Looking for someone to RP this with me

2025.01.31 00:52 missi_Wolf_6934 Looking for someone to RP this with me

Hey everyone, I'm looking for someone to RP this with me if possible đŸ„ș😌
submitted by missi_Wolf_6934 to PoolToyFurries [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 WanderingWineDrinker đŸŽ¶ Oops, I did it again
I played with your heart, got lost in the game, Oh baby, baby đŸŽ”

Oops, I did it again—I broke down & ordered another red Kate Spade bag this month. I have been trying to resist this bag because I already have 3 other red (& 2 pink) heart-shaped bags. Let me tell you, none come close to this pretty, little thang. It’s the perfect size & gorgeous shade of red. The leather quilt style gives it the ultimate “puffy” texture & look. ♄
Thanks to my Kate Spade “crack dealer” Ali u/Over-Butterfly333 for the 10% discount. However, I’m now going to hide my credit cards from myself for a bit so I don’t order any more KS bags for a month or so.😭
submitted by WanderingWineDrinker to katespade [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Birdfoot421 [POSITIVE]%20for%20/u/_cokedup%20[trade]

Trad went smooth would send money/ pms to him first again honest seller
submitted by Birdfoot421 to PMsFeedback [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 The_Prick_ When will we get Hungarians and Romanians?!

When will we get Hungarians and Romanians?! submitted by The_Prick_ to enlistedgame [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Bannedforamolotov I got permanently banned from Reddit for suggesting to throw a molotov at an NPC.

I got permanently banned from Reddit for suggesting to throw a molotov at an NPC. Reddit permanently banned me because someone asked a simple question about an NPC type being in the game on the GTA V subreddit, and I joked about throwing a Molotov (in-game). Let’s not forget, this is GTA
 A game where missions literally involve committing crimes, blowing things up, and even burning people alive. I appealed the ban, but it didn’t change anything because they are convinced they did the right thing. It’s ironic to get permabanned for something that perfectly fits the context of the game itself.
submitted by Bannedforamolotov to videogames [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 VeryluckyorNot While pulling for Vegito.

While pulling for Vegito. I have 3 copy of them
Are they good ?Trying to rainbow or stop for 2nd part LR?
submitted by VeryluckyorNot to DokkanBattleCommunity [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 0points10yearsago Time for Dick to embrace DEI to keep 80's girl home

submitted by 0points10yearsago to TheDickShow [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 No-District-1941 If you could change the name of a Gundam, what would you change it to? And why?

If you could change the name of a Gundam, what would you change it to? And why? Gundam 'Murica
submitted by No-District-1941 to Gundam [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 MsElly18 I decided to learn how to sing

Last year, I saw a clip of Pete Davidson on the Tonight Show where he mentioned he started taking singing lessons. He said it was because he thought it’d be cool to know how to sing really well and just casually shock his friends one day by singing a song amazingly out of nowhere. Ever since then I've had that idea in the back of my mind. Like wouldn't it be funny if you absolutely nailed a song while driving around with someone or at a karaoke night with friends.
So I decided to make that my new years resolution this year. Obviously I don't have thousands to spend on a vocal coach like Pete Davidson so I started out watching YouTube tutorials. Then I found this course put together by Melanie Alexander (melaniealexander.com here's the link to save you from searching for it). If you don't know who that is I don't blame you because I didn't either. She was in a girl band in the 90s and had a couple albums that went platinum. It seemed like she had the credentials so I went ahead and bought it, it was only $67 so I wasn't expecting the world.
The lessons have been helpful so far but the main reason I bought her course was because of the apps that came with it. One of the apps included interactive lessons and allowed you to practice tracks. The other was the most helpful though. It lets you test your vocal range and practice notes which is helping me work out where I'm going wrong.
I feel like I'm slowly improving and I'm contemplating starting a channel to post either progress videos or cover songs. I'm not quite confident enough to do that yet though lol but stay tuned because this post is a part 1. I'll post an update in a month or so when I feel like I'm good enough to actually put something out there to be judged.
submitted by MsElly18 to indieheads [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Overlord_Zestial Okay but like...

