Anyone have experience with chiropractic "zone therapy?"

2025.01.30 23:10 Othelgoth Anyone have experience with chiropractic "zone therapy?"

Recently went to a chirco who does zone therapy and never heard of it before. Basically, a certain process of the body is tied to certain areas that need to be adjusted or some such. Found it really strange they didn't want to know about in depth about what I was experiencing because "they are just symptoms and addressing them won't cure the overall issue" It's also one of those type of places where you're in and out in 5 minutes after a quick adjustment, doesn't mean it can't be useful, but I don't know how you can hope to help a patient without even knowing their issues beyond what "zones" they supposedly have problems in.
If anyone else has had it done how did it go? And do you thing it's anything but quackery?
submitted by Othelgoth to Chiropractic [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 ronolzoo Gift Ideas for a Watercolor Artist – Need Advice!

This is my first time posting here. I'm a handmade watercolor paint maker—I usually collect minerals and plants from different regions to create natural, handmade colours as gifts for my watercolorist friend. Since these paints are experimental, I want to include some extra watercolor-related gifts in case my colours aren’t quite up to standard :( I'm not confident at all.
So far, I’ve considered getting a watercolor sketchbook. Based on posts I found, I purchased some Koval sketchbooks. I also got brush-cleaning soap and some dot cards.
However, I’m still debating one gift idea. My friend lives in a very dry climate (which works well for slow-drying paints—she prefers M. Graham over quicker-drying brands like W&N). But sometimes, the dryness is extreme, to the point that it causes cracked skin. I thought about gifting her a high-quality hand cream, but I read that hand creams might not be ideal for watercolorists since residue could transfer onto the cutton paper and cause issues.
Is this concern valid? Would a hand cream still be a good idea, or is there something else you’d recommend as a thoughtful gift for a watercolor artist? These are the ideas I’ve come up with so far, any suggestions would be appreciated <3
submitted by ronolzoo to watercolor101 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 skilliard7 "Age of The World" Mod with Tons of new Civs
With the devs terminating the DLC and future development, a lot of focus has been on mods.
One mod in particular, Age of the World, seems really cool, with 16 new civs!
Widgie made a video about this mod showcasing the Georgians. Does anyone here have experience with this mod, and care to share your thoughts on the mod? Is it a buggy mess or actually really solid?
Curious how it works. Is it easy to find a game with this mod or is it dead? Is it all custom lobbies or does matchmaking still work?
submitted by skilliard7 to aoe3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 KidBolachinha Telefonica (VIVT3) expulsando a sardinhada

Alguém saberia dizer o REAL MOTIVO para uma companhia fazer um agrupamento seguido de um desdobramento? No caso em exame, a companhia vai agrupar 40 ações em 1, e em seguida vai desdobrar esta "uma" em 80. Pra que fazer isto? O que vai mudar de fato?
Ela fala em "melhor gestão dos proventos", o que não faz o menor sentido. Desde quando o número de ações importa?
Ela fala em aumentar a liquidez das ações... Ora, conversa fiada. Uma ação custa pouco mais de R$50 e o mercado fracionário está aí para quem precisa... Se o sujeito não pode comprar um lote de 100 por R$5000, até parece que a companhia vai estar preocupada com ele. Com a mudança proposta o lote de 100 pode ir a R$2500 (metade); ora, é só o sujeito comprar meio lote no fracionário que dá na mesma.
O grande ponto, a meu ver apenas um efeito colateral, é a expulsão da sardinhada que tem menos de 40 ações, pois as frações (sobra inferior a 40) serão expropriadas (ou desapropriadas) e vendidas em leilão, isto mesmo, você leu corretamente, as ações serão desapropriadas!!
Mas mesmo esta ofensiva contra a sardinhada não justifica uma operação enrolada como esta. Seria muito mais fácil desdobrar 1 ação original em 2, que o resultado final seria o mesmo, no que diz respeito à quantidade total de ações após a operação.
Alguém tem alguma opinião?
submitted by KidBolachinha to BogleheadsBrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 FrogMana Frogs are not afraid of me.

submitted by FrogMana to frogs [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 Additional_Move_2295 Udkørt ung

