2025.02.01 20:52 ArtichokeMany8460 Minha bb
submitted by ArtichokeMany8460 to pezinhoslindosdoinsta [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 20:52 Antique-Peanut232 😤That one was a bust needed 2 hrs (my mistake)but I hope you caught on and grabbed the quick recovery play .. the next one otw!
submitted by Antique-Peanut232 to binaryoptions [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:52 RunAlternative7746 24 [f4f] #uk/online looking to meet new people!
So I live in the uk but I’m open to chat internationally! I currently am studying for my PhD in phycology and love playing games like the sims and animal crossing but also I love knitting and doing crafty stuff! I’m currently single but also open to making new friends not just looking for a partner!
I’m interested to meet people with similar hobbies or who have been feeling low or just want to chat about life. Please open with your name and where you’re from so I know you’ve read this.
My favourite food is sushi My favourite movie is schindlers list My favourite cake is chocolate My favorate girl could be you
submitted by RunAlternative7746 to r4r [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:52 Aldtho-114 Examining Predictors of Alcohol Consumption Patterns across demographics ( Everyone 18+)
If you can please complete I'd greatly appreciate it 🙂 only a few minutes-all anonymous submitted by Aldtho-114 to SurveyCircle [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 20:52 CherryOnceSaid Epilator provided me with PAIN
I epilate my legs pretty often, I don’t feel a thing and smile during the process. BUT As everyone says, the underarms HURT. This is the first time I removed all of the hair with an epilator (I generally use tweezers) It HURTS. One side (the one in the pic)is red and swollen, and I finished the process about 8 hours ago. Ice is not doing much, and the cream my mom gave me did not do much either. The swelling and redness are much less then before but the pain is the same The other side is much better but hurts a little Can someone help me get rid of the pain rn? TL/DR: painfull and red armpits after epilating submitted by CherryOnceSaid to HairRemoval [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 20:52 ApprehensivePay6318 Beruflicher Eignungstest (Ö/Stmk)
Ich habe mich beim Land Steiermark in Ö in der IT beworben. Ich darf nun beim Amtsarzt einen beruflichen Eignungstest absolvieren - kann mir bitte jemand verraten, was da überprüft wird? Muss ich mich im speziellen auf eine Blutabnahme einstellen?
submitted by ApprehensivePay6318 to OeffentlicherDienst [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:52 Plenty_Hair946 DVNO X Heavy Metal
No, this is not about an ABSOLUTELY AMAZING WWW version of these songs.
I am talking about the female vocal chap "ooh" THAT IS USED IN BOTH OF THESE SONGS.
Let me know
submitted by Plenty_Hair946 to JusticeMusic [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:52 Direct_Date9638 Ranking question
Hi!! So I’m applying to two programs in Lund and I realized I might not have all of the business credits for my first choice and would qualify for my second for sure! I’m thinking about deleting my first choice just to give my second choice a better chance but I don’t know if it’s better to apply to both as see??? Also does anyone know if I delete my first choice now, does the second become the first choice or does it still appear ranked as second?
submitted by Direct_Date9638 to TillSverige [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:52 EnthusiasmOk5204 Ask Anything
Chat/DM Your Initials/and Question -- check out my reviews
submitted by EnthusiasmOk5204 to tarotpractice [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:52 Desi_Daisey Baby Bjorn or wildbird aerial?
I have a 3.5 month old girl and I’m looking to baby wear her for walks/around the house. I was gifted the baby bjorn original and I love how easy it is to put on myself but I feel like it’s a bit outdated and the side straps get in the way of my LO’s head so I wanna try the baby bjorn mini.
I’ve also heard good things about the wildbird aerial but I haven’t had the opportunity to try that carrier personally so not sure how easy it is to put on etc.
Does anyone have a preference over the two?!
submitted by Desi_Daisey to babywearing [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:52 Separate_Call7108 40M bored at home if any females fancy a chat DMs are open
submitted by Separate_Call7108 to chat [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:52 spookywonton Couple little valentines glass guys
I usually do these little floral sheet ghost earrings in the fall but trying out the hearts for v day! submitted by spookywonton to StainedGlass [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 20:52 RandomJottings Anyone remember Supernova with Rob Brydon?