Okay but like... Old Peridot be kinda...
submitted by Overlord_Zestial to peridot [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 dvizzyzone Dialga 4380 2662 7198

submitted by dvizzyzone to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Even-Needleworker691 Ist der Aktionsplan E-Commerce der Bundesregierung eine notwendige Maßnahme oder erzeugt er unberechtigte GeneralverdĂ€chte?

Kurze Zusammenfassung:
Die Bundesregierung hat einen Aktionsplan fĂŒr den E-Commerce vorgestellt, der darauf abzielt, Fairness im Online-Handel zu fördern. Der Bundesverband E-Commerce und Versandhandel Deutschland e.V. (bevh) begrĂŒĂŸt diesen Schritt, gibt jedoch zu bedenken, dass die Maßnahmen nicht auf Generalverdacht gegenĂŒber den HĂ€ndlern basieren sollten. Der Verband betont die Bedeutung einer differenzierten und gerechten Regulierung, um die Interessen von Verbrauchern und HĂ€ndlern gleichermaßen zu schĂŒtzen.
Was denkst du dazu? Sollte die Bundesregierung strenger mit dem Online-Handel umgehen, oder sind die aktuellen Maßnahmen ausreichend? Teile deine Gedanken in den Kommentaren!
FĂŒr weitere Details und eine ausfĂŒhrliche Diskussion empfiehlt es sich, den vollstĂ€ndigen Artikel auf der Website https://www.presseportal.de/pm/52922/5960663 zu lesen.
submitted by Even-Needleworker691 to verbandsnachrichten [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 SwankyBoi Forge welding 304 stainless tubing

submitted by SwankyBoi to Blacksmith [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 ArminiusLad Ayuda con Temu y los envios

Me aparece la opcion de colocar mi direccion y supuestamente ellos lo envian directamente a mi casa y al parecer soy elegible para un envio gratuito.
Necesito casillero para eso?
submitted by ArminiusLad to Panama [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 ExperienceOptimal132 How would you convince me to read your favourite WEBTOON

You can only chose one WEBTOON as your favourite and defend it as like it’s your desertion
submitted by ExperienceOptimal132 to webtoons [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 WaitSmart456 Am I wasting my time?

I don't know how to start this, I've posted questions on reddit before but at this point I'm losing hope.
I complete my Associates in Finance in May. Can't get a single teller job for my life. Not finding any jobs where a Associates in Finance would be useful. Live in an area where Spanish speakers get priority but I don't speak Spanish. Getting ghosted, no response back on applications. I've applied to just about every Finance job that I'm qualified for just to get nothing. I genuinely don't know if I should even do my bachelors. There's no point in wasting time and money if I can't even get a teller job. What the heck do I do? I'm losing my mind
submitted by WaitSmart456 to jobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Roy_Goldburn15 Is there any easily accessible way to get the voice lines?

I have a personal project I'm working on, and I wanted to use a few of Rapheal's voice lines for it. Thing is, there really isn't a good way to find the raw dialogue. Most YouTube videos have background ambiance and/or music, and the other videos have the dialogue completely unsorted and are multiple hours long. I was just wondering if there was a way I could find the audio. Perhaps by going into the game's files on Steam or maybe there's an online database somewhere I don't know about.
Just curious!
submitted by Roy_Goldburn15 to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 MiddleKey9077 WBL native playing bball at WI

WBL native playing bball at WI submitted by MiddleKey9077 to WhiteBearLake [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Fawaz_mag Standard weight and stock.

What is the standard weight for NZ meat rabbit? I’m was talking to someone on FB rabbit group, and I mentioned that my rabbits are 12-13 lbs but NZ Flemish croos and they say that is not meeting standards, and the NZ rabbit should be at least 12 lbs and Flemish should be 15-20 lbs, if that’s true where can I find a good breeding stock? I am in New England region
submitted by Fawaz_mag to MeatRabbitry [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 mcm8279 [Opinion] GIZMODO: "Deep Space Nine Understood the Fantasy of Spies - and Their Reality" | "If anything, Section 31 becomes as much as an antagonist in its appearance as the Dominion themselves are, an existential threat to the very moral fiber of Star Trek."

