Worth giving up Gibbs?

je rentre du stand (50M chez moi) apres avoir essayé la GIBBS avec SN°2 54gr et la graisse du forum. Sur la photo tu trouveras 2 impacts 22LR 4 balles en haut du groupement( due a des ogives de poids differents des 9 autres) et enfin un groupement de 9 balles qui touche celui des 4. 这篇回答节选自我的专栏《机器学习中的数学:概率图与随机过程》,我们来仔细介绍和分析一下Gibbs采样。 也欢迎关注我的知乎账号 @石溪 ,将持续发布机器学习数学基础及算法应用等方面的精彩内容。 1.Gibbs方法核心流程 Je m'adresse aux tireurs qui ont un GIBBS PEDERSOLI, qui peux m'indiquer le calibre des ogives employées par eux je tire des ogives pedersoli 451 / 500gr recal 注意:在靠近间断点x=0处,随着所用项(基)的增多,波动(overshoot)越来越靠近间断点,这种现象叫做吉布斯现象(Gibbs phenomenon)。 只能减小其影响,但无法避免 ,这是处理不连续函数的一个巨大障碍。 在Gibbs图中,虚线表示不同物种的等温分布系数(Kd)相等的线。 等温分布系数是指在相同温度下,两种不同相中相同物种的平衡分配比例。 在水化学分析中,通常用等温分布系数来表示离子在水中的分布情况。 Je viens de recevoir ma gibbs et comme tu sais je desire tirer le maximum de mes armes. Il faut même que je change sans doute de club car malheureusement le miens ne dispose pas de 100M ni de 200M. Je tiendrais au courant des evolutions. A+joseph Sujet: Re: Confirmation chargement GIBBS Sam 22 Mar - 23:59 Bonsoir a tous, je viens juste de rentrer du concours de Souppes 100 2000 300m Super Concours, c'est vraiment impressionant de voir sans quasi interruption des tireurs qui s'echangent les postes de tir toute la journée. 演讲: Brooks Gibbs。原创翻译,高清双语字幕,欢迎关注「尽整没用的」 Gibbs佯谬反映的是经典统计力学与量子力学之间的矛盾,经典统计中不考虑粒子全同性,这导致在计算配分函数时会漏掉 -klnN! 这一项,Gibbs在讨论时为了确保熵与总粒子数的正确关系强行引入这一项,而如果在写配分函数时将粒子全同性考虑在内,这一项会自然 ... 这篇回答节选自我的专栏《机器学习中的数学:概率图与随机过程》,我们来仔细介绍和分析一下Gibbs采样。 欢迎关注我的知乎账号 @石溪 ,将持续发布机器学习数学基础及算法应用等方面的精彩内容。 1.Gibbs方法核心流程

2025.01.30 23:30 Charming-Humor-9053 Worth giving up Gibbs?

Worth giving up Gibbs? 8 team, 2 QB, Start 13, PPR. Is this an overpay? Thoughts?
submitted by Charming-Humor-9053 to DynastyFFTradeAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 SprigBar Moco Loco! [homemade]

Moco Loco! [homemade] submitted by SprigBar to food [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 NaTrave [Match Thread] Campeonato Carioca: Flamengo x Sampaio Corrêa-RJ

Flamengo x Sampaio Corrêa-RJ Campeonato Carioca Data: 30/01/2025, 21:30
submitted by NaTrave to CRFla [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 Goldie197 Any 2 3*s for any 4*

Any 2 3*s for any 4* submitted by Goldie197 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 Jealous-Reality-2018 Millions to one?

Millions to one? submitted by Jealous-Reality-2018 to DarkViperAU [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 TopParsnip8756 Nah that's crazy💀💀💀

Nah that's crazy💀💀💀 https://preview.redd.it/uccunmcau7ge1.png?width=857&format=png&auto=webp&s=a25c91d369dc9b98e574a5207c2498cbb92e7fe8
Yeah i was in the middle of their training till i got busy and started doing other stuff and forgot about doing it
submitted by TopParsnip8756 to QSYS [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 croghan88 Men and astrology

So I am a normal dude straight as they come. I love women (maybe a bit too much 😂). Sagittarius Sun, Taurus Moon, Aquarius Rising. But I have noticed something that I'm sure is obvious to most but I didn't really think about it until my wife mentioned it. Why is it most men see astrology as "bs" or "cringe"?. Most of my homies I talk to clown on me because I'm so into Astrology, Hermeticism, Tarot, Kabbalah, different occult systems etc. My wife pointed it out also, and I had a kinda "damn you're right" moment. Hell I have even gotten accused in the past of only believing in astrology just to get laid, which ain't the case. What are your thoughts? Any other straight guys in here? (No offense to anyone LGBTQ), but you get where I'm going).
submitted by croghan88 to Sagittarians [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 HamSandwichMapping3 DO NOT LET THE SANE WIN

submitted by HamSandwichMapping3 to BatmanArkham [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 Terrible_Stranger_21 Magazine Dreams

