Bekymrende adfærd af kommende socialrådgiver Mira

2025.02.01 19:55 Still_Particular_698 Bekymrende adfærd af kommende socialrådgiver Mira

Gennemgang af Miras adfærd på sociale medier og de potentielle konsekvenser
Siden den 2. januar har vi observeret Miras aktivitet på sociale medier og indsamlet oplysninger om hendes adfærd. Der er gennem denne periode fremkommet en række vidnesbyrd og dokumentation, som peger på gentagne problematiske handlinger, der rejser alvorlige bekymringer i forhold til hendes troværdighed, adfærd og overholdelse af lovgivningen.
Beskyldninger og inkonsekvent adfærd
Mira har gentagne gange fremsat alvorlige anklager mod andre personer på sociale medier, ofte uden at præsentere håndgribelige beviser. Samtidig har flere kilder uafhængigt af hinanden berettet om hendes egen involvering i handlinger, der netop afspejler de ting, hun beskylder andre for.
Det er desuden yderst bekymrende, at Mira gentagne gange anklager andre for misbrug, når flere uafhængige kilder har observeret hende indtage stoffer såsom kokain, hash og lattergas. Denne adfærd rejser spørgsmål om hendes troværdighed samt hendes evne til at fremsætte objektive og veldokumenterede påstande om andre.
Blandt de mest kritiske forhold nævnes:

• Påstået påvirkning (af stoffer inkl. kokain: se vedhæftet billede) under live-streams, hvilket er blevet bemærket af flere seere. 
Flere uafhængige kilder har beskrevet episoder, hvor hun angiveligt har været påvirket under live-streams og til sociale arrangementer. Dette bekræftes af flere kommentarer fra hendes følgere, som også har bemærket tegn på påvirkning.
- Brud på privatlivets fred, herunder offentliggørelse af private billeder og oplysninger uden samtykke.
- Eksponering af mindreårige i en upassende kontekst.
- Offentlige konflikter med tidligere venner, hvor personlige oplysninger og billeder er blevet brugt i konfrontationer.
Lovgivning og juridiske konsekvenser
Det er vigtigt at understrege, at deling af private billeder og videoer uden samtykke er en kriminel handling ifølge dansk lovgivning. Dette gælder særligt i tilfælde, hvor materialet involverer mindreårige, hvilket kan føre til alvorlige juridiske konsekvenser, herunder sigtelser for besiddelse og distribution af ulovligt materiale. Ifølge straffelovens §264d og §235 kan en sådan adfærd medføre betydelige strafudmålinger.
Påvirkning af sociale og professionelle relationer
Flere tidligere relationer til Mira synes at være endt i konflikter, hvor personer, der tidligere stod hende nær, nu distancerer sig. Dette rejser en bekymring om et adfærdsmønster, hvor personlige relationer ofte bliver eksponeret og misbrugt i offentlige sammenhænge.
Et gennemgående mønster er, at Mira ofte mister nære venner. Senest har vi set, at hun har haft en offentlig konflikt med AA og Amina, personer hun tidligere har forsvaret. Dette følger en tendens, hvor hun gentagne gange har brudt relationer og senere offentligt konfronteret tidligere venner og bekendtskaber.
Desuden rejser hendes handlinger spørgsmål vedrørende hendes fremtidige beskæftigelse, især i relation til arbejde inden for socialrådgivning eller lignende fagområder. En person, der har en historik med offentlig udstilling, deling af privat materiale, misbrug af underretningssystemet og uansvarlig håndtering af oplysninger, kan have svært ved at opnå en stilling, der kræver et højt niveau af etik og ansvarlighed.
Kan vi frabede os kommentar fra Miras egne fakere, din skrivestil er analyseret til bunds og du kan ikke rigtig skjule dig bag fakere længere.
submitted by Still_Particular_698 to tiktokdramadk [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 Relevant_Okra6984 update: my first MUN!!!!

