What do you think of the band Train? You know the "Hey, Soul Sister" and "Drive-by" folk. Do you like them, why or why not?

2025.01.31 02:42 hypotheticaltapeworm What do you think of the band Train? You know the "Hey, Soul Sister" and "Drive-by" folk. Do you like them, why or why not?

submitted by hypotheticaltapeworm to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 Heathstar4 How can I hide this cable? (Cannot lift carpet)

How can I hide this cable? (Cannot lift carpet) submitted by Heathstar4 to DeskCableManagement [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 icydata Recap: MIN @ MTL

Recap: MIN @ MTL submitted by icydata to icydata [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 brenda___01 Feline acne tips ?

About a month and a half ago, I realized Haru (left) had a bit of feline acne on his chin. I got chlorexidine pads at our vet and have been applying a few times a week but not only it hasn’t been working, but it’s gotten a bit worse and now T’Challa (right) has it too.
Wondering if I should change/replace anything of the following factors, or if you can share what has worked for you…
-They eat out of elevated ceramic bowls. I wash it once a day minimum
-They eat a mix of kibble (nutrisource) and wet food (tiki cat, weruva), there hasn’t been a change in food.
-They have a plastic water fountain, wondering if this could be??? I wash it once per week.
-No change in their routine
-I already tried to gently remove the acne with a tiny brush, not doing much.
A photo of my two babies to boost!!
submitted by brenda___01 to cats [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 AdHot5097 attempt at bubble gum

attempt at bubble gum submitted by AdHot5097 to HailuoAiOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 Brilliant_Chip_2091 Protein intake

I'm 5'1 and 125 pounds I'm trying to get to around 120 and really focus on losing fat. I've been trying to have a good amount of protein each day and eating clean. I lost 3 pounds in the last 2 month...very slow. Anyone have suggestions? I feel like maybe I'm eating too any zero point foods since they are high protein.
submitted by Brilliant_Chip_2091 to weightwatchers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 ZaricElite Im Suffering from over Creativity (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpeBWQslZTI)

Im Suffering from over Creativity (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpeBWQslZTI) submitted by ZaricElite to OkbuddyRainworld [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 wolverine3759 VA Residency funding

Does anybody know if the recent hiring freeze on Federal employees will affect the number of slots or funding for VA residency positions?
submitted by wolverine3759 to OptometrySchool [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 QuitYuckingMyYum Is this worth anything?

So this $15k door stop arrived. My electricity is way too high. What do I do with it now?
Picture in comments.
submitted by QuitYuckingMyYum to kaspa [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 EvergreenCorp_Arma3 🐺 [A3][Recruiting][NA][EST] - Evergreen Security Corporation LLC - [Semi-Serious] 🐺

🐺 [A3][Recruiting][NA][EST] - Evergreen Security Corporation LLC - [Semi-Serious] 🐺 submitted by EvergreenCorp_Arma3 to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 Successful_Bird_7086 Captain Ginyu steals Goku Black's body

Would Ginyu be able to use Goku's body any easier than he did on Namek after Zamasu poisoned it?
Regardless of that it would be hilarious if Zamasu went to all that trouble to switch bodies just to end up as a frog to someone who had the ability naturally.
submitted by Successful_Bird_7086 to Dragonballsuper [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 SparkleSpirit00 Am I fuckable?

Am I fuckable? submitted by SparkleSpirit00 to CutiesAsian [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 Master-Cheek-643 Get out of my swamp

Get out of my swamp I got a little toxic but I was pretty hype
submitted by Master-Cheek-643 to ArmaReforger [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 NovaStrataguy Can you beat rumburg with a maintained military budget?

I am doing a socialist democracy run and I have fixed the economy reformed the constitution to a super democratic one and destroyed the oligarchs aswell as put doll in prison
I have valgsland and wehlen as allies
I went with halfing the military so It can modernize
The only thing that maybe going against me is that I have lacking prod with no military industrial expansion instead I did ag and elec (ag from communist aid)
Is it possible to win this?
submitted by NovaStrataguy to suzerain [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 Deep-Conference-6129 Savannah Lynn days

Savannah Lynn days submitted by Deep-Conference-6129 to MTFSelfies [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 VermilionX88 This thing was sooooo rigged! Your sliders max speed is slower than his, pretty much have to get lucky he messes up.

