The Day I Discovered My Dad's Secret... and Thought I Was Pregnant

2025.01.31 03:03 Roolambo4life The Day I Discovered My Dad's Secret... and Thought I Was Pregnant

So, buckle up, everyone. This is a wild ride from my 6th-grade self that I still can’t believe happened.
One day, while I was rummaging through my dad’s bathroom looking for a fresh towel, I stumbled upon something… unusual. It was a fleshlight. Now, at the time, I had no idea what it was—I just thought it was a funky-looking shower accessory. Curiosity got the better of me, and well, I decided to give it a try.
Fast forward a few minutes, and my mind was racing with confusion, excitement, and a sprinkle of guilt. I mean, what had I just done? I quickly rinsed everything off, convinced that I was now carrying the weight of a secret that could change my world forever.
The following days were a blur. I started feeling bloated, and my mind spiraled into panic mode. I was convinced that using my dad's "thing" somehow made me pregnant. I couldn’t eat, sleep, or focus on anything else. The thought of telling my dad made my stomach churn even more than the bloating did.
In a moment of sheer desperation, I decided to go to my grandma’s house, thinking maybe some home-cooked meals and her reassuring presence would help calm my nerves. But, surprise! The bloating only got worse. I could practically hear the ticking clock of impending doom. I felt like I was carrying a secret that could break my family apart.
Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. I called my dad, shaking and panicking. “Dad, I think I’m pregnant,” I blurted out, tears welling up in my eyes. “I used your… thing… in the shower.”
There was a pause on the other end of the line. My heart raced; I thought he was going to explode in anger or disappointment. Instead, he burst into laughter. “What? You can’t get pregnant from that! Everything is okay! You’re just bloated!” He chuckled like it was the funniest thing he’d ever heard.
To this day, he teases me about that call, and it’s become a family joke. I learned a valuable lesson that day—not just about adult “toys” but also about how to laugh at life’s absurdities.
So, there you have it. A bizarre chapter from my childhood that still makes me cringe, but at least now it gives us all something to laugh about. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, just remember: It’s probably not what you think, and sometimes, laughter really is the best medicine!
submitted by Roolambo4life to stories [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:03 Proof_Bandicoot895 Is not getting an offer letter normal?

A recruiter landed me an interview with a company and she called me to say I got the job! In the call, I asked a few questions and asked if there was an official offer letter I could see and she said no, her company doesn’t typically do that for contract positions. She said she would take the time to write something up for me since I asked. She then made me verbally agree to the offer on the phone and we hung up soon after.
I emailed her to check-in as I didn’t think it would take too long and i was anxious to see something official. She emailed back saying that her computer broke. [Note: she also called me from her personal phone because something was wrong with it] She said she would try to get me a write-up soon for my records but it’ll have to be Monday since she’s out of office tomorrow and her computer is totally broken.
I can barely relax and enjoy the fact that I was offered the job because it doesn’t feel concrete. Is all of this normal? It feels fishy and I feel like something will slip through my fingers.
Do contracts not need offer letters? Is verbal agreement enough?
submitted by Proof_Bandicoot895 to recruiting [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:03 NervousCommittee2419 There is no difference between your parents watching fox news for hours and you spending hours reading on reddit.

Watching this sub and all of reddit spend their time blaming trump for the egg prices is no different than watching fox news blaming Biden for policies put in place by Trump or blaming Biden for Trump's covid response.
There was a massive culling of chickens because of a bird flu out break that hit one of the biggest egg producers in Georgia. Blaming something that happened days before trump took presidency is no different then what fox has tried to pawn off go Biden.
I hope that while you sit there reading for hours misinformation and misleading information that you can see the irony of attacking your parents for looking at misinformation and misleading information. Just because you get bad information from one site doesn't make it better than another site
I don't support trump. I've never supported anyone in the Republican party. I hate that I have to watch the party and site I support turn into what the mock the most
submitted by NervousCommittee2419 to economicCollapse [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:03 Odd-List-5597 Stick tape started retaping the whole line would love suggestions to do better

Remember to retape sticks offen to protect them and so they don't end up like the ones in my last post
submitted by Odd-List-5597 to drumline [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:03 louicoyrod Can we please talk about the bike lane thats actually a parking lot?

Nothing says "Edmonton Cycling" like navigating a bike lane that’s just a fancy parking spot for cars! You’d think we’re riding on the red carpet, but no, it’s just a minivan festival. Keep your keys, folks, we’ll just wheel our bikes over this impromptu parking lot. Anyone else getting way too good at dodging bumpers?
submitted by louicoyrod to edmontoncycling [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:03 illest427 Dialga — Lets Get This Shiny! — 832592517365

submitted by illest427 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:03 Jemand_schreibt Welche RS-Versicherung könnt Ihr empfehlen?

Ich bin auf der Suche nach einer neuen RS-Versicherung (meine hat Pleite gemacht), mit Verwaltungsrecht und allem drum und dran am besten. Nur Mietrecht brauch ich nicht.
submitted by Jemand_schreibt to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 brainycyclone Former fosters: Campari, Chardonnay, Gin and Schnapps [Frickin' Cute]

submitted by brainycyclone to Frickin [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 Upstairs_Spinach_113 Closing next week

Scheduled to close next week at 1pm. My agent wants to schedule the final walkthrough at 12:30… attorneys office is 10 min away from the home. Does a walkthrough really only take 15 min? Any tips? Don’t you need to make sure all the appliances are working.. like a washedryer cycle.
submitted by Upstairs_Spinach_113 to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 Mans6067 صحي اكل جباتي جبنه كل يوم كفطور؟

ادمنتها🤤 على القهوة وانا اتابع سبرونوز صرت اخذ عدد منها لايام واحطها بالفريز وكل يوم اتحمس للصباح التالي عشان الروتين البأس ذا
submitted by Mans6067 to saudiarabia [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 bCup83 Is this an example of fast walking in Mission 19?