i didn’t think that i’d be making another post tbh but i have to update! so, today i had my first ever MUN, didn’t know much of the procedure, positions like the general terminology. my committee’s debate concerned responsibility and climate change and i’d written my opening speech the night before and was studying on the way there like dang…
we did our rolecall and i thought that i failed my opening speech but most if not all of the other delegations i talked to said that it was really good and even one of the chairs complimented me?!? she told me that i they were seriously considering me as the « most improved delegate » and that i could have won but i participated less in the last 2 sessions as i was too concentrated on redacting/editing our working paper 😭 tbh i was kinda disappointed at first but this was so eye-opening like ts is so fun!!!!!! i’m considering signing up for more MUNs, though hoping that they won’t coincide with my exam season lol
so the basic takeaway i’ve learned from this experience is basically: - do research. extensively!!!! is your bestfriend (no chatgpt pls) - keep speeches interesting yet concise, clear and with examples - participate actively be it in the discussion or the drafting - eloquence!!!!!! formal vocabulary is a must (what made me stand out lowk) - strategic communication and alliances between delegations - no time to be shy lol, you really need to put yourself out there the people you met 15mins ago are officially your bffs for the day (and i’m saying this as an introvert) - dont hesitate and making mistakes is a part of the process
and yeah that’s it!
submitted by Relevant_Okra6984 to MUN [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 BigDragonfruit318 Looking for hobbies for someone who is always traveling!

Hey yall, I really want a new hobby and something very niche because I feel like I’ve read all the lists and nothing resonates with me😭. As I travel constantly for work there are some things that are challenging such as instruments, hiking, things that can’t be guaranteed everywhere I go. Currently I read a lot, use my planner as a decorative junk/bullet journal, calligraphy, cooking, piano. It would be nice to find one that’s not to expensive, but if it’s a really cool idea I’d be willing to spend a bit!
submitted by BigDragonfruit318 to Hobbies [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 LordNedNoodle Ned wants to be the next Air Bud. Can you help him visualize his dream? $5 tip for the one my wife thinks is best.

Ned wants to be the next Air Bud. Can you help him visualize his dream? $5 tip for the one my wife thinks is best. Air Ned
submitted by LordNedNoodle to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 Thanos_9817 Rank these Era Openers

In my opinion, there are 5 distinct eras of Iron Maiden. There’s Di’Anno, 80’s Bruce, 90’s Bruce (extremely different than 80’s), Blaze and Reunion. So I wanted to know y’all’s opinions on these openers to each era. The songs are this:
• Prowler • Invaders • Tailgunner • Sign of the Cross • The Wicker Man
In my personal opinion, my list would go:

  1. Invaders (shows of Bruce’s operatic style and a new feel)
  2. Prowler (Has a grimy feel which fits the Di’Anno era music)
  3. SOTC (11 minute epic to start a newer, darker era with a new singer. Awesome! Just think Bruce is better singing it)
  4. Wicker Man (it’s fine. Better songs on BNW)
  5. Tailgunner (one of the few maiden songs I genuinely dislike. Music is fine, mixing and chorus is awful)
submitted by Thanos_9817 to ironmaiden [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 AJHHHHHHHAHSHDH I just bought new spring upgrades and uhhh… it wont level out no matter HOW TIGHT it is

I just bought new spring upgrades and uhhh… it wont level out no matter HOW TIGHT it is submitted by AJHHHHHHHAHSHDH to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 FeldsparFertilizer The SCIENTIFICALLY CORRECT explanation for why the 3 pink women (Bereet, Carina, and Ura) in Guardians of the Galaxy look like that

Their skin cells have astaxanthin instead of melanin
submitted by FeldsparFertilizer to DNA [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 Any-Butterscotch-418 Corsair rgb fans not showing up.

