Sir, the second Nurmagomedov has fallen

2025.02.01 19:31 Quiet_Eye_8887 Sir, the second Nurmagomedov has fallen

Sir, the second Nurmagomedov has fallen submitted by Quiet_Eye_8887 to MMAPoliticsAndCulture [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 NoBuilding4533 I (21F) have a crush on my highschool friend (21M) while in a 2 years relationship with my bf (22M)

This is my first time posting something in Reddit also i'm not that good in English so sorry in advance. I used to have a crush with my friend lets call him jerry when i'm still in highschool before i'm in a relationship with my bf now lets call him han. I have a crush on jerry in highschool because one time we hang out a lot only two of us because team project, but i get over it when i graduate because i have mental stuff i need to recover so i didnt think about him that much other than that i didnt really trying to get him because my female friend was really into him and actively get closer to him so i didnt do anything. Me, jerry and a lot of other friends in a group we play a lot of games together. We still in touch because we still play games sometimes and having a call on discord.
I rarely meet my friend group with jerry in it because some times i dont have the same schedule with them. I met him 3 times in my relationship 1. When he ask my help to interview foreigner for his project, we met but we have one other friend from group to join us so three of us hang out 2. The second time he ask me to hang out with him we met at ice cream shop this time only two of us, i said yes because that time i rarely hang out with old friend and only two of us because other friends still in an uni at other city 3. Third time we hang out at cafe, at first we planned to hang out with other friends but they have limitation to transportation so only two of us again
All of that hang out i asked my bf is he okay if i hang out with jerry, my bf always said yes because he never got jealous. I caught feelings again with jerry after meeting 2 and during meeting 3, after that i tried limiting my meeting to not get deep into my feelings but i still got the happy feelings whenever i think of him.
What makes me confused is jerry like to ask to hang out with me only two of us, sometimes he wanted to hang out at my house which we never do and i refuse (strict parents household).
I dont like it, it makes me feel like i'm a big cheater. I love my bf very much i can list a lot of things about my bf and i really really love him. I don't like the idea of dating jerry, we are not that close. I dont even know him personaly but i dont know why i have a crush.
I need advice how to get over my crush ?
submitted by NoBuilding4533 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 DearlySlumber UPVOTE4UPVOTE [What's your favourite food?]

submitted by DearlySlumber to freekarama4you [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Marya539 Demonic Cuddle

Demonic Cuddle submitted by Marya539 to animecuddling [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 cheebalibra First Alox- Farmer X

First Alox- Farmer X submitted by cheebalibra to victorinox [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Schneizel-Sama When the LLMs are so useful you lowkey start thanking and being kind towards them in the chat.

When the LLMs are so useful you lowkey start thanking and being kind towards them in the chat. There's a lot of future thinking behind it.
submitted by Schneizel-Sama to LLMDevs [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 MobileNewsBot Poll: Apple has been making unity bands for five years now, which one is your favorite?

Poll: Apple has been making unity bands for five years now, which one is your favorite? submitted by MobileNewsBot to mobiles [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Czlittleman I need help

submitted by Czlittleman to MinecraftMod [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Inevitable_Let_6969 Fat titted whore

Fat titted whore submitted by Inevitable_Let_6969 to PassesBabes [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 sneakerclubusa Fresh drop of Have Hash Tallymon Tier 2 by Mendoja Farms

Fresh drop of Have Hash Tallymon Tier 2 by Mendoja Farms First time trying Have Hash not bad for Tier 2 package date 1/13/25
submitted by sneakerclubusa to rosin [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 AdEducational2312 Remilia Scarlet by butyou/fevercell

Remilia Scarlet by butyou/fevercell submitted by AdEducational2312 to TouhouArt [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Itchy-Anywhere-8964 Reliable Cuddle [Original]

Reliable Cuddle [Original] submitted by Itchy-Anywhere-8964 to animecuddling [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Kuoscout Queria abrir um negócio, mas não sei de que

