Magnesium Citrate

2025.01.31 03:29 brattyginger83 Magnesium Citrate

At approximately 3PM this afternoon I drank an entire bottle of magnesium citrate.
Why you may ask!
Because tomorrow at 6:20AM I am catching a plane with the bf and staying at his best friend's house in a different state for 4 days. I didn't want any issues while there, so figured I'd clean out. I was diagnosed with IBSC and have been taking stool softeners, drinking water like crazy, and using montelukast for about a week since that's the only med I have in my cabinet not expired and given to me for this issue. Anyway...
Am I going to die? No, seriously. Will I make my flight? Does anyone know the longevity of mag citrate? Did I royally screw up?
submitted by brattyginger83 to ibs [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:29 adithyapaib Mangalorian in Shark tank

Mangalorian in Shark tank Happy to see someone from mangalorian (studied in shyadri college) in Shark tank !
submitted by adithyapaib to mangalore [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:29 tfririblond cdo x davao

submitted by tfririblond to cagayandeoro [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:29 Unique-Wasabi3613 Dealer says I can’t add NPP to Intense Lime Yellow ‘25 GT

Dealer says I can’t add NPP to Intense Lime Yellow ‘25 GT But the online price build tool allows it. Who can I contact at Ford for clarification?
submitted by Unique-Wasabi3613 to Mustang [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:29 External-Being799 How do I get him off

How do I get him off submitted by External-Being799 to Limp_pumpo [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:29 ForkzUp AZ budget outlook solid, but uncertainty surrounds impact of conflicting Trump promises

AZ budget outlook solid, but uncertainty surrounds impact of conflicting Trump promises submitted by ForkzUp to azpolitics [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:29 giagunge yay for clownz

yay for clownz this fro is dark purple but it looks hot pink here:3
submitted by giagunge to clowns [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:29 bot_neen México: Hacia dónde vamos - La conversación con Denise Meade

México: Hacia dónde vamos - La conversación con Denise Meade submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_News [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:29 ImJustAgrunt0331 North Korean Troops in Russia Taken off Front Lines

North Korean Troops in Russia Taken off Front Lines submitted by ImJustAgrunt0331 to UkraineWarVideoReport [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:29 XT-G اتعرفت علي حد وخسرته بسبب غلطه😢

غلطه واحده كفيله تخلي حياتك جحيم دا الدرس المستفاد
كان حد مناسب جدا وفي كميا بينا بطريقه غير طبيعية
بس اعمل اي اعتذرت كتير
لحد ما خلاص قالتلي مش مرتاحه
هل الانسان لازم يفضل لوحدوا ؟
يسستم اموره علي الوحده؟خلاص
الشخص دا قعدت كتير اوي لحد ما لاقيته
غلطه واحده لعينه
submitted by XT-G to AlexandriaEgy [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:29 BGRANT1122 Starting to post consistently and putting a lot of work into my videos. Great to see progress. Any tips would be appreciated.

Starting to post consistently and putting a lot of work into my videos. Great to see progress. Any tips would be appreciated. submitted by BGRANT1122 to SmallYoutubers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:29 BasicMood2927 My lit teacher made us annotate and find the deeper meaning of a song, so I decided to just wing it and talk about how KSI's hit song "Thick of it" is similar to Russell Wilsons steelers tenure

