That’s the Commando 450……. I don’t sell that one. It’s only used in the circus……for elephants 🐘

2025.01.30 22:17 I_DontNeedNoDoctor That’s the Commando 450……. I don’t sell that one. It’s only used in the circus……for elephants 🐘

That’s the Commando 450……. I don’t sell that one. It’s only used in the circus……for elephants 🐘 submitted by I_DontNeedNoDoctor to UnexpectedSeinfeld [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 MaplePoutineRyeBeer Dump Truck Stealth Camping

Dump Truck Stealth Camping submitted by MaplePoutineRyeBeer to CampingWithSteve [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 Feisty-Pride5574 how i lost as famine

how i lost as famine submitted by Feisty-Pride5574 to TownOfSalem2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 SparklingRaine Just ordered a base and topper!

Code for $25 off $85+
submitted by SparklingRaine to PairEyewear [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 TangeloBeneficial537 Reducem deficitul bugetar!

Cum (nu) reducem deficitul bugetar la 8,65% cu un impozit de 20% pe IT, pentru că #SuntemToțiProEuropa
Drag popor român iubitor de glume, Știm cu toții că avem un deficit bugetar de 8,65% – îl vedem cum ne face cu mâna de fiecare dată când deschidem televizorul, Facebook-ul sau când mergem la supermarket și vedem prețurile. A venit momentul să acționăm eroic și să ne sacrificăm pentru salvarea țărișoarei noastre. Nu mai stați pe gânduri, avem soluția: dublarea impozitului din IT de la 10% la 20%, ca să fim și noi în rând cu Europa.
De ce IT-iștii? Păi de ce nu?

Cine se va revolta în stradă? Păi, dacă sunt vreo 250.000 de oameni care lucrează în IT, la un protest optimist ar apărea, câți… 10.000? Hai 20.000, dacă e o zi cu soare, oferim Wi-Fi gratuit și se anunță ceva "meniu zilei". Dar să fim serioși, mulți sunt work from home și, până se îmbracă să iasă din casă, e deja gata protestul. Pe lângă asta, mai e și mentalitatea generală:
Totuși, dacă chiar s-ar revolta o mână de IT-iști, ar fi doar pentru că li se umple feed-ul cu meme-uri și GIF-uri sarcastice. Probabil a doua zi se întorc la code review, cică e “Urgent!” Deh, spiritul pro-Europa înseamnă să fii mereu ocupat și să lucrezi 24/7, că așa e-n Vest.
Cine susține ideea?
De ce 20% și nu 15% sau 19%? Este evident: 20% sună rotund, ca la TVA. Îți dă așa, un sentiment de coerență, plus că e exact dublu față de 10%. E clar că și bugetul se va dubla instant, nu? (Să nu ne încurce realitatea: e un pamflet, totuși!)
Ce obținem dacă IT-iștii plătesc mai mult?
  1. Scenariul ideal: Rezolvăm deficitul (haha, sigur!), toată lumea e fericită, primim laude de la UE, și ni se măresc fondurile europene. Apoi, nici nu mai contează că vom avea un exod de specialiști spre alte țări, deoarece #SuntemProEuropa și diaspora oricum contribuie, numai că… din afară.
  2. Scenariul real: Poate nu rezolvăm tot deficitul, dar măcar avem cu ce plăti o parte din dobânzi. Între timp, IT-iștii trec pe PFA, freelance sau lucrează offshore, iar noi ne prefacem că suntem tot la fel de avansați ca înainte.
Protest pentru Europa… sau pentru Netflix? Aici e dilema. IT-iștii, dacă ies în stradă, poate unii scandează ceva de genul „Vrem taxare 5%!”, dar majoritatea se gândesc mai degrabă la noutățile de pe Netflix, la ultimul update la iPhone sau la ce bug a rămas nerezolvat în production. Cine să mai aibă timp și de proteste la un deficit de 8,65%?
În concluzie, dragi compatrioți, să propunem cu mândrie:
Așa ne sacrificăm noi ca să salvăm țara – cu un efort minimal din partea celor 250.000 de IT-iști, care, oricum, au spațiu pe birou și pentru un fluturaș de salariu mai subțire. Hai, că se poate! Și dacă nu se poate, măcar s-a încercat – tot pro-Europa rămânem.
(Pamflet, deci nu vă inflamați prea tare. Orice asemănare cu realitatea e strict întâmplătoare… sau nu.)
submitted by TangeloBeneficial537 to programare [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 shinomeow i couldn't stand her anymore

i couldn't stand her anymore i was genuinely trying to roleplay but i couldn't handle it anymore 😭she couldn't stfu about Taylor Swift
submitted by shinomeow to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 SnooBananas7710 Is this a bed bug?

