Best Glasses Shape?

2025.01.31 01:21 Webb_Wopp Best Glasses Shape?

Best Glasses Shape? Hello! I was looking for some advice on what shape of glasses would fit me best. I like my current ones but I've had a LOT of people tell me it's cartoonish and ugly 😵‍💫
My hair is longer now as well if that matters
submitted by Webb_Wopp to TheGirlSurvivalGuide [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 affiliate1287 Can You Eat Oatmeal On A Keto Diet

Check the Full Details Article Here: Check the Full Details Article Here:
submitted by affiliate1287 to Ketoinfos [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 Old_Key_1339 thanks, u/shortgeekyotaku !

thank you, u/shortgeekyotaku for the yarn!!!
submitted by Old_Key_1339 to craftexchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 MajesticLink__ Follow4Follow

I'm live on Twitch, come hang out!
Hope you guys enjoy the stream! I'll follow you guys back! <3
submitted by MajesticLink__ to TwitchFollowers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 vezper_da_furry I NEED HELP FOR MY FURSONA!

I NEED HELP FOR MY FURSONA! HELLO EVERYONE!, soo i'm trying to make my fursona but i think i need some tips, i already have it like a avatar in roblox and it's the idea from how it's him THX ALL OF YOU GUYS! ❤️
submitted by vezper_da_furry to furryart [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 lemkowidmak Drexel Men's Basketball @DrexelMBB: Shane from DEEP. 🫡#FearTheDragon🐉

Drexel Men's Basketball @DrexelMBB: Shane from DEEP. 🫡#FearTheDragon🐉 submitted by lemkowidmak to phillysports [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 Raythechild momy pade for surjiry an now i can has objict permynans

submitted by Raythechild to GenBeta [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 Doodle_toons Should I be worried about my package or is this normal?

I don’t know much about about how international shipping works and everything I’ve looked up kinda confuses me so I wanna ask here,back in early December,I think on the 5th I ordered a strawberry switchblade record from someone and it’s being shipped from the UK and I live in the US. The shipping is untracked and I thought nothing of it until recently,I figured it would take a few months but looking it up, the range was just a few weeks,like 2-7 if I’m remembering correctly. I highly doubt I’m being scammed because the seller has amazing reviews and even sent me the receipt when he posted the package,but idk I’m just a little confused,I hope it’s not lost or anything I would really hate that,and hopefully it’s not sent to the wrong address. My friend gave me permission to ship it to her house because at the time I was getting ready to move. And I checked the address I put in and it’s correct but it’s still scaring me a bit. I feel a bit dumb for not knowing how this works because it seems like basic knowledge and I really hope I’m not coming off as annoying by posting this but just if any help or advice can be given would be much appreciated 🙏 thank you so much
submitted by Doodle_toons to royalmail [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 GermanShepMom92 "Out of this world" birthday cake!

Another day, another cake— and this one is out of this world!
My very first galaxy cake and only my 5th cake ever!
6-inch, 4-layer chocolate cake made completely from scratch
Chocolate American buttercream inside, vanilla American buttercream outside— all homemade!
submitted by GermanShepMom92 to Cakes [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 bedtimebubblebath How to fix my driveway?

How to fix my driveway? We've had SO much precipitation this month in Central Arkansas. A foot of snow at the beginning of the month, and now a week of constant rain and flash flooding has caused a sinkhole to form in my driveway. This is the only way on and off my property. Thankfully the rain has stopped, but the creek the goes under my driveway is flooded still, and this hole is just getting larger.
I am poor af, how can I fix this so I don't get stranded? It's at least 2 feet deep if not more, and probably a bit over 2 feet across.
submitted by bedtimebubblebath to howto [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 MasterYumirazi ¿Frustración de artista?