This thing was sooooo rigged! Your sliders max speed is slower than his, pretty much have to get lucky he messes up. submitted by VermilionX88 to FFVIIRemake [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 Tiny-Height-444 SI AMAS ALGO TIENES QUE DEJARLO IR

Les cuento mi historia de mi primer amor, en esta historia no hay ex malos ni buenos Todo paso en secundaria conocí a una mujer muy hermosa física y mentalmente, era una chica que para mí es y será el amor de mi vida, chica de bien, inteligente, tímida, bonita y un poco rara como yo. Fue amor a primera vista, ella y yo estábamos enamorados mutuamente, ella fue a mi coronación y graduación, esa etapa con ella fue bonita ya que yo iba a la secundaria me gustaba verla, jugar con mis compás y videojuegos, todo era bonito y bello, pero la tragedia que pasó es que un amigo mío muy cercano en ese tiempo le empezó hablar a ella, y yo siempre me alejo de las personas cuando me enojo o siento que no me quieren, y me enteré de que mi amigo le hablaba a ella, y yo me aleje de ambos sin dar explicaciones, estuve mal, pasó el tiempo y siempre quise estar con ella, le prometí ir a su graduación y no fui por orgullo, el punto es que en cuarentena conseguí novia y mi ex se enteró y me dijo que ella ya me había soltado ya que yo era feliz con ella, pero yo siempre quise una vida con mi ex pero por nunca hablarlo todo se malentendio, me aleje de su vida en todo aspecto, y después de eso hace 2 año quise verla y explicarle todo, pero ella ya estaba estudiando en Ciudad de México y cuando regresaba a la ciudad ya no quería verme la invitaba y no me contestaba Y ahora ella es feliz estudiando su carrera y al parecer ella ya está enamorada de alguien más y eso me duele, ya que siempre quise estar con ella pero varios favores no favorecieron, tengo que aceptar como ella lo acepto conmigo, me dueles pero tengo que dejarla ir
submitted by Tiny-Height-444 to NecesitoDesahogarme [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 BugChemical5471 Will DeepSeek also focus on ai generative video?

DeepSeek has forced all these monopolisic pirates dreaming to have even more control to get back to reality.
I was playing around with stuff like Runway and Pika, and I was amazed. But... I was just as amazed finding out the costs 😂 Will DeepSeek also do their Robin Hood move in this domain ?
submitted by BugChemical5471 to DeepSeek [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 pregnantassnurse Whole house hepa filter vs merv 13 filter in the furnace?

I just posted to the air purifier Reddit, but I realized it might be a better question here.
Overall, I’m wondering if the whole house clean air systems that attach into your hvac system are worthwhile or if they would cause further strain on my furnace? Anyway here is the original post:
Background: I moved into a home w a good amount of carpet. Lots of dust upon first move in. So lots of sneezing / asthma / allergy flares. I have air purifiers in every room, clean regularly, robot vacuums daily. We use a 1” merv 13 filter in our furnace / hvac machine. Change it monthly.
I read that this level of filtration can strain the hvac system. I understand the concept - like a strainer with much smaller holes. The air will go through slower / create more pressure behind it.
Why does this not happen with the whole house hepa filtration systems? Can someone explain how they work?
Also - this is something you have to pay to have an HVAC professional install, correct?
Are they worth it? I don’t mind having air purifiers in every room but it could be nice to upgrade / simplify.
Interested to hear any / all advice. Also open to product recommendations for whole house air purifier.
submitted by pregnantassnurse to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 Sweaty_Breakfast8248 Should I change anything?

Should I change anything? I have light facial hair and don’t know if I should keep growing it out or be clean shaven
submitted by Sweaty_Breakfast8248 to malegrooming [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 pixelary-game What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by pixelary-game to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 Chimpy_is_cool Changing out the needle

Why do people use a high gage for injecting but a low for drawing why don’t they just use the same needle is it too keep it sterile or is it bc body builders are impatient
submitted by Chimpy_is_cool to SteroidGuide [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 Mockingasp Huh. I would like to see some fancy lady in old Victorian dress suddenly do break dancing

submitted by Mockingasp to HighThought [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 kimber100 Looking to try some new fitness classes

Ive been doing classes at Fit Barre for a few months now but not sure that I love it there! Would love some suggestions for different classes/studios in the city! Open for any and all suggestions! TIA!
submitted by kimber100 to Hamilton [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:42 Otterpop26 Omg Uther is Giles from Buffy! I never realized

It’s been so long since I watched Buffy and he’s older in Merlin I never noticed, but now that I’ve seen it I can’t unsee it. I watched Merlin when it first aired and I just realized it’s the same actor today. I feel so dumb.
submitted by Otterpop26 to merlinbbc [link] [comments]