GIZMODO: "The argument Sloan presents of the organization as a necessary evil is never considered as a viable conclusion by either the show or our protagonists. If anything, Section 31 becomes as much as an antagonist in its appearance as the Dominion themselves are, an existential threat to the very moral fiber of Star Trek. [...]
Deep Space Nine might have thrown the bomb in the first place by giving us the existence of Section 31, but it understood the danger of wielding such a weapon in the first place—because it already laid out to its audience and to its characters alike that the fantasy of a top-secret spy organization in Star Trek‘s universe was nothing more than that, and that its reality was something far, far uglier to comprehend.
Over the course of Section 31’s remaining appearances across DS9—the direct follow up to “Inquisition,” “Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges,” which sours Bashir and the show at large on Section 31 even further, and the trippier “Extreme Measures”—the argument Sloane presents of the organization as a necessary evil is never considered as a viable conclusion by either the show or our protagonists. If anything, Section 31 becomes as much as an antagonist in its appearance as the Dominion themselves are, an existential threat to the very moral fiber of Star Trek."
James Whitbrook (Gizmodo)
Full article:
submitted by mcm8279 to trektalk [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 AngelVag Purging

Purging I haven't eaten in almost 25 hours and my mom made me 2 hotdogs. I can barely eat it I'm gonna purge afterwards. It's so difficult to eat
submitted by AngelVag to proanarexian [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Maid_Marionette Can Celestials break a pact made between a mortal and a Devil

I'm toying with a character idea for someone who is unwillingly made a party in a contract between a mortal and a Cambion. I'm wondering if a Celestial such as a Solar could break/void the contract without the Cambion's consent and enter into a pact with the character, having them become a Celestial patron Warlock?
If anyone with more lore knowledge (so anyone) has an answer, would appreciate it. Thanks! :)
submitted by Maid_Marionette to DnD [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Live_Bug_7060 Why Silkisong is freeing ourselves explained with "Being and Time" from Heidegger

I'm drunk and I took a Heidegger exam today so let me cook.
First of all, I would like to explain the basis for understanding the discussion I am about to make: Heidegger is a philosopher of the early twentieth century and his main work "Being and Time" deals with an analysis of the experience of individuals, which he calls "beings" from a holistic and phenomenalisting viewpoint. For him, being are not things in themselves separated from the world as much as our existence is the world in itself given that we are always constantly in an original relationship with it. His analysis aims to discover what out "Dasein" (our essence, so to speak) by analyzing it from this perspective.
One of the characteristics us beings is that of being dejective, that is, it escapes from its own individuality in favor of hiding ourselves in what Heidegger calls the "si". Practically, instead of relating to themselves, those who exist relate to others but since no one has anything original (since no one is relating to themselves), we end up being a relationship with nothingness, the homologation of the mediation of the masses arises.
How to escape it? Through death! Or at least the relationship with death, this is a complex topic and I will simplify it for your own sanity. The intrinsic characteristics us beings (which come together in Sorge's definition) are that of "having-to-be" or the fact that every moment we are forced to choose for ourselves, of "thrownness" we are thrown into the world without our consent and that of "dejection" or running away from ourselves.
Death has a unique relationship with each of these elements: it is the end of our having-to-be, it is the end from which we cannot escape since our thrownness and it is what most leads us to dejection. Only by recognizing death as a real existential possibility can we truly recognize our finiteness and CHOOSE TO CHOOSE, we can be free. Death is the only thing we cannot escape.
Thought the bait, the same way it would happen with that, we recognise our finiteness and we can CHOOSE.
As Nietzsche said only trought the bate "we can become what we're meant to be"
Note. I haven't studied Heidegger in english so the translation i did it defenetly "technically" wrong, be merciful.
submitted by Live_Bug_7060 to Silksong [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Level_Breadfruit_624 asi me imagino una conversaciĂłn entre punisher y moon knight

asi me imagino una conversaciĂłn entre punisher y moon knight submitted by Level_Breadfruit_624 to BeelcitosMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Status-Basket6667 Help setting up payments

I'm new to this and im setting up my store but i don't know which to choose. i tried the Ayden one but its asking me to login. and i don't know what info i should put
submitted by Status-Basket6667 to dropshipping [link] [comments]
