Nuginagawamue Toffee!! Swipe >>>

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2025.01.31 04:04 Puppopen Nuginagawamue Toffee!! Swipe >>>

Nuginagawamue Toffee!! Swipe >>> submitted by Puppopen to dogsofrph [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 Alarmed_Ad3234 Lonely no staff favorite pup Rocky needs pledges and a foster offer to survive. Will be euthanized Monday February 3rd Baldwin Park Animal Care Center 4275 Elton St Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Animal ID#A5660504

Lonely no staff favorite pup Rocky needs pledges and a foster offer to survive. Will be euthanized Monday February 3rd Baldwin Park Animal Care Center 4275 Elton St Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Animal ID#A5660504 🚨 URGENT PLEA FOR ROCKY – FACING EUTHANASIA MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3RD! 🚨
💔 Rocky is just a puppy, and his time is running out! 💔 He came into the shelter at only 9 months old, and now, at just 11 months, he is scheduled to be euthanized on Monday, February 3rd if no one steps up to rescue him! 😭
🐶 Rocky is the sweetest, friendliest boy with endless puppy energy and so much love to give! 💕 The shelter staff’s absolute favorite, adored by every volunteer, he still wags his tail and begs for attention despite being locked in a kennel. 😢 His beautiful coat, bright eyes, and loving spirit make him so deserving of a second chance! ✨
💔 It is heartbreaking to think that such a young, amazing pup could lose his life simply because no one has stepped up. 💔 We need pledges 💵 for a rescue to pull him, and most urgently, a foster offer 🏡 to save his life.
📍 LOCATION: Baldwin Park Animal Care Center 🏢 📍 Address: 4275 Elton St, Baldwin Park, CA 91706 📍 🐾 Animal ID: A5660504 🐾
🔴 PLEASE, PLEASE, don’t let Rocky’s story end here! If you can foster or adopt, reach out immediately! 📞 If you can’t, please share, pledge, and network—his life depends on it!
⏳ Time is running out! Let’s get Rocky to safety before it’s too late! ⏳🐕🙏
SaveRocky 🆘 #RescuePlea 💔 #UrgentFosterNeeded 🏡 #AdoptDontShop 🐾 submitted by Alarmed_Ad3234 to rescuedogs [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 Intelligent_Sir8734 is Ap csp easy or difficult?

I keep hearing that csp is an easiest ap class and I might take it next year. My math skills are okay, but in the class is there difficult math problems that will be presented? (I have no coding experience).
submitted by Intelligent_Sir8734 to APStudents [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 ninhofanaccount My mom kicked me out of her house after I stood up after her abuse

I (18F) lived with my mother during all of my life.
For context, my parents divorced when I was 6 years old, before that my father was pretty abusive and cheated on her before. But since I remember my mom was very depressed and never took care of me. My dad was the only one who took the time to bath me, feed me and just take care of me in general, he has never been abusive towards me.
Since their divorce I had to live with my mother who never paid me any attention. She suffered from depression and was an alcoholic. She used to hit me from time to time and never took care of me. I had to rummage through the cupboards to find some leftover.
The only time she spoke to me was to tell me that she was going to kill herself, i was 6.
Since then she became more "healthy" but recently I started to tell her how bad I was feeling, (I was diagnosed with depression and noticed that she was frequently making it all about herself) and yesterday she just called me while I was with my best friend.
She starded to scream at me (i don't even know what she was saying it was just a blur) and told me that she was ashamed of me and that I wasn't her daughter anymore while insulting my best friend who was just next to me (and who didn't to anything).
After this call I tried to kms (thanks my bf was there) and we called 15 (same as 911 in the US), I was admitted in the biggest psychiatric hospital of France (Sainte-Anne).
My father came to see me and told me that I was gonna live with him from now on. My mother is just sending me messages saying that I was rude towards her and that I'm ungrateful.
Idk if anyone is going to read that but I'm desperate. I only lived with my mom since I was born. Everybody tells me that she's narcissistic but I don't really know. Do you think that's she's really narcissistic ?
submitted by ninhofanaccount to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 iamnotanasian [WTB] Holosun 403c

$100 shipped?
submitted by iamnotanasian to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 Vaquero-SASS Publishing your channel on any Reddit Sub = RISKY Business !!

Publishing your channel on any Reddit Sub = RISKY Business !! I'm older and been around the block a few times and sadly know what humans are capable of and how spiteful and hateful they can be. I reckon your dicing with danger publishing/advertising your YT channel on Reddit. Always remember what EVER you post, regardless of how benign you think it're going to piss someone off (even if you're just to successful!). Then you're vulnerable to a hate campaign on your channel that who know where it could lead to and the consequences for you. Its ridiculously easy for someone to cause you grief. Just something for you to ponder.
submitted by Vaquero-SASS to PartneredYoutube [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 loveulikeawoman i rlly nerd help - anxiety and depression

i recently posted something here, but my anxiety haven’t passed at all 😥 i am on the pill, and i take it every day same time, but recently my bf and i did it without wearing a condom but he pulled out (it rlly wasn’t on purpose it’s a complicated situation to explain here). it’s been 6 days and i haven’t been able to sleep, eat or focus on anything properly. i really CANT be pregnant, i don’t want children at all, now or ever in my life, but i am still 20 and in brazil the age of sterilization is 21… also abortion is a crime here so i am freaking out. i know the odds are in my favor, and i haven’t had any symptoms (yes i know it would be too soon!) except for the usual ones that come with my bc, but in my mind i was the unlucky one and will get pregnant. can somebody pls help me in any way even if just reassurance? i am going crazy and i know that a pregnancy would definitely make me end my life
submitted by loveulikeawoman to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 elhomerjas Lion Dance

submitted by elhomerjas to FilipinoChinese [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 JKRoddn How to punch a Nazi

How to punch a Nazi submitted by JKRoddn to howto [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 AckermanGL Han descubierto una infidelidad?

