2025.01.31 00:50 ThatSmoke pc?
submitted by ThatSmoke to TrueReligionJeans [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 00:50 Prestigious_Car8188 Are these sounds made on a synth?
submitted by Prestigious_Car8188 to synthrecipes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 00:50 Happy-Date2140 The Wiggles - Baby Shark
submitted by Happy-Date2140 to BabyShark [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 00:50 New-Attitude5040 I thought day 4 was done...
No recap post and it's been 45 minutes. Everyone strap in
submitted by New-Attitude5040 to warpedtour [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 00:50 Yukokami Ladies and Gentlemen
Ladies and Gentlemen is a non-humanoid type stand that takes the form of a play stage. It's appearance can change depending on the play happening on stage(ex: A play about Bonnie and Clyde will take place in a car), although the stage can change depending on the scene in question.
Ability: The stage comes with a book held by it's user. The user decides on the play, then selects the "cast" by writing the names of their "actors" in the book. The "actors" suddenly appear on stage and, against their own will, act out the play in question.
The play itself is never set in stone and can be altered in the playbook(even if it's well known) during certain and specific parts(ex: if an "actor" has to kill another person, if their will is strong enough, they can resist the plays set rules). All actors are free when the play ends.
The user is Stanley Shakespeare and it's name is in reference to "Ladies and Gentlemen" by Saliva.
Speed: C Destructive Power: D Range: A Stamina: Null Precision: A Development Potential: D
submitted by Yukokami to fanStands [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 00:50 Born_Diamond7914 No tengo ningún inconveniwnte con llamar Golfo de América al otrora Golfo de México
Al fin y al cabo, America es TODO el Continente y el Golfo efectivamente está ubicado em América.
submitted by Born_Diamond7914 to OpinionesPolemicas [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 00:50 Mighty_Zen Managing my $200 portfolio
submitted by Mighty_Zen to cryptocurrencymemes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 00:50 HistorianPrimary2763 do i become a content creator?
Hi everyone, I've been thinking for a while about becoming a content creator for Insurgency Sandstrom in Spanish, I've seen that there aren't many content creators for this game in Spanish. I've been in this community long enough to be able to help the Spanish community, my community hahaha
submitted by HistorianPrimary2763 to insurgency [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 00:50 Yuri69420360 Question about upp/low split volume
I heard that the upp/low split is the best science proven split because of the low volume/high frequency. But every upp/low split that i can find only has 4-6 sets per muscle group per week. Isn’t this way too low volume? On internet every article say you need around 15 sets per week per muscle group.
submitted by Yuri69420360 to beginnerfitness [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 00:50 Illustrious-Mode568 Unterhalt Volljähriger
kurz zu mir, bin 24 und studiere aktuell im 5. Semester.
Eltern getrennt seit ich denken kann, bei meiner Mutter aufgewachsen und immer um mich gekümmert. Vater nie da, unregelmäßige Alimentezahlungen und seit meinem 18. LJ hat er die Zahlung komplett eingestellt (obwohl ich da noch zur Schule ging).
Naja irgendwann mit 20 ging ich dann aufs Gericht, um mich informieren zu lassen, da ich mich mit der Thematik 0 ausgekannt habe. Rechtskräftiger Titel vorhanden, jedoch nicht exekutiert, da mir versprochen wurde vom Vater er würde das restliche Geld zahlen.
Geld wurde zum Teil bezahlt, da ich dann auch gearbeitet habe, wars mir irgendwann zu anstrengend und egal.
2 Jahre später habe ich dann studieren angefangen (nein kein 08/15 Studium, sondern mit Aufnahmetest). Habe Studienbeihilfe angefragt, welche mir genehmigt wurde (ca. 220€). Auf dem Bescheid von der Stipendienstelle ist auch der gesetzliche Unterhalt meines Vaters an mich berechnet worden, welcher 180€ betrug.
Daraufhin habe ich ihm geschrieben, ob er mir nicht bitte als Unterstützung das Geld überweisen könnte. Daraufhin wurde ich angerufen, was es für eine Frechheit ist, mich nur wegen Geld zu melden, daraufhin haben wir ausgemacht wir treffen uns. Nachdem er mir 6 mal abgesagt hat, immer mit diversen Ausreden über 10 Monate, habe ich beim Gericht einen Antrag gestellt, auf Berechnung des Unterhals (oder sowas, war aufjedenfall dort und der Herr beim Gericht hat uns beide dann zur Verhandlung eingeladen).
