2025.01.31 02:02 gaiokyun Acho que o melhor amigo do meu namorado está a fim de mim, mas preciso dele para avançar na carreira
Meu namorado (H28) tem um amigo de longa data. Esse amigo (que vou chamar de carls, ps beijo luba) é alguém muito especial na vida do meu namorado e da família dele também, quase que um irmão adotado. O carls conheceu meu namorado no colégio, e tem de uma condição financeira muito boa, onde a família dele ajudou meu namorado e a mãe quando eles foram abandonados pelo pai, deixados sem nada. Ou seja, é alguém muito estimado, e de fato, Carls é uma pessoa muito bacana e muito querida, mas desde que nos conhecemos, sinto que ele me olha diferente.
Carls não mora na nossa cidade, ele é concursado e mora em outro estado, então tivemos pouco contato um com o outro. Mas as poucas vezes que o vi, sinto olhares pelo meu corpo e encaradas que me deixam meio constrangida, além de algumas tentativas de aproximação que eu cortava mudando de assunto. Nunca disse nada para o meu namorado, pq sempre achei que poderia ser coisa da minha cabeça, e ainda poderia ser motivo de uma confusão que ultrapassaria nossa relação. Como nossos encontros são raros, eu prefiro sempre fingir que nada disso acontece e sigo minha vida.
Mas meu real problema começa agora.
Eu não tenho muito dinheiro. Tudo io que eu tenho vem de bicos que faço para pagar o aluguel, pois me mudei para a atual cidade aonde moro para cursar a faculdade, e atualmente meu trabalho acadêmico foi aprovado em um dos maiores congresso de contabilidade do Brasil, aonde terei a oportunidade de apresentar meu projeto, e poder fazer uma ponte com a indicação do meu professor ao TCU. Uma oportunidade em milhões. Será um congresso de 2 dias, mas eu não tenho dinheiro para pagar passagem aérea + estadia, pois o congresso será em outro estado.
Estado esse que é exatamente aonde Carls mora.
Meu namorado já me disse várias vezes para ficar na casa do Carls, e fica sem entender quando eu nego ou digo que vou pensar, pois tenho receio de dizer sobre essa situação. Ao mesmo tempo, que sei que não ir me causaria um enorme arrependimento, e eu poderia perder uma grande chance.
É isso, o evento é daqui a um mês e eu ainda não decidi o que fazer :/ enquanto isso continuo fazendo umas horinhas extras pra angariar recursos.
submitted by gaiokyun to desabafos [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 Thinkwithirf 5 Ways to Experience Time
How to stop time: kiss.
How to travel in time: read.
How to escape time: music.
How to feel time: write.
How to release time: breathe
submitted by Thinkwithirf to inspirationalquotes [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 Both_Sir_612 Wat if u get to the point that ur not even interested in sex with them? There's just too much pain & animosity
I'm SO annoyed with him. Anger & hurt feelings.. I'm not sure if wanna have sex with him. Especially cuz it's NOT been good for yrs now, he's forgotten how to get me off. Yes, I take responsibility for spending WAYYYYY too much time pleasing him. 😉 I enjoy wat i do but I ALSO appreciate it reciprocated. Arrrggggg & ffffffffffffaaaaaaaa. RANT OVER‼️
submitted by Both_Sir_612 to DeadBedrooms [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 Exciting-Antelope573 Morning cookie restock
Only had f submitted by Exciting-Antelope573 to BakingPhilippines [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:02 Affectionate-Pain224 Lisa - Blackpink
submitted by Affectionate-Pain224 to Blackpink_Hotties [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 Saralove127 Beautiful Lady Katelyn
submitted by Saralove127 to KatelynNacon [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:02 outoforangejuice snatched this up the second it dropped 🥳
submitted by outoforangejuice to SkullpandaArtDolls [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:02 Carbuyrator Bullying the Squats Mini Boss
submitted by Carbuyrator to SifuGame [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:02 Majestic-Humor8829 I think at this point we should only accept updates from blackgoddess with the court documents . These mental patients doing too much ! Barbie , u need a psych ward & a black/white candle . Sit tf down somewhere and STFU. YOU GET NO PRAYERS FROM US ! DEAL WITH IT !
I don’t even like Brenay but let’s be real. She ain’t put no juju on her raggedy ass. Idc post me on your tik tok live . Stop spreading lies and this wouldn’t be happening . What you’re seeing is KARMA ! Until you post them abortion receipts ho we don’t trust you.
submitted by Majestic-Humor8829 to bustybrenaysdrama [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 Practical-Dark1492 I have what looks to me like a sebaceous shift on lower penile shaft can someone confirm?!
