What do you use in lieu of dishwasher detergent tablets like cascade?

2025.02.01 19:34 Leading-Ingenuity-37 What do you use in lieu of dishwasher detergent tablets like cascade?

We switched from Cascade to baking soda and dish soap about six months ago, but it doesn’t do the best job. I am constantly re-washing dishes. Is there any cleaner that doesn’t have all the crazy chemicals but still cleans thoroughly?
submitted by Leading-Ingenuity-37 to moderatelygranolamoms [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 Exciting_Sympathy556 What a roller coaster

When FAR scores came out for everyone else (im in cali) I kept reading that if NASBA just says "scored", that means you failed. So I assumed I had failed, was pretty sad about it because I felt like I spent an excessive amount of time studying. Felt like I had done well on MCQs but prob failed the SIMS. Well just finally got the courage to check my score yesterday to see where I went wrong, only to find out I actually passed with an 87, and considered "stronger" in all categories.
All this is to say: I need to stop blindly trusting reddit on everything haha
submitted by Exciting_Sympathy556 to CPA [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 ShakeUnfair5344 Nia Jax big ass

Nia Jax big ass submitted by ShakeUnfair5344 to NiaJax [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 United_Brain_5523 Jaffa Head Mark

Why do some of the Jaffa have gold raised headpieces, and some just have ink tattoos? Obviously from a production standpoint it's because they didn't want to have to do the make-up for every extra, but what's the in-universe explanation?
submitted by United_Brain_5523 to Stargate [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 kl0t3 Military & History: Ukraine war update 1-2-2025, Russian Oil Exports Threatened!

Military & History: Ukraine war update 1-2-2025, Russian Oil Exports Threatened! submitted by kl0t3 to UkraineWarVideoReport [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 mentalcore666 is this a common issue ?

i was just able to dead stretch my left ear up a size with no problems or pain, but my right ear was absolutely not ready for a size up yet, so my left and right are currently different sizes. i'm just wondering, does this usually happen to a lot of people ? or is this abnormal 😭😭
submitted by mentalcore666 to Stretched [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 MegaBlunt57 Sketchy ingredient list

Sketchy ingredient list I bought this on a whim, wanted to spice up Rons salad a bit. Thought it was like a healthy seasoning for them, I should have checked the ingredient list before I bought it. When it arrived I checked it out and look at all this garbage in here, why is there so much crap? Can anyone confirm or deny my suspicion that this isn't healthy? All these acids, chlorides? Doesn't seem safe.
Needless to say I haven't fed it to her. I was hoping it was just some calcium and a few other vitamins.
submitted by MegaBlunt57 to reptiles [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 dk203 Wb dialga 568994457318

Wb dialga 568994457318 submitted by dk203 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 Tall_Return8028 Delaware’s IT Infrastructure is on the Brink—A Warning for State Governments Everywhere

submitted by Tall_Return8028 to Patriots_for_Delaware [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 CharlieLOFC What are the chances my package arrives today?

What are the chances my package arrives today? submitted by CharlieLOFC to Evri [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 Puzzle-Package-4310 Columbus, OH protest +children

I'm a stay at home mom with a 20month old toddler. I know some protests can be dangerous but others I've seen kids at.
Any advice on how I should show up with my kid?
I don't want to sit this out unless it's absolutely necessary. I have no family or friends that can watch my kid, and I think it's important to show up
submitted by Puzzle-Package-4310 to 50501 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 spruceflapjack Happy Saturday from the frozen north!

Happy Saturday from the frozen north! What do we think of the beard? Is it a keeper?
submitted by spruceflapjack to gaybrosgonemild [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 Long_War7707 Need help with Esp32 project

Does anyone have knowledge on Esp32? Send me a dm ASAP
submitted by Long_War7707 to qatar [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 hospitallers Con 15 revoluciones o golpes de estado en 215 años, Chile no es tan democrático como cree ser

Chile al parecer tiene más tendencias autoritarias que democráticas, ya que ha tenido quince eventos en solo 215 años, con un promedio de 14 años entre eventos (la media es 8). Por lo que la pregunta es, cuál será la próxima “revolución” o evento en Chile que ponga a prueba la democracia chilena?
Como referencia:
Inglaterra (origen en 927, pero democracia desde 1688) en 337 años no han tenido ninguna.
Francia (origen en 843, pero democracia desde 1789) en 236 años han tenido diez “eventos”, entre Napoleon, Revoluciones y usurpaciones monárquicas.
Alemania (desde su unificación en 1871) solo ha tenido dos eventos en 154 años, entre el derrocamiento imperial y la entrada de Hitler.
Estados Unidos (desde su independencia en 1776) han tenido siete eventos en 249 años, entre guerras civiles, asesinatos de presidentes y la insurrección del 2021.
submitted by hospitallers to chile [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 OddAcacia Need help finding deleted(?) story