Hej med jer
Jeg er ny uni-studerende og har på det seneste haft ret meget på mit bord – studie, flere jobs og et socialt liv at skulle passe. Jeg elsker mit studie, og er helt vildt glad for det. Derudover er jeg virkelig også glad for mit arbejde og det jeg laver, især fordi jeg føler, at jeg gør en forskel for andre mennesker. Det giver mig glæde og motivation, og når jeg er midt i det, har jeg det godt, selvom jeg kan mærke, at det er nogle lange og hårde dage. Men så snart jeg stopper op, rammer det mig virkelig hårdt. Jeg tror især, at jeg er opmærksom på det nu, eftersom jeg har haft læseferie og venter på semesterstart. Jeg føler mig ekstremt drænet og trist, har hovedpine, mavepine, ømhed i kroppen og hjertebanken. Min søvn er også dårlig, fordi mit hoved kører nonstop, da jeg tænker på, hvordan jeg skal få det hele til at gå op igen. Jeg oplever desuden en tinnitus-lignende fornemmelse, som om der aldrig er helt stille i mine ører, hvilket er ekstremt trættende.
Nogle gange tvivler jeg på, om det overhovedet er et problem, eller om jeg bare overdriver
Jeg prøver at finde en bedre balance, men synes det er svært, når jeg gerne vil det jeg laver. Jeg vil bare ikke have det på samme måde igen, når det hele nu rammer en. Er der nogen, der har oplevet noget lignende? Hvordan håndterer I det? ♥️
submitted by Additional_Move_2295 to DKbrevkasse [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 ReportAltruistic Does Abel know he’s dropping in less than 6 hours?

Does Abel know he’s dropping in less than 6 hours? Where is blud?
submitted by ReportAltruistic to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 nice_voyager Como o Bloco de Esquerda despediu o homem que fazia tudo no partido

Como o Bloco de Esquerda despediu o homem que fazia tudo no partido submitted by nice_voyager to portugueses [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 Pitiful-Pea-2408 Replacement shower handle won't turn correctly; it either slides around with no grip or gets stuck after turning the water on and I need advice!

Replacement shower handle won't turn correctly; it either slides around with no grip or gets stuck after turning the water on and I need advice! Hi there everyone, I've been experiencing difficulties in replacing a shower handle for a few weeks now and was hoping someone here could provide some advice. I attempted to seek out answers before writing this post, but I was finding it too difficult to parse out information that would be relevant specifically to my case, so apologies if this is a repetitive post! I also am not at all experienced in plumbing, so please forgive me lacking proper terms.
Background: My shower has two handles, the left controls hot water and the right controls cold water. The handle that controls the cold water (right) in my shower had fallen off and broken into pieces due to a loose screw, so it needed to be replaced entirely. We went and purchased a set of new handles from a store (brand pictured) and opted to replace both handles since both were fairly old anyway. I was able to successfully replace the leftmost handle (hot water) relatively easily and it functions properly. The right handle is the one giving me trouble!
After attempting to fix the right handle a first time, I experienced a shower that could not be turned off because the new handle would keep getting stuck and/or coming loose from the attachment in the wall after turning, and the water could only be temporarily turned off by shutting off all the water in the house.
We found out yesterday that the part that turns inside the handle was too rusted/corroded to function and had it replaced by a plumber, so now it turns as intended (also pictured). We reached out to the plumber again due to not being able to fully attach the handle, but it's not in our budget to pay him for this additional service which is why I'm seeking advice here.
When I attempt to attach the handle, I follow the instructions written on the package but the result is always a handle that is either too loose to control the water, or too difficult to turn safely (especially in a wet shower), if at all, with an awful squeaking noise (and if/when it turns it's inconsistent in terms of water pressure). I tried WD-40 only inbetween where the acrylic of the handle touches the outer metal to see if that would help (there appears to be slight rust/corrosion on the outside of the metal rim), but it doesn't solve the issue either.
I hope my explanations have been thorough enough to help me problem solve, but if anyone needs further clarification I am happy to provide it. This has all been very stressful largely because I haven't been sure what COULD be wrong, let alone HOW to ask about it so any advice is greatly appreciated :)
TL;DR Replacement shower handle won't turn correctly; it either slides around with no grip or gets stuck after turning the water on and I need advice!
submitted by Pitiful-Pea-2408 to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 SocialDemocracies Trump is bringing corporate sleaze into DC | Max Burns: "Things will only get better for Trump’s billionaire friends as they continue embedding themselves in core White House operations ... Trump’s Cabinet officials clearly disdain working- and middle-class Americans."

