Can't break a portal

Ora estimată pentru judecarea fiecarui dosar este afişată pe portal fie la secţiunea: Dosare - Termene de judecată, pentru fiecare termen din dosarul căutat în prealabil pe portal la instanţa unde se judecă, fie în secţiunea Şedinţe şi selectarea datei şedinţei de judecată, precum şi a completului investit cu soluţionarea ... Ora estimată pentru judecarea fiecarui dosar este afişată pe portal fie la secţiunea: Dosare - Termene de judecată, pentru fiecare termen din dosarul căutat în prealabil pe portal la instanţa unde se judecă, fie în secţiunea Şedinţe şi selectarea datei şedinţei de judecată, precum şi a completului investit cu soluţionarea ... Portal > Tribunalul PRAHOVA > Căutare dosare. Căutare dosare Număr dosar, obiect, parte: Exemple de căutare: 234/2/2012 ionescu anulare proces verbal ionescu anulare proces verbal. Ultimele dosare înregistrate. Portal™ is a new single player game from Valve. Set in the mysterious Aperture Science Laboratories, Portal has been called one of the most innovative new games on the horizon and will offer gamers hours of unique gameplay. Cauta dosare din Dosare instanta actualizate permanent. Introdu numarul dosarului sau numele unei parti implicate in dosar si in functie de stadiul dosarului vei avea acces la o serie de informatii publice (numele partilor implicate, instanta, sectia, completul, cai de atac, istoricul sedintelor precum si solutiile pe scurt ale ... Portalul instanțelor de judecată oferă informații despre dosare și termenele de judecată. Portalul ONRC oferă servicii online pentru înregistrarea și gestionarea firmelor. Portal depuneri TAXE, CERERI, ÎNSCRISURI. Portalul permite interacțiunea electronică a justițiabililor cu instanțele de judecată (depunere documente, plata taxei judiciare de timbru, eliberarea certificatelor de grefă, eliberarea copiilor legalizate ale hotărârilor). Acces Portal » Collaborate for free with online versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote. Save documents, spreadsheets, and presentations online, in OneDrive. In cazul in care nu reusiti sa va autentificati pe portalul de gestiune a documentelor de raportare puteti trimite un mesaj la adresa portal pentru a vi se stabili parola specificand Denumirea institutiei si Judetul.

2025.01.31 03:00 grafelh04 Can't break a portal

So me and my gf started a world and we divide it left and right. She gets left. We are playing on easy mode. She logged off. Both sides army is maxxed out on island 3. Literally can't get more archers or captains or anything on both sides. But her side(left) just gets wiped in seconds. I did a second expedition to the second portal on my side cause I've already destroyed the first and it was super easy. Both squads are the same so what gives????
submitted by grafelh04 to KingdomTwoCrowns [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 Arachnoid-Matters Trying to decide between applying into neurology or psychiatry

After my psych and neuro rotations, I’ve been stuck trying to decide between the two. I’m posting this here in the hopes that people further along in training can give me honest guidance.
Neuro pros:
• ⁠I like the more objective nature of thinking about the brain and enjoying the closer ties to neuroanatomy (I really enjoy thinking about the connection of neuroanatomical structures to body/behavioral function) • ⁠I enjoy feeling useful in an emergency situation.
Neuro cons:
• ⁠As my clinical year has gone on, I’ve learned that work life balance matters to me a lot. I have heard quite a bit about how bad neuro is in that regard, particularly in the first two years. • ⁠The vast amount of knowledge neurologists at the attending level are expected to know stone cold intimidates me. IM killed me with all the disease processes, drugs, etc I had to keep track of, so I’m a little scared of the responsibility of caring for complex medical patients.
Psych pros:
• ⁠I find psychiatric diseases incredibly interesting. I did my PhD on ventriculomegaly and so had to learn a lot about schizophrenia. Diving into all that literature was honestly one of my favorite academic experiences. • ⁠Fantastic work-life balance, even as resident.
Psych cons:
• ⁠this is admittedly very vain, but while I respect psychiatrists so much as physicians, ultimately I think I may be bothered that many people disagree/dislike them or do not consider them real doctors. • ⁠I don’t love the idea of doing talk therapy with patients. It just all feels so forced, awkward and artificial to me. I’ve loved the many genuine interactions I’ve had with patients on all my rotations, but therapy feels too forced.
submitted by Arachnoid-Matters to neurology [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 Bluedreamer720 If you want a split screen RPG adventure you can't beat Outward

If you want a split screen RPG adventure you can't beat Outward submitted by Bluedreamer720 to localmultiplayergames [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 Ok-Original4985 How to get over the grief of losing your Wikipedia account

