So no one is talking about how this new TEQ Vegito its actually a What-if?

2025.01.31 03:02 TypicalAd8302 So no one is talking about how this new TEQ Vegito its actually a What-if?

The what if its about Vegito taking the fight seriously, in fact he himself says it and the fact that his attack's are more aggressive without the famous Vegito smirk in his face, also his active skill sounds like the trumpets are laughing (in a way or in my opinion) like the fact that he is hiding his smile or laughter I mean, the counter kind of contradicts my point but at the same time it doesn't matter that much
submitted by TypicalAd8302 to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 lane4 This is the infinite meta right now

This is the infinite meta right now What happens when people play infinite decks and therefore can’t kill each other.
submitted by lane4 to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 ChilledCaramel Would y’all let a girl in just because she flashed you?

Would y’all let a girl in just because she flashed you? Hi everyone. Not a bouncer, never will be (I am not tall). But I’m watching an episode of How I Met Your Mother, and Lily and Robin are trying to get into a bar that’s packed and has a ridiculously long line. They flash the bouncer, he lets them in. Just curious to the real bouncers out there, would this work for some of y’all?
submitted by ChilledCaramel to Bouncers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 BadButterFinger By NOT choosing complete abstinence, I get through my sober days easier.

It sounds like backwards logic, but it has been helpful for me and hopefully it’ll help others.
I know it’s been framed as a “day at a time” that helps some people, but that seems to be used for people that are completely abstaining from alcohol, which complete abstinence is a grueling and daunting challenge for many people and that many people fail from.
I learned that if I’m “putting off drinking” for another day, week, or month, that my ability to get through sober days is so much easier.
I realize I seem to last a lot longer sober when I frame it as “I’m just taking a break.” Rather than punish myself with the curse of cutting out booze entirely.
And the best part about this is that eventually your body can repair itself and you might see the benefits in the long run and might not want to go back, or maybe even cut down to less drinks than before you started.
Just my tip as someone who’s done this on and off game for a minute now. Let me know what you think.
submitted by BadButterFinger to cutdowndrinking [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 neecoles Valentine's Day 2025 Ultimate Gift Guide 💌

Valentine's Day 2025 Ultimate Gift Guide 💌 💕 Whether for your Valentine, Galentines, or even just some self-care & love, I've got you covered.
🎁 Gift-giving (and getting 😈) is my main love language. It’s often seen as materialistic, but to me, it’s not just about the things we give—but more about what they represent: consideration & care, thoughtfulness, and the joy of making someone’s day a little brighter.
Above all else—I know many people don't exactly 'enjoy' Valentine's Day and it can be stressful for a million and one reasons. However, with all of that in mind, I created a Valentines Day 2025 Gift Guide and alongside it, a google sheet that links to each gift mentioned, designed with helpful intention and my pure love for gift-giving. 🥰 💝💘❤️‍🔥
Here’s what you’ll find in the Guide & Google sheet:
  • 🤗 A hand-picked collection of gifts by yours truly.
  • 🏆 Honorable mentions (I’ll continue to add to this list throughout the next 2 weeks).
  • 💰 Discounts, promo codes, & deals to keep stress (and budgets) in check.
***note: I get absolutely zero kick-back for any of these guides or anything it in- I truly just have a love for the game of finding & sharing great ideas, discounts + promos, adding creativity to things where I can, & of course, gifting. 😇
submitted by neecoles to Gifts [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 Majestic-Rip7439 My first shiny bp unit FINALLYY

My first shiny bp unit FINALLYY I completed the regular season pass around 20 times and not a single time was I able to get the shiny Dj music man but just after 5 times of completing the Greek pass I got the shiny king trap unit.
submitted by Majestic-Rip7439 to FiveNightsTD [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 MelodicSecret7250 Party

Who wanna go to ucf tomorrow and party?? I got a car, who wanna go we can meet at flamingo east somewhere
submitted by MelodicSecret7250 to Disneycollegeprogram [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 bot_olini Alberto Pélaez es hospitalizado; periodista se encuentra en terapia intensiva

Alberto Pélaez es hospitalizado; periodista se encuentra en terapia intensiva submitted by bot_olini to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 Charming_Area9722 Haven’t posted been busy heres a ATB experiment extraction

Haven’t posted been busy heres a ATB experiment extraction So I’ve been wanting to experiment ive been wanting to try its an acid to base extraction where i used vinegar a crackpot(crockpot) strain and then basify the solution i didn’t measure anything i kind of just did it till i got the correct ph. i used a small amount of water just enough to create a sludge consistency and almost 400-450 grams of Brazilian MHRB that i really like and went to town, it was really quick and i was just hoping to see what results i got even if i didn’t get anything in return except knowledge. Im pretty happy with the results on the very first pull. I didn’t have my phone on me and i wasn’t able to capture the actual pull but the naptha was so saturated with deems that any aiwind/gust made the solution turn bright milk white and it just looked amazing hard to explain but if you’ve ever seen the snow globes that have the white fluorescent particles that dont mix with the water they just move around the liquid thats what it looked it and it was really amazing to in person. I have the pictures of the first pull and working in the next as im typing.
submitted by Charming_Area9722 to DMTMadeEZ [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 its_xSKYxFOXx So who copied who? 🤷‍♂️