Magazine Dreams The trailer for Magazine Dreams was released. I remember hearing about this in 2023 but it got shelved (due to Majors being caught up in some allegations with some White woman) but now it will be released again.
Johnathan Majors looks good. I was reading the tags for this movie and one of them said 'gay interest' but I guess that's cause there is scene that alludes to homosexuality, oh.and the fact it features one of our handsome bruthas mostly being in his underwear.
I believe the overall theme of the movie (bodybuilding) is going to be a disturbing take though.
In any case, I'm glad to see one of my fellow Black Kings back on the screen. 🙌🏾
submitted by Terrible_Stranger_21 to AskGayBlackMen [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 little-kitty122 If anyone could help me find out what community I’m apart of it would be appreciated

Anyone who thinks they could help could DM me if they want I just don’t know which community I’m apart of and I have had some people say they could help but haven’t gotten to it yet and I also kinda just want multiple opinions and any mods please tell me if there’s something wrong with my post and if there’s something I should edit because there have been times in some subreddits where my post gets taken down and I never know why because nobody tells me what is wrong with it
submitted by little-kitty122 to TBDL_FOR_ALL [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 Phizzle248 Mr 3000 (2004

Classic Bernie. Stayed true to his roots as basball was hi favorite game to play growing up. RIP to one of the best comedians who died too soon.
submitted by Phizzle248 to underratedmovies [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 ImJustAgrunt0331 A New Ukrainian Drone May Have Blown Up A Major Russian Oil Pipeline

A New Ukrainian Drone May Have Blown Up A Major Russian Oil Pipeline submitted by ImJustAgrunt0331 to worldnews [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 Monique_ssr Trade?

Trade? submitted by Monique_ssr to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 inflationinvesting99 So the last hours

I dont know how to feel about it but im excited and i hope the shares wont be splited Like 1:1000 or 1:10000 it will be the same as before maybe 2€ or 20€ so and if it is Like that i hope it will boom to the Moon time is Running 🤝🏽🤝🏽🤝🏽
submitted by inflationinvesting99 to ATOSse [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 Lost-in-Melancholy Slide into this puthy then, boo

submitted by Lost-in-Melancholy to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 MondoSantx Made a little sketch of the one and only in my style a while back, why not post it here?

Made a little sketch of the one and only in my style a while back, why not post it here? submitted by MondoSantx to duolingo [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 Due-Affect-6497 Porting Verizon number and Overriding current US Mobile number

I am currently on a 3month/$45 trial through US Mobile and after a month, I'm ready to port over my Verizon phone number.
For context: I have a US Mobile phone number (610...) and a Verizon phone number (609...)
Is there a way I can port my 609 number onto my US Mobile account and get rid of my 610 number? Or will I essentially need to sign up for a new line with my old 609 number?
Additional questions: My spouse is also on my Verizon account and will be porting their number over after I am all configured. 1. Will me leaving the Verizon account disrupt them in the meantime and 2. Can I get them their own Unlimited Started line but have it under my account info (ie. no shared data pool, but I would still provide all billing info for that account and would like it on my dashboard), or would it be easier just to set them up on their own app?
submitted by Due-Affect-6497 to USMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 NaTrave [Match Thread] Campeonato Carioca: Flamengo x Sampaio Corrêa-RJ

Flamengo x Sampaio Corrêa-RJ Campeonato Carioca Data: 30/01/2025, 21:30
submitted by NaTrave to futebol [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 Complex_Emu_782 Every gym person needs this

submitted by Complex_Emu_782 to NoOneIsLooking [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 Witty_Quail6968 Is this to much for 8 Grammys, if your interested username is Kforkoda

submitted by Witty_Quail6968 to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 Realreckless9090 Cora Jade & Roxanne Perez

submitted by Realreckless9090 to LadiesOfWrestling [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 Bigbillmrbill Oreo

Oreo submitted by Bigbillmrbill to jackrussellterrier [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 ParticularBrain6088 Baby won’t take the boob anymore