Bei der Verhandlung wurde der Unterhalt auf ca 500 berechnet, natürlich hat meine Vater nicht eingesehen, dass er das zahlen soll und mir Vorwürfe gemacht. Ich bin ihm bei der Verhandlung entgegengekommen und habe gesagt ich will nur 400 (dumm). Wollte er auch nicht und wir sind zu keinem Entschluss gekommen. Daraufhin hat der Richter uns 2 Wochen Zeit gegeben, das eventuell noch zu klären.
Wir haben uns nach einer Woche getroffen und er hat mir versprochen er zahlt mir in 1, 3 und 6 Monaten 1500€. Im neuen Jahr (2025) schauen wir dann wie wir machen, damit war ich zufrieden. Ich zum Gericht, hab dort den Antrag konkretisiert mit 400€ monatlich und Restschulden von ca 6000€, was auch so im Rechtskräftigen Titel steht.
Im 1. Monat ganzes Geld bekommen, nach 3 Monaten bin ich vetröstet worden wir hätten doch nicht schon diesen Monat ausgemacht oder? Geld bekommst du!! Nächsten Monat? nix bekommen, Monat darauf die Hälfte. Dann 3 Monate nix und wieder die Hälfte.
Da ich immer wieder vertröstet worden bin, habe ich nun letzte Woche den Entschluss gefasst, ich lasse ihn Exekutieren. Ich bin mittlerweile sehr stark auf das Geld angewiesen.
Am Tag als ich ins Gericht gehen wollte habe ich eine Nachricht von ihm am Handy, ich solle mich bei ihm melden. Folgende Aussagen sind gefallen:
-In deinem Alter habe ich ganz andere Probleme gehabt -Ich gehe nicht mehr Arbeiten -Ich lasse mich von meiner Frau scheiden, damit die das bekommt -du hast leicht lachen mit über 2000€ im Monat (bin froh wenn ich jeden Monat nur -500€ am Konto hab)
Ich versteh nicht, wie kann man Kinder in die Welt setzen und alles dafür tun, diese nicht zu untersützen. Naja, damit hab ich mich eh schon lang abgefunden.
Exekutionsantrag habe ich abgegeben, Offene Forderungen sind aktuell ca 6500 und monatlich 400€.
Wollte das alles mal loswerden und fragen:
-Was passiert wenn er nicht mehr arbeiten geht? (hat noch 3 andere Kinder mit neuer Frau, leben alle bei ihm). Kann er also einfach nicht mehr arbeiten gehen und das ganze hat sich für ihn erledigt? Sein Jahreszwölftel beträgt knapp 3000€.
submitted by Illustrious-Mode568 to Austria [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 00:50 Sufficient_Tap_9020 Notes on the R3S & Unsilenced Realforce
Hi there,
Just wanted to mention a couple of things I've noticed, that I never see mentioned anywhere in Topre circles.
First of all, do people realise that the R3S is not only an improved R2, it's much cheaper than the R2 as well? People often talk about how expensive Topre keyboards are (and yes, the current flagship R3 is 37,180 yen) but the R3S starts at 22,440 yen, brand new from the official Realforce store. There are much less nice keyboards going for way more money than that.
The R3S has all the nice build of the R2 (arguably it feels more solid than my PFU R2, which was the flagship at the time) and it has the full programmability of the R3. If you don't care about wireless or detachable cables (and some of us actually prefer hardwired cables), then the R3S is a slam dunk.
I would also like to point out that the R3S is the last place that English ANSI unsilenced Realforce exists for purchase new. The R3SD31 (tkl) and the R3SB31 (full size) are it for unsilenced Topre in the modern Realforce lineup. I get the impression unsilenced is going the way of the dodo, which would be sad to me, because I think they do feel different to silenced Topre, and I like unsilenced better.
This is coming from someone who started on silenced (R3 & R2 PFU for Mac) and fully expected to find that an unsilenced one would feel the same, and got a surprise when I found they don't. It's a subtle difference in feel, but it is noticeable. It's more crisp, somehow, to my fingers, in a way I prefer.
