Peter MacKinnon: TMU doubles down on race-based admissions

2025.02.01 19:55 origutamos Peter MacKinnon: TMU doubles down on race-based admissions

Peter MacKinnon: TMU doubles down on race-based admissions submitted by origutamos to Ontario_Sub [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 ApRatAbuser After just a few weeks of trying to get into the game i quit.

So just to be clear i dont want to sound like a whining little bitch but i propably am going to. So i tried to get into yugioh and naturally started with master duel. Seemed fun at first the app is well made and the game can definately be learned that way so i went thru the tutorial collected my gems and made my first deck - lightsworn - propably not the best but hey its my first deck. So i hit silver before i started running into opponent who just had stronger decks just lrgitimately better cards not really anything i could beat. No biggie this happened to me in League of legends and starcraft as well. When i ran into someone who stomped me i just copied their build & playstyle until somebody refuted it thats how you learn and grow as a player. But in master duel you cant do it, i have no gems left and the money conversion rate is absurd a complete meta deck would cost me what? 150€ minimum? You can get Elden ring + dlc for 70€. Where does konami take these prices from? i live in germany one of the richest countries in the world and i feel to poor to buy digital cards in a game. It is what it is im just not gonna bother to improve in a game that obviously doesnt want to facilitate an even playing field for all contestants. So if you would excuse me im gonna go back to playing elden ring.
submitted by ApRatAbuser to masterduel [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 rickwilliams659 B4b

$Rick-Williams-19 1 left
submitted by rickwilliams659 to chimeboost [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 Puzzled_Dingo3198 Toaster trouble!

Toaster trouble!
submitted by Puzzled_Dingo3198 to occlupanids [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 Skylineivan34 Does anyone can tell what show im talking about

I have a question that I would love for someone to help me with There’s this show I watched when i was younger it’s really similar to shadowhunters and im not sure if they were shadowhunters or not but they were in a private school the main character is a girl and her love interest is a bad guy, some things happen in that school and some drama and all that, and that’s all I remember im going insane trying to find it
submitted by Skylineivan34 to shadowhunters [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 BlakTrakStak What’s the best surface spray?

For the little nightmare cockroaches
submitted by BlakTrakStak to AskAnAustralian [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 AutoModerator Unterbauleuchte Küche LED Schrankbeleuchtung Bewegungsmelder - Warmweiß Lampe Akku Licht

submitted by AutoModerator to amazon_DE_bestseller [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 Longjumping_Dust1176 trytostaysober

submitted by Longjumping_Dust1176 to meanyouruntheworld [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 Isothermal13 Hook and pin attachments to be used on a quick attach loader

I traded a John Deere tractor for another brand that came with the universal quick attach loader. I have a hook and pin pallet fork and I want to know if there is an easy way for me to adapt it to the quick attach.
submitted by Isothermal13 to tractors [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 awkeshyu mercari jp launches an auction feature

unsure how to feel about this. so far neokyo has made a statement that they arent gonna be accepting mercari orders on listings that have the auction feature.
if anyone knows if there are some proxys that have updated and are accepting the auction listings already, let me know! it is fairly new though soo 🥲🥲
wonder how this will affect jfash/collecting in general <\3 what are your guys thoughts?
submitted by awkeshyu to jfashion [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 iamwhoisayiam123 44 female (am I ugly)

I can’t seem to keep a boyfriend. They say they love me but end up leaving. Am I too ugly/fat to be anything other than a placeholder?
submitted by iamwhoisayiam123 to amIuglyBrutallyHonest [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 Olivertunearts Where to find light graphite mechanical pencils?

I never really use Reddit, but I don’t know how else to find it. I’m a pretty heavy drawer and for my base sketch I like to start with a pencil that has light lead so even I draw hard, I can still easily erase. I used to not do this, but someone gave me this army national guard mechanical pencil and the graphite created really light lines. It had quite a bit of graphite in it, but now it’s almost out and nowhere on the pencil does it tell what lead it uses. Does anybody know of a mechanical pencil that I can search where it’s not really dark lines? I’ve tried to googled specific graphite hardness but it only gives me size in graphite.
submitted by Olivertunearts to mechanicalpencils [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 Whinfp2002 Are my far-left politics and bisexuality a hindrance to moksha?

There is a divided consensus on Tantra when I asked yesterday if a local guru would accept me for them. The top comment said I it wasn’t a hindrance. One woman said I was just looking for new labels. Which is it?
submitted by Whinfp2002 to Shaktism [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 OkBrick3330 2024 estimated tax payment on Feb 1st, 2025

Somewhere I read that the ABSOLUTE last day to make estimated tax payments for 2024 was February 1st, 2025. So I went to today, Feb 1st, 2025 and, in fact, it is giving me the option to make an estimated tax payment for 2024. I want to make extra sure that it if it’s giving me the option it is because it will apply the money to 2024. It doesn’t give me the option to confirm all the facts before submitting payment. Any factual confirmation of this would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by OkBrick3330 to tax [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 mikewheelerfan Can I get my tubes tied at 16?

Essentially the title. I live in Florida, and want to get my tubes tied before things get too bad here. Pregnancy is my biggest fear, and I’m terrified of getting raped or being forced into a breeding program. I’m a lesbian so that’s luckily the only way it could happen, but who knows how things are going to go with Trump’s presidency. Is there any doctor who would tie my tubes at my age?
submitted by mikewheelerfan to sterilization [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 jeeves585 Size of dippers I thought I’d share.

Worth $1 for sure but thought this was funny so I took a pic.
submitted by jeeves585 to tacobell [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 Famous-Gur-373 rate my house

what could i improve in it or anything i could add
submitted by Famous-Gur-373 to Terraria [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 Character-Put-6277 Soccer Practice's Meaning?

I love this song, but I can't seem to figure out the message exactly. Knowing it's up to interpretation, I'd like to hear some of your perspectives and takes on it!
submitted by Character-Put-6277 to lizzymcalpine [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 lemkowidmak @LafayetteWBB: 🩷🩷🩷#RollPards | #ClimbTheHill

@LafayetteWBB: 🩷🩷🩷#RollPards | #ClimbTheHill submitted by lemkowidmak to LafayetteLeopards [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 Jackfish2800 Was Jacob Barber alluding his team suffered from exposure to unknown harmful energies radiating from the 'large sealed container' (The Ark of the Covenant) they were transporting from 'continent of Africa' (Ethiopia/Egypt)?

Was Jacob Barber alluding his team suffered from exposure to unknown harmful energies radiating from the 'large sealed container' (The Ark of the Covenant) they were transporting from 'continent of Africa' (Ethiopia/Egypt)? submitted by Jackfish2800 to gettoknowtheothers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 Necessary_Garbage652 Fraud cards delivered?

Hi there i have had 4 revolut cards through the post with my name on but I don't have an account and I haven't ordered these. They have come to my home address I have emailed and had no response! Please could someone help me get this sorted. Thanks
submitted by Necessary_Garbage652 to Revolut [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 Girl_in_a_hoody best wallpaper? (ignore how fucking many there are)

submitted by Girl_in_a_hoody to arcane [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 PbAndJLikeJAM Seeking Connections

I’ve been tasked to create a PD on gun violence/safety in schools. I’ve gone down the rabbit hole researching gun violence and school shooters to realize there is no behavioral profile that exists. Anyone dabble in this sort of research?
submitted by PbAndJLikeJAM to bcba [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 DevineGabe Just enjoying the view!

Just enjoying the view! submitted by DevineGabe to motorcyclegear [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 Lalocagringa February 2025 Icon Box

February 2025 Icon Box submitted by Lalocagringa to Ipsy [link] [comments]