Diversificar ingresos

2025.01.30 22:10 NihilistBitch98 Diversificar ingresos

Qué tranza banda, 2 amigos y yo tenemos empleos estables y ganamos "bien" dentro de todo (más de 25k) pero queremos empezar a hacer algo para diversificar ingresos, un negocio que quizás no sea tan absorbente o alguna otra forma de generar varo, tendrán consejos de algo que se pueda llevar a cabo?
submitted by NihilistBitch98 to mexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 387

AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 BibleAsk What was the date of the Exodus from Egypt?

What was the date of the Exodus from Egypt? submitted by BibleAsk to BibleAsk [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 Fox_the_foxy Sorry if it's a dumb question, but I can't find the answer anywhere. "You've reached your rate limit. Please try again later." What's up with this message in AI Studio? I have Gemini Advanced, but I'm being hit with this. Also, when does my rate comes back? ChatGPT usually tells me when.

submitted by Fox_the_foxy to Bard [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 EntrepreneurJaded375 UPenn WL

Hey it ain’t an R! I’m below lsat median soooo it’s fine
submitted by EntrepreneurJaded375 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 MrAnachronist Board recommendations for 2nd & 3nd Voron V0?

I built my first V0 from a Siboor kit, and have started self-sourcing two more printers. The kit included the Fly Gemini board and V0 umbilical, which have worked fine.
I would like all three printers to have similar components, but also don’t want to miss out on better boards that are available today.
Should I stick with the Fly Gemini and bulky umbilical or is there a better option in 2025?
submitted by MrAnachronist to VORONDesign [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 ytman Trump plans 10% tariffs on Chinese imports on Feb. 1

submitted by ytman to inflation [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 PhotographUnknown Blocking the door

Why do some drivers place the deliveries so they block the screen door from opening? 😂
submitted by PhotographUnknown to UberEatsDrivers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 xskyundersea uterus having people wanting sterilization!

so I just saw Dr David Cameron on Hillcrest women's clinic and he said I'll do a bislap [tube removal] on anyone no questions asked
submitted by xskyundersea to tulsa [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 BroMandi [Best Buy] LG 5.1 Channel S60TR Soundbar w/ Dolby Audio $200 + Free Shipping [Deal: $199.99, Actual: $299.99]

[Best Buy] LG 5.1 Channel S60TR Soundbar w/ Dolby Audio $200 + Free Shipping [Deal: $199.99, Actual: $299.99] submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 Top-Conclusion9846 I signed up to online 200YTT for 89$ a month and they won’t let me cancel

I’m struggling with my health and won’t be able to finish the course I signed up to 7 months ago.
Are they allowed to refuse me to cancel future payments?
submitted by Top-Conclusion9846 to YogaTeachers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 J_Miller7614 A student tried to snatch my hostage pin