So. Hello y'all, and do with that what you will.
submitted by Sufficient_Tap_9020 to topre [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 00:50 cporter202 FREE ChatGPT Prompt ⚙️
⚙️ PROMPT #5723: Boost Online Retail Success
Are you ready to take your online retail business to the next level? ChatGPT is here to guide you through crafting a strategy that covers all bases for a thriving e-commerce store. Copy and paste this detailed prompt to get insights specifically tailored to your business:
"Hello ChatGPT, I am looking for ways to improve my online retailing business. Here are some details you might need: - Business Name/Pseudonym: [Your Business Name] - Industry/Niche: [Your Industry/Niche] - Target Demographic: [Your Target Demographic] - Average Price Point: [Your Average Price Point] - Current Marketing Strategies: [Your Current Strategies] - Top Competitors: [Your Top Competitors] - Unique Selling Proposition (USP): [Your USP] - Platforms Used (e.g., Shopify, Amazon, Etsy, etc.): [Your Platforms] - Biggest Challenges: [Your Biggest Challenges]
Based on the above, I need a strategic plan that addresses the following aspects of online retailing: 1. Optimizing our website for better user experience and conversions. 2. Enhancing our SEO to improve visibility. 3. Creating effective content marketing approaches. 4. Leveraging social media to increase engagement and sales. 5. Implementing email marketing campaigns successfully. 6. Streamlining logistics and customer service operations. 7. Any additional revenue streams we should consider. 8. Suggestions on customer loyalty programs and retention strategies.
Please provide a comprehensive guide, including steps, tools, and best practices for each point. Thank you!"
Copy and paste this prompt 📋
submitted by cporter202 to ChatGPTautomation [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 00:50 Ok_Hotel_1008 How to undo "unsend message"?
I unsent a message completely by accident and when I tried to search for a solution, I was only given results for how to unsend a message, which I already did by accident and would like to reverse! Is there a way to resend an unsent message??
submitted by Ok_Hotel_1008 to iphone [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 00:50 gayaliengirlfriend Hey can anyone tell me how old this one is? is it's a Detroit, faded black (i think) with a grey corduroy collar and snap buttons for a detachable hood
I was thinking this was early 2000s but the hanging loop is made of duck and not cord and I couldn't find an exact match for this one/ clear images. If anybody can help that would be sweet
submitted by gayaliengirlfriend to Carhartt [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 00:50 MadMaxwelle Why do people stay in abusive relationships
Often people don’t understand why victims of domestic violence stay in abusive relationships and even sometimes go back to the abuser. With all my readings and understanding on this subject, I made a summary of the entertwined reasons making very difficult for abused partners to leave. I hope it can help people to better understand what can happen for abused partners and why it is so difficult to leave such relationships. submitted by MadMaxwelle to abusiverelationships [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 00:50 BroMandi [Amazon] 2-pack Nite Ize S-Biner MicroLock Locking Key Holder (Stainless-Steel) $3.13 + Free Shipping w/ Prime or on $35+ [Deal: $3.13, Actual: $5.95]
submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 00:50 br_web Is there a reason why Dell Power Manager app takes like a minute to start?
I have tested the Dell Power Manager application on two XPS laptops, 9520 (2023) and 9350 (2024), both of them pretty new and with enough power, idle, I run Dell Power Manager and it takes almost a full minute to start, regardless of the laptop, what is actually the app doing? These are both fresh Windows 11 installations with the latest updates 24H2, thanks
submitted by br_web to DellXPS [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 00:50 TomahawkPatRN The newest addition: 16s Waltham 1899 17j grade 625
I bought this solely for the case because I already had a 17j 1899 movement with mint dial and hands. A movement that came with it was a 7j 1899 are the rough dial, good hands, but a non-running movement. A quick clean polish, and swapping the seven jewel movement out with the 17 jewel movement, pretty happy with the end results so far probably going to polish it a little more.. submitted by TomahawkPatRN to pocketwatch [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 00:50 No_Pace6936 What does this mean?
This is my first time posting on Reddit and I’m on a phone so sorry if there’s anything wrong formatting wise.
So a few nights ago I had a vivid dream of getting pregnant. We’ve been trying for a child and we just went through a miscarriage. During this dream, I remember taking the pregnancy test and telling my boyfriend, going through pregnancy, giving birth, what my child looked like, and how she cried. My partner was amazing during the whole thing btw. Anyways, I had woken up from her crying and the next thing I hear from my boyfriend is, “Come here Muchkin I got you. Daddy’s got you it’s okay.” He typically sleep talks and I know he was asleep. It’s been bothering me about how weird and vivid the dream was and how as soon as I woke up he started comforting how dream crying child. I’ve been looking everywhere for what that could possibly mean too.
submitted by No_Pace6936 to Dreams [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 00:50 Unable_Ad_9888 What plant is this?