No hate ik this is stupid but I thought it would be kinda funny to post it here and see the reaction. I might get some D1 reddit hate but I feel like literature classes just aint it anymore lol.
I'm in the thick of it, everybody knows
This shows Russ being in the thick of Pittsburgh
They know me where it snows, I skied in and they froze
Just like he froze in big games, it also snowed against the browns and he somehow lost that one
I don't know no nothin' 'bout no ice, I'm just cold
He clearly was cold when he played the browns
Forty somethin' milli' subs or so, I've been told
Forty smth milli dollars from the broncos for no reason
I'm in my prime and this ain't even final form
no duh, this is prime mr unlimited, he's never in his final form he's literally "unlimited"
They knocked me down, but still, my feet, they find the floor
Cause he gets sacked and also throws interceptions with his feet on the floor I went from living rooms straight out to sold-out tours
He sold out the steelers in big games
Life's a fight, but trust, I'm ready for the war
Clearly not in big games russ
Woah-oh-oh This is how the story goes
Refers to story of steelers first round playoff exits and winning records
From the screen to the ring, to the pen, to the king
He uses instagram way too much (screen) He has a super bowl ring, (Also he's married so that one too) He prolly has a pen somewhere and his team got cooked by "King" Henry.
Where's my crown? That's my bling
Where is his crown? great question
Always drama when I ring Cause the broncos benched him, and... he has a super bowl ring
See, I believe that if I see it in my heart
He is delusional and cannot literally see into his heart
Smash through the ceiling 'cause I'm reachin' for the stars
Accurate if the ceiling is a winning record and the stars are a first round playoff exit
Highway to heaven, I'm just cruisin' by my lone'
Heaven=hall of fame, he's cruising by his lone, and maybe ruining his chances of ever making it
They cast me out, left me for dead, them people cold
My faith in God, mind in the sun, I'm 'bout to sow (yeah)
He is christian, and low key sews a lot, seems like a crochet kinda guy
My life is hard, I took the wheel, I cracked the code
He took the wheel from Justin fields and cracked the 10 win code
Ain't nobody gon' save you, man, this life will break you
Talking to steelers fans about their deja vu every year
submitted by BasicMood2927 to AFCNorthMemeWar [link] [comments]


🔴⭐️𝐒𝐂𝐔𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐃💫 || 𝘼𝙍𝙂𝙐𝙈𝙀𝙉𝙏𝙎 & 𝘿𝙀𝘽𝘼𝙏𝙀𝙎🤬 // 𝙏𝙊𝙓𝙄𝘾𝙄𝙏𝙔💣 // 𝙇𝙄𝙈𝙄𝙏𝙀𝘿 𝙍𝙐𝙇𝙀𝙎⚠️ // 𝘿𝘼𝙍𝙆 𝙃𝙐𝙈𝙊𝙍☢️ // 𝙈𝘼𝙍𝙄𝙅𝙐𝘼𝙉𝘼🍃 // 𝙎𝙊𝘾𝙄𝘼𝙇🗣 // 𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙉𝙏𝙎🎉 // 𝙋𝙎𝙔𝘾𝙃𝙀𝘿𝙀𝙇𝙄𝘾𝙎🍄 // 𝙀-𝙂𝙄𝙍𝙇𝙎💘 // 𝙂𝘼𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙂🎮 // 𝙑𝘾🎙 submitted by North_Run_4417 to DiscordDirectory [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:29 Christinafuleira Cansado dessa positividade tóxica