Yo si, y fue la infidelidad de mi papá ☠️☠️, la escribiré aquí porque me quiero desahogar Esto ya lleva varios años, fue en tiempo de pandemia, mi papá es chef y trabajaba en ese entonces en una empresa muy conocida de la ciudad, bueno la cuestión es que mi mamá empezó a ser muy grosera con el y le hacia problema por todo, cosa que NUNCA había pasado porque mis papás no eran de pelear mucho menos frente de nosotras, bueno aquí es cuando puedo dar por aprobado el sexto sentido de las mujeres porque mi mamá nos comentó el porque de las discusiones ya que ella creía que mi papá le estaba siendo infiel e incluso nos mostró una foto donde estaban todas las personas que trabajan con mi papá y señalo a la esa mujer que ella creía que era su moza y si efectivamente era ella jaja Como lo confirmamos pues, fue por mi en parte ya que yo era muy engreída de mi papá, o sea de que mi papá era todo para mí, el me consentia en todo y ajá, buena relación de padre e hija y bueno cuando mi mamá me hacía problema a mi papá yo me ponia en contra de ella ya que yo decía que mi papá estaba arriesgando su vida (pq estábamos en pandemia y le tocaba salir todos los días a trabajar) para traer lo necesario a la casa y bueno yo le dije a mi mamá, que le iba ayudar a ver qué mismo era para que salga de esa duda y confíe en el gran hombre que era mi papá 🤡🤡🤡 Continuaré después pq no se si me acepten la historia acá
submitted by AckermanGL to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 Topdigitalmarketing2 Die Besten Fitnessstudios In Hollfeld–Heiligenstadt-Plankenfels-fränkische Schweiz. Ihr Fitnessstudio In Der Nähe | ExplodingBrands

submitted by Topdigitalmarketing2 to ExplodingBrands [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 X2ENDERMAN Someone took all my units

I had 5 ults a shiny printer, and a lot of mythics and even a unit which was the last revenant of my mom, and a guy with the user of @thecowbyhsn hacked everything from me! What do i do?
submitted by X2ENDERMAN to ToiletTowerDefense [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 Alternative_War_3313 ReRelease Playstation Classics

submitted by Alternative_War_3313 to playstation [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 sarenagade What happened to Rinna?

Can someone explain to me why Rinna left the show? Was it the Kathy stuff? Been trying to Google. I’m just now watching RHOBV. Just wondering. I didn’t realize she had left till now!
submitted by sarenagade to RHOBH [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 No_Researcher_2731 Hmm

Hmm Found in the wild
submitted by No_Researcher_2731 to SnootGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 Eikichi_Onizuka09 This is Irl r/usernamechecksout

submitted by Eikichi_Onizuka09 to notinteresting [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 Vaxhnextdoor Skin tones

Skin tones (All photos are in order from the newest season up to temping fate) I just wanted to say I wish we still had multiple actual dark skin tones like in all stars. It’s usually light skin tones then like 3 brown skin ones then just one dark skin tone. I might be being dramatic rn but it’s bad enough we barely get actual good regular customization. At least just give us more skin tones😭
submitted by Vaxhnextdoor to fuseboxgames [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 PuzzledConcept9371 Rocket truck

Rocket truck Nice
submitted by PuzzledConcept9371 to MapOfWhatevria [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 SPorterBridges 『MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM U.C. ENGAGE』 AMURO & CHAR MODE Ⅳ PV

『MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM U.C. ENGAGE』 AMURO & CHAR MODE Ⅳ PV submitted by SPorterBridges to UCengage [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 andy-3290 Pictures from an andonstar AD246S-M

Pictures from an andonstar AD246S-M I start by saying it looks like I can only add images when I create a post.
I had asked and another thread what people were using to take images because I had a very old USB microscope that took exceedingly low resolution images.
Based on the recommendations I looked around found some similar things and I purchased an Andonstar AD246S-M microscope.
It's not perfect, but it was less than $150.
For these images, I purchased two SK Tools One is the simple folder and the other is their hawk Bill knife.
It's very clear which of the two images is the original factory edge and which of the images is after I used my Hapstone sharpener using narrow stones that are CBN. I started at 150 grit and worked up 1200.
The knives are D2 steel. I'm not sure I needed to go all the way up to 1200 4d2, I understand that D2 prefers a toothy edge so maybe I should have stopped at.
I have to admit that the factory edge would cut newsprint very easily. The grind on the hawkbill knife in particular was very prone to catching on the newsprint. At the moment it just flows through it like it's butter.
Really the intent was to see how well this thing worked for taking images.
Came with three lenses and I threw on the finest lens for this image. Although I have to admit that I could see all I needed to see using the mid-range lens and I'll probably swap that back on, but, lots of pretty nice image. I'm very happy with it.
submitted by andy-3290 to sharpening [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 i_am_maryaa Dwyane Wade’s health scare

Dwyane Wade’s health scare Cancer sux! Good to know he’s now okay!
submitted by i_am_maryaa to ChikaPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 Kittynet200 I just want to evolve my finizen

submitted by Kittynet200 to pokemonviolet [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 why_must_i_suffer_ Allen vs Knowledge planet (basically Physics wallah for gulf countries)

title says all pls help wht to choose for 11'th
submitted by why_must_i_suffer_ to CBSE [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 Dazzling-Cut5724 What’s the answer?

What’s the answer? submitted by Dazzling-Cut5724 to TheUltimatumGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:04 asseaterabby sushi!

Best sushi places in town?? Would love a place with bao buns or a decent bar. Thanks!
submitted by asseaterabby to BloomingtonNormal [link] [comments]