2025.02.01 19:54 Logical-Rutabaga Tapestry/blankets
Hello weaving experts! I know nothing about this topic, but found a few blankets or tapestries from an estate sale. Goose is approx 2’x3’, stripe blanket is 3x5’ and red/brown is about 5x8’. They appear to be to my untrained eye to be wool and handmade. I love the goose. Anyone have any insight they can share around period and/or origin? Found in Southern California if that makes any difference. submitted by Logical-Rutabaga to weaving [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:54 TheseShallot2617 Please help me. Where do I find good maxi evening dresses in Chennai?
I have a wedding to attend and one of the functions have western formals. Whatever I ordered does suit me so much and would like to do some last minute shopping for the event. No budget, just need a good store in Chennai to try and buy😅
submitted by TheseShallot2617 to chennaicity [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:54 Ryanr99 Fast charging adapter finally on its way!
After getting the car in May and having the original date of the charger supposed to be delivered in the month of October it was once delayed again and has now finally started its journey to my mailbox. Hope anyone else waiting on one gets theirs soon.😂 submitted by Ryanr99 to MachE [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:54 PlasmaDiffusion [PC][Late 2000s] A Ball Shooter Puzzle Game for a late 2000s casual game service advertised on TV where you put tiny game cartridges in the controller
(This is more about the game service itself but I'm also curious what the puzzle game I got with it was called)
Platform(s): PC
Genre: Puzzle
Estimated year of release: 2007-2009
Graphics/art style: Casual Game type of art style
Other details:
During the later half of the 2000s (I want to say around 2007-2009) I remember seeing an advertisement on tv about this game service for casual games that was kind of like Wild Tangent, except to use the service you bought a controller that you connect to your computer (via a wired usb?), and the controller had a slot for putting in tiny "game cartridges". You could buy more cartridges for other games or buy stuff online digitally. It was a complete flop and didn't last long, and I've tried googling casual game services but can't for the life of me find it.
I bought this controller and it came with a ball shooter type of puzzle game where you match colours. I believe the balls appeared from the top of the screen and NOT on a guided line like Zuma. I barely remember the game tbh, but I think it had a bit of a story to it and "boss levels", but it otherwise was a typical shoot and match the coloured balls game. I think there might have been some powerups or something to make it a bit more exciting.
I vaguely remember the controller had a d-pad and a single analogue stick, on top of the typical 4 face buttons. Think like an oval shape like the original version of the Wii classic controller, but the right stick was missing and the top of the controller had a thin cartridge slot.
submitted by PlasmaDiffusion to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:54 Kind-Spring3682 Looking for cowboy hat!
I’m looking for a light green gingham cowboy hat with a white band or a emerald/shiny green band 😊
submitted by Kind-Spring3682 to WildHorsesIslandsRbx [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:54 Madhax New PC Build - North Fractal w/ Stained Glass Film
submitted by Madhax to FractalDesign [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:54 Every_Coyote_5841 What is happening
I'm trying to make the like underwater lantern but I've analyzed all the items for it why can't I make it?
submitted by Every_Coyote_5841 to GroundedGame [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:54 NimueArt First extended fast done!
I have done 48 hour fasts before, but this week decided to kick things into gear. I just completed my first 5-day fast!!
Gonna eat this weekend and then start again on Monday. My eating this weekend will still be in a condensed window(6 hours or so).
submitted by NimueArt to fasting [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:54 Spn_23YT What (and how) to Upgrade next
Dont know what i should Upgrade. Please tipps on higher end (UR) and higher submitted by Spn_23YT to TopDrives [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:54 Hot-Music4779 Should i accept?
submitted by Hot-Music4779 to Soundmap [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:54 Kitty_Fuchs [WP] You finally managed to steal the powers of the hero, claiming them for yourself. Knowing how powerful the hero is you are excited to try them out, only for nothing to happen.
submitted by Kitty_Fuchs to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:54 lemkowidmak @NovaMBB: Tied at 50 in South Philadelphia.Nova vs. Creighton.4:06 to play in the second half.#GoNova
submitted by lemkowidmak to phillysports [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:54 Still_Particular_698 Bekymrende opførsel af kommende socialrådgiver Mira.
submitted by Still_Particular_698 to tiktokdramadk [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:54 Muted-Tomorrow9955 Any tips?