¿Frustración de artista? Hola denuevo comunidad, pues que digo, vengo a desahogarme denuevo porque tuve unos problemas con mis padres. Apenas entré a la vida de aparentemente adulto y no me siento del todo bien. Me gusta decir que soy artista e intento mejorar cada día; Me encanta que la gente vea mis dibujos y les gusten, es una sensación bonita pero digamos que la reacción que espero de mis padres no es la mejor. Usualmente cuando les muestro un dibujo espero que vean lo que he mejorado y que también ya estoy dándole más detalles, pero siempre que les muestro algún dibujo mi padre me dice que "si esta bonito" y de parte de mi madre usualmente me cambia el tema de plática a otra cosa. Hoy les mostré mi descontento por ese comportamiento ya que les estoy mostrando algo que me gusta y simplemente mi padre dijo que era un hipersensible y que debería de dejar de comportarme de esa manera. Yo a veces sí llego a ser bastante chillón, Pero estos puntos me resulta algo hiriente que les intente mostrar algo que me gusta hacer y que simplemente me den el avión o me digan que me debería de enfocar más en la escuela o en aprender inglés (igual voy bien en la escuela, no se que tienen con joderme con eso). Otra cosa frustrante es que tengo un hermano menor y pues él tiene mucho la manía de calcar y con eso básicamente mi papá dice que yo no tengo talento para el dibujo y mi hermano si.
Resúmen del criterio de mi padre
Yo: Perdedor
Mi hermano: Ezfuerzo
Quizás me lo estoy tomando muy a pecho pero es realmente triste porque como dije me gusta mostrar lo que a mí me gusta y que reaccionen de esa forma me resulta bastante hiriente y cuando yo me paso de gracioso con ellos me dicen que soy un grosero e insensible. Pero bueno solamente quería expresar mi descontento y al menos saber que puedo contar con una comunidad aunque ya sé que a varios no les importe.
En fin, dibujito porque si jajaja.
submitted by MasterYumirazi to Desahogo [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 possibili-teas S'pore amputee asked to return MSF S$18,400 of 'wrongfuly obtained ComCare payments'

What's your take on this?
submitted by possibili-teas to singapore [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 lss_web_1444 Link post title 601

Link post title 601 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 Kushoverlord Palate Of A Dog | Cockfight 001 - Colum Tyrrell, Drew Dunn, Lev Fer

Palate Of A Dog | Cockfight 001 - Colum Tyrrell, Drew Dunn, Lev Fer submitted by Kushoverlord to collies1008 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 DandyLyen Is this the best time to do the two week free trial?

Was wondering, because I still haven't done the free trial, and I completed all the Premium Challenges, would this be an optimal time to sign up for the free trial? Thank you for any help.
submitted by DandyLyen to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 No_Competition_1924 Bard's College Keeps Deactivating

Every time I add or delete a mod Bard's College keeps deactivating. Does anyone know why this happens? I can't get rid of creation club mods that I don't want but the mods I love keep deleting...
submitted by No_Competition_1924 to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 Twinmom45672 Fraternal twins?

Does anyone have fraternal twins who look super alike? I took my twins to their four year old check up today and they are the exact same height and weight. The doctors have always said that there is a 11% chance that they are identical. Thoughts? Pic for reference.
submitted by Twinmom45672 to parentsofmultiples [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 CryptographerNew6968 Um livramento ou falta de compreensão?

