A Deep Dive Into The History And S*xualization Of Punk And Goth Women

2025.01.31 02:11 Fashion_Chaos4 A Deep Dive Into The History And S*xualization Of Punk And Goth Women

A Deep Dive Into The History And S*xualization Of Punk And Goth Women submitted by Fashion_Chaos4 to PornIsMisogyny [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Fartedbrain Torn between finding the right set of headphones.

Hello everyone, I'll start by mentioning a few things.

I'm coming from a pair of Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro that were perfect for my needs (microphone and sound quality was top) but due to me having to wear hearing aids, I no longer can do so, and I never used over-ear headphones that had BT for my phone or laptop.
I've wanted so bad to love the Soundcore Q45 that I've had for a week, but I couldn't get the microphone to work as I wanted, so I had to return them, despite the lack of bass that I could've lived without if the microphone was working.
I'm from Romania and my budget is max. 180 euros.
What I've found so far that would be a fit, but would require further feedback from you:
I have a small EDC bag (Mark Ryden MR7510) where I'm keeping all my stuff and I'd love if they'd fit inside this.
Any recommendation would be greatly appreciated! Thank you very much!
submitted by Fartedbrain to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Long_Oil_1455 puede Israel bombardear Chile?

submitted by Long_Oil_1455 to 2latinoforyou [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Ill-Rip-3051 Any trades?

Any trades? submitted by Ill-Rip-3051 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 lunafrost07 Veli beach, Thiruvananthapuram

Veli beach, Thiruvananthapuram submitted by lunafrost07 to IncredibleIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Ok_Variety_1763 Pain/bleeding with masturbation or sex?

Background: Diagnosed with endometriosis through laparoscopy in 2016 after years of heavy, irregular bleeding and bad pain/cramping since getting my period as a teen. IBS and digestive issues as well. I’ve been on birth control continuously since lap to suppress period and control endo symptoms. I have not had a period for many years.
QUESTION: After any sexual activity or masturbation (even without penetration), I immediately get abdominal cramping/pain followed by bleeding a few hours later.
Anyone else get this??? Was there anything you did to improve it?? Or it’s just one more thing to “live with”??
submitted by Ok_Variety_1763 to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Odd_Technology_9106 question about cool/warm

this is a dumb question but does wearing cool foundation mean you’re cool toned? Is there any possibility of wearing warm colors if cool foundation looks best? I wear predominantly warm colors but tried a very light and cool toned foundation and I’m so disappointed 🥲
submitted by Odd_Technology_9106 to coloranalysis [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Away-Broccoli 118590413292 will start in 5 minutes

118590413292 will start in 5 minutes submitted by Away-Broccoli to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 bot_olini AEM no desaparecerá; se fortalecerá mediante reestructura: Presidente de la FEMIA

AEM no desaparecerá; se fortalecerá mediante reestructura: Presidente de la FEMIA submitted by bot_olini to Mexico_News [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 laddergoatgoblue Has anyone been at Aulani during American Idol fiilming?

Scheduled to be there in February and it sounds like American Idol will be going on. Anyone been there during this and know what to expect?
submitted by laddergoatgoblue to Aulani [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 vrrrowm Coven, I need a very special sigil

I have never made one before, I've read that it can be better to do for oneself and I'm also taking a crack at it but this is extremely important to me and I think requires some skill. (Plus I would love to see what y'all come up with.) I plan to place it everywhere I go and wear it on my body at protests. The words are:
(With no offense intended to chaos magic :) Can anyone help? Happy to discuss the intention further, although I think it's likely pretty clear.
(This is also my first ever post on reddit, please let me know if I did anything wrong. I didn't think it fit the politics megathread but happy to move it if I'm incorrect about that)
submitted by vrrrowm to WitchesVsPatriarchy [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 DoublePostedBroski How the heck do I use logistics robots?

New to the game and I’m addicted.
I just got logistics robots, the robohubs (I forgot their technical name), passive provider chests, and storage chests.
I thought that the little flying robots would move stuff from the “red” (passive provider) chests to a storage chest on the network. But they don’t. Is there some trick to get this to work?
Basically I thought I could have them move stuff around for me, but I guess not?
submitted by DoublePostedBroski to factorio [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Conscious-Ear-1238 Dating/Circuit Parties/EX- FWB Issues...

I've been dating this guy for about two months now and we really hit it off Fast, like he really felt like my person and still does... I am 26M and he is a 28M...
PART ONE : now i told him im not really a big fan of him still hanging out (working out) with his old friend FWB as i feel like its a bit uncomfortable with your person still hanging out with his old fwb and ACTUALLY that same person used to be someone who i fooled with once but i wasnt really intrested in him like that so i deaded it but i guess they didnt have the same vision for each other so they decided to remain friends .. so he ended up cutting off working out the ex-fwb for me ( which i respect since we are not in a relationship YET ) but at the same time i never asked him... but we keep coming back to this same argument each week and im about to say fuck it idc... i like him more than the issue...
AM I WRONG FOR FEELING THAT WAY? Be honest? i Dont got gay friends i can talk to about this..
PART TWO (CIRCUITS) : So he is kinda a circuit boy and he he enjoys circuit parties and i told him i think in a relationship i think its a bit innaporriate to go to circuit as it is normally pretty erotic and people do things and its just not a setting to be in during a relationship. He says that he just goes for music and he is beautiful and i just know if he is shirtless guys are gonna go up on him and try to touch him.. i DO TRUST HIM.. i just dont like the sound of it...
So we have been aruging about these two things for a few weeks now...
I just want to know if im wrong and he keeps saying that he feels like hes on a leash and we are not in a relationship yet... i feel like he likes me but it seems like maybe i like him more
I asked him to be my valentine and did this whole big suprise and got him flowers a few days ago and today i asked him what day would he want to do the dinner.. then he said before he thought valentines day were just for people who are in relationships not for people who are getting to know each other.. which rubbed me the wrong way because i am trying to show him how intentional i AM!
I feel like we can work but i just need guidance!!
submitted by Conscious-Ear-1238 to gaydating [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Responsible-Way-6631 What

submitted by Responsible-Way-6631 to Love_Palestine [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 lynsey7

