Winter League Top 300

歡迎來到英雄聯盟 League of Legends哈啦板,最新資訊及情報分享、精華好文查找、創作交流討論,盡在巴哈姆特! 歡迎來到英雄聯盟 League of Legends哈啦板,最新資訊及情報分享、精華好文查找、創作交流討論,盡在巴哈姆特! 找標題 查詢標題相符的文章 找作者 查詢作者相符的文章 我們準備出發追尋《奧術》,歡迎來到14.24版本! 在2024年最後一個版本中,我們將慶祝《奧術》系列的完結,推出維克特的更新、一系列奧術造型,包括首個非凡造型「奧術狂裂 吉茵珂絲」,以及全新的風格裝飾類型「主堡終結特效」。本次版本還為各位準備了其他內容,例如推出聖所系統、隨機 ... 警告:此遊戲不適合「3D昡暈症」患者遊玩,如身體不適請立即關閉此遊戲,情況嚴重請迅速前往就醫。 台灣時間2024年11月13日凌晨3點起,請點擊《英雄聯盟》用戶端或首頁頂部的同名文字。然後,你將進入一個密室逃脫風格的場景,你將在其中利用手邊的物件解決各種謎題並脫離房間。 操作方式 ... 仔仔 你試試我下面28樓那個方法 我原本一樣帳號 是我當初日本申請的1等小號 用過我下面那個辦法 再用一樣帳號登遊戲 就變 ... 昨天更新完後突然LOL就進不了遊戲畫面 縮到最小沒反應 害我被判中離一場 後來研究下發現解決方法 在聊天室也有遇到有人跟我一樣情況的 就想說來發個文看能不能幫到更多同樣的玩家 解決方式:你安裝的槽 預設C槽>Riot Games>League of Legends>Game>League of Legends右鍵選擇相容性WIN8 這BUG從14.13至今也一個月 ... 2024/11/6 BDD跟Cuzz簽了三年約,AD協商已成靜待公佈,上路還在洽談中。 KT有跟Ruler談價,終因報價太高不得不放棄。Ruler最後歸屬還是未定之數。 Kingen有意離開DK的消息已傳出。 據此文知悉LPL有幾支頂尖隊伍正在密切觀察Chovy的合約情形,有隊伍已經向Chovy有了初步動作。 其他消息:Ruler已有LCK兩隊以上 ... 其實我都會看opgg稽查自己英雄勝率,儘管小火龍是我使用英雄次數前幾名中均傷最高,但就是不會贏,而且遠低於全球平均勝率,但我無法停止遊玩小火龍,我疊的不是層數,是疊一個夢想。 相信昨天的更新 大家都出現同一個問題 就是必須重新啟動系統才能進行遊戲? 預覽圖 醜話講在前頭 LOL沒辦法像OW那樣中文介面別國語音 只能介面跟語音一起改 比如如果要聽日文語音就只能用日文介面的意思 另外簡單說明一下 拳頭帳號是看帳號地區的 不用擔心因為切換語言就跳到別的伺服器 活動獎勵等也都依照該帳號地區為準(除了簡體中文會無法顯示大廳之外) 1.首先關閉 ...

2025.01.31 02:40 Spongekrabs Winter League Top 300

Where do u claim the rewards for being top 300? Or have they not given it out yet?
submitted by Spongekrabs to 3on3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:40 Practical-Thing-1053 What can you tell me about my relationship with my parents?

submitted by Practical-Thing-1053 to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:40 WWingS0 The Impact of Immigration on U.S. Fertility. It won't raise overall rate much, and it appears to depress childbearing among the American born population.

submitted by WWingS0 to Anarcho_Capitalism [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:40 1kt1f Perplexed

Hey yall first post! Genuine question, I just finished SD and all the routes good and bad endings Do you think there was 1 character which loved Towa for himself? If so, who and why? I'm v curious!
submitted by 1kt1f to SlowDamage [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:40 TheCount00 How to make the relationship plunge?