Bom, dando um contexto resumido, eu H20 e ela M21 nos conhecemos em uma festa, eu peguei o número dela e no dia seguinte começamos a trocar ideia, descobri que ela era mãe solteira com um ex abusivo, mas continuei o papo e nos conhecemos melhor, marcamos um encontro, levei ela para em um restaurante, após isso, a gente ficou, nos dias seguintes foi tudo mil maravilhas, ela me chamou para a casa dela e fizemos oque tinha de ser feito Nos dias seguintes, ela mudou do vinho para a água, começou a demorar a responder minhas mensagens e afins, em um período de um mês conheci outras garotas e afins. Mas um dia a gente voltou a se falar, virei amigo de um amigo dela bem próximo, mas não era nada demais, mas nisso, eu e esse cara sofremos um acidente de carro, ele ficou na UTI e eu so alguns hematomas, mas nesse período que ele estava na UTI, eu comecei a conversar com ela sobre isso tudo, ela começou a namorar um 244 por, se não me engano, 3 dias e terminaram, descobri isso pois perguntei se eu estava incomodando e ela me falou sobre. Bom, com passar dos dias, o amigo dela saiu da UTI e começou a se recuperar, começou a usar drogas e afins, se perdeu por completo, eu comecei a conversar com ela denovo, ela me contava sobre como ele estava ruim no meio das drogas e nisso engatou em outros assuntos até ela falar que sentia algo por mim, tentamos novamente, no período de 1 ou 2 meses estava tudo legal, mas aí ela começou a se distanciar novamente, não corri atrás por uns dias, mas quando questionei, ela falou que eu não estava tão presente assim na vida dela (Eu não tinha tanto tempo por conta do meu emprego), mas tentei mudar e dar mais atenção, nossos sentimentos ficaram mais intensos depois disso, foram 3 meses legais, mas atualmente, ela se distanciou novamente, por ela não estar bem, estar estressada com a filha, ela vai se mudar para outra cidade próxima, com esse amigo dela que segundo ela "fica sugando a onda dela", e bem, isso começou a me prejudicar, então falei sobre isso tudo com ela, falei como isso estava me prejudicando, ela sempre me tratar bem para depois me tratar como qualquer outro, sempre ter tempo para os amigos dela mas não ter para mim. No fim, só recebi um: "melhor seguir em frente, a gente não ta chegando em lugar nenhum"
Acho que faltou algumas informações, mas não vou conseguir lembrar de tudo de uma vez e encaixar
submitted by CryptographerNew6968 to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 Mediocre-League5899 Working on a felt Ash! It might be the night before I leave to go back to uni, but I had an itch

Working on a felt Ash! It might be the night before I leave to go back to uni, but I had an itch submitted by Mediocre-League5899 to MichaelRMiller [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 thedybbuk The status of Kalaya

I tried to be vague with the title for people who haven't listened to this week's episode.
But I just finished it tonight and was reading the episode thread, and came across a post by u/teddybugbear that really stuck out to me. They suggested that Steel was speaking to Suvi from Kalaya's burrow.
The evidence for it is, admittedly, just that she was in what appear to be a semi-underground room with dirt walls, a hanging oil lamp, and a comfortable chair. Steel was also sweaty and had dirt on her.
Just from a meta-narrative perspective, the possibility of Kalaya and/or her family dying due to Ursalon leaving them to help Suvi save someone she loved makes it seem really plausible to me. Ursalon made a very conscious choice and it felt like a weighty one at the time. I really wonder if the consequences are coming due.
It would also fit Aabria saying Suvi's best and worst days are one after the other. How can she top the praise of a prince of the Empire and Steel being so proud of her? This could be the shoe dropping that makes it clear she gained while Ursalon lost.
submitted by thedybbuk to WorldsBeyondNumber [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 Antuinreddit No SUBMIT/NEXT/UPDATE button in document delivery option page

Hi, I have to come to India urgently as my mom was critically I'll and she passed away. I am on H4 visa and trying make payment for scheduling a dropbox appointment but I am stuck at the document delivery option page as there is NO SUBMIT/NEXT/UPDATE button. I have raised cases, called,emailed customer care but still it is not resolved for the last 15 days. I have tried using different browsers, cleared caches, tried incognito mode but nothing worked. I have a small USC kid here with me and she is missing school and need to go back to the US immediately else she will be un enrolled from her school. Has any one faced this issue? How did it get resolved? Please help.
submitted by Antuinreddit to usvisascheduling [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 Fearsome_Feline why wont this work?

submitted by Fearsome_Feline to PoppyPlaytime [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 Panadawg Relax in a rainbow under the stars

Relax in a rainbow under the stars submitted by Panadawg to TheNightFeeling [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 kindlytarnished First play through, can anyone help me with getting my soul sucked

I need 2-4 levels sucked that are going towards wasted points, can anyone help?
submitted by kindlytarnished to demonssouls [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:21 cumb_ ESTEBAN WHY

ESTEBAN WHY Esteban… how could you??! All jokes aside, why not just post it on members only, then tomorrow on the main channel??
Yes, I’m salty! I had my popcorn and sodie ready 😔🥲
submitted by cumb_ to h3h3productions [link] [comments]