2025.02.01 23:49 bookvark January Reads - 15/150
I enjoyed this month's reads, although I wasn't the biggest fan of Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. It's well written, though, which is why I gave it the extra half star. The Wedding People was a surprising favorite and Return to Wyldcliffe Heights was a disappointing not-favorite. I love Carol Goodman, but this one just didn't do it for me. submitted by bookvark to 52book [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:49 Jealous_Sorbet_7146 weird mouth feeling?
hi everyone! does anyone else have a weird feeling in their mouth when eating on sema? especially anything with a little grease or oil? i feel like i have some sort of oily residue at the top of my mouth constantly. is this normal?
submitted by Jealous_Sorbet_7146 to Semaglutide [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:49 Less_Nectarine_3440 My friend:when you fell your arm didn't make it in one piece my dumbass:
submitted by Less_Nectarine_3440 to stanlymov [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:49 InstructionFearless7 Elon and FIDIAS!??
WHAT IS HAPPENING submitted by InstructionFearless7 to h3h3productions [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:49 the_Darkwraith First Month
Meta Ads + Organic SEO submitted by the_Darkwraith to dropshipping [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:49 Training-Present2844 Why would Sword and Shield be considered begginer weapons when H. and L. bow guns exist?
For context im a new player, i only beaten Iceborne final boss (not the black dragon) and now im tackling Rise/Sunbreak
i try every weapon, discover they are all combo based for someone who is garbage at remembering combos and their order, get depressed
see that the refund timer on steam is gone since i expend 3 and a half hours on the training wooden pole
defeating a great jagras with a sword and shield was confusing and felt really horrible since i wanted a heavy flashy weapon
got bowgun and im using that for every hunt on every monster hunter game i try from now on, its pretty easy to use after reading some menus about recoils, reloads and ammo types
submitted by Training-Present2844 to MonsterHunter [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:49 Legitimate_Plenty426 Amanda Holden
submitted by Legitimate_Plenty426 to celebheels [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:49 Expensive-Ad28 Moon is the King of Comebacks in 1v1s
Can’t disagree on that at all…
submitted by Expensive-Ad28 to thenextchapter [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:49 AlexFulgor It's time
submitted by AlexFulgor to heroesofthestorm [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:49 AdDifficult3815 Where are these pants from?
I saw them in a wisdom kaye video and he said they were rick Owens
submitted by AdDifficult3815 to Rickowens [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:49 lemkowidmak @LehighWBB: 51.6 Q4| Lehigh 58, Holy Cross 47The Mountain Hawks have the ball out of the timeout
submitted by lemkowidmak to LehighMountainHawks [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:49 karmacollectorxxx How do I get help with a severe gag reflex. Wait. I am talking extreme. Not just throat but chest area to. Can't wear clothes when I sleep. Only sleep on my side. Covers can not go higher than butt. I need dentures due to bone density. Nope can't due to gag reflex. I'm desperate. Seriously need help
Please help. Yes. Been to ear nose throat specialist from Vanderbilt nashville to Knoxville. Ask me anything
submitted by karmacollectorxxx to AskMedical [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:49 G_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ An elvish mech I've been working on for over a week. I'm quite pleased with how it came out.
I'm a solo game developer working on a mechanically ninja-storm inspired mech game. I share my favorite conceptual artwork because a real creative isn't threatened by other's iterations - imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, after all. Hope you enjoy the magitech robit ❤️ Img2img materials by GPT4o ImgMasks by Stable Diffusion. submitted by G_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ to aiArt [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:49 ptrmrn8 Charvel Pro-Mod DK24 HSS **FRETS**
First post here...
This felt like a good reason to join.
Bought a Guthrie Govan Charvel MJ and sent it back, got a DK24 instead and the fretwork seems to be absolutely shocking.
Guitar plays superbly, but the ends of the frets, upper and lower, are so inconsistent and feel so scratchy when moving up and down the neck.
Is this a known thing with these particular guitars or should it be sent back?
