Nico para o city aquece: "City want to negotiate transfer fee over €40m, not triggering €60m clause at this stage".

2025.02.01 19:50 AloneInTheDark321 Nico para o city aquece: "City want to negotiate transfer fee over €40m, not triggering €60m clause at this stage".

Nico para o city aquece: Portistas que acham? Vendem? Se o Nico sair vai ter impacto brutal no desempenho desportivo, na minha opinião é reset a meio da época, desistir do título, dar tudo para o 2o lugar, e uma pré-época antecipada para o Anselmi.
submitted by AloneInTheDark321 to PrimeiraLiga [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 WhoIsStrappy I have 3 boost left $RayNeek boosting whoever boosts me first !!

submitted by WhoIsStrappy to ChimeBoostMe [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 MissUnlucky2025 Daughter needs neurodiverse assessment but ex won’t agree

I have a 6 year old DD. She is extremely impulsive, physically hurts her baby brother (he’s 1), lacks empathy (her eyes look dead when these things occur) and has no cognisance of the significance of what she is doing. Sometimes it’s like someone flicks a light switch and she switches in and out of these moods. Whenever these moods are “on” I have to keep her baby brother away from her because I don’t know what she will do. She has HUGE tantrums where she enters a fugue state and never remembers what she does in these tantrums.
While in these tantrums, she has hit me, nearly pushed me down the stairs, tried to push her brother into oncoming traffic (I was there and stopped in before it got anywhere) and she’s also pushed his head first into a wall because he was annoying her and wanted her toy.
When she is out of these moods, she a loving and caring little girl but I don’t see much of this little girl anymore.
My ex was emotionally and psychologically abusive and he continues to manipulate my DD but there’s nothing I can do, I’ve exhausted all avenues and spent a small fortune trying to protect my kids.
I have primary custody and the kids are with me 99% of the time, my ex takes up about 20% of the contact that he could have. He still has PR.
I have GPs, school, social workers and a therapist all saying she needs a neurodiverse assessment but my ex won’t agree. He’s saying it needs to be investigated why she has issues in my care. Which absolutely makes no sense! She’s displaying this in school, with her therapist and other professionals.
Something like a neurodiverse assessment has to be signed off by all the people with PR from what little I know.
Has anyone ever experienced it where your ex is blocking your kids getting the help they need and what can you do? I can’t afford to go back to court again 😩
submitted by MissUnlucky2025 to FamilyLaw [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 ProfessionalPlant419 Not 18+

submitted by ProfessionalPlant419 to hamedelloco [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 Putrid_Carpenter_913 Plot hole: why would Dutch ever rejoin Micah?

Spoilers ahead:
I got the impression that at the end of the main story, Arthur finally convinced Dutch - albeit too late to matter - that he was right and Micah was a rat, hence why Dutch walks off despondently.
Then, in the epilogue, he's suddenly working with him again? It's like the whole last mission didn't happen. My head canon is that Dutch was always planning to kill Micah in revenge, so he used the fact that only he knew where the Blackwater money to lure him into a truce, but since Micah already had his own gang, Dutch could t just kill him outright and needed to wait for the opportune moment.
Though it also seems implausible that Micah would buy it. Imagine you're a gangster who rats out your gang on a bunch of heists leading to most of their deaths. Years later in witness protection, your old boss calls and says 'hey, how'd you like your share of the money from that heist you ratted us out on? And maybe we can commit more crimes together? Come meet me deep in the woods if you're up for it.' I think anyone would see through it.
submitted by Putrid_Carpenter_913 to reddeadredemption2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 Professor_Wayne Disrupting ICE - Everyday Tips