Heyyo! I’m still new to tufting but I wanted to try a more difficult rug. Anyone got any tips for me before I start this beast?? submitted by Muted-Tomorrow9955 to Tufting [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:54 Upset-Bill-3829 I have a this types a problem I am going many doctors but not solve please any solve any medice tell me
Sometimes missing some time coming this problem
submitted by Upset-Bill-3829 to Folliculitis [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:54 geekteam6 Eggs at the Los Feliz Costco, two dozen free range for $7.69 -- plus Costco workers are paid well and you don't give a damn dime to Bezos
submitted by geekteam6 to LosAngeles [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:54 front-page-watch [#104|+4746|47] For real, though. Teachers are not appreciated enough. [r/MadeMeSmile]
submitted by front-page-watch to longtail [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:54 PocketHobbit Introducing laboratory.love — Kickstarter for microplastics testing.
Hey microplastics_ I've been working on a project that combines my love for science with a pressing real-world need: laboratory.love — a platform that lets anyone initiate chemical testing of food and beverage products through crowdfunding. Think "Consumer Reports meets Kickstarter" but focused on measuring endocrine disruptors in what we eat and drink. The Problem It Solves Here's what drove me to build this: in 2023, the EU reduced their "safe" limit for BPA by 20,000x based on new research. But BPA is just one of countless similar chemicals in our food packaging, most of which are poorly studied. The gap between what we know and what we should know is massive. How It Works
screenshot of the laboratory.love homepage submitted by PocketHobbit to microplastics_ [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:54 Innoculous_Lox66 Commerical crash statistics
I'm sorry if this question seems repetitive but reddit or not I haven't gotten the best answers.
Can anyone with extensive FAA knowledge explain why crashes are seeming to become more common?
Is this only because they're reporting more on general aviation crashes which are much more dangerous?
I've tried doing a lot of research but I keep seeing contradictions or sources that won't give me purely commerical statistics and it's leaving me very confused.
I've seen commercially there were globally 25 in 2000, 62 in 2021, 42 in 22, 30 in 23 and 30 last year. While other sources say last year was the deadliest since 2018 and other sources saying there hasn't been any since 2009. Another source claims 63 in 2021 and 56 in 2022.
I'd like to know the numbers globally, but even just U.S. commerical statistics would help.
submitted by Innoculous_Lox66 to aviation [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:54 1Man1Mission Subreddit photo?
Rolled a natural 1 for hair submitted by 1Man1Mission to bald [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:54 Pyroxylin Help me find this pin's artist!
I got this pin as a present a few months after the Hades 2 trailer dropped. I remember it was from a "Blood of Hades" collection and it had a matching Zag design, though I only need the artist's name and not more pins. Thanks for your help!
submitted by Pyroxylin to HadesTheGame [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:54 fa_13 Cribbing muzzle
Anybody ever use a cribbing muzzle for their horse? I use a weaver cribbing collar right now but I feel like it doesn’t work. She’s done it her and now does it when bored or in a stall. Has anyone ever used a cribbing muzzle? I feel like it might be better because she wouldn’t be able to put her mouth on any surfaces but can still eat and drink. Has anyone had any experiences with them being bad or dangerous? Or just any other suggestions. Pictures of the offender and type of product I’m asking about submitted by fa_13 to Equestrian [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:54 myunili In 4 months, Violette has brought so much happiness into my life, and I can’t imagine it without her 💜
submitted by myunili to Havanese [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:54 Super-Cable1692 Armageddon Challenge
2025.02.01 19:54 hyraxian 1934 on ebay
Not sure if anyone noticed, but 1934 just went on sale on ebay. For me, it's the first time seeing one of these ultra-rare cases. I thought it would be a season, but it's a one-time box with several props. Pretty expensive, but I can see why.
submitted by hyraxian to huntakiller [link] [comments]