I'm 35 and never been in a real relationship. I'm really coming to terms with being demisexual recently.
I've tried making it work with people I don't feel a connection with in hopes it will happen, but it doesn't.
All that being said I always screw it up when it comes to starting relationships with women I feel a connection with. I just can't make that leap in time and they lose interest. It's just this brain block of fear of rejection from someone that I actually care about. I'm reeling over a lost connection right now and I just can't go through it again.
Anyone have any advice on getting over this?
submitted by TheCount00 to demisexuality [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:40 MathematicianIll2445 Dick Naniels AKA The Source

There was one air traffic controller working two different tower positions at the time of the collision, an air traffic control source told CNN. The source described the set-up, which had one person handling both local and helicopter traffic, as not uncommon. The New York Times, which first reported the detail, said an internal, preliminary Federal Aviation Administration internal report says staffing was "not normal for the time of day and volume of traffic". Sixty-seven people are believed to have died in the crash.
submitted by MathematicianIll2445 to atc2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:40 Usual_Tart1931 Finally getting surgery

After years of dealing with bad breath and sore throats and getting sick cause of these dam stones, im finally getting this surgery done in mexico. Idc what the price is.
So annoying when u tried every method from mouthwashes and homemade concoctions to picking ur tonsils with a tonsil stone remover kit to even taking certain supplements with no luck. Cant wait to have them out. I just needed to rant and get this out. Thank you
submitted by Usual_Tart1931 to tonsilstones [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:40 NeoStar06 Newest member of the family. The CDZ!

Found a decent price for this CDZ with original box. Great picture quality out of the box. I would say the AES 3-6 with trace cut mod, NeoCD and CDZ all look basically identical when ran through the OSSC. Definitely loads faster than NeoCD. And so much smaller than the original NeoCD. Its like a before and after photo. Whisper quiet just like the original.
Been playing a little WHP and SS4. I want to install a region mod switch. Can anyone recommend a good brand of switch used for this mod?
submitted by NeoStar06 to neogeo [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:40 Advanced_Ad_9963 Ideas for names

Hello, I am in the process of making my vtuber and am currently looking for people to make my model but one thing has stumped me for a while. I CANT THINK OF WHAT TO CALL MY SELF! so for reference my modle is a frost/winter oni Short oni horns and wolf like ears(no tail) She is short and a tomboy Is the best I can describe her! I was thinking in to yukina (in Japanese it's like snow veggtible I would like some other options as well.....
submitted by Advanced_Ad_9963 to vtubers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:40 pakieeee Moodeng blind box

Moodeng blind box Moodeng key chain blind box is very cuteeee Wonder what the secret one is. The price is a little high for keychain but worth the cute 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
submitted by pakieeee to moodeng [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:40 DrHouse_42 chatgpt hacked deepseek

chatgpt hacked deepseek submitted by DrHouse_42 to OpenAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:39 Admbulldog Fuck your political posts. Look at this cutie 🥰

Fuck your political posts. Look at this cutie 🥰 submitted by Admbulldog to pics [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:39 assclown616 Tate McRae vs Olivia Rodrigo vs Iris Apatow

Tate McRae vs Olivia Rodrigo vs Iris Apatow submitted by assclown616 to CelebBattles [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:39 ThePotatoEngineer How to stop this breaking?

These Headphones (HyperX Orbit s / Audeze Mobius) had a terrible materials flaw which caused [two pairs of] them to break catastrophically on the headband. 'Luckily' this is a common issue, and as such there are 3D prints to repair them.
The main issue I've ran into is that after 3-6 months the prints I've done also tend to break right along the point where it joins the headphones (see attached images). I've tried a few different orientations of layers.
In the past the layers have tended to separate around this portion (but not fully detach), but has failed more significantly on my most recent patch. This is the left earcup and it takes more force than the right one (I use my right hand to take headphones off usually).
Material I've used is Bambu PLA Matte, and I have a P1S in an apartment inner room currently (but no great way to ventilate, it has an extractor fan but it's very poor - I could move it outside for an afternoon though to use a different (VOC-producing) material if needed). I'm currently thinking of just trying non-matte PLA as I know that is technically slightly stronger, but is likely to look worse.
I'm also very comfortable with 3d modeling, but there's not necessarily a lot of room to make adjustments - I'm going to make the body a bit thicker where it joins the headphone (currently there are two spaces to screw in another piece, and I will make that solid instead - but I don't think this alone will reduce separation due to the torque on the thin piece anyway)
Keen to hear any thoughts!
Broken left side
Non-broken example
submitted by ThePotatoEngineer to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:39 momoaintnofluff Fun beach theme

