotkeys, no cooldowns. However, even if this is MY version of old Tibia, and probably more people, I've seen multiple times that people consider the true "Classic" version to be 7.4, which includes no restriction in traveling with PK, no soul, fishing without worms, no wands, and probably some other stuff I'm forgetting. I doubt people could ever agree which version is the actual "Classic" Tibia.
How would updates work?
Let's say that Cipsoft agrees to make a classic 7.X version. How would the game evolve? I know there are games like WoW and Runescape who offer a a classic version, but I wonder how would Cipsoft ever decide to keep the game on going. Let's remember that at this point, the best spawns are: dragon lairs, orc fortress, demona, tombs, hydras, dragon lords. I doubt the game would ever last a month before people are already reaching the endgame content. Would they update the game more frequently? Would they do it slower? Would they ever update the game, considering the whole point is to launch it as an specific "Classic" version?
Tibia Coins and money.
Let's say Cipsoft releases a complete bug free version. The economy should be "stable, however, would the add tibia coins and other "current" features? If they do, then they are basically not giving players the actual experience of old tibia. If they don't, they are crippling themselves by not adding a feature that brings them the most cash currently.
"Authentic" experience.
Even if we agree that old tibia has its charm, we cannot deny the players already posses knowledge that we wouldn't have back then. There's no mystery, no exploring, all quests are already solved, the wiki is practically full of spoilers. The game, even if released in its purest form, wouldn't feel genuine. Of course we might have players who are new and can experience the old tibia for the first time, but we also would have a massive number of players who have explored every corner of the game, would immediately rush to the best spots, would probably be able to hold spawns hostage, immdiately PA by having numbers and knowledge, something tells me that the experience would be even WORSE than before taking in consideration that are veterans playing tibia for more than 20 years.
Do players actually WANT to play classic Tibia?
This is my biggest question and probably the one I always wonder. I always hear players saying they "miss" old tibia, the hard, unforgiving, old tibia where a single dead catapulted you back to a week, where people had to carry AOL all the time because blessings only worked for exp and skills. Yet, I really doubt people miss the actual harsh experience of old tibia. No green stamina, old mana regen, only mana fluids, no full screen light, no wands, terrible spawns, NO spawns if we consider it might reach 1000 players constantly, no hotkeys, unbalanced vocations(knight's old damage formula sucked so much they had to hunt with burst arrows, druids beings UH makers, almost no weapon catalogue), no bestiary/bosses, only hunting. I do miss old tibia, but mostly because of the memories I had. At that time my only concern were school and nothing more, I doubt people have the time to actually compete with hardcore players in a server that is extremely unforgiving by nature.
What do you guys think?
submitted by Anmothra to TibiaMMO [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional | ⬆️ Up Game Shop

🏆 Game Professional | ⬆️ Up Game Shop submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]