I put two pics in with 2 different angles, anyway some context about this bump it has been here since August I had a sexual encounter in May this bump has been here ever since but the thing is it’s completely painless hasn’t gotten bigger and is smooth and dome shaped. I have even masturbated and it hasn’t spread so I think it is possibly a sebaceous cyst. I got an evaluation when it first showed up at planned parenthood the doc barely looked at it and said looks sebaceous and told me to put a warm compress on it to drain it. I still have it though and it’s been 6 months if anyone could help I’d appreciate it!
submitted by Practical-Dark1492 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 KaunWho Aayat Khan
submitted by KaunWho to ActressWallpaper [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 Volk7391 New player
Hey, so I'm like BRAND NEW and I just want some helpful advise from the ppl who've played this game for more than a couple days. Thanks
submitted by Volk7391 to DokkanBattleCommunity [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 mariaopeak [Amazon] Bosch 18V 2-Tool Brushless Power Tool Combo Kit with Soft Case (1/4" Hex Impact Driver & 1/2" Drill/Driver Kit with Two Batteries Included) $129 + Free Shipping [Retail: $199]
submitted by mariaopeak to AmazonPrimeDeals [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 SusanRiceArtStudio Lynwood, Sweet Pea, Lynn + 7 puppies, Camper, Beau, Parker and Bear are on the San Antonio TX ACS Euthanasia List. They need a rescue/foster/adoption hold by 11:30 am CST on 1/31
submitted by SusanRiceArtStudio to PetEuthanasiaList [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:02 FishingKing007 H: 30K Caps W: Pounders Mod
submitted by FishingKing007 to Market76 [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 New_Series3209 Anzai Chiyomi
submitted by New_Series3209 to AnchovyAtAnzio [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 Styreix Car Insurance
Hi, my parents got a new car for my birthday. I’m grateful but the thing is they refuse to put me on to their insurance policy because of my age (19 M) and they get really angry at me for wanting to pay for my own car insurance with my name on it. The car is NOT in my name either, and nothing of it is listed on the insurance. One of my parents got separate insurance and the car is in their name with the insurance only having their name too, they want me to pay for this insurance. I’m in NJ if that helps, but now I’m really afraid of driving because I don’t want to get my license suspended or get a fine if I get pulled over or get into an accident. I’m getting a job lined up soon at a local chain and currently deliver food temporarily on bike to get some more money so I think I could pay for insurance. I’m also planning on going to an insurance broker to help. How should I go about getting insurance ? Should I even drive the car ? I’m pretty scared that i’m being screwed over here.
submitted by Styreix to Insurance [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 hydranoid1996 Cry for me Argentina
submitted by hydranoid1996 to NeuvilletteMains_ [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 Background_One_2461 Longtime Firefox user testing LibreWolf—malware detected?
Hello! Recently, as a loyal Mozilla Firefox user, I decided to try downloading LibreWolf from its official website—mainly for security reasons and just to test it. However, for some reason I decided to check if the installer was infected (something I do as a routine), and surprisingly, it detected two supposedly malicious files. Why is that? It’s quite surprising, especially considering it’s a privacy-focused project based on Firefox.
submitted by Background_One_2461 to browsers [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 Pinklaf Elain and Azriel 💙🌼
His hands 😭 Artist: wwispart Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/DFCN3bHNefh/?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== submitted by Pinklaf to nontoxicACOTAR [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:02 hopelessromcommunist Recent pregnancy announcment?
Wasn’t there a player that recently announced her wife was pregnant? I’ve been scouring google and getting nothing other than Maschmeyer and Lacasse. It was a really cute announcement in the locker room and I can’t remember anything else other than that. I just wanted to show my wife but I can’t find it anywhere. If anyone remembers, or can find a link to the video, I’d appreciate the help!
submitted by hopelessromcommunist to PWHL [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 Piscesthestripper Treat me like the Ebony Princess I am
submitted by Piscesthestripper to SugarDaddySpoilMe1 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:02 Top-Inevitable-2381 Claims
Carpool tunnel is more easily claimed but plantar fasciitis there is no help. I have bicep tendonitis and some hand issues plus back but my feet trump all that pain combined. Ive had jobs where my hands are resting once in a while and do negative biceps curls that helps with the tendonitis . With feet you have less options in my opinion the more severe the pain is.
submitted by Top-Inevitable-2381 to PlantarFasciitis [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 Otaravalentine Anyone down to have a big shared playlist?
Looking for new doom/sludge and would love to know what you’re all listening to! <3 i’ll DM if you’re interested. Especially any small local bands to you! Pic so this doesn’t get lost c:
submitted by Otaravalentine to doommetal [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 stuartroelke Spicy Pork and Gochujang Bolognese Noodles from “My Korea”
submitted by stuartroelke to KoreanFood [link] [comments] |