So who copied who? 🤷‍♂️ Saw both of these within a few scrolls of my for me page….do you report one or the other or let them go?
submitted by its_xSKYxFOXx to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 HugginsBreathalyzer Alice In Chains video I made in grand theft auto

Alice In Chains video I made in grand theft auto submitted by HugginsBreathalyzer to AliceInChains [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 sunlife4674 Preparing for Transplant Coordinator Interview

I am looking for advice on key strengths I should focus on for transplant coordinator interview. I have 8 years of RN experience - with critical care experience in the ER. Im worried they will be concerned I haven’t worked in the ICU…how critical is it to have that experience? I know my stuff, I understand critical care concepts and can handle stress. Just wondering if I will struggle in the role without ICU experience? Thanks for your help!
submitted by sunlife4674 to TransplantCoordinator [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 Extension-Zombie-864 Help identifying a few glass soda pop bottles that I’ve dug up and cleaned up over the past couple years. I’d like to sell them now and could use some input on value and specific information of the few bottles I have in question.

Help identifying a few glass soda pop bottles that I’ve dug up and cleaned up over the past couple years. I’d like to sell them now and could use some input on value and specific information of the few bottles I have in question. submitted by Extension-Zombie-864 to glasscollecting [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 Mahdi_0107 Valorant Screen tearing

Hey so i have the hplaptop-15-dw3000 not ur typical high end gaming laptop it has a :
Intel Core i5-1135G7 4.2ghz nvidia mx350 series 16GB ram ddr4 3000mhz 500gb nvme
i cap the fps at 150 its constant there doesn't fluctuate i play native 1920*1080 the micro screen tearing happens only when i move my mouse medium speed or highspeed horizontally left/right no tearing when i move the mouse vertically up/down and no tearing when i slowly move the mouse left and right i tried enabling and disabling the fullscreen optimizations and and in exclusive full screen options but the issue still persists. I can easily notice it while in the range and move my crosshair from left to right fast on the lines on the ground shaped like this \ | /. But as soon as I change to Fullscreen Window everything feels better. It's really bugging me out. the reason why i didin't stick with windowed fullscreen is that the sens feels so rubbish and "wonky" delayed, so can u give me fixes for either make the sens feel smooth on windowed fullscreen or give me solutions to get rid of the screen tearing on fullscreen and ty <3
submitted by Mahdi_0107 to ValorantTechSupport [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 Particular-Crow5119 Why

I lost over 100 pound and still don’t feel satisfied
I eat clean in a calorie deficit for about 4 to 5 days then out of no where I look in the mirror and look a little ugly then I question everything first the dieting asking myself why do I go sleep hungry just to be ugly then proceed to eat the whole fridge then compensate about ending my life. I already talked to a ED Doctor Who gave me a medication that did nothing. Can anymore give me advice
submitted by Particular-Crow5119 to BingeEatingDisorder [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 DancikMD Late night thought

I was just thinking about how can protestants not recognize the magnificence of the Holy Theotokos. She literally held God, who is eternal, who is bigger than the whole creation inside her womb. Like come on man, at least have some respect for that
submitted by DancikMD to OrthodoxChristianity [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 MountainFly907 Am I losing too much hair?

So I’ve been using hims topical since July and my hair has definitely seen a massive improvement to my hair and hairline. Whenever I apply the topical spray and run my hands through my hair I seem to get upwards of 10-30 strands of hair come out and stick to my hands. The two photos attached are actually from a light shed day. I know some shedding is good but I’m 6-7 months in and I thought it’s supposed to stop.
submitted by MountainFly907 to minoxidil [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 The_Real_Pale_Dick Just put the fries in the bag bro

One word two words three words four words five words hhh
submitted by The_Real_Pale_Dick to Silksong [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 Goat_012 Menu Music Wont Stay Off

Since the update, the annoying menu music will not stay off. I tried emptying the cache, restarting the phone. To be clear, I am not talking about the menu sfx or the in game sfx. The button for Menu Music is toggled to OFF, yet it keeps playing over and over and over again.
Any suggestions? Thanks.
submitted by Goat_012 to MaddenMobileForums [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 javster2 Best place to buy Replica Coffee Break perfume

Hello! I want to get my gf a perfume for valentine’s day that she likes from replica it’s called Coffee break. What’s the best place to buy it?
submitted by javster2 to Perfumes [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 visioex Cadeiras para psicologos

Boa noite pessoal, primeira vez aqui no sub, queria recomendação de cadeiras de escritório com apoio para lombar e que sejam confortáveis para uso de 6/8 horas por dia. Sou psicólogo e atendo on-line meus pacientes e tenho usado uma cadeira gamer horrível para as costas que ganhei de um colega
submitted by visioex to CadeirasDeEscritorio [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 hot_cornish_hen Limerance for a coworker turned best friend turned ex