Is this a bed bug? submitted by SnooBananas7710 to Bedbugs [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 Lurpinerp89 Outjerked by assetto sub

submitted by Lurpinerp89 to carscirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 groceries Seeking reliable broker

Hi all, brokers suck I know but I'm going to be completely new to the area and would like to at least have some options of reputable brokers that I could call on, should I need it.
If anyone has any brokers they recommend (ideally have used recently and had success with) I would really appreciate it.
submitted by groceries to bostonhousing [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 EmoCarioca Cachoeiras de Macacu, pedra do colégio

submitted by EmoCarioca to riodejaneiro [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 Cultural-Celery-875 What do you think about my fleet?

submitted by Cultural-Celery-875 to HotWheels [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 Ok_Warning2637 this is how the aliens moved their queen to her throne (I was a bit lazy😑)

this is how the aliens moved their queen to her throne (I was a bit lazy😑) submitted by Ok_Warning2637 to spelunky [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 pfroo40 Governor Reynolds says public schools need to better compete with private schools

Governor Reynolds says public schools need to better compete with private schools If she thinks this then maybe she should stop siphoning taxes from public schools into private schools and stop cutting funding from IEP programs which help struggling kids?
submitted by pfroo40 to Iowa [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 kfimq Madison Iseman

Madison Iseman submitted by kfimq to CelebPortraits [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 K446 OptiFine won't work for some reason???

alright so I play on a 1.7.10 modpack so I downloaded optiFine for 1.7.10 but when I start my game it's like it's not there it doesn't show up in the in game mod list even tho it's in the mod folder and does show up in the client mod list
submitted by K446 to PrismLauncher [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 pixelary-game What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by pixelary-game to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 Traveloholics 5 Most Adventurous & Affordable Countries To Study Abroad

5 Most Adventurous & Affordable Countries To Study Abroad StudyAbroad #TravelOnABudget #AffordableEducation #TravelVlog #Wanderlust #travel #travelenthusiasts #travelguide #travelvlog #traveltips #adventureawaits Are you dreaming of studying abroad without emptying your wallet? 🌍💰 In this video, we unveil the 5 Most Adventurous & Affordable Countries to Study Abroad! From the vibrant streets of India to the breathtaking beaches of Portugal, we explore budget-friendly options that offer rich experiences and affordable tuition fees.
Join me on this exciting journey as we discover how you can immerse yourself in different cultures while keeping costs low! Whether you’re into delicious street food, historic landmarks, or stunning natural beauty, there’s a perfect destination waiting for you.
If you find this video helpful, please give it a thumbs up and share it with your fellow travel enthusiasts!
submitted by Traveloholics to Traveloholics [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 russianpac Any trades?

Any trades? submitted by russianpac to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 Drknight71 H100i Corsair Link drivers blocked by Windows 11

Recently upgraded to Windows 11 and first compatbility problem I had was with Windows 11 not allowing cpuz146_x64.sys and ene.sys to load as possibily belonging to Corsair Link software to run properly. As consequence my H100i from 2013 (I think) cant be controlled as application no longer works. So wonder is there a version of iCue I can install in Windows 11 that will solve the problem because latest version of icue not recognize AIO cooler.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by Drknight71 to Corsair [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 NationBuilder2050 How soon to advertise sharehouse room on Spare Room?

Housemate is moving out, he’s given plenty of notice (2 months) but it can take a few weeks for the paperwork to come through and interviews to take place.
But also people can be desperate / time bound and might snap up places available sooner.
How soon before the “move in date” would you start listing?
submitted by NationBuilder2050 to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 kriegzter This is my 14 year old baby seal, Lily

This is my 14 year old baby seal, Lily She is the sweetest, most loyal lil pup I’ve ever had.
submitted by kriegzter to Chihuahua [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 1hate2choose4nick An example of Steam's impressive design

An example of Steam's impressive design See the 3 little dots? Yeah, me neither. Instead of putting the options into the dark blue field, where they'd have always the same background, they put it over the image area. ^^ The incompetence of these overpaid numnuts never ceases to amaze me.And the cherry and this fail cake? The game they are recommending to me. Not only have I never played any form of these games, I have 10-20 of these \"simulator\" games on my ignore list. So, great recommendation Steam! Really shows that the shop works.
Edit: Thx for the tip with the text.
submitted by 1hate2choose4nick to Steam [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 1hate2choose4nick An example of Steam's impressive design

An example of Steam's impressive design See the 3 little dots? Yeah, me neither. Instead of putting the options into the dark blue field, where they'd have always the same background, they put it over the image area. ^^ The incompetence of these overpaid numnuts never ceases to amaze me.And the cherry and this fail cake? The game they are recommending to me. Not only have I never played any form of these games, I have 10-20 of these \"simulator\" games on my ignore list. So, great recommendation Steam! Really shows that the shop works.
Edit: Thx for the tip with the text.
submitted by 1hate2choose4nick to Steam [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 CheetahSperm18 Pouting Hard

submitted by CheetahSperm18 to AnimeBlush [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:17 DevisingDogWalker Breastfeeding with Nipple Piercings

Breastfeeding with Nipple Piercings Instagram- TamarRubin69
Wanna hear more about nipple piercings (and hear the rest of this joke!?) Check out my special, But Sir!
submitted by DevisingDogWalker to StandUpComedy [link] [comments]