✨ submitted by lynsey7 to revolutionoflove [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Responsible-Way-6631 What

What https://preview.redd.it/jnweyd26n8ge1.jpg?width=542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76a3f9e241e1fb97004d9bb9980ad4f290c0254a
submitted by Responsible-Way-6631 to Love_Palestine [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 jetmmmm why did the death rate go up suddenly?

why did the death rate go up suddenly? population for comparison
huge spike in the middle and the end
submitted by jetmmmm to CitiesSkylines [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 SliceoflifeVR Ursa Cine Immersive has an IPD of 64 mm!!!

Super excited for this release and can’t wait for my pre-order to arrive. I have been wondering for some time now what the IPD of this new 16k 3D 90fps VR180 camera will be.
Today BMD finally released more specs on the new camera, and they included exact dimensions along accurate front profile pictures. They only indicated the width of the whole camera (8.91 inches at its widest) and did not specify the IPD.
Well, after some very careful measurements using the dimensions along with the focal center of the lens in the picture, I have deduced that the IPD will be 64 mm!!!
IPD directly affects just how “3D” a 3D image is. Pretty happy with the 64 mm measurement which will put it as best in class for VR180 beyond the already insane 16k 90fps specs.
Beyond excited and can’t wait for my pre-order to arrive :D
submitted by SliceoflifeVR to virtualreality [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 MarcusDumber Employee is leveraging family relationship with higher up to get his superior fired. Best course of action?

I work at a fairly large company and I am on a team of 8. We have a manager (M) and a district manager (DM). The DM has been at the company for 25 years while the M only been 2.
The M’s father works on the exec level of the company and has a lot of final say in decisions.
Story: DM has been checked out for at least a year now. Missing deliverables, not showing up to work, making inappropriate comments and even mentioning applying for other jobs.
M has been going to his father complaining about DMs short comings in an attempt to take over his role.
The Issue: M sucks to work for and isn’t a good person. I’m in a field I enjoy and I enjoy the company itself but I am worried about M becoming drunk with power. He is also boldly running to his dad to bitch and moan about every single thing DM does while having the team work on “secret” projects and not tell DM about it. He even had the new guy pull numbers and report them in a meeting with the intention of making DM look bad. The new guy had no clue what was happening and DM ripped him a new one after.
Overall it’s been a super weird environment especially when everyone knows M wants DMs job.
So what should we do?
submitted by MarcusDumber to jobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 DoveesBloodyBear Should I wait for Valve to release something?

I really miss PC VR and my Rift S is just completely bricked, even tried to rollback and still stuck in FW update loop.
The quest 3 is appealing because of the lenses but I'm really not looking forward to being tied to a FB/meta account and having to stream over wifi.
What is the consensus in the rumor mill about the Deckard being announced?
submitted by DoveesBloodyBear to virtualreality [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Leading_Photo_8897 Dificuldades na escola

Rapaziada estou no meu último ano do E.M e no ensino médio não me relacionei com nenhuma garota, assim eu não me considero alguém feio (acho que dou pro gasto) e tem umas garotas que são bonitas e tals e elas passam no corredor e fazem contato visual longo comigo, eu chego nelas? Ou elas só estão pensando "caralho esse de longe é com certeza o mlk mais feio que já tive contato visual na minha vida"?????
submitted by Leading_Photo_8897 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Diligent_Force_8215 AITAH for rewriting the entire group project?

So I (19m) despise basically every single person I meet at my university.
Not a single one of them actually has the quality of work ethic that I will accept or even begin to allow to exist around me, because quite frankly this particular set of people are lucky to consider themselves sapient.
Their work for their respective parts was entirely underwhelming.
A middle schooler could genuinely do better than half of these worthless, air-sucking wastes of matter.
So, I decided "Hey! I don't want to commit academic suicide!"
And I chose not to sleep to completely rewrite the travesty of an assignment that shat out onto digital paper.
We ended up getting a 93%, but all of the others were like "Well uhhh you shouldn't have uhhh done that we worked hard on it!!"
A chimpanzee can work very hard at painting the Mona Lisa with its own shit.
That doesn't mean it is going to be worthwhile or good.
submitted by Diligent_Force_8215 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 QuickResidentjoe Midnight Stroll

Midnight Stroll submitted by QuickResidentjoe to asstheticchicks [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Jadoo_21 can someone please take a look at this xray. I am having some back pain

can someone please take a look at this xray. I am having some back pain submitted by Jadoo_21 to XRayPorn [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 GroundbreakingPea183 Need help evolving slowpoke

Nothing else, just need to evolve in scarlet for the home dex
submitted by GroundbreakingPea183 to pokemontrades [link] [comments]