What to do at an ICE checkpoint, especially if you're white and/or feel the need to jam up the works
Copied from another subreddit, credit goes to user insouciant_naiad.
"The most important acts of resistance are the small ones."
This is taken from the Punk subreddit, please share.
The following is making the rounds:
This is getting too real friends. We need to be prepared for us and for the diverse community around us.
Here's the deal:
🔘 Border Patrol can verify citizenship within 100 miles of a border or "external boundary." This includes coastlines, so NYC, Philadelphia, and all of NJ, and all of Florida are within the 100-mile zone.
🔘 Border patrol can only ask brief questions about citizenship, and they cannot hold you for an extended time without cause.
🔘 You always have the right to remain silent. You do not need to answer their questions.
🔘 The most important acts of resistance are the small ones. Make it difficult and uncomfortable for ICE agents to do their jobs. They are counting on citizens to turn a blind eye and allow them to deport undocumented citizens without challenge. Disabuse of that notion.
🔘 If you are on a train, bus, or anything else and ICE or CBP boards, you need to stand up and loudly let everyone know that they have the right to remain silent or only answer questions in the presence of an attorney, no matter their citizenship or immigration status. There have been numerous reports that confronting the agents in this way has caused them to leave without verifying citizenship. THIS CAN SAVE LIVES. 🙌
🔘 If you see anyone being held up by immigration, loudly ask if they are being detained and if they are free to go.
🔘 Immigration officers cannot detain anyone without reasonable suspicion, an agent must have specific facts about you that make it reasonable to believe you are committing or committed, a violation of immigration law or federal law. If an agent detains you, you can ask for their basis for reasonable suspicion, and they should tell you.
🔘 Always say no to a search and let everyone know that they can and should refuse consent to a search.
🔘 They cannot search or arrest anyone without facts about that make it probable that they are committing, or committed, a violation of immigration law or federal law.
🔘 Silence alone meets neither of these standards. Nor does race or ethnicity alone suffice for either probable cause or reasonable suspicion
🔘 white citizens, you have a level of privilege which protects us from retaliation from ICE for being "rude" and making a scene, which makes it our DUTY to speak up and make sure people without the same privilege know their rights. GET LOUD. YELL. YELL IN SPANISH IF YOU KNOW IT. LET PEOPLE KNOW THEY DON'T HAVE TO SAY SHIT. MAKE ICE UNCOMFORTABLE. THROW SAND IN THE GEARS OF WHITE SUPREMACY.
You can also slow things up by asking lots of questions and being politely "nosy." Channel your aunt Muriel who asks lots of pointless questions with irrelevant details.
⭐️ Bonus info- ⭐️ 🔘It is perfectly legal to record immigration agents as long as you are not on government property or at a port of entry. If your train/bus gets boarded, pull your phone out and start videotaping immediately.
🔘 If you are detained or see someone getting detained, get the agent's name, number, and any other identifying information. Get it on video if possible.
🔘 Contact the ACLU or your local Immigrant/Migrant support orgs if you see someone's rights being violated.
(this has been copy and pasted -- please do the same)
Edited to add: You can download red cards in several languages here:
submitted by Professor_Wayne to oakland [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 adiadoll we got a new guy

we got a new guy, and he is filling the bowls UP to the actual brim, (everytime he closes a bowl, it’s really difficult to) and with what chipotle has taught me i was even thinking it was double meat (even though outside of chiptole logic, it’s just a really good portion.) well, he just got pulled into the office and i can only wonder why.. damn it, i was so proud of him. he lasted a good four hours before the strict manager clocked in.
submitted by adiadoll to Chipotle [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 SSuperMrL The Sonic Storybook Games Were Weird Yo

The Sonic Storybook Games Were Weird Yo submitted by SSuperMrL to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 SuccessfulLand9646 Donte-mickens-1, Boost 4 boost I’ll send back asap!!

Just comment done below with your user!
submitted by SuccessfulLand9646 to chimeboost [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 von_Kartoffel Medals of Admiral von Tirpitz, German Maritime Museum

Medals of Admiral von Tirpitz, German Maritime Museum submitted by von_Kartoffel to Militariacollecting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 xguyt6517x Will the AH-6 ever get weapons?

submitted by xguyt6517x to BlackhawkRescue [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 soy1usuri0 ¿Un editor por hobby?

Estoy escribiendo una historia, pero tengo faltas en lo que es crear diálogos, es algo amateur (nunca estudie literatura)
¿Creen que encuentre un editor que lo haga por hobby?
Psdt: pueden preguntar de que se trata.
submitted by soy1usuri0 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 kristenmichelle410 I’m about to start following an anti inflammatory diet. Any frozen meal, pre made things you can recommend ?

