Faster way to get us tourist visa

2025.01.30 23:20 H-R-Wells Faster way to get us tourist visa

Hi guys so im basically a moroccan who studies in canada and i want to apply for a B2 tourist visa in order to attend Wydad casablanca’s club world cup games but i asked for an appointment at the Us consulate in Montreal and i was told that the next rendez vous was not until 2027 due to the huge demand🤣 and because i cannot return to morocco, i wondered if any moroccan has ever faced this situation or do you generally have any tips to obtain a faster appointment, that you would be kind🙃
Ps: i know this might not be the most appropriate group to ask, but please if you dont want to answer juste keep yourself from wasting your time insulting me😭
submitted by H-R-Wells to Morocco [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 Blueguy805 VOTE USL

VOTE USL (Ps thanks choco for making this poster)
submitted by Blueguy805 to SimDemocracy [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 No-Investigator-7458 Watercolor

Watercolor submitted by No-Investigator-7458 to Watercolor [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 DylanCodsCokeLine wtf even happened to Chance The Rapper dawg shit has been longer than Carti☠️☠️😭😭

wtf even happened to Chance The Rapper dawg shit has been longer than Carti☠️☠️😭😭 submitted by DylanCodsCokeLine to playboicarti [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 Thesleepistmf May the shrine bring us luck tonight 🫡

May the shrine bring us luck tonight 🫡 submitted by Thesleepistmf to TampaBayLightning [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 CodeX57 What are the most legendary events/event choices in the game?

What do you guys think are the most legendary/quotable/memeable events and event choices of the game?
I'm thinking ones that if you just write in a comment, the entire community gets the reference.
Stuff like "comet sighted", "hunting accident", "I could kiss that horse" etc.
submitted by CodeX57 to eu4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 KaneBoss I bought a Samsung galaxy Tab A9 and it came without a charger. Can I use my 67W Xiaomi charger with it or will it damage it's battery?

submitted by KaneBoss to GalaxyTab [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 jvc72 Buy Signal Xai USD - 30 Jan 2025 @ 18:08 -> USD0.162

Ticker: XAIUSD
Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 30 Jan 2025 @ 18:08
Price: USD0.162
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 Joshywat Thank you Ethan for considering my time table when planning the nuke drop.

All this week I've been nervous and worried, you see I work all day in a different time zone to Ethan. If the nuke was to drop say yesterday I would of been at work unable to watch until I got home, the mere thought of this had me nearly in tears. But today is my day off! I'm at home, ready and waiting to watch, my fingers ready to comment something witty in support, my ears ready to hear truths, my eyes ready to bask in the nuclear rays.
So thank you Ethan, you've clearly aligned with me energeticly and planned this launch accordingly, it does not go unnoticed, thank you my King.
submitted by Joshywat to h3h3productions [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 newintownla How do you deal with being rushed on a task when blocked by another team?

So, I'll try to keep this short and to the point.
I'm currently on a task where I need to handle a payload being sent to me by another team. This team gave me a mock payload to work with until they finish up on their end so their work doesn't block mine. Now that the other team is finished with their work, the mock payload they sent me is nothing like what they said I should expect. Now I'm having to go back and refactor a bunch of code, and it's looking like I'm going to miss the deadline. On top of that, my manager is now riding my ass about why it's taking so long to finish this task. It's beyond frustrating and I'm about ready to quit because of it. It seems like every other task goes this way at this company.
Do any of you have experience dealing with this?
submitted by newintownla to ExperiencedDevs [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 AcceptableComfort172 Are you productive or just busy?

A lot of the confusion around remote work - and what it means to be a good remote worker - comes from a simple misunderstanding: busyness and productivity are not the same.
In an office, being present and keeping busy can create the illusion of productivity. You’re seen at your desk, jumping into meetings, responding quickly to emails. It looks like you’re working hard.
But remote work doesn’t reward busyness. It rewards actual results.
I had to learn this the hard way. For years, I filled my days with back-to-back meetings, Slack conversations, and checking off endless to-do lists - only to end each day exhausted and feeling behind. No matter how many hours I worked, it never felt like enough.
The shift that changed everything? Learning to prioritize high impact work over constant activity. I started blocking out time for my most important tasks, batching small distractions instead of letting them interrupt me, and defining what success looked like before my day even started.
Now, I get more done in less time, and I end my workdays knowing I actually moved the needle.
So when you read about people working remotely walking their dogs or doing chores during the day, it's not necessarily because they are shirking. It very well might be because it only takes 6 hours a day to produce excellent results when you don't have to waste time looking busy.
Agree or disagree?
submitted by AcceptableComfort172 to MomsWorkingFromHome [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 Vast_Search2120 This is not music, this is art now play it again

This is not music, this is art now play it again I love everything about this OP What do you guys think?
submitted by Vast_Search2120 to DevilMayCry [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 brolbo Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan submitted by brolbo to CelebPortraits [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 Lumpy-Wallaby-7812 She enjoyed themoment of passion with the man and smiled

But then got confused on why the corpse smiled back...
submitted by Lumpy-Wallaby-7812 to TwoSentenceHorror [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 Beneficial_Review437 Not sure what to do.