Fun beach theme submitted by momoaintnofluff to Coloring [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:39 zmayes Young entrepreneur strives to reach the big city.

submitted by zmayes to ExplainAFilmPlotBadly [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:39 Advanced-Ad8685 Anemic and ulcerative colitis

Hey guys so back in July I had to get 2 blood transfusions because my ulcerative colitis. (My hemoglobin was 5.2) and now I am anemic again but I’ve been taking iron so how is that possible? I haven’t had any bloody stool since November unless it’s micro bleeding. I’m not sure what to do at this point because I have wrestling and my anemia makes me really short of breath. I was just wondering is UC causes malabsorption of vitamins or what’s going on here.
Thank you!
submitted by Advanced-Ad8685 to UlcerativeColitis [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:39 harrowedpossum Aphantasia and Blankness

Does anyone else have issues with their imagination or trying to imagine pictures and scenarios in their "mind's eye" since covid? I managed to get some of my ability back, but its insanely weird, anything that goes on in my head feels like an AI-generated video now lol, its hard to daydream anymore without whatever im daydreaming about spazzing out or racing out of control.
submitted by harrowedpossum to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:39 CenterOfRotation Is it normal for shrimp to change color?

Is it normal for shrimp to change color? I added eight red cherry shrimp that I bought online to my tank approximately one week ago. They were very dark almost black when I added them. They are starting to lose their color and they had developed almost a yellow stripe on their back. Is this anything to really be concerned about? I had five shrimp from the local fish store already in the tank and they were very red and you can see some of them in the picture above.
submitted by CenterOfRotation to shrimptank [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:39 Tikkanen Lexington Italian restaurant owner (Joe Bologna) honored with lifetime achievement award: ‘Without your support I could not have survived’

Lexington Italian restaurant owner (Joe Bologna) honored with lifetime achievement award: ‘Without your support I could not have survived’ submitted by Tikkanen to lexington [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:39 Osired Did C.AI tell y'all about this ' Bots making their own introductions update or. . .bug? '

Personally, it's weird that I didn't even know about this until I saw other people talking about it. Honestly, I can't even have a good and probably short RP with the RPGs I made. Like- I made the intro for a reason. We already have a 'Generate It For Me' button if you don't have any ideas for a greeting. C.AI? What r u doin' bruh? 😭🙏
submitted by Osired to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:39 SpellboundWitchy Rubbish Bins

Im curious to hear your opinion on rubbish bin etiquette. We live in a property with a berm and our next door neighbour is a long driveway with multiple houses and no berm. The closest place for them all to put their rubbish bins is on our berm, which is fine, makes sense! However, how long do you think is okay for our neighbours to leave their rubbish bins in front of our property? Most of them are very courteous and bring them in same or next day however one of our neighbours just doesn’t bring in their bin… like on rubbish day the next week they just swap the bin out for whatever is going out that week? Am I being dramatic for being annoyed at their stinky bins being in front of our property permanently? I’ve even tried moving their bins back down their drive, but they don’t get the message
submitted by SpellboundWitchy to chch [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:39 nicogly Please help decipher last name

Please help decipher last name It’s not cursive cursive, because it’s a signature, but I would be so indebted if somebody could decipher the surname. This is from someone who wrote me a beautiful letter years ago and I’m trying to get in contact with them and I only have their signature and first name to go by. It should be a Polish last name.
Thank you for your help!
submitted by nicogly to Cursive [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:39 ComiX-Fan Hellhunters #2 JungGeun Yoon variant

Hellhunters #2 JungGeun Yoon variant submitted by ComiX-Fan to Wolverine [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:39 Fair-Sea-4708 Co-op or summer job

In first year computer science, and am debating on whether to get a co-op or summer job. I don't think I have the skills yet for a co-op, since it might be demanding (will it?), and I don't want to put my health in jeopardy either by having a job where I don't move much or where I'm in front of screens all day.
submitted by Fair-Sea-4708 to uvic [link] [comments]