¿Necesito declarar dinero si hago encargos(comisiones) de arte como "hobby"?

2025.01.31 02:53 vanilla-mist ¿Necesito declarar dinero si hago encargos(comisiones) de arte como "hobby"?

Actualmente estoy buscando trabajo de lo que estudié (llevo 5 meses buscando trabajo, pero vivo en una zona rural y me está costando 🥲) y mientras no lo encuentro me gustaría hacer comisiones para ganar algo de dinero y poder ayudar en mi casa, ya que no está la situación muy buena.
Tengo ya un Tumblr donde subo dibujos (originales y fanarts) y fanfics, tengo unos cuantos seguidores, pero es hasta ahora que no me he replanteado abrir encargos/comisiones. Pensaba abrirme un Patreon ya que he visto a varias personas en Tumblr con una audiencia parecida a mí que les funciona para ganar algo de dinerillo como trabajo secundario, pero no sé exactamente como va el tema de los impuestos y esas cosas (acabo de terminar los estudios, tengo 20 años recién cumplidos y nunca he tenido que declarar nada).
¿Cuándo se tiene que empezar a declarar dinero en España? Tengo entendido que te tienes que declarar autónomo si ganas mínimo el SMI anualmente o si tienes una actividad regular. ¿Se consideraría actividad regular si (hipotéticamente) tengo 5 miembros mensuales en Patreon que pagan una suscripción en un rango de 3-15€? ¿Tengo que declarar algo incluso si no soy autónoma? ¿Es mejor hacer comisiones sueltas con pagos por PayPal o tener un Patreon?
Subo contendio en inglés y la mayor parte de mi audiencia es de Estados Unidos, por lo que mis principales clientes serían estadounidenses, ¿influye eso en algo?
Sigo buscando trabajo activamente. No pienso tomarme este trabajo en serio a no ser que llegue a superar el salario que tendría en mi profesión (lo cual dudo mucho), esto solo es una manera de poder ayudar en mi casa pagándome yo las necesidades que tenga y alguna emergencia
submitted by vanilla-mist to askspain [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 Barkblood Sbeve is about different colon mess!

Sbeve is about different colon mess! submitted by Barkblood to sbeve [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 Emsteremme Understanding Cal Poly Students Research- please fill out!

Hello, I am a current high school senior at Arroyo Grande High School looking for participants for my AP Research study. I want to better understand how Cal Poly students in particular view posts from politicians.
I am hoping to find students ages 18-21 who recently voted in the last presidential election to interview about their preferences to different content posted by politicians in the 2024 election. Please please please fill out my form it would be amazing 🙏
For Mods: Does not violate rule #2 because it directly impacts cal poly students and is being used to further the understanding of the community as someone who has recently applied for admission
submitted by Emsteremme to CalPoly [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 beware_the_noid Parking enforcement services (owned by Wilson's) should be classed as a racket.

I know I'm beating a dead horse here but holy moly I need to vent.
In the past year I've received 4 parking tickets all for the same reason.
I don't understand how they can list on their T&C's for parking that you "may not park in any car park bay over the stipulated time limit" and then ticket me for changing car parks before the 3 hours expired. How long do you need to leave your car park before the parking time resets?
And when I lodge an appeal they completely ignore the written words of their own T&C's and tunnel vision on a single point as a justification for the fine to still stand.
I've gotten the previous 3 tickets waived, once by baycorp telling them to shove it, the rest they did only after I appealed twice and lodged multiple emails to their admin account (they limit you to 2 appeals on the website), yet they are refusing again to not waive it after the first appeal.
To me it is downright criminal that their whole business model is based on people not knowing they can fight it and/or getting fed up and just paying. Also the wardens just ticketing anything and everything without checking if the car had moved is also incredibly dumb.
submitted by beware_the_noid to auckland [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 Mammoth_Mall_Kat How to make people sentient in the game?

How to make people sentient in the game? We should start a project to make a sentient human in PPG. This is serious
submitted by Mammoth_Mall_Kat to peopleplayground [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 4reddityo She got that feline speed

submitted by 4reddityo to justgalsbeingchicks [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 Scrizzy6ix Value size package, but no value size product

Value size package, but no value size product submitted by Scrizzy6ix to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 Lost_Market5360 Can't seem to override DLSS using the Nvidia App.

Can't seem to override DLSS using the Nvidia App. submitted by Lost_Market5360 to thewitcher3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 NetworkElectronic514 Como preparar um miojo.

Quero ver quem consegue fazer um miojo igual o meu. Rsrsrs Ferva 2 copos de água; Quando tiver borbulhando, amasse e quebre os miojos e despeje na panela; Depois quebre um ovo e mexa bem; E por último, jogue o tempero e mexa bem; Despeje num prato e deixe esfriar um pouco. Pois, ninguém merece comer miojo quente nesse calor. Rsrsrs
submitted by NetworkElectronic514 to conversas [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 chefianf Sixth year of this old apple tree. Any suggestions?

