2025.02.01 19:31 TF141cod GOAL

GOAL After a long long time I finally got a black fri iuh! He represents my irl horse Manfred, who as well is a freezy :3 I'm so happy to even own this thing XD a manfred cheesestring :3 I'm looking for topaz giftbags with ms/neon secondary :3 lmk if ya got !
submitted by TF141cod to WildHorseIslands [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 The_Overview_Effect How do I help my dad?

I wish I had a flair that was accurate to needing guidance, but did not require this "Contributor" flair. I don't care if they are approved by a mod team or not, I like all sources. Perhaps it serves a more wide communal function that I am not understanding?
I'll make a copy of this on my personal wall, if you do not have a contributor flair and wish to respond, please go to my profile and reply there. Thank you. I appreciate your time and energy put into a response.
Background I feel some background is required to understand the nuance of this situation.
I am 20, I work at a paper mill, long hours, great pay. I got married for about a year and my wife left, in no small part due to my unmanaged ADHD, poor temperance, and just general lack of knowing my limits (when I'm overstimulated and need to step back, etc) Not too dissimilar from things my dad is doing currently. This puts me in an odd position.
My dad has served as a caretaker his entire life. He had the demeaning job of wiping his brothers butt as a kid, his dad had a stroke when he was 11, became his caretaker, and now his wife is severely crippled and he pretty much has to wait on her hand and foot.
ADHD is highly genetic, and I suspect my ADHD (and my little sister's) was inherited from him.
My dad is not studied in Stoicism, but always seems willing to hear about my random rants/rambles.
He's also been listening to my little snippets on ADHD.
My mom was pretty abusive to me and my sister when we were younger and I developed a very strong guardian complex from protecting my sister. My mom has tamed out significantly in her older years. I hold little resentment and love my mom deeply.
May be irrelevant, but I'm learning that I do have some PTSD from my childhood, though.
Problem My dad is having an awful time coping.
It's getting rather terrible and he's becoming deeply resentful of my mom, to no real fault of her own.
He is becoming uncaring and is starting to say some pretty horrible things.
I'm doing pretty well in managing my reactions, I think, but I get flashes of anger seeing and hearing some of the things he does/says. I usually take over in helping my mom, let my dad and myself cool off and I try to talk to him.
Question How do I talk to my dad? How do I avoid being condescending or disrespectful? How do I approach these conversations?
I'm still his son with 20 years less experience, and I haven't been given those same cards he was dealt.
I can't just go in "I have all the answers and the experience to tell you how to handle this"
I really think he can benefit from learning a bit about stoicism, perhaps even considering an ADHD evaluation himself.
I have to at least try to do something.
We're all in a spot where we truly need to stick together, and while I know it's not in my control, I don't want to leave any effort on the table.
My sister is struggling to maintain her mental health in this household, and she looks to me as much as ever. My mom is increasingly going to me for companionship and safety, and my dad is desperately looking for someone that cares and understands. He's also scared that no one will be there for him the same way he's been forced to be there for others, and he's also scared that he will be a burden the same way he's felt like he's been burdened by others.
It feels like they're all looking towards me.
Not to mention some of my friends that also look to me for help in their personal growth.
I am aware that this is a lot for me to be putting on my own shoulders, and my chances of not being able to hold everything is high.
And I don't intend to try to do this single handedly, but rather do my best to offer direction, and make sure I know my limits. A phrase my EMT instructor drilled into us lol.
Any advice, thoughts, or experiences help.
Thank you for your time and energy.
submitted by The_Overview_Effect to Stoicism [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Acrzyguy Tea time. (@ttf37662048)

Tea time. (@ttf37662048) submitted by Acrzyguy to sixfacedworld [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Weekly_Pay9087 Can someone make this ultimate skill and name it

Ultimate skill lord of martial arts
submitted by Weekly_Pay9087 to TenseiSlime [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 radiotoxin Is Strength and Dex a good combo? Or should i go for Dex and arcane? Or faith? I wanna do something around dex, Help!!

My level is current 114
submitted by radiotoxin to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Puffish-eating-carot Everything is sold?