Hey everyone,
I am not Israeli, or even Jewish. I love Israel though, I’ve always loved its scenery, its people, its history. And I’ve always been hurt and confused whenever people stood against it for defending its right to exist against these monsters. I’ve visited God knows how many times, and I’m already planning my next visit! I was also there on 7th October 2023.
I can’t fight in the war, if I could I would have volunteered a year ago. What I can do, however, is try to show my students what the situation actually is, and help them think critically, rather than rely on heavily biased outlets for information. Its been very challenging, but I’d like to think that if I’ve managed to change at least one mind, I may have done something positive. What I do note is that most people (at least in my cohort of British Law Students) are grossly misinformed, and painfully ignorant. Their ignorance leads to heavy reliance on those who pretend to have an ounce of knowledge, like influencers or “community activists”. It just so happens that the pro-Palestinian ones are the most prominent.
I hold seminars and lectures explaining the conflict, inviting discussion and debate. Its going well and many students are willing to listen and learn. Those who aren’t will usually be rooted out pretty fast, as they will realise that these seminars aren’t platforms for their hatred.
Despite what most people think of University students- and seeing encampments and student protests in “top” Universities, I would agree with most people- I have observed willingness to at least talk about issues, and think deeper. I hope that I’ll continue doing and supporting that, and explaining how in a situation where an army of monsters slaughter and abduct innocent civilians, it is not the monsters’ side the one they should support and justify, ever…
I’ve been wearing my hostage pin for as long as the symbol has existed, in all my lectures (including the ones that have nothing to do with the conflict), and all my meetings at work. People have yelled at me, students have demanded to be transferred out of my class, and I’ve been called a genocide enabler. There was even a guy who tried to shut down my seminars on the conflict claiming I was indoctrinating the youth. Those who do come, of course, even if heavily against Israel (unfortunately) realise this is not the case.
Today, a student who saw my pin from afar approached me, started yelling at me and tried to snatch the pin off my sweater. I managed to push her back and a few colleagues stepped in between us, but that didn’t stop her from wishing me death, and accusing me of being an “genocide supporter”. I didn’t argue against her, because there was no point, but I keep thinking about it. I’ve been trying to educate people on the conflict since it started, I’ve been the only one lecturing on the righteous cause with what I would consider good and valid evidence, and I’ve never shut down those who disagreed with me or my views. On the contrary, I asked them to present theirs with facts and valid arguments. I’ve been trying to educate with civility and academic thought, and most of my students are welcoming that, even if they disagree. This one decided to attack me, tried to rip a pin off my clothes, and shouted threats against me. I keep thinking about how dangerously indoctrinated some people are, and how, no matter how hard we’ll try, we won’t ever get them to see reason. I don’t know what to do with that thought, or how to fix it.
I realise this is nothing compared to what others have gone through, but I had no one to share these thoughts with, other than reddit. I hope you’d appreciate the ranting of a Greek lecturer in a British Uni.
I hope you are all as safe as you can be! 💙
submitted by J_Miller7614 to Israel [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 flamethrowr Thinking about buying WZ-114

I saw the WZ 114 is for sale at 10000 gold for this recent event. I’m considering buying it. I know it’s got terrible dpm but the alpha is pretty nice looking. What are your guys’ thoughts on it?
submitted by flamethrowr to WorldOfTanksBlitz [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 FedFalcon2 Super Bowl 2028

Looking at some of the details, we could very well see Penix lead us to a Super Bowl, in our own stadium, with Matt Ryan the broadcaster, in the same year he’s eligible for HOF.
I know it’s a wild and not logical outcome with so many details. But. It was a nice though of possibility
submitted by FedFalcon2 to falcons [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 Mistress_Sirenn Such a Bratty baddie

submitted by Mistress_Sirenn to CashCowChannels [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 fullmoongoddessnyc Goyard Saint Louis PM

Goyard Saint Louis PM I've always wanted a green Goyard Saint Louis PM as my work bag. I have a friend that can get me a bag with employee perks. I'm wondering if anyone would know if that's a better deal than to get it in Paris (with VAT refund)?
submitted by fullmoongoddessnyc to handbags [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 lakita_renee Father, forgive them...

Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing - Luke 23:34
We better hope Jesus is up there praying for us!!!! Real talk💯
submitted by lakita_renee to Bible [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 CrystalVerse any ass eaters here?

any ass eaters here? submitted by CrystalVerse to BadGalz [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 wrenwron Help batch changing font for specific characters

Hi first time posting here - pretty regular indesign user but running into a wall with a very annoying task. Basically I'm using a font that I need to swap out for very specific characters through a large body of text. (Think replacing every ampersand in a font that is otherwise fine). I've messed around googling find/replace functions and no luck so far, any tips would be appreciated, otherwise I'm just going to be manually switching fonts for quite a while, which I'd rather not leave to human error.
submitted by wrenwron to indesign [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 Vestita_di_Silenzi 2 Mani - 6 Occhi