So I just got my first proper PC and just trying to sync up all my lights but the fans aren't showing up on ICUE. I can see and customise my DDR5 but that's it. I can also see and customise the fans in Opera GX but not in iCUE to sync it easily.
Anyone got any ideas, ive looked up a number of things and had no luck?
submitted by Any-Butterscotch-418 to Corsair [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 lemkowidmak @LafayetteMBB: Feelin' good at the half in Hamilton 🤩#RollPards #ClimbTheHil

@LafayetteMBB: Feelin' good at the half in Hamilton 🤩#RollPards #ClimbTheHil submitted by lemkowidmak to LafayetteLeopards [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 Zestyclose-Agency-56 SOH help

SOH help Trying to make it fuller, not sure what to do
submitted by Zestyclose-Agency-56 to StringofPlants [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 DozzinDavo IRL content check out my bio! Trying to get our content out there!

IRL content check out my bio! Trying to get our content out there! submitted by DozzinDavo to Twitch [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 Miss_nikki128 Some photos from Barnwell country park. Northamptonshire, England.

Some photos from Barnwell country park. Northamptonshire, England. submitted by Miss_nikki128 to Animals [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 kroko-deal Drug habits

Drug habits I collected all i know of the main girls’s drug habits what they do/how they get them.
If you know of anything else or anything is incorrect lmk.
submitted by kroko-deal to Classof09Game [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 Terrible_Designer327 [Solo-Leveling] Season 2 Episode 5 - Orc Theme Song (Hall)

I've just finished the episode , i checked on shazam , OST etc. but i couldn't find the song. As Sung enters the hall with the orc king, a music starts to play at 21:34 ...
Does anyone know the song ?
submitted by Terrible_Designer327 to anime [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 Tegeret Baath phone

Baath phone submitted by Tegeret to arabfunny [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 murphys2ndlaw Vacuumed Pump fun

Who else has had to chase oil leaks from the vacuum pump?
So far I re-torqued it… didn’t help. Next was a new gasket, nope. Tried some RTV on that new gasket, again nope. Just replaced the pump and gasket. Dam pump is like 300$!
Thought about replacing the o-ring that seals the outer cover. But, I hear stories that it failed after and took out the drive from the cam. Didn’t want to risk it.
So, we’ll see if it stays dry!
submitted by murphys2ndlaw to abarth [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 Playful_Evidence5475 $cjack1010 1 boost left. boosts back ASAP

submitted by Playful_Evidence5475 to chimeboost [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 Candid-Equivalent-81 Felt like a good day for it.

Felt like a good day for it. submitted by Candid-Equivalent-81 to panerai [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 zny700 It a canon event

It a canon event submitted by zny700 to RedvsBlue [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 soThen_i_says I'm always surprised with how quickly some of you Photoshoppers can work in here! :)

I'm always surprised with how quickly some of you Photoshoppers can work in here! :) submitted by soThen_i_says to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 GofyJTI16 Help plz

So I've started a new account about drawing so i want to post one draw every week and i want to target the American community bc there are the biggest(sorry for the poor english) but i don't know what is the day i want to post on it weekly i asked chatgbt and he says that Thursday,Wednesday and Tuesday are the best days in week to post and have the highest chance to people enter Instagram and see it so what do u guys think (sorry again for the poor english😅)
submitted by GofyJTI16 to InstagramMarketing [link] [comments]

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2025.02.01 19:55 Folded_78 PS4/5 [W] swift slash aow [H] pretty much anything

submitted by Folded_78 to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 noneotherthanozzy Rewatching “Tomorrowland” Betty caused the Engagement to happen…

It’s pretty obvious, but I’m just realizing Betty’s ridiculous actions towards Carla directly lead to Don and Megan getting engaged. Granted, it could have still happened down the line, but the sequence of events that fit perfectly into place with the firing, the planned trip, obtaining the ring, etc. clearly influenced Don that it “was meant to be.”
submitted by noneotherthanozzy to madmen [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:55 homedecorhelpplz How can I make this backyard patio look prettier?

submitted by homedecorhelpplz to ExteriorDesign [link] [comments]