My sanei goobers

2025.02.01 20:52 Amythesilly My sanei goobers

My sanei goobers submitted by Amythesilly to sonicplushes [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 CandyHusky What happened to this guy? Like seriously 😭

What happened to this guy? Like seriously 😭 submitted by CandyHusky to DragonballLegends [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 GroffleMom Shorthand in Old Cookbook

Shorthand in Old Cookbook Found this in an old cookbook I thrifted and was wondering if anyone knew what it said. I’m not familiar enough with shorthand yet to know what type it is.
submitted by GroffleMom to shorthand [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 DaToxicJay With taxes it costed me 14,80$ (I’m Canadian so we don’t have those)

With taxes it costed me 14,80$ (I’m Canadian so we don’t have those) Tried the skittles Juice and it taste like Koolaid, I will try the rest later
submitted by DaToxicJay to Soda [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 ChloricSquash I'm a believer

This is simply my checking account since signing up. I was closing in on credit card float and poor decisions were empending. I'll be here for a while now.
I signed up 90 days ago. I have been critical of the assign dollars vs setting up a budget and adjusting my habits.... Either way works I just had to commit to paying attention. Going a year without any budgeting tool was not a good decision.
submitted by ChloricSquash to ynab [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 chillthrowaways Boost 4 boost I have 4 left $ricketycricket boost back immediately

$RicketyCricket 4 left I’ll update what’s left in comments ! Thanks!
submitted by chillthrowaways to chimeboost [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Bandyau We know Leftists are liars, but I hadn't realised how much of a liar Bernie was until recently.

submitted by Bandyau to Jordan_Peterson_Memes [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Dwplays72113 more pixel art of Chur Bum

more pixel art of Chur Bum submitted by Dwplays72113 to tylerthecreator [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 pandasteak1122 Cannot find echoes act 3 quest

me and my friends continued the echoes episode today and we finished act 2 (ending with the cut scene then talking to failsafe) We have done all six research quests we looked in the quests archives we have tried discarding the artifact then getting it again we tried talking to ikora I EVEN JOINED SOMEONE WHO IS DOING THE EXOTIC QUEST THEN LEFT but nothing has happened and I got no quest I am sorry if this is a silly question but we have spent an hour just trying to find the act 3 quest
submitted by pandasteak1122 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Ca1nMark0 Advice for a newbie?

Hello! I just purchased my first Audi after never owning anything but Ford and Chevys. Ended up with an A4 Sedan S line 45 TFSI q2022 Premium Plus (still not sure what all info to include when discussing my car, so sorry if this is too much).
I’ve been reading through different sites, threads, blogs and watching videos, etc… to see what others do with their cars in regard to upgrades, mods and all the fun stuff, but naturally there seem to be some rather differing opinions on things. So, I figured I would come to a place where there are other owners that can respond directly. Hi all :)
That said, is there any advice or suggestions any of you more experienced owners would have for a first time A4 owner? Be it general or specific, I would love to hear from you all about upgrades, style mods and any tips on maintaining my car. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Ca1nMark0 to AudiA4 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 One_Intern_4095 I got Lae'zel killed and now I regret it

I am very new to the game and have been romancing Lae'zel, because why not. The beef between Shadowheart escalated to where shart pinned her down and threatened her. I chose not to react, thinking Lae'zel would defend herself. Now I have her corpse lying around in the Camp as a reminder that my lover got killed because I did nothing... I am now regretting this as I much preferred her over Karlach!
submitted by One_Intern_4095 to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Lucky-Perspective947 Best Joker Ever

Hands down! Best. Ever!
submitted by Lucky-Perspective947 to jaredleto [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 ThowRA-account0102 Sometimes it is so hard loving someone who is mentally ill

My [30f] brother has a mental illness called factitious disorder. It is also known as munchausen syndrome or munchausen disease. The disorder means that my brother [29m] fakes being sick, or having medical conditions and diseases for attention. He knows full well he doesn't have any of illnesses he is claiming, he fakes having them to get attention.
He started faking during his first year of university. He said he had all kinds of symptoms and was constantly sick. He didn't return to university for his second year and since then he hasn't been employed or done any other kind of education. He says his chronic illnesses stop him from working even though he is physically healthy. The chronic illnesses he claims to have been diagnosed with are hypermobile ellers danlos syndrome (HEDS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) and postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS). However he has never been diagnosed with any of those three illnesses. The only thing he's been diagnosed with is factitious disorder.
He's had every test under the sun dozens upon dozens of times done by multiple doctors, hospitals and clinics. The results are always the same and show absolutely nothing physically wrong with him. He's had genetic testing, tilt table testing, allergy testing, scans and all other manner of tests multiple times. He's seen dozens upon dozens of doctors including all the top specialists. Not just in our province but all over Canada. They never reveal abnormal results. However multiple doctors have said that he has one of the most clear cut cases of factitious disorder that they've ever seen.
My brother uses pictures he finds online of the insides of hospitals and posts them on social media as his own. He shows them to people in real life too. He has never had any surgery or treatments and he isn't on any kind of medication but he'll post photos of arms and hands with IVs and bottles of prescription medication and say they are his. If you were to look at his social media without knowing him you would think he is always really sick and on tons of medication and in the hospital all the time. None of that is true. He's never spent the night in the hospital before and he isn't on any medication.
He's been in trouble in the past with the healthcare system for fraudulently trying to access tests and treatments he knows he has no need for. This has happened several times. When he goes to a new doctor or hospital he brings records and documentation that is false. Any doctor he sees will have access to real records immediately so this always gets him into trouble.
I don't hate my brother. I love my brother. We used to be so close when we were younger. It's been ten years of him claiming illnesses he was never diagnosed with and lying about symptoms he doesn't have. I know it is a mental condition and he can't help it but I'm exhausted and so is the rest of my family He's refuses to get help for his mental illness and since he isn't hurting or threatening to hurt himseld or others he can't be forced to get treatment. Believe me we've tried. My brother refuses to believe he has factitious disorder. He says the doctors are wrong about it, and that he does have the chronic illnesses he claims to have even if all the doctors don't believe him. In ten years not one of the hundreds of doctors he's seen have found any evidence of (physical) illness but my brother still says they are all wrong.
I love my brother but loving someone with a mental illness is hard. People who haven't been through it don't understand. I get judgement on all sides when it comes to my brother. Either for interfering too much or for not doing enough. I love him and I'm doing my best but it's so hard and I feel like no one understands unless they have been there.
submitted by ThowRA-account0102 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Aurainvest Does this void warranty