Honestly I really just need to get this off my chest.
I (29f) met “A”(29f) when I got my new job a couple of years ago. I was in a long distance 5 year relationship at the time that was not healthy but I was choosing the path of least resistance and going with the flow. Between COVID and poor social skills my gf at the time became the main focus of my life outside of work. In hindsight I think it’s interesting that I didn’t develop limerence towards her. I fell into a lifestyle that accepted the toxicity in exchange for the feeling of being less lonely.
When I met “A” I immediately thought she was really cute and had a cool vibe. Her hair sat in brown curled waves over her shoulders. She was laughing when I first looked at her so her face had a big beautiful smile. She was dressed with layers and colors that went together, I could see hints of some tattoos and she had a nose piercing. From overhearing a conversation on that first day I found out she was engaged (to a girl?!?) My ears and heart were PERKED. This is where it began, I think. I attributed it to being excited to find someone who had the same vibe and age as me when everyone else in the office was focused on their kids/grandkids.
Throughout the next few months we struck up small talk and realized we had a lot in common. We like the same music, we can make each other laugh so easily, it’s so easy to talk to each other. Our job is pretty niche and we were always making jokes using silly work metaphors. Way easier and more comfortable than when I would talk to my gf of 5+ years. This was scary. I remember crying before going into the office some days because I was so overwhelmed by these feelings.
“A” is very hot and cold. There would be times when she would show SO MUCH excitement to spend time with me. She would call me when drunk, drive 30+ minutes each way to come over on work nights, active texting with funny memes and butterflies on both sides. Still attributed it to having best friend, but I think I was trying to convince myself that it wasn’t what it was. I was falling for her. We added each other on find my friends and I couldn’t help but check it constantly. I learned her schedule, her commute, her regular gas station, her Starbucks stop. When she would mention something she liked - a song or artist, or a type of food - I would try to learn all about it so we could enjoy it together. Was that limerence or love? I still don’t know.
She stuck with me through my breakup with my gf (ex gf now, she was my fiancée for a few months but that was me pulling at ghost strings). I can’t fully imagine how strange that must have been for her. I didn’t leave her apartment afterwards because I didn’t want to be alone with my feelings, and I didn’t want to be away from her, and she wanted to be there for me. After a week we got overwhelmed and got in a fight and I left and we didn’t talk for a couple months after that. We had some brief casual (intense for me personally) interactions at work and shortly after she reached out wanting to reconnect. Obviously I was over the moon and accepted.
Everything was back to normal and better. No more stress from my ex, starting to make exciting plans for the upcoming coming year (birthdays, trips, living situation). I consistently felt like I needed to be careful not to mess this up. I admired her so much. I would just stare at her while she got ready. How could she go from being so cozy-cute looking to being so beautiful and professional within the span of 30 minutes? She’s so smart. Shes so confident. She’s so pretty. And she likes me?! I never got to the point of accepting it but I did fall for her even harder just by knowing she could be mine.
My ex found out about my new relationship. In her toxic fashion she bombarded “A” with very nasty messages. “A” felt betrayed that I would communicate this to the ex, and cut me off immediately. She sent multiple messages that basically explained that I’m not what she thought I was and she is done with me.
This happened during what I would describe as the honeymoon phase of our new relationship. It has been about 2 months and I cannot get “A” off my mind. She removed me from find my friends so I cant see where she goes. She took time off from work for her birthday and I don’t know what she’s doing. We had talked about what we wanted to do for her birthday and I can’t stop imagining what it would be like if everything was normal. All the things I want to do for her. I just want to be there with her and make her happy. I see her car in the parking lot and want to cry. I used to sit in that car. We used to go places together and I was so happy in that car. Separately, I can’t get aroused without thinking of her or watching porn with a girl that looks like her. (Not proud of this).
All the music sounds like her. I can’t go shopping without seeing the food/drinks she likes. I catch smells of her laundry detergent and forget what I’m doing. I see her walk into the office and sit far away and my day is destroyed. How am I supposed to find someone to fall in love with when I can’t go 5 minutes without remembering how in love I am with her? Is it love or limerence? She’s the type of girl I would have been enamored by in high school. Shes the type of girl I would be with now. I sleep with her shirt. I tell her I love her every night before I sleep and first thing when I wake up. I see her car everywhere. I imagine her walking into my room. I hear her laugh. Am I crazy? Would she feel creeped out if she knew how strongly I feel about her? I feel like I have so much to give but can’t give it.
Seriously, if you read all of this I appreciate you so much. Idk if anyone can relate but it’s nice to let it out. Using my alt account because I sent her a screenshot that had my regular username on it a few months ago and IYKNK
submitted by hot_cornish_hen to limerence [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 bryanwongxin Fireworks in Malaysia

Fireworks in Malaysia Happy Chinese New Year to all
submitted by bryanwongxin to fireworks [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 luxurious_creation New giveaway due to old giveaway is bot minted

New giveaway due to old giveaway is bot minted submitted by luxurious_creation to NFTgiveaway [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:02 wunderbarajk Enough....

Guys pls don't spam with those STR's Jan 31 new year post, its 8.30 am and the feed is of 5 post related to it, and whole day ku spam ah potu erichal panna vendam...
submitted by wunderbarajk to kollywood [link] [comments]