What is the current mode for visiting the place?

2025.01.31 05:50 One_Medicine_ What is the current mode for visiting the place?

We were planning to go by car but now that its been declared no vehicle zone, how are the people going there by car proceeding ahead? Such as parkong and entry into district, how much is the walking distance? Etc
submitted by One_Medicine_ to MahaKumbhMela [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 ExactOpposite8119 coaching someone when they are about to submit = wuss

you can spot a wuss and the major sign is when they start coaching at the point when almost subbed. not even that even when they are being positionally dominated.
true or false? as in they are a wuss…
submitted by ExactOpposite8119 to bjj [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 Various-Solid-1879 Bedroom decoration design feedback

Bedroom decoration design feedback I’m designing my new bedroom(I’m a 26 yo male). I’m going for an earthy mid center modern look. Everything in the image is real items I have or plan to buy. Would love feedback on the color and item choices. I’m renting so I can’t paint the wall but most of everything else can be changed. This is my first Reddit post so thanks in advance for the help!
submitted by Various-Solid-1879 to interiordecorating [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 Noesalt We're one

We're one submitted by Noesalt to OMORI [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 Patty_Mellt [WTB] FDE JAKL F5 STOCK & BUFFER ADAPTER

Doesn’t need to be new but preferred good condition. Will throw in extra if you have bolt catch. Basically looking for everything needed for conversion besides upper. Adapter can be FDE or black.
submitted by Patty_Mellt to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 Separate_Bench_543 Just a thought about extra ores and stuff during CWL

So as we know We can do CWL and normal wars simultaneously but from two different clans, we have a backup clan and we don't have many high townhalls 15+, I was thinking that what if we can get some higher townhalls there just for 4/5 days of CWL and get extra ores by all attacking the no.1 and no.2 , no recruitment but just a way for getting some extra ores for th10-th13, some might already have the system but many just stay in one clan so how does it sound?
submitted by Separate_Bench_543 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 Charming_Effort_27 Pride Center Vibes?

Have heard some mixed reviews. Was thinking about going to queer yoga - but now I’m not sure. Everyone who says they don’t like it is pretty vague…. Someone please spill the tea if there is any so I know what I’m walking in to!😭
submitted by Charming_Effort_27 to Albany [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 Professional-Clue396 Partner caused a fire

On our apartment balcony due to cigarette ashes being emptied in the gutter (I know - terrible idea.) The landlord got an estimate for repairs. Quoted $10k. The damage was contained to outside the apartment. Mainly part of the wood deck and the guttesiding part near it. Waiting on a few more estimates. We will have to pay for it because we are dumbasses who didn't have renters insurance.
I hate myself. I don't want to be sued or evicted over this. We've been nothing but good tenants other than this unfortunate incident. We are planning on moving out soon anyway when the lease ends but now have the threat of a lawsuit to deal with. I don't know how these things work with insurance but I'm really worried.
Has anyone been in a situation like this or can offer any advice?
submitted by Professional-Clue396 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 MaCheezm0 Lex Lex arrived today

Lex Lex arrived today submitted by MaCheezm0 to squishmallow [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 Ok_Investment_246 The prophecy about the conquest of Constantinople...

It seems as if there are two variations of hadiths mentioned on the conquest of Constantinople:

On the other hand, there is also:
“You will conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will the leader be, and what a wonderful army will that army be!” — Sunan Abu Dawood (Hadith 4310), Musnad Ahmad (Hadith 14824)
How do scholars reconcile these two, seemingly different prophecies? I know that Muslims like to link the conquest of Constantinople (in the 15th century) to the second hadith, but what does one make of the first hadith?
submitted by Ok_Investment_246 to AcademicQuran [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 vcss15 Emergency Movie: ਐਮਰਜੈਂਸੀ ਫਿਲਮ: Chandigarh News

Emergency Movie: ਐਮਰਜੈਂਸੀ ਫਿਲਮ: Chandigarh News submitted by vcss15 to ChandigarhNewsDOTnet [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 UrEvilTwn GPU slot

I am a noob
submitted by UrEvilTwn to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 thewillfarmerjr Omega De Ville