A brilliantly funny sitcom, starring the ever funny Rob Brydon (the world’s best Ronnie Corbett impersonator), set in the sweltering Australian outback. Two wonderful seasons, so sad we didn’t get any more. Is there anyone else who misses this wonderful series? submitted by RandomJottings to BritishTV [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 20:52 Naresh_Narine I placed the seed on top of the router for gentle, consistent warmth. Now I’ll check every twelve hours to ensure the paper towel stays damp, adding a few drops of water if needed. Hopefully, it sprouts in the next day or two!
submitted by Naresh_Narine to growingweed [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:52 Party_Jacket Depo and depression/anxiety
Long post, sorry!
About 2 months ago(november 26th) I(27f) got my first depo shot in years. I decided to go with depo cause in the past when i had taken the shot i had absolutely no side effects except for not getting my period.
During the first month i just experienced a heavier than usual period with worse cramps and nausea than usual, which was annoying, but managable.
But after completing the first month, my depression and anxiety have been through the roof. I have been dealing with depression and anxiety since I was a kid, but I have NEVER experienced it this bad and it has been continuosly getting worse every day.
Obviously I will not be getting another depo shot and will be switching birth controls.
I was wondering if anyone who has been on depo and experienced new or increased depression due to the shot and switched to a different birth control have any recommendations for what worked for them. I do plan on talking to a doctor on Monday to figure out whats (hopefully) right for me specifically, but its always good to hear the experiences of actual people who have dealt with the same thing as well.
submitted by Party_Jacket to birthcontrol [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:52 Marcus-Aurelius1 Incorporating non profit Federally in Canada
Hi, I am thinking of incorporation my non profit in Canada.
We help others avoid a certain type of instability in the future through programs and guest speaker events.
We wanted to incorporate as a non profit federally but I don’t know how to start from just creating a Canada account and only going through initial steps.
What happens after I incorporate? Will I have to pay annually to reincorporate? How much does it cost for annual fillings and lawyer fees to do so as we are a youth organization run by youth.
Should I use OWNR or similar websites to help me reduce legal costs and headaches of being a non profit?
submitted by Marcus-Aurelius1 to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:52 Critical_Regret8070 Angelbird Wings PX1 PCIe x4 M.2 Adapter Purposefully made for the 5,1 7,1!
Very rare Mac minded PCIe card that has a chip which prevent throttling in common Mac used NVMe cards like the Samsung EVO's. This is New and probably one of the rarest Mac Pro toys we all love. Perhaps the transcend JetDrive that is a Thunderbolt 2 ssd enclosure is a close second. Anyone ever use these? Thoughts?
submitted by Critical_Regret8070 to macpro [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:52 ethereor [22,76€ statt 34,90€ | Gutscheincode: LOVE] Christine Body Dewi für 17,81€ + 4,95€ VSK
submitted by ethereor to deals_de [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 20:52 DSRwafflez White fuzzies on dracenea?
submitted by DSRwafflez to plantclinic [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 20:52 ForwardScratch7741 hey goons, can you suggest me songs like FSMH PT 3 (DEATH OF PABLO)??
the story behind tdop is interesting lmao
but some songs really caught my eye, so eye wanna know is there any real songs like fsmh pt 3?, like where is just goes ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it sounds like a robot screaming because it is FRIED, but cant do anything about it, i am actually feeling so good now, but i know sooner or later imma FEEL LIKE THAT
so i just want some music thats LIKE THAT (remix)
i know its weird but i wanna know
submitted by ForwardScratch7741 to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:52 devronyo0 Help identifying what's attached to this qaurtz?
I know the amethyst but I'm unsure of the rest. Any info is appreciated. I was doing some electrical work for a older lady and was telling her about my amethyst cathedrals and she gave me this. submitted by devronyo0 to Crystals [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 20:52 HarlesD I tried to make a nice sandwich for lunch.
submitted by HarlesD to shittyfoodporn [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:52 HoustonAg1980 What are your thoughts on the crowd funding aspect of board gaming?
I'm new to the board gaming hobby, so I've just recently learned that crowdfunding seems to be a huge aspect of many game publisher's business model.
Does this impact your decision when buying a game at retail that was previously crowd funded, since you may not have access to crowd funded exclusive content?
Are there any game publishers you explicitly avoid because of their approach to crowd funding versus retail?
submitted by HoustonAg1980 to soloboardgaming [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:52 VolkerBach Honeyed Pear Puree (15th c.)
submitted by VolkerBach to sca [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:52 littlepomeranian I think someone completely misses the point of art.
submitted by littlepomeranian to FuckAI [link] [comments]