Does anyone enjoy silent company? Just for someone to sit beside you for awhile if your feeling down or the world's too loud? I enjoy it but it's hard to find people to sit by because everyones rushing around on cr's

2025.02.01 21:48 -Sky_Lux- Does anyone enjoy silent company? Just for someone to sit beside you for awhile if your feeling down or the world's too loud? I enjoy it but it's hard to find people to sit by because everyones rushing around on cr's

Does anyone enjoy silent company? Just for someone to sit beside you for awhile if your feeling down or the world's too loud? I enjoy it but it's hard to find people to sit by because everyones rushing around on cr's (aka,I'm too socially scared to ask if anyone needs any company or if anyone wishes to sit beside me for silent/peacefull company rn,the peace of the little prince area is beautiful)
submitted by -Sky_Lux- to SkyChildrenOfLight [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 MemeMom83 Headaches

Does anyone experience headaches on and off all day? In the am I feel fine but after meds I get headaches all through out the day. My levels are not changing but getting worse . Been on MMI for 5 weeks
submitted by MemeMom83 to gravesdisease [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 Athen7mis Photoshoot places

Where are cool underground tunnels for photoshoots? Or maybe staircases
submitted by Athen7mis to tbilisi [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 thebrightlord2 your wish is my command

your wish is my command submitted by thebrightlord2 to Terraria [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 CaptainSparrow___ Haven Palace Rotating

Why does haven palace rotate when you get inside the throne room, but not during the praxis boss fight or when you look up at the palace?
submitted by CaptainSparrow___ to jakanddaxter [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 advisorforlove Friday Sugar - most extravagant gift you gave to your SB/SD?

submitted by advisorforlove to sugarlifestyleforum [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 GeniusOwl Don't forget Feb 9th at 12pm

Don't forget Feb 9th at 12pm submitted by GeniusOwl to richmondhill [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 Sea-Sherbet-6338 ICE Barbie

ICE Barbie submitted by Sea-Sherbet-6338 to PoliticalMemes [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 acidr33fl3x What kind of cable is this?

What kind of cable is this? Bought a desktop online and it came with this. Pretty sure it’s for the display but I haven’t got monitors yet and want to make sure that it has the right connection.
submitted by acidr33fl3x to computers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 Number1Datafan SCP-8008

SCP-8008 submitted by Number1Datafan to DankMemesFromSite19 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 Uncle_Ulty 1000 paid vis in wasted in this trap banner

1000 paid vis in wasted in this trap banner
submitted by Uncle_Ulty to wotv_ffbe [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 passim I'm back! New, new Polestar 3.

After some back and forth between us and our dealer and Polestar corporate, my original PS3 from December has gone back home and my replacement was delivered yesterday. So far this one seems awesome. I only had the first one for a day, so already I've put more miles on this one. Picked up a NACS adapter at the local Volvo dealer and after my drive today realized that my local Supercharger..... has magic dock! Worked great though.
submitted by passim to polestar3 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 Harsh_Malakar Foss Virtual space

Foss vortual/ parallel/ container fir androd 14 -15
submitted by Harsh_Malakar to fossdroid [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 Patient_Criticism_60 Honeywell Scanner QR Code

I have a Honeywell scanner model 1472g. I bought to read QR codes. I connected the scanner to the notebook. I need to configure the scanner to open a browser and write into the browser's URL the scanned QR code.
I tried to use these two auto configuration provided by Honeywell:
They are nor working. I installed the EZConfig to write my own rule set.
I am quite new in this. Somebody can help me how to write the following rule set: 1. Open Start Menu - CTRL + ESC 2. Wait: 500ms 3. Write: run 4. Hit: Enter 5. Wait: 500ms 6. Write: chrome READ_URL 7. Hit: Enter
I tried to configure a full day but without any success. Thanks who read my post.
submitted by Patient_Criticism_60 to barcodes [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 pente5 I don't understand how bird

submitted by pente5 to ExplainTheJoke [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 lummont Is it too cold?

Is it too cold? So as you can see the screen is slowly dying, is it because the place I have my printer is too cold?
submitted by lummont to resinprinting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 ConfusedPanda22 Stay or go?

