Modular Dice Box

2025.01.31 02:11 IsaacLabs Modular Dice Box

submitted by IsaacLabs to beginnerDND [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 runescapeplease Mold in my strawberry haze from Flowery

Mold in my strawberry haze from Flowery submitted by runescapeplease to FLMedicalTrees [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Antique-Opposite8646 Advice for someone who feels helpless in this fight.

Small background, have had problems with porn since I was 12/13 escalated to daily or multiple times a day. Relaxed a large amount in late teens by in 20’s now and has come back and is killing me and ruining my life.
I hate myself so much for hours afterwards have horrible crippling anxiety and am being a shit partner, have very little emotional regulation and struggle to be intimate. I love my gf but I struggle to express it as much as I want to, she just wants to help but I hide my problem from her and tell myself I am strong enough to do this alone.
I feel like porn has seriously rotted my brain and I have no emotional complexity and cannot express myself in a healthy way, has destroyed my self confidence and makes me feel so dirty.
Constant cycle of giving in followed by hate and anxiety and promising myself I’ll stop and reading self help material and articles but the next day I’m back to square one and repeat this.
I need to get out of this cycle before it kills me, anyone have any advice or is/has experienced anything similar? Have never reached out in this way before because I am getting more desperate everyday, I just want to be rid of this and not constantly live in shame and feeling dirty all the time.
submitted by Antique-Opposite8646 to PornAddiction [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 CreeperRussS which brother?

which brother? submitted by CreeperRussS to scottthewoz [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Pristine_Pineapple32 Electric Bill shot up by around $100

Is anyone else electric bill outrageously high this month?
Just got my electric bill from Dominion Electric and it's $273 dollars, my usual electric bill the past few years around January is around $160-ish.
submitted by Pristine_Pineapple32 to VirginiaBeach [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 xRaspberry 36 Hour Hardcore REG Cram Schedule (Becker) - I passed!

Hey everyone! I received my FAR and REG scores this week and was pleased to find out that I am officially done with 4/4 parts of the CPA exam :) I really benefitted from using this subreddit (especially to identify heavily-tested exam topics to narrow my studying) so I'm posting this to hopefully help out my fellow procrastinators! Sorry this ended up being such a long post D:
I followed this "36-hour hardcore REG cram schedule" during the 2.5 days leading up to my REG exam (including a ROUGH all nighter), and ended up with a score of 83. If you have the capacity and self-discipline to take your time learning the concepts, I do NOT recommend cramming like this. This isn't going to work for the majority of people, but if you're already in a pinch, then perhaps this post will give you the needed encouragement to keep pushing during the final stretch when it feels like all hope is lost. Because you definitely still have a chance of passing, especially if you consider yourself a strong test taker and a historically successful crammer! So keep going and don't give up!!!
For context, I worked in audit for 4 years, no tax background, but did take a tax class and business law class in college 6 years ago. I've always been a crammer so I didn't recall any actual information from those classes, but it was moderately helpful to have had the exposure and be able to recognize a handful of concepts.
With that, here is the schedule I followed leading up to my REG exam. For full transparency, I did spend additional time over the preceding days studying R1-M1, moving at a snail pace before I realized I needed to kick things up about 10 notches and start cramming. HARD.
[STEP 0] Prelim. Review of Concepts/Blueprint (approx. 2 hours)

[STEP 1] Speed Review Each Unit (approx. 3 hunit * 6 units = 18 hours)
[STEP 2] Mini Exams (approx. 1 hmini exam + 1 hour cushion = 4 hours)
[STEP 3] Simulated Exam #1 (approx. 2-3 hrs to test + 1-2 hrs to review = 4 hours)
[STEP 4] Flexible Final Review (approx. 8 hours or less depending how long previous steps took)
Just as a final note, this cramming method is not a surefire way to pass. Don't bank on cramming unless it's already too late to do it the right way. This really is only intended for my fellow procrastinators that lack the self-discipline to study properly and rely too heavily on their sense of urgency to kick into gear. So if you are up against the wall and just looking to do anything in your power to increase your odds of passing the exam, give it a try and hopefully you get lucky with the content on your exam.
Good luck fellow crammers!
submitted by xRaspberry to CPA [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 HexenHen Obi Wan is nostalgic

Obi Wan is nostalgic submitted by HexenHen to OTMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 No_Juggernaut2207 Acoustic sound does not play in Prius c 2019

Any knows?
submitted by No_Juggernaut2207 to PriusC [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 bot_olini Realizan 'operativo sorpresa' contra delincuencia en Central de Abasto en Iztapalapa

Realizan 'operativo sorpresa' contra delincuencia en Central de Abasto en Iztapalapa submitted by bot_olini to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 AreYouItchy The Clash - Rock the Casbah (#8, 1982)