I don’t know why I’m coming on here to ask for help but here I am. Relatively Complicated situation. So Last Month In December I had a fling. we went out maybe like 3 times and on the third date we had sex. after all was said and done the condom had slipped off and I finished inside. She was not on birth control and explained that she has PCOS beforehand and that was why she wasn’t. out of abundance of caution we ran out and got plan B which she took probably within the hour. Everything is hazy so i can’t remember when the condom came off in relation to when i finished. Long story short we stopped talking (mutually) probably about a week after sex. She claimed she got her period the day after we had sex which i wasn’t fully certain on due to the timing of everything. she also stated she would get an abortion if it came to that but again my head has been making these crazy scenarios in my head that I just can’t get over. it’s made worse that we stopped talking so i’m not sure what has been going on if anything. At this point it’s been over a month but it’s eating me alive. should i reach out to see what’s happening? is it likely she’s pregnant? i don’t know what to do.
submitted by Beneficial_Review437 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 Inside_Ice_3647 Who the hell is comcaster?

Who the hell is comcaster?
Windows Media Player
submitted by Inside_Ice_3647 to CSHFans [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 General_Reality9295 Name suggestions? (Male)

Name suggestions? (Male) submitted by General_Reality9295 to cockatiel [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 linet_addicted Alarmă națională: Radu Drăgușin a ieșit de pe teren țipând de durere

Genunchiul lui Radu Drăgușin, 22 de ani, a cedat joi seară, în partida de Europa League.
Citiți articolul
submitted by linet_addicted to Sp1Ro [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 smujal La llengua catalana, més enllà dels humans

La llengua catalana, més enllà dels humans submitted by smujal to FreedomForCatalonia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 osamaelseify2 Got the idea when I was holding it

Got the idea when I was holding it submitted by osamaelseify2 to femboymemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 Jumpy_Dog_2229 2001 Honda engine bog

submitted by Jumpy_Dog_2229 to Honda [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 zahnrad_kopf N00b EUD question/search

If you were starting from scratch ( and knowing what you know now ), which direction would you go with EUD choices?
Looking to purchase first EUD for ATAK use and completely unfamiliar with the Android ecosystem. As such, the choices when choosing for ATAK can be confusing. Current thinking is to get as much memory as possible to allow ATAK and any additional apps to breathe, but unclear if external memory is fine after a certain point & where that point actually is. (256Mb/512Mb/1Tb) I see S22+ and S24+ recommended, but am unclear if the Ultras are as aceptable. ( larger screen being easier to read ) It's basically a $500 difference between a 512Mb S22 Ultra and a 1Tb S24 Ultra. I am more concerned with capability than mounting/carrying availability as I can make whatever I want to accommodate a little more easily than some.
submitted by zahnrad_kopf to ATAK [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 mango310 Looking for something brighter than my recently dead laptop

$400 USD ($475 absolute max)
Yes, prefer refurbished to new
Not really important (I know there’s a good chance I’ll have to get something pretty old so I’m prepared for it to be hefty)
between 13” and 15.6” preferably
Basic Adobe apps, really just Photoshop, Illustrator, and Bridge. Nothing with 3D stuff or animation.
I don’t really “game” but it would be nice if I could run really basic stuff on it, like small Steam games.
See previous, I’m not looking for something to specifically game on but I’d like it to be able to handle super simple ones.
The only things I want to be specific or picky about is brightness (my last laptop was only ~220 nits and it was way too dim) and RAM (32gb preferred, willing to go to 16gb if necessary but definitely not 8gb).
I know it’s hard to recommend a decent laptop for such an extreme budget. I’ve seen ones with good enough specs within this budget but don’t know a lot about computers, and figured it’d be best to post here since I’m a little lost with brands, etc.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by mango310 to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 Dannstack Oh sweet arceus they STACK

I was today years old when i found out that lucarios new passive ability is the only one that actually stacks with itself. Which means 2 lucarios on the field gives any of your mons a free 40 damage boost. Why carry an expensive 4 energy cost rock type when i can just slap 40 damage on some two stage 70 dmg goof and bonk your ex into the distortion world.
submitted by Dannstack to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:20 CookiePrince52 Here's part 1 of some online Phantom Breaker: Omnia matches I played with CRIMESAGATV. Includes commentary.

Here's part 1 of some online Phantom Breaker: Omnia matches I played with CRIMESAGATV. Includes commentary. submitted by CookiePrince52 to YouTubeGamers [link] [comments]