Seems authentic but no certification papers. Still love the look of it.
submitted by thewillfarmerjr to VintageWatches [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 kimme Helgvädret i Sápmi 31 jan - 2 febr

Helgvädret i Sápmi 31 jan - 2 febr submitted by kimme to Sapmi [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 Any_Ad_9949 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Any_Ad_9949 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 mrhoneypot1111 [Recruiting] Honey Pot | #2RG9L2LQR | th 12+ | Lvl 10 | War/CWL/Clan Capital

Looking for active members to war and do clan capital raids. 13 war win streak. Pot on top 🍯🥷🏿
submitted by mrhoneypot1111 to ClashOfClansRecruit [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 WesternFirefighter5 My first Ultra🤩 but does anyone know about a good anti-reflective screen protector?🥹

submitted by WesternFirefighter5 to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 INJoe Bad omen concert interlude videos?

I attended the Bad Omens show in Melbourne on the 22nd (yes, the one with the falling roof tiles) and I noticed that before about half of the songs, there would be video interlude featuring Noah and maybe someone else? speaking on the screens before they played the tracks. I was wondering if these video clips are available to watch anywhere, like on YouTube or something?
submitted by INJoe to BadOmens [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 nsontireddy TDP Released this. Is it true?

TDP Released this. Is it true? submitted by nsontireddy to andhra_pradesh [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 Additional_Brief_937 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Additional_Brief_937 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 Furisky Lavoro estivo

Lavorare a 17 anni
Buongiorno a tutti, volevo chiedere un consiglio: compirò 18 anni tra qualche mese e ho ricevuto due offerte lavorative interessanti. Una di queste riguarda lavorare nella stagione estiva e nelle vacanze pasquali in un ristorante come aiuto cuoco. (L'altra sarebbe come commesso semplicemente//1900€ al mese 10-11 ore 7 su 7) In questo ambito non ho ancora molta esperienza, sebbene mi piaccia parecchio dilettarmi in cucina. Conosco già anche il proprietario, in quanto sono stato il suo dipendente qualche anno fa come cameriere; pertanto so come lavora. È un ristorante in particolare con cucina a base di pesce essendo sul mare. Tuttavia non saprei se accettare o meno la proposta, in particolare l'altro opzione che avrei mi garantirebbe uno stipendio più alto di 500 al mese rispetto a quello che mi offrirebbe lui... (Al ristorante, quindi 1400al mese 9-10 ore al giorno circa) Cosa fateste se foste in me? Potrebbe essere un buon investimento, per i quali vale la pena sacrificare uno stipendio più alto per imparare più cose nuove? Un vostro parere mi farebbe piacere
submitted by Furisky to ItaliaCareerAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 rukavesi Gladiator NXT EVO Space Combat Edition

I got a Gladiator NXT EVO 'Space Combat Edition' - SCG Standard Right from VKB-Europe and assembled it according to the quick installation guide and the VKB video. As soon as I connected it to the USB port of my Mac-mini M4, the red and blue LEDs start flashing quickly. No chance to do the calibration as described in the installation guide. When I started the XP12 simulation, the internal calibration program accepted the functions of the base but did not show any response to the functions of the stick. So I opened base and stick, to check the three wires which connect both. Anything, including the connectors on both sides seem to be ok. Is there anything else I can do ? There is no windows computer in my neighborhood.
submitted by rukavesi to VKB [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 Consistent-Pea-8654 Want some advice regarding SMILE surgery.

I am 22M and have been cleared to undergo smile surgery for power correction. I have -5 and -6 power in my right and left eyes respectively. I've seen many posts saying that getting smile was the worst decision and their eyesight has been messed up for life. Should I go through with the surgery or should I stick to wearing glasses?
submitted by Consistent-Pea-8654 to LasikHelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 JTayGang "There was a problem with NVIDIA App". Any insights/help appreciated. Logs inside for any nvidia employees that might see this

This error is driving me insane. Heres all the surrounding relevant lines from the log files that i could find to help anyone more knowledgable than me:

