Vote for Brave Fencer Musashi to possibley be added to GOG!

2025.01.31 02:31 Vannick Vote for Brave Fencer Musashi to possibley be added to GOG!

submitted by Vannick to BraveFencerMusashi [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 ghostlyre Don’t have Costco so I can’t get that other ibuypower, is this a good equivalent?

Don’t have Costco so I can’t get that other ibuypower, is this a good equivalent? I’d use it for streaming and video editing
submitted by ghostlyre to Prebuilts [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 KingVenom65 Danganronpa Characters as Marvel Characters (Ultra Despair Girls)

Danganronpa Characters as Marvel Characters (Ultra Despair Girls) submitted by KingVenom65 to DanganAndChaos [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 ExplorerNo5774 Chevy “Lean” fix?

Chevy “Lean” fix? Cut some coil to get 2 more inches. Cut the exact same and the front driver is maybe 1/2” or even 3/4 lower. I’m not rubbing or cutting up my tire on passenger side, driver side I am. Any fix? I’m assuming it’s cus of the tank n battery but ya need to fix it any suggestions? I have one of those autozone COIL booster says it’s about inch of lift? Or shld I just go get another coil and cut half inch less than b4?
submitted by ExplorerNo5774 to ChevyTrucks [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 caladbolg1998 O.t. changes question

So I've recently gotten obsessed with star wars and I've been going down the rabbit hole of changes made to the films. So the first versions I watched were on watchseries and they looked perfect for me personally ,but I can't figure out what versions of the films they are. they have the release date of the movies but not the name of the specific versions of the films. So they would have to be post 97 because they have 1080p and the singing aliens in return of the jedi so they have to be either 2004 or 2011 also a new hope didnt have mahclunky or alien language subtitles and those were added to the 2019 versions.
Also I bought the 2019 versions on series x too just to see and they didn't look right there was no color on the houses in mos Eisley everything looked washed out, the sand on tatooine wasn't red and the inside of the rebel base in empire strikes back didn't have any if it's signature blue coloring it's way too dark In there. Any help would be greatly appreciated if anyone could check out the versions on watchseries and tell what version they are I greatly appreciate it. This shiz hurts my brain lol.
submitted by caladbolg1998 to StarWars [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Its_yaboiJosh47 My first rig!

My first rig! submitted by Its_yaboiJosh47 to simracing [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 FormerBig5149 Steering damper came

Steering damper came Steering damper for my dragon slayer came everything was okay until taking of the headlight the bolt was so tight it broke the Alan key and now it slips of all the bolts they could have tightened a headlight bolt was the shops choice now I need to buy a new 5mm Alan key a bit hard to see in the photo but it just slips
submitted by FormerBig5149 to ElectricScooters [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 wohotata ironman

ironman Guess it belongs here
submitted by wohotata to ironman [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 whoopziesss A+ Voucher - Expires Tomorrow

Hello! I have an A+ voucher (Core 1 & Core 2) that expires Jan 31st 2025. Long story short, I bought it because I needed it / wanted it. Career took me in a different direction, lost motivation, and quit studying because I no longer needed it.
With that being said, I forgot about it until recently. I have tried to give it to 4 different friends, no one has accepted. So, I’m not sure if it’s too late to use it at this point to sign up for the exam before it expires.
My only request is, if you use it, you have to let me know if you passed! Good luck & let me know if you want the voucher codes!
submitted by whoopziesss to CompTIA [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Maleficent_Rent115 Any opinions on Belgian Flax Linen sheets and duvet covers?

I have been trying to research the best bedding for keeping cool as I am a very hot sleeper. I try to keep it 64 or colder in the bedroom year round, or sleep does not happen. I like bedding that is soft, and I like duvets for the weight. I need something durable as every sateen sheet I’ve bought over the past several years shreds at our feet in about a year. I keep coming back to Belgian flax linen sheets and duvet covers in my research. They are pretty pricy so I’m just wondering if anyone can give their insights. Will they help me keep cool and are they durable enough? I don’t want to spend that much and still need to buy new sheets every 1 to 2 years. Thank you!
submitted by Maleficent_Rent115 to Bedding [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Domethegoon Trump has a message for the Bohemia DDoSers

Trump has a message for the Bohemia DDoSers submitted by Domethegoon to ArmaReforger [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Athrowaway62826 Can you mod ark on pc through the Xbox app?

submitted by Athrowaway62826 to ARK [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Your_lovely_friend Why is it mentioned in my school textbook that “Hitler was a powerful speaker”?

submitted by Your_lovely_friend to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Disastrous_Tip2841 Erro na matrícula - IFRN

Alguém aí está tendo erro para se matricular no .Gov? Fiz o processo inteiro do IF e no site oficial para enviar o documento restante, mas sempre precisa de correção. Na foto 3x4 fica "Anexe o vídeo no site X" mas já anexei "Se já anexou envie novamente a foto e peça a solicitação" fiz isto. Mas, mesmo assim, ocorre o mesmo ciclo. Agora faltam exatamente meia hora pro fim do período de envio do documento racial (já foi entregue), mas ainda tenho receio.
Ou saberiam se isso é padrão?
submitted by Disastrous_Tip2841 to enem [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 HarleeHavoc Come to Mommy, I want to play with you💋

Come to Mommy, I want to play with you💋 submitted by HarleeHavoc to CashCowChannels [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 rare-upstairs4454 New to modding, need help.