On a recent playthrough of the game I noticed Amanda seemed to walk faster through Mission 19 than I remember her doing previously. I know this is a known speedrunning glitch and am wondering if anyone can confirm or deny my suspicion here. Video below.
submitted by bCup83 to alienisolation [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 solg5 PSA A2 Cards CAN'T be traded yet

PSA A2 Cards CAN'T be traded yet submitted by solg5 to PokemonPocketTradeCo [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 Crafty-Efficiency-33 Discord Serwer

🎮 Witaj na R6 Polish Group! 🇵🇱
Jesteśmy nową polską społecznością graczy Rainbow Six Siege! Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś początkującym rekrutem, czy doświadczonym mistrzem, znajdziesz tu ekipę do wspólnych gier, turniejów i treningów. Nasz serwer to miejsce pełne pasji, gdzie możesz podzielić się wiedzą, analizować mecze i rozwijać swoje umiejętności.
🔹 Co oferujemy? ✅ Aktywną społeczność graczy na każdym poziomie 🏆 ✅ Kanały do poszukiwania drużyny i wspólnej gry 🎧 ✅ Turnieje, wydarzenia i wyzwania z nagrodami 🏅 ✅ Rankingi, statystyki i system automatycznych rang 🎖️ ✅ Memy, porady, nowinki i dyskusje o R6 🔥 ✅ Pomoc techniczną i wskazówki dla nowych graczy 💡
Chcesz znaleźć ekipę, podnieść swój poziom gry i świetnie się bawić? Dołącz do nas i graj razem z najlepszymi!
🔗 Dołącz teraz: 🚀
submitted by Crafty-Efficiency-33 to disverse [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 LordKaelas Kitty Krieg

Kitty Krieg Turned around fer a second and found my cat on my Krieg box. XD
submitted by LordKaelas to Deathkorpsofkrieg [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 pooplord437 Is my advice to my friend unclear?

submitted by pooplord437 to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 aninnocentcat Going back through to D5 clear (again) all tatos on The Abyss, forgot how insane Loud can get for wave 20.

Going back through to D5 clear (again) all tatos on The Abyss, forgot how insane Loud can get for wave 20. A lot of weapons could work for this guy, but ethereal and/or thief daggers are the way to go 🤙
submitted by aninnocentcat to brotato [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 Appropriate_Leg1914 Ep3 ending

I think there is going to be a sort of westworld s1 dynamic. We wont know if it is his innie or outie, or even if the timeline is going in chronological order.
submitted by Appropriate_Leg1914 to severanceTVshow [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 pxdillx Confused about Hex seasons and times

So, I understand that the daily convo thing resets every day at like 6 or whatever. What confuses me though is the calendar.
For example, I’ve been on July 6th for like the last couple days, maybe week, and it hasn’t changed. But in the calendar it says the next season starts in 2 days and 20hrs, but there’s still stuff for me to do/receive within the calendar, like someone’s birthday, or gifts.
How am I supposed to get to those dates?
submitted by pxdillx to Warframe [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 lss_str_01 New gallery post 0130190215

New gallery post 0130190215 submitted by lss_str_01 to ImageAutomatedTest [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 Basicyapper6 Mattress help

My husband and I are both heavy people. He's 300, and I'm 260. He sleeps solely on his side, i sleep in what ever position is comfortable at the time.
We tried a few mattresses out, avacado, sealy, beauty rest. I've heard some outright horror stories regarding avacado brand matressses. And only one store around us has them to try out. And we loved them, him more than me. We also want to try out helix, maybe nectar. But are completely lost. This is worse than buying a truck.
We are specifically looking at the box top pillowtop avacado. And there hasn't been any real reviews on it yet. I've only seem maybe 2 reddit reviews. Does anyone own this? Can someone give us some guidance???
submitted by Basicyapper6 to Mattress [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 blankedazn Building new PC, Decision between 5080 and 4080 super (Upgrading from a 3070)

At title suggests, on the fence about which GPU to purchase.
In my Country 5080 is currently in the $2.1k to $2.3k
4080 is in the $1.8k range
Looking at reviews, the 5080 doesnt seem to make a big leap in comparison but i am not sure about the price to performance.
submitted by blankedazn to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 aaavo Brother, I hope you’ll be proud.

submitted by aaavo to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 interestingfactoid Trump says 25% tariffs on Canada and Mexico coming Saturday: 'We don't need what they have'

Trump says 25% tariffs on Canada and Mexico coming Saturday: 'We don't need what they have' submitted by interestingfactoid to NewRepublicans [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 Gothickisss By Benny Mac from Visible Ink Tattoo

By Benny Mac from Visible Ink Tattoo submitted by Gothickisss to Best_tattoos [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 Own_Confidence_1658 Disney should fill in epcots lake

Since Disney is filling in the rivers of america I believe epcots should get the same treatment. It's a waste of space just imagine all the ips and rides you can fit in that space. Who cares about scenery anymore. It's all about the money and maximizing profits.
submitted by Own_Confidence_1658 to WaltDisneyWorld [link] [comments]