Estou desempregado a quase 2 anos. Trabalhei por quase 6 anos consecutivos, sem férias. Eu tive meu negócio próprio, fiquei três anos com esse negócio.
No final de 2018 vendi meu negócio, por que estava cansado e queria focar mais nos meus estudos. Acabei levando um golpe, perdi uma bolsa em outro estado por não ter recebido o pagamento do meu antigo negócio e fiquei 6 meses “desempregado”.
Em seguida consegui um outro emprego, em uma empresa com uma cultura extremamente tóxica. Trabalhava de segunda a segunda, 12h, 14h por dia. Eu era da área comercial, ou seja, meta, meta, meta, se esforce, do contrário vc não é merecedor de nada.
A parte boa disso foi que eu consegui quitar, as minhas dívidas, morar sozinho, mobiliar a minha casa e ainda fazer uma reserva financeira. Mas durante a pandemia o setor da empresa foi um dos mais afetados e por consequência afetou o meu salário.
Pedi demissão em dezembro de 2021, para entrar no Banco. Se eu pensava que não podia ser pior do que a empresa anterior, eu me enganei. Tive burnout, entrei em depressão, quis me matar várias vezes.
Em abril de 2023 fui morar com meu namorado, e isso acabou me impedindo de pedir demissão por um tempo. Afinal, tinha acabado de assumir um compromisso financeiro com outra pessoa. Não podia deixá-la na mão.
Mas depois de um tempo, de muito estresse e muitos pensamentos negativos, resolvi sair em agosto de 2023. Agora, estou desempregado desde então.
Desde que saí do meu último emprego, eu tenho focado nos meus estudos. Fiz diversos cursos na minha área de formação. 17 no total. E no ano passado comecei uma pós graduação para tentar uma transição de carreira.
Nunca fiquei tanto tempo desempregado, nunca fui dependente financeiramente de alguém e nunca me senti tão limitado. Eu tento não surtar com a minha situação atual, tento entender que tudo isso é um momento, mas cara, não dá! Não dá pra ser positivo o tempo todo, depois de quase dois anos nessa situação.
Eu converso com amigos, com minha psicologa, com algum parente, ou até com o meu namorado e TODOS, pedem para eu ter calma, dizem que vai dar tudo certo e que é para eu tentar me acalmar. VELHO, não pode para alguém que está a ponto de surtar, se acalmar.
E é dessa positividade tóxica que eu estou cansado. Eu só queria um momento, uma liberdade ou licença poética para ficar puto de tudo e reclamar, expor meus sentimentos e dizer o quanto eu estou frustrado com tudo isso, sem que alguém me diga no final que vai dar tudo certo.
Pq não é isso que eu quero. Eu quero reclamar, eu quero chorar e dizer o quanto eu estou infeliz, com medo, me sentindo um inútil. E o quanto essa situação me assusta.
Eu sei que reclamar não vai me trazer um emprego, mas vai aliviar a dor de ter que carregar essa angústia dentro de mim. Mas não consigo nem reclamar sem ouvir um “vai dar tudo certo, tenha paciência”.
Meu namorado parece estar de saco cheio de me ver e me ouvir reclamar. Essa semana eu estava tendo um dia horrível, senti várias vezes durante o dia que eu ia ter uma crise de ansiedade, mas optei por ficar calado e não compartilhar esse sentimento.
Quando foi ontem, ele me perguntou como foi o meu dia. Eu não sei pq, mas por um momento eu senti que eu poderia dizer a ele TUDO que eu estava sentindo durante essa semana de merda, mas quando eu comecei a falar, ele voltou os olhos para o celular e eu fiquei falando sozinho, e me auto respondendo a pergunta que ele me fez.
Quando ele percebeu, ele me acusou de querer fazer daquela situação, uma briga. Eu simplesmente me calei e me recolhi novamente. E hj nós passamos o dia inteiro sem nos falar.
Então é isso. Parem com essa positividade tóxica. Reclamar pode não resolver o problema, mas traz alívio pra uma pessoa cansada de ter que lidar com a frustração sozinho. Ter empatia não é se compadecer com o outro e dizer que vai ficar tudo bem. É se colocar no lugar do outro e tentar imaginar como ele se sente.
É isso…
submitted by Christinafuleira to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:29 iaconebadger I’m salty…What’s y’all’s take?

Will there ever be pictures of the seeds actually grown out? Looking back it seems like there is almost never any photos for the drops but there are always descriptions. Why can’t we see pics? I feel like we are being sold phenohunts and not actual stabilized work. Just a rant but I feel like I got got by NO. It’s my fault I know. Just like NO I was infatuated with stickers and toys but I grew up and found stability. Stop selling us phenohunts. After watching ZAzA I feel like real thorough stable breeding takes time. 4 +++ drops a year..,These are all chucks that we hunt. Yea they can be nice but be cautious, don’t let the toys fool ya.
submitted by iaconebadger to nightowlseeds [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:29 waffleboi505 Your Username is the Reason you get divorced/married!

Go one.
submitted by waffleboi505 to ScenesFromAHat [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:29 epicgamer389 Mio Aida, Apostle of (something ig)

Mio Aida, Apostle of (something ig) submitted by epicgamer389 to SakuraSchoolSimulator [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:29 Additional_Bear1445 I Just Found If Need SOC 2 Compliance Templates?