Tenho 50k e sei que a melhor maneira de multiplicar esse valor é empreendendo. Mas não sei que tipo de empreendimento abrir. Já pensei no ramo de fast-food, tem um bom giro, mas é um mercado competitivo e com margens apertadas. Dependendo da estrutura e quantidade de funcionários você quase não ganha. Também já pensei em outros ramos como cosméticos no varejo ou lojas online de importados.
Queria ajuda, o que vocês acham que daria certo pra começar com empreendimento hoje com 50k?
submitted by Kuoscout to empreendedorismo [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 empress_of_pinkskull Here is an overly optimistic tumblr post relating to manifesting

Here is an overly optimistic tumblr post relating to manifesting submitted by empress_of_pinkskull to LOAcodswallop [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Due_Lab3105 Any events going on in Lancaster tonight?

Any events going on in Lancaster tonight? Wanting to branch out and meet new people in the area.
submitted by Due_Lab3105 to lancaster [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 The_Last_Rave Dialga 5851 5099 8151 4 local Party Power

Dialga 5851 5099 8151 4 local Party Power submitted by The_Last_Rave to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Dysfunction41399 Galaxy Compressor v Black Hole Digestor

I just got Ancestral for both GC and BHD. (GC has been for awhile with good effects). Wanted to hear thoughts on which is better for farming and which is better for tourney.
For context my GC makes it where GT and CF are up 100% of the time. Is this better for farming or is BHD better with the 10% extra coins per kill bonus?
I’m going to do some tracking the next few days but was looking for some input.
My thought is BHD for farming and GC for tourneys. I’d reroll the effects in that way based on results and input from here.
Thanks for your thoughts/input in advance!
submitted by Dysfunction41399 to TheTowerGame [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 That_Explanation8036 Wide foot guard feedback

Which would be the best pick anta kai 1 team , Jordan 39 , Austin reaves 1 or am I better off going with the harden vol 9 if you have any experience or can give me more info please let me know
submitted by That_Explanation8036 to BBallShoes [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Head-Impossible Multiple cams?

Any body add another camera for printer 2
submitted by Head-Impossible to CrealitySonicPad [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Ok-Wafer2809 Anyone else doing cartwheels?

Could today have gone any better?….apart from maybe converting more chances.
submitted by Ok-Wafer2809 to WWFC [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 IngenuityFlaky6662 Charging Limit on Win Mini

I read the official announcement of Win Mini on GPD's official WeChat account.
So apparently they say the have charging limit setting in the BIOS, but it doesn't work like normal charging limits where it stops charging when the battery reaches the setting point. Instead, the battery charges all the way up to 100% and the stops, and starts charging again when it drops to 70% (if you set the limit to 70%), and gets fully charged again.
Does this mean that after the battery reaches 100%, the laptop uses power from the power source instead of the battery, meanwhile the power source doesn't charge the battery?
So what is the benefit of this kind of charging? Isn't it bad for the battery to charge it to 100%?
submitted by IngenuityFlaky6662 to gpdwin [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 living_anonymousl333 Are apps called applications because they're designed for users to apply to use servers?

I do not have much history in tech. But like do apps work by renting out servers to customers to use on their devices and if so are they called applications because in web languages they apply for use each time?
submitted by living_anonymousl333 to ask [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 zny700 Favorite furry character

Favorite furry character mordecai (lackadaisy)
submitted by zny700 to FavoriteCharacter [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Ok_Property7045 LG MVEL213F - DOES it have rear vent option?

Trying to figure out if this model has rear vent option.
submitted by Ok_Property7045 to Appliances [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 TheMoonEnvoy [NA] Former IGL and Coach looking to get back into playing

NA Central but can comfortably play any other NA conference
Multiple seasons of Open experience as IGL and Coach looking to get back into playing after a decently long hiatus
Can be secondary caller, secondary awper but prefer lurking but i'm willing to fill any role needed
Can also put in work helping with strats and managing the team
Free any weekday after 7pm CST and weekends after 2pm CST
Feel free to add me on either platform or message me on here
submitted by TheMoonEnvoy to RecruitCS [link] [comments]