I have been editing Wikipedia regularly for the past 4 years and accumulated over 5000 edits. I used to edit primarily religious and political pages. I wont lie, the main reason I was editing Wikipedia was to write positive things about my own religion, country, country's historical battles, and negative things about "adversarial" religions, countries, and ideologies, though tbf a substantial amount of regular Wikipedia editors are highly motivated and biased towards their own sides as well. I want to clarify that I abided by Wikipedia's rules and standards on content creation/addition and always used high quality sources to back up my edits. A few months ago, I was topic banned from the area I predominantly edit, I got into a really acrimonious dispute with another editor, who subsequently reported, most other editors sided with him due to their own ideologies/political beliefs aligning with his, and I ended up being topic banned.
Even though it's been a while, I still badly wish I could go back to editing my usual Wikipedia topic area. I tried to get away from Wikipedia but it's honestly addictive, I crave the power, fun and control you get from being able to control a narrative online, from having thousands of people read your work, from being the first thing people see when they look up a topic online. It feels really bad that editors whom I despise now get to control certain pages and narratives that I invested so much of my time in without any guardrails or checks and balances.
submitted by Ok-Original4985 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 WizarDProdigy Losing A Half Of Me - Day 274

Today felt like bliss. It was full of all the good things in my life. I woke up with a pretty pup and did some chores. Then I headed to a local bakery for breakfast. It was honestly lovely and their items didn't feel dense or too full of calories. They were small and filling, which I was happy about. Learning they were nut free the night before was exciting to me because I could show my cousin and he would feel completely safe to go there. He is extremely cautious with his allergy and places like that can be hard to find. I hope he goes there and enjoys it. I moved some funds to pay for a trip I was going on and played some video games to relax on my day off. It was nice and fun. I did this until it was time for the gym where my cousin and I did back and biceps. We killed it together and it felt awesome. We hung out with some people I went to high school with who were working their chest and back. It was a really good time full of great conversation. I asked them about different grips and they explained some stuff to me. A guy even came over to talk to my cousin and help her with her form. I know she was slightly annoyed but it was good for us to heat. It will only help us to improve and get better. My lungs were killing me by the end at the gym but I felt amazing. Here was the routine:
Tricep pushdown: Reps of 10 8 6 with weight increasing by 5 each time to be 35 40 and 45 pounds
Note: Some nice guy came over to help my cousin with her form. He explained keeping her wrists straight to be safe and no to overdo it on weight. Weight doesn't matter and safety first. She was struggling before on her weight so it makes sense form was degrading.
Lat extension: Reps of 10 8 6 with weight increasing by 5 each time to be 35 40 and 45 pounds
Note: Struggled with doing the last one on 45 pounds.
Lat pulldown: Reps of 10 8 5 with weight increasing each time to be 50 55 and 60 pounds
Dual pulley row: Reps of 10 8 6 with weight increasing each time to be 35 42.5 and 50 pounds
Bicep curls: Reps of 10 8 6 with weight increasing each time to be 30 35 and 40 pounds
Row machine: Reps of 10 8 6 with weight increasing each time to be 65 70 and 75 pounds, full amount on each side
Note: Hit a new max weight.
Assisted pull up machine: 10 at 175 lbs
8 at 170 lbs
8 at 170 lbs
Note: Felt weirdly easy today and I took on more weight for it.
30 minutes on the treadmill at 3 mph with an incline of 8.
Note: Felt quite easy today! Yay!
After the gym I went to get a meal to take home. Something yummy and easy for my cheat day. My favorite streamer was on so I watched dinner with an awesome show. I took care of the animals and myself. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day. I thought about my Mom's upcoming birthday and it's her 50th. I wanted to make something and came up with an idea. I want to write something like 50 reasons I put up with you. It goes along with my sense of humor and it is better than something I bought when I don't have too much money for spending on gifts. I'll develop the idea more but I'm excited with the beginning process of it. I still have two months so plenty of time. I ended the night with some games and went to bed with a dog and the cat even joined me. That felt awesome. It was an awesome day full of good food, games, streams, and company.
SBIST was the local bakery I stopped at for a treat. It was small and nice and the stuff that I got there tasted amazing. It was nice to find a local place that was also nut and peanut free that I could recommend to one of my little cousins. The bakeries around here are nothing like the places I visited but it is still possible for me to find a hidden gem among everything. I'll just keep looking (on my cheat days of course!). I am also always trying to try new things when I can. It will help with my experiments later on and ideas I want to fulfill. I just want to make things my way eventually and better to my taste or opinion.
Tomorrow should be nice and easy. I am going into work and then off to the gym for my core workout. I am going to try and increase different things and see how I feel. I'm excited to try that out. After that I will head to my coworker's place to have dinner, which is all set to go and play some games. It should be an easy day and should have a nice routine. I won't be complaining about that. It's been nice having a place to myself and I'm looking forward to that in the future and then eventually filling that empty space with somebody special. I don't know but right now I'm happy and can't ask for much more than that. Thank you my conjurers of the empty spaces. You sometimes provide peace and remind myself that some day that space will be filled.
submitted by WizarDProdigy to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 UrAveragePS99Player who tf gave vee the 6 human souls
submitted by UrAveragePS99Player to dandysworldshitpost [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 Glittered-molecule Sleep and Body Battery