My baby is currently 5 months old and ever since he was a week old we complemented with formula after I breastfed.
Over the last few weeks he became a bit fussy when I tried to breastfeed him. I tried both boobs and the same thing happened. Every time that happened he would take the bottle and stop crying.
A few days ago I stopped breastfeeding during the night and only gave him formula, as I was too tired to get up and breastfeed each time.
As of yesterday he stared crying profusely every time I try to breastfeed him. He takes the boob for maybe 3-5 minutes before crying nonstop until I gave him the bottle. I thought he might me frustrated because no milk was coming out but today my boob was leaking and he still wouldn’t take it.
Has this happened to anyone? Is this just something temporary that will pass in the next couple of days or is it how it will be from now on?
I am not the biggest fan of breastfeeding, but was planning on doing it until my baby turned 1 due to the health benefits. Honestly it is really stressing me out and I would be ok with switching only to formula.
submitted by ParticularBrain6088 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 L_Foxxxx What the Fork?

What the Fork? Why does this even exist, why was it advertised to me?!
submitted by L_Foxxxx to evilautism [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:30 Unable-Street-1216 O militante negro brasileiro moderno é tão desesperado para ter uma identidade racial própria que fica copiando discurso americano em vez de estudar a própria história.

Sou uma pessoa negra, meus avós (tanto por parte de pai como de mãe) foram criados em comunidades quilombolas e todo dia quando abro as redes sociais encontro centenas e centenas de posts de páginas voltadas para o "empoderamento negro" brasileiras traduzindo posts de influencers negros americanos para o português.
A impressão que tenho é que pra essas pessoas a escravidão, falta de apoio do estado pós-escravidão e políticas de miscigenação para clareamento da população não foi sofrimento suficiente porque nós não tivemos uma legislação apoiando a segregação racial escancarada como os americanos, afinal, eles querem porque querem forçar a narrativa "coisa de negro vs coisa de branco" a todo custo, mesmo que essa narrativa nada tenha a ver com nossa história.
Semana retrasada eu tinha visto um vídeo em inglês de uma moça negra americana que estava viajando de cruzeiro pela primeira vez e estava indo para todo lugar de colete salva vidas e na legenda do vídeo ela escreveu "Aquele momento em que você finalmente viaja de cruzeiro, mas é negro".
O que tem a cor haver com o navio? Nada, a piada que ela fez é porque durante o período de segregação racial nos estados unidos as pessoas negras não podiam utilizar as piscinas públicas, por isso há um estereótipo racial (e preconceituoso) muito antigo de que negros não sabem nadar nos EUA. O vídeo na verdade foi feito com um tom cômico e no post original em inglês as pessoas riram muito nos comentários (até onde pude ver, todos eram negros).
Essa semana uma página de "empoderamento negro brasileiro" traduziu o post palavra por palavra, e quando uma pessoa branca brasileira perguntou qual era a relação de ela ser negra com andar de navio, a página dos porteiros de Wakanda fez um comentário enorme, numa baboseira sem fim tentando justificar que era porque "a mulher como pessoa negra nunca tinha estado em um espaço como aquele e que tinha que zelar pela própria segurança de uma forma que ela, pessoa branca, jamais entenderia" ☠️.
Essas porcarias de pseudo-militantes passam o dia inteiro alimentando as pessoas com esse discurso de coisa de branco e coisa de negro quando isso NÃO É parte da nossa história.
Nós temos racismo e sim, há uma segregação no Brasil quando olhamos os dados e ainda mais quando analisamos a distribuição de renda por raça e classe social. Mas NÃO É da mesma forma que acontece nos estados unidos.
Seguindo a lógica desse povo, a mulher do meu tio, que é branca, não deveria saber como cozinhar uma feijoada, afinal é "coisa de negro" e coisa que "só negro entende".
Juro, vão lavar uma pia cheia de louça.
Ninguém faz a porra de um post falando sobre pessoas importantes no nosso país que eram negras ou pessoas que lutam pelo movimento atual, já que estamos no mundo moderno. Mas são super rápidos na hora de ficar traduzindo narrativas de meia tigela que não são parte da nossa realidade.
A mais nova que vi hoje foi uma pessoa BRASILEIRA que fez um post dizendo que os negros deveriam sempre apoiar os transexuais porque "até pouco tempo nós pessoas negras estávamos lutando para ter direito a usar banheiros públicos como os brancos e por isso entendemos melhor a luta deles".
Não tenho nada contra os transexuais, mas meu ponto é que se você queria fazer uma comparação, tivesse argumentado sobre os ''banheiros de empregado'' e ''elevador social e de serviço'', afinal isso SIM é a nossa realidade e a nossa história.
submitted by Unable-Street-1216 to opiniaoimpopular [link] [comments]
