AI chatbots

2025.01.31 00:52 PuzzleheadedCake1726 AI chatbots

Hey, I’m creating AI chatbots for business owners. I have examples from our previous client and a demo video I could show you of how it works. Please let me know you’re interested in learning more!
submitted by PuzzleheadedCake1726 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 LuisJpg Have I been living under a rock or has Simu always been a fan?😭

submitted by LuisJpg to sleepingdogs [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 TDL_photo_WNC Where are the ICE stories?

Hey fellow Americans. Figured by now there would be some horror stories about ICE doing ICE things in some kitchens you all work in.
Is no news good news or really really bad news? What’s going on in your neck of the world? The hope is that raids aren’t happening much and the ones on the news are political theatre.
That being said, feels like a really good time to band together and take care of each other.
submitted by TDL_photo_WNC to KitchenConfidential [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 FuzzyPea5212 Subclinical Hypothyroidism

I am a 24 year old female with a TSH of 10.16 and a T4 of 1.1 and testosterone is a little bit above normal. Is subclinical hypothyroidism a lifelong condition if I treat it? Is levothyroxine safe to use?
submitted by FuzzyPea5212 to Hypothyroidism [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 canon1dx3 Mom said she bought me a donut. Needless to say, this is not what I was expecting.......

Mom said she bought me a donut. Needless to say, this is not what I was expecting....... submitted by canon1dx3 to germanshepherds [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Natspagsz_ How are my ollie’s looking? Any tips trying to get more height on them!

How are my ollie’s looking? Any tips trying to get more height on them! submitted by Natspagsz_ to NewSkaters [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 BillythenotaKid I just want my parents to divorce

They’re relationship is extremely toxic, I’ve never seen two people despise each other more in my entire life. My dad refuses to get divorced because he believes it’ll fuck me up even though I’m an adult. They haven’t loved each other or slept in the same bed for as long as I’ve been alive. They barely interact with each other and when they do it’s arguments that last the whole day and can go on for a week or more. My father is verbally abusive and has been to my mother for years. He enjoys humiliating and insulting her, sending her walls and walls of hurtful texts. Once she blocked him and he just wrote the same shit on paper and place them around the house for her to find. He tried and still tries to manipulate me into hating my mother. He’s cheated on her multiple times and doesn’t even hide it when he texts his mistress. He controls my mom by taking away her credit card, placing cameras in the house, and today he blocked her car with his RV so she is unable to move her car. I have a memory of when I was young of my dad breaking down the door to my mother’s room after she locked it and she called 911. She drove us to our babysitter’s house I have the memory of my dad sitting on the sidewalk looking up at the police. He’s also a major conspiracy theorist, everyday he goes on 30 minute or more rants about the pyramids, and aliens, and Egypt and it’s been like that basically my whole life. Because of the abuse my mother turned to heavy alcohol, drinking vodka almost everyday. When I was younger I would sneak snacks while she was passed out in her chair. I never was really exposed to happy married couples growing up as all of my friend’s parents were divorced. It’s hard for me to fathom that married couples can be happy and I know that sounds dramatic. It’s very hard for me to share this information and not even my closest friends know but I just feel I have to tell somebody because I’m just so tired of my dad. But I also don’t feel I had it that bad as I grew up decently wealthy and nothing too bad has ever happened.
submitted by BillythenotaKid to self [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 alt-acc9 Haiii:3

This server is just for femboys in the ks or Kansas area too talk and hangout:3 ik it feels likes there’s no one out here 😭
submitted by alt-acc9 to TeenKSfemboys [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Minute_Ad2295 Sigh Instacart…. sigh.

Sigh Instacart…. sigh. Yeah the slow business that comes around in January has hit my area pretty hard. I see orders like this on the regular. Sigh.
submitted by Minute_Ad2295 to InstacartShoppers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Tricky_Ambition7876 Anyone know how to trace where an LLC is currently buying homes?

I have a list of recurring LLC’s who are flipping homes. When I reach out to these people they just give me broad information of where they are buying and tell me they buy anywhere in the state as long as the numbers make sense. Clearly it’s not true because sometimes they reject specific towns. I’m trying to narrow down my marketing as a wholesaler for these end buyers but I need help. Is there anyway I can look up the LLC and figure out where most of their purchases are being made? There has to be a way, I’ve tried going into the state pages but had no luck. Can anyone help me out or has had the same issue. Thanks
submitted by Tricky_Ambition7876 to RealEstateWholesaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Agitated-Listen4004 Pretzels Shipped?

I have family in other states who would love some Philly pretzels during the Super Bowl. Does anyone know of a supplier who ships?
submitted by Agitated-Listen4004 to PhiladelphiaEats [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Global-Front-3149 The Ultimate Trove - Jan 2025 Update

OP and Updates:
submitted by Global-Front-3149 to DHExchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 abjinternational Freya Allan goes braless in a sexy tailcoat look as she joins Reese Witherspoon's daughter Ava Phillippe and soap actress Jessica Plummer at Dior Beauty bash in London

submitted by abjinternational to newslive [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Standard-Wash-8048 I owm all the movies from the Conjuring franchise [updated]

I owm all the movies from the Conjuring franchise [updated] The red box is in Swedish ot something idk but its the movie "wolves at the door" last time i posted this multiple people told me to get wolves at the door so i did... I broke the box a little while opening it... Yay....
submitted by Standard-Wash-8048 to dvdcollection [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 HamadullahH Sunbathing

Sunbathing submitted by HamadullahH to Canaries [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 No_Plum2651 worst company in PH

not naming any company but I found someone uploaded the spreadsheet here for the worst companh in PH, do you guys have it? I rlly need it hahaha naopen ko sya before but i lost it.
submitted by No_Plum2651 to BPOinPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 turt808 When loading new areas, why are player heads or bodies sometimes missing/invisible? or spawn in valk and fall to death? Any way to fix?