Sleep and Body Battery Let me start by saying my sleep is horrible, I usually get around 5-6 hours a night. Lately, l've been seeing posts about body battery, so l started tracking mine. On most nights, with 5-6 hours of sleep, my highest body battery score is around 70. But after getting over 8 hours of sleep last night (rare occasion), my max was only 59. How does that make sense? I'm confused lol.
submitted by Glittered-molecule to Garmin [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 Inevitable_Box4441 SM has court on Monday

SM has court on Monday I’m guessing she will be given credit for jail time served and released. Let the shit show continue! (Cue the Benny Hill music)
submitted by Inevitable_Box4441 to ExposingWendyWortham [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 cbbBot [Game Thread] Seattle U @ Grand Canyon (11:00 PM ET)

Seattle @ Grand Canyon
NCAA Basketball Index Thread for January 30, 2025
Seattle Seattle U (8-12) @ Grand Canyon Grand Canyon (15-5)
Tip-Off: 11:00 PM ET
Venue: Global Credit Union Arena, Phoenix, AZ
Game Info: ESPN
Television: ESPNU
Streams: WatchESPN

Seattle L2 72.8 68.7 42.9 34.0 35.2 12.2 2.9 7.4 12.4
Grand Canyon W4 79.5 68.1 44.5 33.0 38.0 14.4 4.8 9.9 13.3
Thread Notes:
Follow Our Twitter Last Updated: 2025-01-30 22:00:05 EST
submitted by cbbBot to CollegeBasketball [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 RealADHDGamer Cant get maintenance up

Try as hard as I can, I cannot seem to get my maintenance skill up, ive killed a ton of zombies with mele combat and still am only up to 17 exp.. got to get to level one so I can at least make a crude axe, as I cant find one for the life of me :(
submitted by RealADHDGamer to projectzomboid [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 AnonymousSplash My black and white cow came!!

My black and white cow came!! My splatter cow Oxford has another cow friend now! I absolutely love him, he's perfect ❤️
Anyone have any name ideas? I like silly names usually, but please no meat related names!! (Sirloin, Angus etc)
submitted by AnonymousSplash to buildabear [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 BuffyBoi20 Try New Things! - ChastityRaps -- Track I just released in a sort of celebration of my new album, Mental Health? Just me experimenting with my voice and flow, production. Any feedback greatly appreciated.

Try New Things! - ChastityRaps -- Track I just released in a sort of celebration of my new album, Mental Health? Just me experimenting with my voice and flow, production. Any feedback greatly appreciated. submitted by BuffyBoi20 to IndieMusicFeedback [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 Far_Hat_8507 Carma e mais carma

Fiz apometria com uma pessoa indicada por uma amiga. Pois estava com problemas de obsessores no meu sono. Rolou a sessão e ao final ela me dá o resultado. Fiz parte de uma seita há muitas vidas, com pacto de sangue e tudo. Fui um bruxo negro que buscava poder. Porém em determinada hora resolvi sair da seita. E desde então 3 magos negros (dois de uma vida e outro de outra vida que se juntou ao grupo depois) e uma bruxa. Segundo ela já tem alguns séculos que eu tento fugir deles. Nessa vida nasci de 6 meses e meio. Penso eu que eles fizeram de tudo para que eu não vingasse. Tenho autismo devido a prematuridade. Comi o diabo que o pão amassou. Nessa vida eu não posso fazer coisas erradas nem em pensamentos. Sou severamente punido se o faço. E digo que hajo bem ao contrário busco fazer o bem e ajudar ao próximo. Hj trabalho como cambono em um centro espírita. Ajudo como posso a todas as pessoas que vem a mim pedir ajuda. Pensando aqui, que talvez eu tenha me arrependido de ter feito o pacto e principalmente me arrependido de fazer maldades como um bruxo negro. Preciso me ver livre desse carma. Quero pagar essa dívida fazendo o bem. Porém percebo em nuancias que vão acontecendo em minha vida que ainda estou pagando esse carma. Nessa vida tenho uma filha que amo muito. Tenho lutado muito para ser um bom pai. É mostrar sempre o lado certo de se fazer as coisas. Com uma conduta e moral rígida. Enfim era só um desabafo mesmo. Segundo a menina da apometria eles estao por hora presos no plano astral. Espero que eles consigam evoluir. Assim como eu estou tentando.
submitted by Far_Hat_8507 to Umbanda [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 Tangy2011 👋 (しぐ)

submitted by Tangy2011 to lucario [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 HonksTheWhite More gym pda's, declarations of love and a road trip for Nathan & Barely Legal.