So when I go to the search bar in marketplace and I search for something like Ford, it only shows me sold items but if I just do local, it does not show everything as sold. Does anybody know how to fix this?
submitted by Puffish-eating-carot to FacebookMarketplace [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Wise_Technician_3129 Racers and spectators stand near the shore of Lake Mead as boats are prepared for recreational races. University of Nevada photograph via Reddit - MotorsportGoodOldDays .

Racers and spectators stand near the shore of Lake Mead as boats are prepared for recreational races. University of Nevada photograph via Reddit - MotorsportGoodOldDays . submitted by Wise_Technician_3129 to MotorsportGoodOldDays [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Zeddblidd First month down - ahead of schedule with a little help from my friends (we like that) :]

First month down - ahead of schedule with a little help from my friends (we like that) :] submitted by Zeddblidd to 500moviesorbust [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Anfrers Yo creyéndome que me encienden botellas, porque soy la estrella y dejando claro que estoy free.

Yo creyéndome que me encienden botellas, porque soy la estrella y dejando claro que estoy free. submitted by Anfrers to BenidormFest [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 EducatorPersonal9756 Do you exchange messages with a girl on a day to day basis if you are not interested in dating ?

I reconnected with a guy after couple of years on social media and we have been exchanging messages on a daily basis since a last couple of months. During our conversation we both have told each other that we are not looking to date anyone at this point of time. I think I am getting attracted towards the guy, I know he said that he is not actively looking for someone in his life right now.
Coming to the point, where i need help from you all:
Since a couple of days I am feeling too exhausted with the back and forth messages and it’s coming to my mind that why is he still engaging in texts, there were time when the conversation was about to die but it got revived.
I want to know do you guys put in so much of efforts to text someone on a daily basis and if yes why ? Out of pure friendship ?
This texting thing is coming from a person who is a bad texter :p
submitted by EducatorPersonal9756 to AskIndianMen [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Swimming-Prompt-7893 The Difference Between Child and AI Meaning Acquisition

Hey everyone,
I've been thinking about how generative AI understands the meaning of words through neural machine learning. Is it only about digits without other layers?
That got me wondering—how different is the way a child learns meanings compared to how a machine does it? Am I even asking the right question? Is this like asking, "What's the difference between a stone and a tiger?"—where the answer is just, "They're different, and that's that," without any deeper distinction?
If you've come across any interesting empirical papers or evidence based books on this, I'd love to know about them.
submitted by Swimming-Prompt-7893 to asklinguistics [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 nicholashoneywell How old were you when this came out

How old were you when this came out submitted by nicholashoneywell to GenZ [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 ZealousidealMix608 Someone help because I don’t feel like doing the math, if I buy this will I have enough gold in time for the antivenom bundle?

Someone help because I don’t feel like doing the math, if I buy this will I have enough gold in time for the antivenom bundle? submitted by ZealousidealMix608 to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Lower-Still1908 need ACTIVE followers

Please let me know you’re from Reddit! If you’re not active (at least liking posts) on posts I will not follow!!
submitted by Lower-Still1908 to instagramfollowers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Santadoesntloveu Pancreatitus Questions

Good afternoon all! I few months ago I had insane stomach pain that I thought was a kidney stone, but after a trip to urgent care and abdominal scans and whatnot, turned out it was acute pancreatitus.
The six months before that, I had lost 45 lbs, eating insanely clean, no drinking, intermittent fasting.
Will this keep happening? Nothing has happened since but my wife is worried about everything I eat or do. The doctor said to keep coming in and getting ready scanned, but that costs a lot of money and I feel great...
submitted by Santadoesntloveu to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Signal_Dig_679 [PS4] W:junk H: pounder

Looking for adhesive or copper mostly
submitted by Signal_Dig_679 to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 PassengerAsleep5110 2006 Mustang Clutch Issues

2006 Mustang Clutch Issues Having some trouble with my 2006 mustang. I recently got a new clutch put into it and broke it in for a good 900-1000 miles.
I was driving back home and downshifted into 2nd going into my neighborhood when I heard a big sucking noise. Can’t start the car in neutral and switch gears now. And when I start the car in gear with the clutch all the way down it starts rolling
I believe that the fluid isn’t making it all the way down to the slave cylinder but I have no idea.
Any help would be appreciated.
submitted by PassengerAsleep5110 to Mustang [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 wannaUwU Is estrogen right for me?