Is anyone else feeling the pressure with SOC 2 compliance? I know the struggle of creating all those policies, risk assessments, and procedures can be a lot cause I already faced these problems. But yeah, I recently found some helpful templates that cover security policies, access controls, incident response, and a few other things that make the process smoother and fully secure processes. Also, does anyone know of any good tools that help automate or simplify the process? I’m looking for something that can save time to work easier and faster. Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments! Thanks in advance.
submitted by Additional_Bear1445 to SaaS [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:29 LemonRare5820 You got a problem, besides those fucking pants?!

You got a problem, besides those fucking pants?! submitted by LemonRare5820 to CirclejerkSopranos [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:29 Lordmaster316 is this intentional? for the meme?

is this intentional? for the meme? submitted by Lordmaster316 to ZZZ_Official [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:29 Jaded-Spirit-Lady TPLO Surgery 2YO Boxer Dog

TPLO Surgery 2YO Boxer Dog I have a 2 and a half old boxer dog. She is 63 pounds. She completely tore her ACL on both legs. She was misdiagnosed originally and has been hurting for a few months. It was recommended to have TPLO surgery, one leg at a time. I was warned about the care afterwards and I am a bit intimidated. Anxious is probably a better description. I have thought about every scenario possible that would end with her harmed. She is my world.
A little bit about her and normal life. She sleeps with me. In the mornings I work, she will go to my parents room and lay down in “her bed” that they keep for her. My parent’s two dogs sleep in their room as well. My mother works from home and the majority of the day my dog stays at her feet sleeping. She will have a few bursts of energy and play with the other dogs but she is pretty mellow for a boxer. She is used to a dog door to a large fenced backyard. She has a crate and is okay in there as long as we are home. She has severe anxiety when left alone in the crate. Recently the vet gave us a sedative for her on the occasions she needs to be locked up. She was originally trusted out but since she has been hurting we limit her play.
I was considering putting my mattress on the floor of my bedroom for after the surgery. Is that still too high to be safe? My room isn’t overly large but there is a pathway around my bed on three sides that is about 2-3 feet wide. Is that too much room for her to be off leash? Would it be better to tether her to something so she can’t take more than a few steps? How much room is too much room? I was thinking of making her a playpen in the main living area of the house so that she is separate from the other dogs but still with the family. I don’t want to make it too big but I would like her to have some wiggle room.
My vet is going to supply her with medication, cone, and leg sleeve. He thought she wouldn’t need anything else for mobility. Have you found this to be true?
Thanks in advance. I’m really nervous and the surgery is 6 days away.
submitted by Jaded-Spirit-Lady to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:29 Verjay92 What does my handwriting say about me?

submitted by Verjay92 to HandwritingAnalysis [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:29 Turntup6oh Home stipple job, how’d I do?

Home stipple job, how’d I do? So got sick an tired of the Wilson being so smooth so I spent 20$ at Walmart and did the damn thing
submitted by Turntup6oh to SigSauer [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:29 Topdigitalmarketing2 Die Besten Elektriker In München– Top Elektroservice In Ihrer Nähe | ExplodingBrands

submitted by Topdigitalmarketing2 to ExplodingBrands [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:29 Alarmed_Ad3726 building a Mini ITX rig am i going to be fine with temps?

Hey all!
I was putting together a mini itx rig using the Fractal Design Terra and was wondering if i am going to have any issues with temps etc. here is the full build
CPU: Ryzen 7 7800X3D CPU Cooler: Thermalright AXP90-X47 Motherboard: Asrock B650I AM5 RAM: G.Skill Flare X5 32GB (2x 16gb) Storage: WD SN850X 4TB NVME GPU: Asus GeForce RTX 4080 Super Pro Art Case: Fractal Design Terra PSU: Corsair SF750 (2024) Case Fans: 4x NF-A12x25 PWM (3x for case and 1x for CPU Cooler)
I am trying to aim to have the CPU somewhere under 70°C under load. I will be very happy with that do y'all think thats possible?
submitted by Alarmed_Ad3726 to PcBuild [link] [comments]