Do lowering spring and spacers void warranty
submitted by Aurainvest to audis5 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 NecessaryPear Those with android devices, which version of openmw are you all using?

There seem to be apks created by a few different people. I’ve tried different versions and wish I could get something in between. For one version the mouse controls aren’t preferable and another the menu is way too big and I can’t navigate through it.
Just wondering if anyone has an ideal setup, I’ve been itching to play Morrowind on my device
submitted by NecessaryPear to SBCGaming [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 vsethi19 New to ACH.. should i put money now or wait for a small pull back

Any help will be appreciated.. Thanks all
submitted by vsethi19 to AlchemyPay [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Apprehensive_Tie1098 When happens when I take a napp

When happens when I take a napp One side of my face that was laying on the pillow fully flushed and hot, the other just baseline redness. Anyone from Canada have success getting sirolimus? I have a derm appt coming up for another V beam appointment and would like to get it prescribed to me.
submitted by Apprehensive_Tie1098 to KPRubraFaceii [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 AdorableBackground83 17 years ago, the Lakers traded for Pau Gasol, and then Stephen A ethers Kwame Brown.

17 years ago, the Lakers traded for Pau Gasol, and then Stephen A ethers Kwame Brown. submitted by AdorableBackground83 to lakers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 eightyfivekittens thief steals

thief steals submitted by eightyfivekittens to CatReacts [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 MorganCoffin No idea what I'm doing..

This is a rant and a plea for help.
I started in college for Game Simulation and Programming and dropped out because my very first class assumed that I knew basics and refused to teach me them.
Over 10 years later, here I am trying again. I've run through W3schools tutorial, up to memory management so far, and I thought I'd have enough knowledge to do my first CodeWars training. NOPE.
I open the fundamentals training and am immediately met with a problem I have no clue on how to solve. So I hit the unlock solutions thing to see if I can parse what others are doing.
There, people are writing code that's not even mentioned in the tutorials and I have no clue what they're doing. CodeWars apparently doesn't expect full code because when I copy their code into Codeblocks it returns errors. I try to fix it by completing the code and it returns blank. I add a printf statement and it returns errors.
I understand syntax. I understand the ideas behind each section of the tutorial.
But I have literally no idea how to even begin to tackle even a small project. Not in C, not in Python.
I really want to learn to design games. It's been my dream since I was a kid. But this just keeps punching me in the face as I can't seem to apply the basics to anything.
Can someone please point me in the right direction where I can begin to get this to click?
submitted by MorganCoffin to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 AccomplishedBother12 Lens Adapter Question

This is an absolute newbie question, but I recently snagged a Blackmagic Pocket Cinema 4K camera from someone on the cheap, along with a 50mm Canon FD lens (see images).
What kind of lens adapter would I need to be able to mount this on my Blackmagic cam?
I’m primarily an editor so cameras are not my strong suit - I really just wanted to be able to gather content to put in my portfolio. Amazingly I can get away with using my 17mm lens (not shown) for interview/talking content by just zooming way in. I like editing in 4k so that I have more options for pushing in so I’d love to be able to make this work.
Bonus points if anyone can recommend a good telephoto lens that would be also be compatible with the adapter!
submitted by AccomplishedBother12 to Cameras [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Healthy-Structure-77 Hi looking for advice!

So I ordered some stuff from Adam and Eve and I’ve never done it before and put all of my information in. Well I used Apple Pay and didn’t realize that it switched my shipping address to the one on file with my card which is unfortunately my parents house. Just wondering if anyone can confirm that it won’t say what the package is or that the stuff like won’t magically turn on in the box 👀 because I won’t be able to handle my parents knowing what I ordered lol it’s supposed to be delivered tomorrow 😅😅
submitted by Healthy-Structure-77 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 IDnnis The Priests of Adalthun, by Francesco Sabbatucci

The Priests of Adalthun, by Francesco Sabbatucci submitted by IDnnis to ImaginaryMen [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 FernandotaSP 1 year before the disaster.

1 year before the disaster. submitted by FernandotaSP to angrybirds [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Pingul003 XD

submitted by Pingul003 to BotTest14 [link] [comments]