2025-01-30 22:41:20.115 INFO HttpLoggingService Http response for request https://nvfile/C:/Program%20Files/NVIDIA%20Corporation/NVIDIA%20app/www/assets/i18n/en_US.json returns status: 200 2025-01-30 22:41:20.117 INFO LocaleService Locale set to en_US 2025-01-30 22:41:20.132 INFO ExceptionService UnHandled Exception was caught false 2025-01-30 22:41:20.133 ERROR ExceptionService Unknown error or cef query failure. Skipping exception event false 2025-01-30 22:41:20.144 INFO LocaleService Locale set to en_US 2025-01-30 22:41:20.152 INFO LocaleService Locale set to en_US 
[2025-01-30/ 22:41:01.770:INFO:simple_handler.cc(240)] Site load done with httpStatusCode 200 [2025-01-30/ 22:41:20.092:ERROR:cef_plugin.cpp(339)] Plugin DriverUpdateRecommendation hit a state transition error from Initializing [2025-01-30/ 22:41:20.092:ERROR:cef_plugin.cpp(339)] Plugin LocalGames hit a state transition error from Initializing [2025-01-30/ 22:41:20.093:ERROR:cef_plugin.cpp(339)] Plugin NvCplPlugin hit a state transition error from Initializing and then a few lines laterin the code: [2025-01-30/ 22:41:21.455:INFO:file_watcher_win.cc(266)] Stopped listening for file notifications for nvAppUpdate (000001CE645FA6A0) [2025-01-30/ 22:41:21.455:INFO:file_watcher_win.cc(292)] FileWatcher ReadDirectoryChangesW returned ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED, stopping file watching: 000001CE645FA490 [2025-01-30/ 22:41:21.455:INFO:file_watcher_win.cc(292)] FileWatcher ReadDirectoryChangesW returned ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED, stopping file watching: 000001CE645FA6A0 [2025-01-30/ 22:41:21.455:INFO:cef_plugin_manager.cpp(231)] Waiting for all plugins to stop 
CxNative_NVIDIA app.log:
2025-01-30T22:41:20.092[I] NvCplPlu TASK NvBackendApi.cpp:175 NvBackendAPI cleanup started... 2025-01-30T22:41:20.092[E] LocalGam TASK PluginModuleBase.cpp:327 Error initializing plugin: EnsureThatBackendIsRunning failed with -2147023436, took 18719.18ms 2025-01-30T22:41:20.092[E] DriverUp TASK PluginModuleBase.cpp:327 Error initializing plugin: EnsureThatBackendIsRunning failed with -2147023436, took 18719.32ms 2025-01-30T22:41:20.092[I] NvCplPlu TASK NvBackendApi.cpp:187 NvBackendAPI cleanup finished. 2025-01-30T22:41:20.092[E] NvCplPlu TASK NvBackendApi.cpp:51 Failed to initialize NvBackendAPI with error EnsureThatBackendIsRunning failed with 0x800705b4 2025-01-30T22:41:20.093[E] NvCplPlu TASK NvCplPlugin.cpp:77 CNvCplApiWrapper: exception caught: Failed to initialize NvBackendAPI! 2025-01-30T22:41:20.093[E] NvCplPlu TASK PluginModuleBase.cpp:327 Error initializing plugin: Initialize() failed, took 18719.53ms 2025-01-30T22:41:20.093[I] cefclien 1152 CefPlugin.cpp:181 Invoking Start() for plugin BackgroundProcess 
Interestingly, I made a new user profile on my pc and the nvidia app launches fine there. If anyone can decipher whats going wrong/has ideas of how to fix my account to make it work again I'm all ears.
submitted by JTayGang to nvidia [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:50 Ryderbread Eggrobos For Trade

Eggrobos For Trade I've ended up with 2 spare Eggrobo after taking a gamble on randomly assorted figures during a sale lol. I'd be pretty happy with any of the characters I'm missing.
I'm happy to ship to anywhere, I am from Australia so please be willing to ship down here.
These must have been sitting on the shelf for a long time bc the packaging is scuff af. The plastic is coming off from the cardboard, so may be best for collectors who don't keep things sealed.
submitted by Ryderbread to JakksPacificSonic [link] [comments]