Trump is bringing corporate sleaze into DC | Max Burns: submitted by SocialDemocracies to KyleKulinski [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 Butterflies_Branches wittle baby leaves on my angel wing :)))) also any tips for care?

submitted by Butterflies_Branches to begonias [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 CautiousMagazine3591 ZOOX Robotaxi from the future.

ZOOX Robotaxi from the future. submitted by CautiousMagazine3591 to Futurology [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 skywise2 Factory Entertainment scale replica

Factory Entertainment scale replica To go along with my letter opener, Factory Entertainment released some scale replicas of MotU weapons.
This was their 8" Power Sword.
submitted by skywise2 to MastersOfTheUniverse [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 Objective-Ad-2643 Help me choose which one is better for my master in ECE, i will be doing heavy coding.

I will be doing machine learning algortihms, heavy coding and many other things.
submitted by Objective-Ad-2643 to macbookpro [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 Altruistic-Aide-8312 Themed Sweaters

submitted by Altruistic-Aide-8312 to MoringMark [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 littlelambsydivey Looking for other families to hang out with

Hi everyone, it's a bit hard to write this but I'll give it a shot. We're a local family with two daughters in elementary and high school and we're trying to meet other families (not just kids, adults too) and expand our social circle. We don't have family in the area and our friend group is pretty small. With our friends' more busy calendars, we're finding our weekends spent largely with just the 4 of us.
Do you find yourself in a similar situation and want to meet some new folks? Please PM me and let's see if we have some commonalities. I don't want to put too much out for risk of being identified but we're early 40's, WFH, outgoing, non-religious, and left leaning politically. Our girls are a little slow to warm up but they're friendly and open to meeting next people also. We are fairly active and would love to meet up at a park or grab an ice cream cone with the kids.
Thanks for reading this far. Have a good night!
submitted by littlelambsydivey to Apex_NC [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 plubie1 my Mexican boy told me I fucked up his haircut, don’t blame me for being ugly

my Mexican boy told me I fucked up his haircut, don’t blame me for being ugly submitted by plubie1 to Justfuckmyshitup [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 wemtastic Mick Jagger and Marianne Faithfull leave Malborough Street court on December 18th, 1969.

Mick Jagger and Marianne Faithfull leave Malborough Street court on December 18th, 1969.
submitted by wemtastic to OldSchoolCool [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 Mobile-Reward9042 38 male

38 male submitted by Mobile-Reward9042 to fitness30plus [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 WarBlogle What Coach Bruce Pearl Said Between LSU & Ole Miss

submitted by WarBlogle to warblogle [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 baileylovess Help a girl out

Hey upvoted tons of recent posts please help me out xo
submitted by baileylovess to karma_orgy [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 allap0l0gies Business profile has been suspended

Hello all, I’m an admin for a Firearms store business page and we recently got suspended for a post about a back in stock Scope, no gun whatsoever in the picture. We’ve been trying to get in contact with FB about this issue but have had no luck. I can’t find a phone number and I, as well as a couple other coworkers have emailed [email protected] with no luck at all. We’ve sent loads of info and even some screenshots of the issue we’re having. At first they flagged the post 3 days after being posted, and suspended our page. And after we actually appealed it in the app they supposedly put our page back up but it is still saying we are permanently suspended. Facebooks help center is also atrocious to navigate. Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by allap0l0gies to facebookdisabledme [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 Ok-Wish-1254 My redtail catfish is acting wierd

My redtail catfish is acting wierd He's been like this for 3 days and he's not eating
submitted by Ok-Wish-1254 to Fish [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 rdrozd Ciekawostka: istnieje limit książek wyświetlanych na Kindle. Trudny do przekroczenia, choć możliwy

submitted by rdrozd to SwiatCzytnikow [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 beengoth1400 1st G59 shirt drop From around early 2015 size XXL (interest/price check)

1st G59 shirt drop From around early 2015 size XXL (interest/price check) Will provide actual pic if genuinely interested, have gotten offers for $180-220 before but I’m not 100% sure what it’s worth 10 years later lol it’s in 8/10 condition
submitted by beengoth1400 to G59 [link] [comments]