I’m aware of all the whole fruits veggies and food but hoping to find some easy microwaveable meals or things to just throw in the oven. Anyone found anything that’s halfway decent?
submitted by kristenmichelle410 to nutrition [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 Rare-Tackle4431 Is Rebecca Sugar non-binary?

I see on their Instagram that they use they/she pronauns but gender expression doesn't need to be tied to gender identity so did they aver publicly seid about their gender identity?
submitted by Rare-Tackle4431 to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 marc65578 Amateurfunkschein zur Stellung

Guten Tag zusammen,
ich habe in ungefähr einen Monat meine Stellung und wollte fragen, ob jemand damit Erfahrungen gemacht hat, welche Möglichkeiten man hat, wenn man zur Stellung den Amateurfunkschein vorweisen kann. Ich bin in einer HTL für Elektrotechnik und lerne auch schon aus persönlichen Interesse eine weile für den Funkschein. Jetzt hab ich meine Ladung zur Stellung bekommen und bin beim überlegen ob es sich lohnt noch schnell davor zu versuchen einen Prüfungstermin zu bekommen.
submitted by marc65578 to Bundesheer [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 Ok_Condition3029 Constant fear, mis-seeing stuff, overreacting to loud noises, and bad thoughts. Anyone understand it?

I get scared way too easily especially by sudden and/or loud sounds and fall to my knees or crouch while covering my ears or head and screaming as soon as i hear it. I started doing this randomly when i was like 15 and i don't understand why it happens. There has been some stressful or traumatic events but I don't think anything is linked to this. Also i am constantly on edge, and scared of my own thoughts. I feel like I don't control them and they always make me imagine awful stuff. Especially when im in the dark in my own home, so i always walk with my head down, looking at my phone and trying not to let me think, and flashlight on. Im scared of looking around me because i always mistake everything as strange figures and get scared by them. Please help. I don't know what to do.
submitted by Ok_Condition3029 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 Ambitious_Kangaroo_3 Will the unsolvable unemployment problem in Europe result in its inevidable downfall?

Will the unsolvable unemployment problem in Europe result in its inevidable downfall? submitted by Ambitious_Kangaroo_3 to economicCollapse [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 TieDyeByDnA Tie the season ❤️

Tie the season ❤️ submitted by TieDyeByDnA to tiedye [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 toomanydice Duhlark's Animerge Ideas

I'm working on a campaign right now where the antagonistic force is a wizard/alchemist who has re-discovered Duhlark's Animerge, an old 2e AD&D spell that allows you to merge two different animals together. The old theory was this was potentially an origin for owlbears. I don't plan for this to be a high level campaign, what kind of animal combos should I throw at the party? Would prefer to stick to things that could be considered beasts or at least similar in appearance. Also stick to non-intelligent creatures for the most part.
Current ideas: Wolverine + Canadian Goose Wolf + Spider
submitted by toomanydice to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 okilanlosan B4B? I’ve got 4 available!

Will be updating as they get taken, name is $balancingravens
submitted by okilanlosan to chimeboost [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 FairWeb5447 Trading this account for dragon fruit ore yeti fruit

Trading this account for dragon fruit ore yeti fruit submitted by FairWeb5447 to BloxFruitsTrades [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 HenryB404 Is this white “tape” supposed to be there

Is this white “tape” supposed to be there submitted by HenryB404 to boutiq [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 United_Landscape_464 i need help

i need help submitted by United_Landscape_464 to BeeSwarmSimulator [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 Scary_Parsley_6543 Police Chase Music
submitted by Scary_Parsley_6543 to rapbattles [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 concepcionz + Links

+ Links When Im using Stremio it shows both [+ and Download] links but when using Vidi it doesn’t show which is which one so I dont have to download before playing. Im using the same .json file configuration in both Stremio and Vidi, TorBox and Torrentio.
submitted by concepcionz to VidiApp [link] [comments]