Sixth year of this old apple tree. Any suggestions? This apple tree came with the house. I did a hack job in trying to get it manageable. I'm about to start pruning in the next month, was looking at suggestions. I'm not also invested in this tree and would replace it with something else because it's honestly been a fight every year.
submitted by chefianf to BackyardOrchard [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 Hoppy_Hessian Randomly Thought of a player: Bob Sapp

submitted by Hoppy_Hessian to minnesotavikings [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 autodidact2016 Travails Of A Hindu School in Meghalaya

Travails Of A Hindu School in Meghalaya submitted by autodidact2016 to hinduism [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 Sad_Incident5897 I'm amazed at how Windwitch performs in this meta

I'm amazed at how Windwitch performs in this meta I'm not doing anything special with the deck apart from adding Piper and Wynns to prepare a Necro Fusion more reliably, and yet I'm doing rather well against Heroes and even Salamans (this one in particular misplayed a lot so I don't count it), but overall I didn't think WWs could score Ws against this meta.
What are other non-meta strats that you guys are using and that are performing well?
submitted by Sad_Incident5897 to DuelLinks [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 brp Tony Danza meme from 2001

Tony Danza meme from 2001 submitted by brp to memes [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 ia-ia-cthulhu-fhtagn BEGGAR COMPANY: Orensson's Breaker Boys

BEGGAR COMPANY: Orensson's Breaker Boys Cold and grim as the unyielding mountains, Finli Orensson’s disgraced former Ironbreakers resent their debt to Marshal Van Kant but follow it nonetheless.
Though shorn of ceremonial armour, they are no less an implacable wall, fighting with callous brutality and merciless focus – yet highly protective of the mysterious Valayan priestess Ysolda Brakksdottir who accompanies them.
Taciturn around the campfires, the Breaker Boys respond with explosive fury to any question around the exile that turned them mercenary. Still, they remain a source of awe within Beggar Company – the anvil upon which the enemy breaks.
submitted by ia-ia-cthulhu-fhtagn to ageofsigmar [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 Different-Mind9570 What’s a good/standard yearly raise in the Insurance Industry?

6 months into a new role as a project manager in risk management at an insurance brokerage. Going to talk to some coworkers on Monday but wanted to get a general feel for what a raise should look like come 1 year.
submitted by Different-Mind9570 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 KnightsLegacy New restock at the store today

New restock at the store today Been checking every few days when I'd go to Walmart and picked up the new ones I seen today.
submitted by KnightsLegacy to BeybladeX [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 Iamno4four Storm Pods Juice Diin makabakal subong?

Out of stock
submitted by Iamno4four to Iloilo [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 AlabamaSlammaJamma Showed a little too much of the kitchen there.

Showed a little too much of the kitchen there. submitted by AlabamaSlammaJamma to kingofqueens [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 Ringtail-- RAGE PSA: Do NOT Play Around on EDD Missions

I get that everyone plays games differently to enjoy them for different reasons. I myself do this frequently. However... Do NOT take up a slot in an Elite Deep Dive if all you're going to do is dick around and refuse to do your class' role.
This is a shoutout to the Scout that refused to collect Nitra, leading to us running out on Stage 3 after a flipping hour of life was wasted, forcing me to try again from scratch. The worst part? The rest of the team was great! Did just fine, covered each other's bases. Few mistakes, but forgivable.
Why a scout would just ignore everyone who needs ammo in what is essentially the pseudo end-game of the product is beyond me, because they weren't a green beard. They had the rankings and stars to prove they were deliberately ignoring their job, either to troll us or because he thought gold was somehow more important on a Deep Dive.
submitted by Ringtail-- to DeepRockGalactic [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 Thats-what-sh3-said Telugu album with all hit songs

Telugu album with all hit songs Nenu meeku thelusa is the album with all amazing songs. What are your favorite albums where every song is a hit? Drop your recommendations
submitted by Thats-what-sh3-said to tollywood [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 canadian-weed British Cybernetic Art - Liquid, Crystal, Concrete: The Arts in Postwar Britain 1945–1965 - YouTube

British Cybernetic Art - Liquid, Crystal, Concrete: The Arts in Postwar Britain 1945–1965 - YouTube submitted by canadian-weed to quatria [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 Soupman04 New subclasses list location?

Does anyone have a location where all the new subclass stuff for patch 8 is listed? I’m on console but I would at least like to read about them and see what they do.
submitted by Soupman04 to BG3Builds [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 milkboxshow enakc is hosting a live prank call show on Prankcast right now!

enakc is hosting a live prank call show on Prankcast right now! submitted by milkboxshow to prankshows [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:53 OsoAmoroso33 El sueldo de un docente cba vs inflación

El sueldo de un docente cba vs inflación Registré los aumentos de sueldo que me dieron desde que entré en Marzo de 2024 (y agregué Enero y Febrero, según lo que cobró un conocido esos meses), y los comparé con la inflación... estos son los resultados:
Enero y Febrero todavia no están los datos de inflación, obviamente, así que los supuse.
Se que falta diciembre y faltan más meses del año pasado, pero no fui docente en esos meses, asi que imposible comparar con la inflación, solo puedo decir que desde mayo el sueldo prácticamente le ganó a la inflación y se nota. Igual calculo que agregando diciembre, el sueldo debe haber perdido por poco, o casi empatado con la inflación, sumando Enero y Febrero 2025.
Ahora, si tomamos en los últimos 12 meses la subida es aún mayor, por lo que si sigue esta tendencia, nuestro sueldo se va a ir recuperando, poco a poco:
Es una gran subida (no gracias al garca de nuestro gobernador), y eso que los salarios publicos no subieron mucho, me gustaría que alguien comparta cuanto subió su sueldo, que trabaje en un privado.
submitted by OsoAmoroso33 to argentina [link] [comments]