More gym pda's, declarations of love and a road trip for Nathan & Barely Legal. submitted by HonksTheWhite to TeenMomOGandTeenMom2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 Wolfz44 Penn St

submitted by Wolfz44 to GymnastBabes [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 4dayweekio 🌍 Product Design Manager at Remote | Async / fully flexible (5 days) | Remote Anywhere

🌍 Product Design Manager at Remote | Async / fully flexible (5 days) | Remote Anywhere submitted by 4dayweekio to 4dayweekjobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 aclassicthrow False SA claim socially - England

Hi, I have tried to make a post here twice but it keeps being taken down because of comments I have made regarding my own safety so I will remove those.
I was recently accused of sexual assault, this has only been socially, there has been no official police report made against me. I did not sexually assault this person.
The allegation itself however has taken over my life, I feel sick that many people around my social group believe I have done this.
This has severely impacted my mental health, I have bipolar disorder and EUPD and my mental health was generally declining before, but the day I was made aware of this claim things became severe for me.
The only way for evidence I didn’t do this to be produced is through the police collecting messages, call records, timestamps etc from our phones. Most of this evidence can only be collected by the police because I for the most part have only contacted her on snapchat which deletes messages after 24 hours. The only reason for the police to take our phones and collect this information is if an official report is made.
Evidence to be found here includes messages and calls to me and others that make it clear it was consensual and we both had a good experience, her calling me the next day to talk about how she had romantic feelings for me/wanted more from me (to which I turned her down) and general contradictions to her claims and stories.
I have been told through others that she does not intend to go to the police about this, I would actually prefer she did but obviously I am not going to ask her to. If she did go to the police it works in my favour because the evidence I didn’t do this will be collected but also she would be committing a crime for filing a false report, as spiteful as it is I would be quite happy for her to get consequence for what she has done here.
Because she is not going to the police, I am considering a drastic action that I imagine many here will shoot down however unless anyone is able to give me a better option, this is what I will be doing, I cannot live my life with this allegation.
I intend to hand myself in to the police and say that I have committed sexual assault, once interviewed I will explain the truth, however an investigation will be opened and the evidence will be recovered. All I want is my name cleared.
Thank you for all help and comments
submitted by aclassicthrow to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 youngbenathan [CR Media] You love to see all the notificati9ns hit at once

submitted by youngbenathan to criticalrole [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 youroldpalbuddy So I’m pretty sure I got scammed.

So I met someone on fb. Started out by talking and getting to know each other. Kept dropping hints about this crypto thing. Never asked me for money, only suggested I get into it. Seemed too good to be true but the part about never asking for money had me thinking I was in control. Gave me step by step instructions on how to get involved in it through coinbase and on chain. I don’t recall if the sub site came preloaded or if I had to enter it specifically but it was CoinMarketCapp. Trading against long and short.
Started with whatever I could spare from paychecks. Then after seeing it for a month and small returns, she kept insisting I get more money to receive more returns and participate in higher % “transaction nodes” as she called them. Claimed her aunt had a firm that researched the market and told her when to do certain transactions. She passed that information on to me for free.
I let the relationship graduate to something else. Which is probably why I stopped paying attention to red flags. So right before Inauguration Day, she suggested that I apply for a coinmarketcapp loan for $100k. I balked. She used the “have I been wrong about anything yet?” excuse so I did that, but she left out a very large part of the equation. They’ll deposit the funds directly into your on chain wallet but in order to repay it (after 7 days) you have to put an additional $100k into the account. Which seems suspect in it of itself.
So after weeks of panicking, the “support” feature claims that failure to repay the pledge loan will only result in “anomalies” to my account. Which, if this was legit, I fully expect they would threaten legal action. I may be wrong about that. So after discussing with this woman who got me into this whole mess, she “forgot to mention” the most important part. Fully knowing that I had absolutely no way to come up with an additional $100k on 7 days notice. So I begin to wonder if this is a scam.
Initially, she offers to “help” with $50k. Insists that it’s legit that you have to deposit $103k (loan plus interest) directly into the account you cannot withdraw from until you repay the loan (withdrawal feature locked) because she’s done it before, just forgot that little tidbit.
She had told me she owns a home in CA and MA, owns a Maserati, loans friends $300k without question, gives her father $10k a month, part owner of a hotel, but no matter what, she cannot come up with the full loan repayment. Insists she can only come up with $90k. Even after telling her I do not have a way to come up with the remainder.
Is this a very intricate scam or am I just the most unlucky person ever? Any help is greatly appreciated. I have $377k in funny money to offer for any insight.
submitted by youroldpalbuddy to CryptoScams [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 Flashy_Fox_9334 Does anybody recognize this wrestler? I downloaded her for a custom wrestler in 2K24 a long time ago but renamed her. With 2K25 coming I was hoping to recreate this CAW, but can't remember who the wrestler is that I used as the base!

