Pilot Debrief’s initial analysis of AA5342 and PAT25

2025.01.30 23:29 Chibbs00 Pilot Debrief’s initial analysis of AA5342 and PAT25

Pilot Debrief’s initial analysis of AA5342 and PAT25 submitted by Chibbs00 to aviation [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 Mo0n_light002 Open mic cafés in Tunisia?

do we have open mic cafés in Tunisia ?
The ones where people can sip coffee and see people perform (sing, play music, do standup…)
and if we don’t have them any idea why we don’t?
submitted by Mo0n_light002 to Tunisia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 FiacR PhiloGraph: an attempt to visualize the messy web of relationships among philosophers.

submitted by FiacR to philosophy [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 fatsarmstrong Opinions or Guidance on my Jimi Hendrix deep dive? (12 day listening)

A few friends of mine have been listening to a number of classic rock bands/musicians where we listen to an album per day through their discography. I have chosen Jimi Hendrix as our next deep dive but this time I have about 12 days. I am putting together a schedule and this is what I am thinking, what would you suggest/change/etc.? Also, any thoughts on the order in which we should listen?

submitted by fatsarmstrong to jimihendrix [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 Acrobatic-Lion-1840 Rules And More Rules

Rules And More Rules submitted by Acrobatic-Lion-1840 to BroncoSport [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 Impressive-Rip-1928 Dicas para um estudante de contabilidade

Boa noite, alguém poderia me recomendar quais os melhores livros pra estudar e no que focar mais pra ter sucesso na faculdade e na carreira?
submitted by Impressive-Rip-1928 to ContabilidadeAtual [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 Pipster654654 Got a concussion a year ago don’t think it healed need advice

Got a concussion about a year ago don’t think it healed cause my heads been foggy but I’ve been trying that 20 20 20 rule and my heads been hurting rather than being foggy and now one of my pupils is dilated and the other isn’t
submitted by Pipster654654 to medical_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 infinitytacos25 Good flashcart for playing SNES and GBA games on DSi?

What would be the best flashcart for playing snes and gba games on my DSi? The regular non-flashcart emulation isn't working too well for some games im trying to play, like earthbound and modded gba pokemon games. what would be the best flashcart to buy to emulate these consoles on my DSi?
submitted by infinitytacos25 to flashcarts [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 thestruggletho time to quick fix shaman.

its 60% of all my games. its unfun to play since every match up is infinite. you cant play other classes than warrior or shaman consistently unless u play in isolated bubble top 20 (maybe? wouldnt know rn)
but when 60% of 300 games is against shaman and the winrate is sky high you need to hotfix your game
submitted by thestruggletho to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 omccarth333 PressifyThis - Open source client-side news article/blog post viewer, no more ads, paywalls, and navigation links covering the page

submitted by omccarth333 to programming [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 LevelUnusual1994 I don’t know what to say… 180 82+ x20 with no HM and TOTY

I don’t know what to say… 180 82+ x20 with no HM and TOTY submitted by LevelUnusual1994 to fut [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 TheOnlyLucifer007 Friendly neighborhood Lawyer

Hi, I’m a lawyer based in Karachi, and my team handles a wide range of legal matters—from divorces to corporate disputes and everything in between. We offer professional legal services at minimum and reasonable fees. Feel free to reach out for assistance.
submitted by TheOnlyLucifer007 to karachi [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 Darkreaper666 Playscale Preybird based on the amazing fanon art by u/adamkopacz

submitted by Darkreaper666 to lego [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 scarletsaboteur bought my first (CPO) lexus and first car in general 🤩

bought my first (CPO) lexus and first car in general 🤩 2022 IS 300 AWD. couldn't be happier
submitted by scarletsaboteur to LexusIS [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 031159 2 slips one of these gotta hit. All overs on tonight's games and same exact slip with the cavs game going under

submitted by 031159 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 xatfi Teräsyhtiö SSAB:n tulos heikkeni

submitted by xatfi to Uutiset [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 FLASH88BANG 5090 wait times Australia

I just made a pre order via computer alliance in Australia. I spoke to the sales rep regarding the MSI 5090 Gaming Trio and right now this computer shop as 5 pre orders already and what MSI are doing they are trickling in orders with small shipments over the next 3-4 weeks to months.
The AIB manufactures didn’t receive the chipset until last week.
Anyone in Australia will want to make a pre order I suggest you goto computer alliance as it’s the only place I can see that will allow you to place an order for “sold out” items
submitted by FLASH88BANG to nvidia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 FranToFig Does only right eyebrow pierced mean gay?

I'm thinking of an eyebrow piercing and have asked my friend which side to pierce. He answered that I should definetly get my left pierced, because a single piercing on the right mean homosexual. Is that rule valid??
submitted by FranToFig to PiercingAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 bryce_walker_ Guys please help

I just broke up with my girlfriend of 4 years, she constantly would tear me down and just if the last few weeks she has, texted other guys that she used to talk to then hid the messages and lied about it, told me she lowered her standards for me, told me I’m not masculine, and yelled at me then apologizes days later saying she will never do that again when she realizes I’m nothing but good to her. I had to break up with her. I literally just did a couple hours ago, I just need help. I don’t know what with, but I need it.
submitted by bryce_walker_ to playboicarti [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 Marco_Who How can I clear this?

How can I clear this? I have an E70D and from what I read this promp pops up when your diesel is around 150k miles to check the DPF and replace if needed. I’m not concerned with the system but this pops up after 10 minutes of every start up
submitted by Marco_Who to BmwTech [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 babapush Honors dorming roomate

Hi, I was admitted to UNC like a week ago + honors carolina. I'm aware that being a part of honors isn't worth a whole lot (from what I've gathered here), but I figured I would want to dorm in Cobb if given the opportunity since it seems like a really nice/clean dorm and is closer to classes.
I have a couple of questions about it though, and whenever I try to look it up I just keep finding the same threads I've already read.

Let me know what you guys think. Thanks!
submitted by babapush to UNC [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 ayoc02 Another day, another accident

submitted by ayoc02 to MildlyBadDrivers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 Reasonable-Bee9606 Civil war portraits

Would you say that black Americans had to sort of conform to a certain "white" ideal or embody "whiteness" in their civil war portraits to alter public perception? For example, Frederick douglass. How is this problematic?
submitted by Reasonable-Bee9606 to CriticalTheory [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 Zealousideal-Tax4560 Dell precision 7710 gpu removal

Hello. I own 7710 with xeon v3 1535 cpu and nvidia m4000m gpu. I dont need it for work anymore so igpu would be enough. 1. Is it possible to physically remove dgpu? 2. Would it result in cooler laptop with lower power draw? 3. Could i use a charger with lower wattage? Thanks
submitted by Zealousideal-Tax4560 to laptops [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:29 Somewhere2morrow Zorch has mail for you

Zorch has mail for you submitted by Somewhere2morrow to MixelsUnite [link] [comments]