I've been thinking about taking estrogen. I don't want to transition but I've never been comfortable in my own mind. Ever since I started dressing fem I've started to feel a lot better. I think that having a more feminine figure and blocking testosterone would be huge for me. I have some serious concerns though. One day I would like to have biological children. I'm also really worried about growing breasts. That is the last thing I want. Any thoughts or insights would be awesome!
submitted by wannaUwU to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 SLB1904SLB1904 Not Sure How To Make Heads or Tails of Current Situation…

Hey fellow sciatica peeps!
Hoping that someone can provide some insight as to what’s going on. I began having symptoms back in September 2024. While it started out very mild, I admittedly didn’t think much of it and continued my day to day. Long drives, no adjustment to work, tried to work out the issue with a theragun (effectively did everything wrong). It eventually progressed to the point in late November 2024 where I was unable to stand, walk or sit for more than a minute or two without having to lay down. I’ve effectively been off work and laid out on my back since.
At its worst, I was walking 1.5k to 2k steps a day, unable to stretch, didn’t sleep more than 2-3 hours a night and would spend the first 1.5hrs of the day rolling around in agony. Over the last few weeks, I’ve noticed that I’ve been able to increase activity to 4.5k steps/per day, I can sleep through the night and manage to shower more comfortably than previously.
I’ve noticed that I’ve started to feel some odd sensations down my opposite, previously unaffected leg. I think it may be more a function of over compensation than anything, but my herniation is slightly centered so it may be progressing to bilateral. Had an MRI last night, so should be able to confirm shortly.
I suppose my question is this. Despite being able to do more steps in a day, why can’t I seem to build endurance each time I attempt to walk or sit? I feel like I’m making progress in some areas, which has been a relief, but mobility is still quite disappointing. Thoughts? Anyone have any suggestions on how to overcome this hurdle?
I should mention that I have been in contact with a neurosurgeon and we have discussed a MD. It likely won’t be for another 2-3 months given current wait times in my country.
submitted by SLB1904SLB1904 to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Ok-General9707 3 3⭐ Card for any 4⭐

3 3⭐ Card for any 4⭐ submitted by Ok-General9707 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Czlittleman I need help

submitted by Czlittleman to MinecraftMod [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Maevana Matrix Online

This is going to age me but way back in the day, I played matrix online as my first mmo. I remember there being some sort of in game media player, when you could even listen to “radio” stations ran by players in the game itself. I remember there was one dj who always opened up his time slot with dr. Online by zeromancer. It came on my Apple Music recently and I have tried to remember. I am trying to figure out who that was and what ever happened to them . Idk but I am feeling nostalgic and it was probably the best time of my life. I have been trying to find old videos of the events this station would run in game. Any idea who this dj is or have old videos of this awesome experience that was before their time
submitted by Maevana to matrix [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 sierrasmaze Does the theatrical poster for the controversial Emilia Perez film look AI-generated to you?

Does the theatrical poster for the controversial Emilia Perez film look AI-generated to you? Hello,
It is my understanding that the movie Emilia Perez has gone through quite a bit of controversies, and one of them being due to its use of AI in the editing of lead actress Karla Sofia Gascón's vocal performance in the musical.
In May, prior to the first AI controversy, they released this as their theatrical poster:
They have since released a new poster with the faces of characters, possibly stills from the movie. But this first poster looked suspiciously AI generated to me, but I can't quite pinpoint how. What is y'alls opinion?
submitted by sierrasmaze to graphic_design [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 SuccessfulCricket2 Does fenix 8 amoled and solar have difference in the informations shown? Or all functions and informations shown are the same. I have seen difference in instinct amoled and solar

submitted by SuccessfulCricket2 to GarminWatches [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 stofsto Need to find this shirt for my girl

Need to find this shirt for my girl Been looking for a cute yellow summertop/shirt like this for a while now. But this is the exact one she wants
submitted by stofsto to findfashion [link] [comments]