Looking for a story I played ages ago about a friend group on vacation crashing(?) onto an island and getting stranded. The island was a resort, however the friend group are the only people on the island and it was revealed there was an additional passenger that was not invited to the trip and may be responsible for the crash.
One thing that stood out was that the story had a different art style to episode's default presets and the female protagonist had a red tank top as a starting outfit. Some of the female love interests that I can remember from the top of my head was a bubbly ginger girl and a mysterious brown haired girl who is implied to be the imposter at the beginning of the story. I've been wracking my brain trying to remember the story name and been searching through the episode app to no avail. For context I played this game around 2016-2017 and stopped playing around that time frame, the story had a second part after the mystery of the island was discovered.
submitted by OddAcacia to Episode [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 Yourbbreal_name Cheap SDR Receiver?

I need to receive a few Frequencies of Radio Signals for a school project. Is there any cheap sdr receiver that can do the job? I don't need great reach or high definition or anything like that. Just the bare minimum
submitted by Yourbbreal_name to HamRadio [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 Moschider3 Boring I want to see some body parts

Boring I want to see some body parts submitted by Moschider3 to spongebob [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 EducatorPersonal9756 Need your opinion on the situation!! Helpp

I reconnected with a guy after couple of years on social media and we have been exchanging messages on a daily basis since a last couple of months. During our conversation we both have told each other that we are not looking to date anyone at this point of time. I think I am getting attracted towards the guy, I know he said that he is not actively looking for someone in his life right now.
Coming to the point, where i need help from you all:
Since a couple of days I am feeling too exhausted with the back and forth messages and it’s coming to my mind that why is he still engaging in texts, there were time when the conversation was about to die but it got revived.
I want to know do you guys put in so much of efforts to text someone on a daily basis and if yes why ? Out of pure friendship ?
This texting thing is coming from a person who is a bad texter :p
submitted by EducatorPersonal9756 to AskMenRelationships [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 Aggravating_Pin1337 I can't configure my RX 6600 GPU in the tuning part of AMD Adrenalin

I can't configure my RX 6600 GPU in the tuning part of AMD Adrenalin My RX 6600 arrived a few days ago and when I installed the AMD drivers I realized that I couldn't access the tuning part in the performance session, I already tried uninstalling and installing the drivers again but it didn't work, before I only used the integrated video of the my old processor, but I also replaced it with a new one. Pls Help
CPU: Ryzen 5 5500 GPU: RX 6600 16GB Motherboard: Gigabyte B450M DS3H V2 DDR4 Socket AM4 AMD B450 Chipset Adrenalin Version: 24.12.1
submitted by Aggravating_Pin1337 to AMDHelp [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 Penalty0 Ice bucket!

Ice bucket! Not very bright, but still happy to have one!
submitted by Penalty0 to uraniumglass [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 DANIEL_LARSON_LOVER How many unfound Larson accounts?

So far he has about ~70 which are known. How many on either TikTok or YouTube do you think are unfound and either have a username that is completely random and has like 2 videos or something like that?
submitted by DANIEL_LARSON_LOVER to Daniellarson [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 Puzzleheaded-Art3377 Every combatant ranked by where Death Battle placed their maximum speed at

submitted by Puzzleheaded-Art3377 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 FewExperience2389 January 2025. Need some recs 🐣

January 2025. Need some recs 🐣 submitted by FewExperience2389 to lastfm [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 theactualsettingsapp "Double press to open camera" feature disappeared after factory reset

My secondary phone, a Samsung Galaxy S10+, used to have a feature that lets me double press the power button to open the camera app.
About a week ago, I factory resetted the phone and ever since then, the feature doesn't work anymore. I can't find the toggle for it in settings either.
Does anyone know how it could have disappeared? I used to use this all the time and I really want it back
submitted by theactualsettingsapp to galaxys10 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:34 Better_Chart4170 My cat kick me out of my own bed she looks down on my now

My cat kick me out of my own bed she looks down on my now She was trying to bite me when I was getting off my bed and trying to take her down I have a bunk bed and I wanted to bring her down but she refused and basically kicked me out of my own bed 😔
submitted by Better_Chart4170 to cats [link] [comments]