Non sporcherò questa pagina con il tuo nome, perché la notte lo ha inciso sulla mia pelle, là dove tutto è cominciato, là dove la vita ha smesso di essere mia.
Quelle mani, quelle mani che non avevano diritto, hanno preso tutto. Hanno preso e fatto a pezzi, senza nemmeno chiedere il permesso, come se il mio corpo fosse un campo di battaglia e loro erano i soldati in un conflitto che non avevo scelto.
Tutto è cambiato in quella notte, quando la mia pelle è diventata un muro e i miei pensieri si sono trasformati in macerie di ciò che ero.
Non ho pianto, non ho gridato, ma dentro di me, ogni angolo della mia anima urlava. Ogni cosa che prima era semplice, adesso è una montagna che non riesco a scalare. Ogni volto che incontro, ogni parola che mi sfiora, è un colpo che non so parare. Perché anche quelle mani, prima di rubare, sembravano innocue.
Non avevano artigli, non portavano minacce scritte sulla pelle. Erano mani come tante, mani che avrebbero potuto offrire, mani che avrebbero potuto fermarsi. Ma non l’hanno fatto. E ora quei gesti sono ancora lì, come cicatrici che non si vedono, come una rabbia che non si calma, che non trova mai pace.
Il mio posto in questo mondo è diventato un enigma che non riesco a risolvere. E ogni passo fuori da questa gabbia è come un peso che mi schiaccia, perché ogni gesto, ogni parola, è un richiamo a quello che ho visto nascere sotto un cielo che non prometteva tempesta.
E quegli occhi che avrebbero potuto fermare tutto, che invece hanno solo aiutato a distruggere.
A lavoro, almeno, ho un ruolo, ogni gesto è preciso, ogni parola ha un peso che conosco, una posto che mi fa sentire al sicuro, perché fuori, fuori ogni passo che faccio è come camminare su vetri rotti.
Non so più chi sono, non so più se sono io o solo il residuo di quella notte.
E quelle mani, quelle mani che non avevano diritto di sfiorare neanche un centimetro di me, hanno rotto ogni difesa. Hanno preso e fatto a pezzi tutto ciò che avevo, non c’era pietà, non c’era rispetto.
E ora, le cicatrici bruciano ogni volta che respiro, ogni volta che mi sveglio e trovo il mondo che mi guarda con occhi che non so se mi vedono o se vedono solo il danno che porto dentro.
Quella notte ha rubato tutto.
Ogni attimo fuori da questa gabbia è una lotta contro chi guarda e crede di sapere. Ma sanno che ogni battito di cuore è ancora un grido soffocato?
submitted by Vestita_di_Silenzi to sfoghi [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 CarolusGP Windows Hello for Business (Cloud trust) for RDP Auth

Has anyone gotten this successfully working?
We have WHfB deployed and working with the Cloud Kerberos trust model, and I followed all the steps here Windows Hello for Business cloud Kerberos trust deployment guide | Microsoft Learn
...to get the certificate generated on the client. However, when I attempt to use Hello to auth via RDP, I get an 0x8007013d error. I've found little on how to troubleshoot this.
submitted by CarolusGP to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 DarkKirby14 Astro Bot #19: Time Haunts

hello everyone, DarkKirby14 here and with me here today is the next edition of Astro Bot. Today, Astro will head to Spooky Time which will have us using the stop watch since things are gonna be very fast and we'll have to use that to our advantage here
playthrough to this point: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4019v4jZh_l-xuwRx29Kz9BEL8Zrmzt9
submitted by DarkKirby14 to YouTubeGamers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 Busy_County3808 Clicky trackpad and broken tab

Clicky trackpad and broken tab I accidentally had the case unzipped a couple days ago and the steam deck took a fell. It got slightly separated on the left side and I was easily able to snap the front and back panel back together. Earlier today I was playing and noticed the left trackpad was more “clicky” sounding and feeling than the right. I shook the deck and could hear a piece rattling around. When I took off the back cover I found the little broken tab. Anyone know what this piece could be from and if it could be the reason for the trackpad clicking? I may tear into the deck farther but wanted to get the question out here first.
submitted by Busy_County3808 to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 XDon_TacoX Tengo un amigo que es uber, el finge ser amante de una clienta pero en realidad se cosha a su novio

Le hacen mucho a la mmd, hasta lo reportó en Uber su chile por si la novia sospecha tener una coartada.
Él la dejó por el uber porque era muy mitómana, y por que le gusta mucho el setso gay BDSM rudo también la verdad; mi amigo uber ya no sabe que hacer, dice que hay tantas posibilidades setsuales tan deliciosas que no sabe que hacer porque pos ta indeciso.
Ya no me acuerdo que tenía que rscribir en este post, lo siento shavos.
submitted by XDon_TacoX to ayudamexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 Mammoth_Window_7813 What are your favorite names that end in an E sound?

My husband and I both have -ey names and our daughter has an -ie name, so we are looking for names that have that E sound!
submitted by Mammoth_Window_7813 to namenerds [link] [comments]