Hello! I need to make a significant career decision and would love some advice. A little background is provided here:

-I have another job offer, in a big 4 consulting firm, working on the same field as my old job (tech, analytics, AI etc). It's for about £100k a year.
So with this in mind, should I switch jobs and opt for safety, or role the dice and stay in my current firm? I like what I'm doing right now and also like the people I work with. The increased salary, while nice, isn't exactly an overwhelming factor. If I wasn't nervous about the layoff situation, I wouldn't be considering a job switch at this point. Added to it is the worry that if I do get laid off, it has implications on my visa too and my life in the UK would be upended as a whole.
Any inputs and opinions helpful, thanks!
submitted by ConfusedPanda22 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 jlank007 The Memes of Power

The Memes of Power I made these memes to make the rules easier to understand and more fun. Hopefully, this helps everyone follow them better.
  1. Standard Reddit rules apply: Just follow the basic Reddit rules everyone should know. Be nice and respectful.
  2. Only Tolkien-related shitposting: Keep the memes about Lord of the Rings or Tolkien’s world. Crossovers are okay, but don’t go off-topic.
  3. No NSFW posts: No inappropriate or gross stuff. Keep it clean.
  4. No racism, sexism, homophobia, or discrimination: Don’t be mean or exclude people based on who they are. Everyone should feel welcome.
  5. No harassing or threatening other users: Don’t attack or bully anyone. Be kind and talk respectfully.
  6. No same-day reposts or common reposts: Don’t post the same meme over and over, especially on the same day. Keep it fresh.
  7. No vote manipulation or brigading: Don’t ask people to upvote or downvote stuff, and don’t link to other subreddits to cause trouble.
  8. No advertising or spam: Don’t try to sell things or spam the sub with unrelated stuff.
  9. No IRL-politics: Keep real-world politics out of here. Talking about Gondor’s throne is fine, though!
  10. No cake day posts: Don’t post just because it’s your Reddit anniversary. Save it for somewhere else.
  11. No "calling for aid" posts: Don’t ask for help or attention from the sub. We won’t answer.
  12. No posting screenshots of bot conversations: Don’t share chats with bots. It’s not interesting.
  13. No scam, spam, or karma farming accounts: Don’t use fake accounts to cheat or get karma. Be real.
  14. This is not a RoP discussion sub: If you want to talk about Rings of Power, go to the right subs. This is for memes only.
  15. Posts must have the proper flair: Make sure your post has the right tag so people know what it’s about.
submitted by jlank007 to lotrmemes [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 Neo-Studio 4 to 6ish hours making and articulating him but I had a little time to make this silly test :)

submitted by Neo-Studio to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 Brave-Ad2355 $Vrsee0 still got 4 boost left active all day instant boost back

Still got boosts left bfb $Vrsee0
submitted by Brave-Ad2355 to chimeboost [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 Idunnocheese What tv shows are we watching during mat leave or just in general?

Curious as to what tv shows people are watching, looking for recommendations to get me through the immobile breastfeeding / velcro baby times
submitted by Idunnocheese to BabyBumpsandBeyondAu [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 DartRocks Upvote if you’d love ABC to introduce a cartoon version of The Middle!

Upvote if you’d love ABC to introduce a cartoon version of The Middle! The actors have all moved on/ got older. But maybe we could all get our Middle fix if ABC brought back The Middle as a cartoon.
submitted by DartRocks to themiddle [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 Final_Spend_7038 Demon Time 😈 Stop sleeping & get locked in with us‼️ Comment Dm for 3 day FREE trial & exclusive discount on membership✅

Demon Time 😈 Stop sleeping & get locked in with us‼️ Comment Dm for 3 day FREE trial & exclusive discount on membership✅ submitted by Final_Spend_7038 to PrizePicksPlays [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 Sosaslimm 07-08 Type S Gage Cluster & Dash Clock in a 04-06 base model?

I have a 3rd gen TL and I like the Type S Dash Clock and Gage Cluster and I was doing some research to see if they are interchangeable and a plug and play to put on and got not really any results. Does anyone know if it is interchangeable at all and a plug and play?
submitted by Sosaslimm to AcuraTL [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 Squidy_boi16 My mental state be like:

My mental state be like: submitted by Squidy_boi16 to SadImages [link] [comments]