Does anybody recognize this wrestler? I downloaded her for a custom wrestler in 2K24 a long time ago but renamed her. With 2K25 coming I was hoping to recreate this CAW, but can't remember who the wrestler is that I used as the base! submitted by Flashy_Fox_9334 to WWEGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 Soapx91 Join the Blackhawk Defense Force – We Need You! [MILSIM]


  • Play style: MILSIM
  • Times: Global
  • Alignment: UEE/Lawful
  • Age: 18+
  • Discord: Join Here
Blackhawk Defence Force Are you ready to embark on an epic journey among the stars? Look no further than the Blackhawk Defence Force. We are an UEE-aligned organization that has a welcoming community. Whether you’re brand new to the verse or a veteran, we have a place for you amongst our ranks.
Our Vision We strive for excellence in competitive play through training with the goal of protecting the UEE from any opposition they may face.
About Us Our operations cater globally. We have 3 Defence Fleets (DF) catering to pilots:
  • 1DF: for our members from the Americas
  • 2DF: for our members from Europe and Africa
  • 3DF: for our members from Oceania and Asia
Each Division has 4 departments
  • Battle Group: These members are fearless. Operating and maintaining Capital and sub capital ships to bring us to new worlds with a mighty force!
  • Air Group: These members have to have nerves of steel. Flying fighters and manning gunships to deliver a fast and unstoppable Air and Space force.
  • Marines: The Marine only does 3 things and they are masters of their craft. 1) Kill all who oppose the organization, no matter the enemy or environment. 2) Control any war domain with the great lethality. 3) Choose the best flavour of Crayola. Don’t mess with the Marine.
  • Logistics: The life-blood of the organization. These members are the reason the other 3 departments can succeed. Through rearming battle cruisers, giving marines their gear and crayons, construction of FOBs, and gathering of materials for research and development
What we offer MILSIM: We offer a Military Simulation (MILSIM) experience by offering rank progression, training, awards and decorations, strategic planning with tactical movements, and organizational structure.
Active Community: Engage with like-minded citizens who share your passion for exploration and adventure. Our community is active, supportive, and always ready for action.
Weekly Events: Dive into the action with our regularly scheduled events. Whether it's a thrilling space race, a cooperative mission, or a friendly meet-and-greet, there's always something happening in the Blackhawk Defence Force.
How to Join Ready to don the Blackhawk insignia and take to the stars? Visit our organization page on the RSI website and hit that 'Join' button. Our recruitment officers are standing by to welcome you. Fly high, fly proud!
Active Community: Engage with like-minded citizens who share your passion for exploration and adventure. Our community is active, supportive, and always ready for action.
PvP Training/Events: We frequently “Practice like we play” for PvP. Be either in world events like Jump Town, scheduled org vs org, or non-schedule in game scenarios, we stand at the ready to defend the UEE against players who jeopardize their wellbeing.
How to Join Ready to don the Blackhawk insignia and take to the stars? Visit our organization page on the RSI website and hit that 'Join' button. Our recruitment officers are standing by to welcome you. Fly high, fly proud!
submitted by Soapx91 to Starcitizen_guilds [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 Afterswiftie Trump Blamed Diversity for a Recent Air Crash, so Here Is the Aviation Diversity Program He Introduced in 2019

submitted by Afterswiftie to democrats [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 SilvermistWitch Infinite with Mister Negative who is eating well in this meta, CL16.5k

Infinite with Mister Negative who is eating well in this meta, CL16.5k submitted by SilvermistWitch to marvelsnapcomp [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:00 LavenderBloomings What are some Pro-Trump & MAGA restaurants to avoid?

What are some businesses such as stores, restaurants, or anything in Vermont to avoid at all costs?
submitted by LavenderBloomings to vermont [link] [comments]