Don't really want to spend 150+ on a fret Jon for a brand new guitar.
submitted by ptrmrn8 to Luthier [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:49 lemkowidmak @LehighWBB: BIG TIME PLAYERS MAKE BIG TIME PLAYSAlbrecht has a game-high 20 points@espn @PatriotLeagueHQ Watch:https://t.co/7KefHvkY2C https://t.co/sd6l6GZH9Y
submitted by lemkowidmak to LehighMountainHawks [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:49 ilikedeeznut Is this what India is like?
submitted by ilikedeeznut to shittyskylines [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:49 Uiriamuzu Glass Cannon Characters?
It is quite rare to find characters that belong to this archetype, since in most fighting games, everything is regulated. So the question is, is there a Glass Cannon character in Tekken?
submitted by Uiriamuzu to Tekken [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:49 Tzimbalo My wife's working from home setup has some cassette futuristic vibes.
submitted by Tzimbalo to cassettefuturism [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:49 lemkowidmak @LehighWBB: 4:31 Q4| Lehigh leads 52-41
submitted by lemkowidmak to LehighMountainHawks [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:49 sundaysmiling Anyone know how likely it is for certain items to be sold in Interstellar again?
It is such a pretty colour and I'm specifically hoping they restock the Atom hoody in it but not sure if that's something they'd do. Anyone know if they have in the past?
submitted by sundaysmiling to arcteryx [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:49 Swornquietus Live on twich playing the Finals come say hi is you want
submitted by Swornquietus to twitchpromote [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:49 Repulsive-Paint-2636 حد ياجي نتكلم شويه
submitted by Repulsive-Paint-2636 to CAIRO [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:49 Worried_Presence_122 Problema con i soldi
Inizio a pensare che La mia ossessione per mettere da parte dei soldi per il futuro mi sta facendo vivere molto male il mio presente. Provo a spiegare meglio: non avevo una lira di mio ma dopo i primi 3 anni di lavoro sono riuscita a comprare un monolocale tutto per me. Avanti veloce. Vendo il monolocale e acquisto quella che al momento ritengo la mia vera casa dove attualmente vivo con mio marito. Mi occupo io di tutte le spese perché lui non ce la fa . Dice sempre che le cose cambieranno ma non vedo miglioramenti ( eppure lavora ) da sempre cerco di mettere da parte qualcosa e a oggi ho solo 65k ma ho come l’impressione che la vita mi stia sfuggendo e che invece di mettere da parte come una formichina dovrei usarli per fare cose che piacciano a me e mio marito tipo una vacanza che costerebbe di più 3k. O comprarmi la lavatrice e asciugatrice o fare cene fuori e concedermi il parrucchiere più spesso Ho paura che mi pentirò non futuro se non faccio queste cose ora non le farò quando ne avrò 60/70 di anni ( se ci arrivo) voi cosa mi consigliate? Spendere e godermi la vita come fanno in tanti o continuare a fare 1000 rinunce e vivere di ansia ? Non faccio shopping di vestiti da più di un anno e ho sempre letteralmente le stesse cose Ma sopratutto é psicologicamente possibile cambiare atteggiamento verso la vita ?
submitted by Worried_Presence_122 to psicologia [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:49 DTMagicMan [WTS] [US-CA][H] Samson SR850, Sennheiser Momentum 2 Over-Ear [W]Paypal G&S
Headphones are worn. Momentum 2 have flaking ear pads. Samsons are in okay condition. No set price. Open to any offers. submitted by DTMagicMan to AVexchange [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:49 ChrysanthemumCross tattoo!
i’m trying to design a tattoo for myself lol i wanted a peach pit tattoo but didn’t know what to get, and someone here mentioned looking at the visualisers and music videos for inspiration, so here we are! lmk what you think, it’s a draft so any ideas hit me the fuck up (ignore the hands i’m waiting till i have the patience to do them) submitted by ChrysanthemumCross to PEACHPIT [link] [comments] |