Issues when loading new areas, or spawning vehicle. I've had all these examples happen plenty of times before, but recently seems they're more common or last longer. Wondering why and any fix.

What causes these issues? is it my PC specs or my graphics settings, or PS2 side like servelatency/etc? Any way to fix/improve?
I built this PC in 2018; i7-8700 CPU, EVGA GTX 1080 Ti GPU (11GB VRAM), 16GB RAM. In-game usually it's CPU bound. iirc, roughly 60-144 frames depending on fight. 1440p monitor... I don't remember "potato.ini" settings exactly; I have near to that, but I keep infantry/veh/air render distance 800/1500/2000. Ultra Texture, High Terrain, High Model; everything else low/off. In-game right now, network ping 50ms, server latency 76ms (iirc usually 50-150ms, ignoring spikes).
submitted by turt808 to Planetside [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Present_Bat_3487 CPP and ODSP

I got my back pay from CPP earlier this month (the 12th I think) and they paid me on the 29th. On the 12th I messaged through my benefits to ask what I was to do and let them know I got it, asked how much my overpayment would be etc.. but they haven’t answered. Am I supposed to be reporting this? I signed some forms so they could communicate with each other so I thought maybe they already knew. I have the payment posted for tomorrow. Just don’t want to screw up somehow since it’s quite a sum.
submitted by Present_Bat_3487 to Odsp [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Civil-Pie8723 How can people be so willing to get price scalped?

Today i went into my nearby microcenter after work (a few hours after the 50 series launch), and there was a man who walked in and immediately went straight to the gpu section. he asked the workers about the non existent stock, and after hearing there were no more 5080s in stock he asked if there was a place he could pay double or even triple to get his hands on a card. the workers let him know about the current ebay situation and mentioned how one of their buddies had already sold his just after buying it for $2000. to me this is pure insanity and we should not be allowing this, otherwise like many have said this may not change in future releases.
submitted by Civil-Pie8723 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 bradrez1 “Russian aircraft suck haha” meanwhile in some alternate reality:

“Russian aircraft suck haha” meanwhile in some alternate reality: I like both
submitted by bradrez1 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Adventurous-Yak4993 Anyone who can act as Shark Tank Judge

submitted by Adventurous-Yak4993 to BollyGlamandRP [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 rednose52 IMPA

After joint tap, our 11 month old diagnosed with non erosive IMPA. She taking steroids and Prilosec and kinda bugging out. We’re so afraid that our sweet little pitty is going to be forever changed. Is there anything we can do or give her to mediate the steroids? Will her behavior be forever changed?
submitted by rednose52 to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 BarberLeather8154 Après cessation de paiement à un FAI pour problèmes de service, il lance une procédure de recouvrement

Bonjour la communauté,
Je crée un compte poubelle pour raisons de confidentialité.
Une personne de mon entourage a souscrit à un abonnement internet + téléphone auprès d'un opérateur très connu. Pendant les semaines qui ont suivi l'installation, elle a rencontré de nombreux problèmes lui empêchant l'accès à internet et au téléphone. Les techniciens de l'opérateur sont venus plusieurs fois et elle a échangé par téléphone également.
Elle a donc fini par envoyer un AR qui disait ceci :

Étant donné les disfonctionnements continus et répétés observés par moi même et vos équipes au delà du délai de 30 jours sur lequel vous vous étiez engagé, je souhaite une résiliation sans frais et sans pénalité pour tous ces manquements de votre part.
Elle a cessé de payer aussitôt.
Évidemment, l'opérateur a contesté et a fini par mandater une société de recouvrement qui a transmis une mise en demeure. Nous avons transmis à cette société de recouvrement un courrier AR qui reprend les éléments, notamment le manquement de la part de l'opérateur. Elle y a répondu par email en indiquant que le paiement de la somme restait nécessaire.
On parle de ~500€.
Quel est le bon comportement à adopter dans cette situation ?
On prévoit de ne plus donner suite et ne rien faire, étant donné qu'on se sent dans notre bon droit. Mais en même temps, j'imagine qu'une société pareille a les moyens de produire des éléments pour contredire (du type "ce n'est pas notre faute, c'est celle du réseau partenaire" ; ou alors "regardez à telle date nos systèmes indiquent que les services sont opérationnels" ; etc). Irait-elle jusqu'à engager des poursuites judiciaires pour cette somme ?
submitted by BarberLeather8154 to conseiljuridique [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 octavianstarkweather You’re an important female character in a Sanderson novel and your name starts with an S…

You’re an important female character in a Sanderson novel and your name starts with an S… Started to notice a pattern (pun intended)
submitted by octavianstarkweather to cremposting [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 No-Election3204 Don't worry guys, GGG are listening!

submitted by No-Election3204 to pathofexile [link] [comments]