Hello gardening peeps, is anyone able to I'd this plant for me? Or is it a nasty weed? Many thanks in advance.
submitted by Unable_Ad_9888 to GardeningAustralia [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 00:50 Ethansimler Dyson Cordless/Stick Vacuum (Animal V8) Filter Upgrade
I’m not sure if this is the right sub, but it felt more fitting than a Dyson-specific or general vacuum sub. Anyway, I upgraded the intake and exhaust filters on my Dyson Animal V8 to better clean the air as it moves through the vacuum. I’ve had it for almost four years and really like it, though I know there are better vacuums, especially regarding filtration. Obviously, vacuums aren’t air purifiers, but for the time they run, they function as small air filters. My only complaint has been the filters. While it’s not spewing dust in obscene amounts, I’ve noticed fine dust collecting post-filter, sometimes shaking loose while vacuuming or when mounting/dismounting it from the charger. Because I have issues with object-permanence, I only notice the shake off after I’m done vacuuming and the battery dies, which is frustrating. I’ve cleaned it extensively but never thought to upgrade the filters—until last night when looking in this sub for air purifier recommendations for my cats’ litter box room. The fix was simple. I used dense polishing filter pads from my fish tanks—designed to trap fine particles—and added activated carbon and vacuum scent. The former should hopefully help with odors elimination and the latter helps with odor simply by masking it. Intake Filter Mod: • Cut a small section of filter pad and placed it over the open gap at the top of the intake filter, sealing potential leaks. • Added a small amount of activated carbon pellets inside the filter cone. Too much drag would reduce suction, so I kept it minimal. • Tossed in some vacuum scent beads for a light, fresh scent. Exhaust Filter Mod: • Cut and shaped a polishing filter pad into a small “canoe.” • Filled it with activated carbon and scent beads, then wrapped it shut. • Placed it inside the filter housing before the stock filter, sitting flush with the exhaust vent. After testing, I noticed no suction loss—if anything, sealing leaks made it feel stronger. It smelled great, and best of all, no more dust accumulating on the vacuum or sprinkling off when putting it away. That alone makes it worth it. I’m sure someone is tempted to say, “I have that vacuum and never have this issue. You must need to replace something.” To that, I say: “Nice! Happy for you hahaha. But I’ve replaced gaskets, the dust bin, and both filters. I just notice things others might not.” Hope this helps someone! If not, that’s okay too. Last couple pics are post vacuuming to show “assembly” with the added filters (it looks the same lol) and the full dustbin. submitted by Ethansimler to AirPurifiers [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 00:50 Alone-Rutabaga4939 Excercising a kelpie
Hello!! I've recently rescused a 6 month old kelpie/staffy mix, and as expected, very high energy and in need of lots of daily excercise.
I was prepared to meet these needs, however, the rescue centre told me to wait 2 to 3 weeks before taking the dog out on walks, to help him better settle into the new home and prevent unnecassary stress.
My backyard is decent but nowhere near enough of a replacement for actual walks or runs in the park, so I can't run laps in it very well and I can kind of throw a ball, just not hard or far enough in my opinion.
Any advice on how I can get my dog the excercise he needs for those 2/3 weeks? I've been throwing a tennis ball/kicking a soccer ball around outside for an hour and a half every morning and around lunch, as well as him having access to plenty of regular and 'stimulanting' toys like kongs and a lickimat, but it doesn't feel like enough. Thank you!
submitted by Alone-Rutabaga4939 to DogAdvice [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 00:50 cryingafteronions What do you think is the best pride flag aesthetically to look at?
Can be for any gender or sexual orientation. If you can attach a pic and say the colors and what it is that'd be awesome. (For thecolorblind) I just looked up the agender flag and i like that one. I like the non-binary flag. The polyamorous flag. Theres the ongoing debate on bisexual flag aesthetic versus pansexual flag colors 😂(if you wanna weigh in on that)
submitted by cryingafteronions to AskLGBT [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 00:50 Harryandlilysdad Legal Aid - Technical Question?
LEGAL AID EXPERT NEEDED - if someone applies for a Non-Mol then it’s not means tested right? So then what if they then apply for a CAO and the applications are combined? Would they then have to pass a means test or not as they already have it in relation to the original application?
submitted by Harryandlilysdad to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 00:50 Tectonic73 This is ridiculous.
It’s just S submitted by Tectonic73 to JakksPacificSonic [link] [comments] |