The Clash - Rock the Casbah (#8, 1982) submitted by AreYouItchy to TheHot100 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Brilliant_Macaroon83 Mets Killer 2.0

This is an old Dansby appreciation post. Chipper is my favorite Brave of all time and we know how he sealed MVP with his ridiculous series against the Mets in 1999.
3 games, 4 home runs, 7 rbis and gave the team the lead in all 3 games.
Dansby vs Mets in final match up in 2022
3 games, home run in each game off deGrom, game leading bomb off Scherzer, and 1st inning homer in game 3. That was a great series for him and reminded me of Chipper's in 1999.
Hope this year will destroy this division. But we need more.
submitted by Brilliant_Macaroon83 to AtlantaBraves [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 South_Yak_4983 1st ER results

Hello IVF community! Asking for some positive thoughts and energy our way!
I’m 41… found my fiancé a little later in life and decided we wanted to try for a baby at the end of 2023. We had 3 failed IUI’s last year then started our 1st round of IVF in early January 2025. Completed our first ER on Jan 24 with 8 eggs retrieved and of that, 6 fertilized. Today is day 5 post retrieval and got the call that we have 5 embryos (of which 3 are graded 5AA, 1 graded 5AB and 1 graded 5BA). We are now entering the 2-3 week waiting period for PGT testing.
Just wanted to say thank you for those who have shared an experience, provided encouragement or support, and have given a space to express on such a personal journey.
hoping for good results in this next set in a very long process. ❤️ cautiously optimistic ❤️
submitted by South_Yak_4983 to IVF [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Karasmaticcc Chat am I cooked?

Chat am I cooked? So I was trying to transfer some pokemon to my switch from 3DS, and mind you this is the first time I've attempted in MONTHS (Roughly 5 - 6) every time I attempt to do this, it either kicks me out cause of "server issues" but I be seeing so many people on here do it, am I doing something wrong? 😭
submitted by Karasmaticcc to PokemonHome [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Witty_Basket_8321 Selling all my pets for irl money

Selling all my pets for irl money Cash app only nd idgf sorry :(( (mm can be involved, I have no problem contacting the mods)
submitted by Witty_Basket_8321 to CrossTradesInRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 ones-and-xeroes looks like we’re testing the new rix laser

interested to see how this stacks up with all the laser talk lately
submitted by ones-and-xeroes to NightVision [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 NewOnDisneyPlus FireAid LA Benefit Concert - streaming live tonight @ 10pm ET / 7pm PT!

FireAid LA Benefit Concert - streaming live tonight @ 10pm ET / 7pm PT! submitted by NewOnDisneyPlus to Hulu [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Octanelicious Federal Communications Commission’s One-to-One Consent Rule Under Telephone Consumer Protection Act Vacated Day Before Rule Set to Take Place

Federal Communications Commission’s One-to-One Consent Rule Under Telephone Consumer Protection Act Vacated Day Before Rule Set to Take Place submitted by Octanelicious to AutoTransportopia [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 ThisIsItYouReady92 Cherry Blossoms 🌸

Cherry Blossoms 🌸 submitted by ThisIsItYouReady92 to aiArt [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 AdInevitable6844 Can someone carry me in a Buddha raid

submitted by AdInevitable6844 to bloxfruits [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 manzanita_320 Abogados ¿que caso ha hecho que se rompan a llorar al escuchar la historia?

submitted by manzanita_320 to rediturras [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 100percentfresch Thoughts on Certified - Refurbished Laptops

Hey Guys!
Im looking to downsize and sell my old PC I built (My Baby, an old 9700k/2080S) and buy a good gaming laptop for grad school. I don't want to spend much more than 1500$, and I'm looking at some certified - refurbished Acer Predators (4080) for around 1500-1600. I want the 4080 so I don't have to worry about buying another one any time soon.
Im curious to ask y'alls opinion on these types of deals, are they worth it? I have no problem buying used, I usually do, but I wanted to ask you all.
submitted by 100percentfresch to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Memez_100 Dripping cock

submitted by Memez_100 to shitposting [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 heather2134 What are odds one of these will be a flower? Orchid

What are odds one of these will be a flower? Orchid Am I just dreaming?
submitted by heather2134 to houseplants [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 kirbeebean [WIP] Worm on String, but make it Pokémon

[WIP] Worm on String, but make it Pokémon I'm having a lot of fun making fakemon and sharing it here lately. Today this idea came to me, and I decided to just roll with it. But now I'm stuck on the colors. So any suggestions are welcome!
submitted by kirbeebean to MandJTV [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 TumbleweedWest155 why is italy so fucking useless in every playthrough

why is italy so fucking useless in every playthrough
italy started an offensive war against yugoslavia that had 15 divisions... they lost
submitted by TumbleweedWest155 to hoi4 [link] [comments]