Hey all, I’m pretty new to pc gaming/modding. I attempted to mod the game earlier, but the mods dont seem to be working. I installed Super BLT, set it up, then installed beardlib and placed it in a mods file I made. Apparently I was done, so I attempted to download a couple mods, only to notice that they aren’t working
(I apologize if its something obvious, stupid, or if I’m not giving enough context)
submitted by rare-upstairs4454 to paydaytheheist [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 JadedPomegranate5786 People who make you take off shoes before you enter their home

are just extreme germophobes. I know shoes bring all sorts of nasty things but doing all that is just too much. The body is supposed to be exposed to all types of things don’t you think?
submitted by JadedPomegranate5786 to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 No-Vanilla-No-Cake McBride worth it?

12team sf halfppr
submitted by No-Vanilla-No-Cake to DynastyFFTradeAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Subject_Plankton_328 Advice going forward?

I’m a currently a sophomore at a T20 leaning towards going for an MD/PhD, but don’t even know if I’m just wasting my time with my current status as an applicant. For reference, I work at a T25 med school research lab, about to be included on a massive publication (multi-year, international effort. Granted, I’m not going to be a first author, but my work will be in it 🙏). I also have active volunteering positions at two of the best hospitals in the country, one of them in post anesthesia care and another in oncology. I am only active in a handful of ECs, but I’m very dedicated to them and have work/events to prove that.
Currently 3.91 gpa, but I predict (lol) that it will probably get closer to around a 3.93/4by the time I graduate. Wishful thinking, but I know I can do it. Haven’t taken MCAT yet. I’m only in advanced biology classes from here on out thanks to AP credits. I’ve also secured a summer research internship focused on transplant immunology, if that’s helpful for anyone reading. I’m also going to be a TA for my uni’s immunology course next semester. I rlly hope anyone reading didn’t take any of that as trying to brag, I’m trying to be pretty objective here since exaggerating accomplishments won’t help me.
I know my gpa isn’t quite stellar with regard to MD/PhD programs, but like I said I’m confident I can bring it up. What areas of my app should I focus on, and do you think I should strongly consider a post-bacc research year if I want to be competitive?
submitted by Subject_Plankton_328 to mdphd [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Downtown-Bullfrog-69 Progress

Progress submitted by Downtown-Bullfrog-69 to GymMotivation [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Friedguyry Striploin - 132.5° for 2.5 Hours

Striploin - 132.5° for 2.5 Hours Seasoned with kosher salt and pepper, vacuum sealed with rosemary & thyme.
Bathed at 132.5°F for 2.5 hours, patted dry after the bath and put into the fridge on a wire rack for 10 minutes.
Preheated a stainless steel pan on max heat, seared hot and fast with avocado oil.
Basted with butter, smashed garlic, rosemary, thyme then rested for 10 minutes.
submitted by Friedguyry to sousvide [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 ArcticMoon101 Giveaway: 30 Armarouge

Giveaway: 30 Armarouge This will end at 10:30 pm EST today (January 30) or whenever all have been traded. I know that these guys can be kinda hard to get, and seem to be a bit popular so I’ve taken some charcadets I’ve gathered from raids trades and plain ol catching and evolved them to give to those who want em.
Link Code: 3300 0043 IGN: Arctic Quantity: 30 Armarouge Ends at: 10:30pm EST today, January 30
submitted by ArcticMoon101 to PokemonScarletViolet [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Bubbly_Process_9941 Can anyone help me with these last five

Can anyone help me with these last five submitted by Bubbly_Process_9941 to PokemonHome [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 restingbitchfacecat Thursday Giveaway

Thursday Giveaway I have some 1-3s dupes on my alt Roar Roar. If there’s any sticker you are looking for, please comment below with: - Sticker and set number - A screenshot of proof - Link and IGN
If I have it, I’d be happy to send to you 💕🫶🏻🐈‍⬛
submitted by restingbitchfacecat to MoGo_Dub_Trade [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 highandinarabbithole absolutely unreal find today at my local record store

absolutely unreal find today at my local record store 103/500 with the factory shrink wrap on it. What a grab. Now I need to compile all my luck together to find Majestic, Colors, or Ghetto still wrapped haha (pipe dream for sure).
submitted by highandinarabbithole to portugaltheman [link] [comments]