Gente,é normal ver vídeo no reddit e não ter áudio no vídeo?

2025.02.01 20:49 AndressaSimone Gente,é normal ver vídeo no reddit e não ter áudio no vídeo?

submitted by AndressaSimone to perguntas [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:49 Randomlynumbered Another unwelcome consequence of climate change: an explosion of urban rats

Another unwelcome consequence of climate change: an explosion of urban rats submitted by Randomlynumbered to climate [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:49 Blazephoenix1996 Need dice for dig event

Need dice for dig event Can anyone please help me complete this set?
Will gift missing stickers to anyone that helps me out.
Ign : Tayyab
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
submitted by Blazephoenix1996 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:49 Jeffsk8er can someone help me find the year/make/model of this car please?

can someone help me find the yeamake/model of this car please? i saw it on a roblox car desc and i cant figure it out.
submitted by Jeffsk8er to Cartalk [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:49 Lets_Get_Retard Omg doge is gonna crash😭😭

Omg doge is gonna crash😭😭 guys idk what to do i keep buying high and selling lows and now doge is about to decrease!!!!
submitted by Lets_Get_Retard to dogecoin [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:49 strive4gr8_ness Blue Ray and Dvd

Hello everyone i have a question in regards of the blue ray and dvd release in japan, is it possible i could order it and get it shipped to the US? Does anyone know a website where they can ship it overseas or does anyone know if it’ll be release here in America anytime soon?
submitted by strive4gr8_ness to Dandadan [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:49 Prestigious_Code2274 Please inform me

I haven’t paid attention to super cross in like three years. Last thing I remember Eli Tomac is him. Can someone inform me on all of the main events that have happened the past three years in super cross?
submitted by Prestigious_Code2274 to supercross [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:49 tortoiseterri Can you help me remember the name of this tea?

I'm from the UK. In the late 90s, I used to buy a green tea with menthol from tesco. It came in a green tin and had a Chinese dragon on it. I can't remember the name and Google is not my friend! I really enjoyed this tea and would love to buy some more if it's still in production. I appreciate this was a long time ago so I appreciate any help given.
submitted by tortoiseterri to tea [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:49 Unfair_Government_29 Should I move my other assets into $XRP?

I currently hold 850 XRP, 350 Ondo Finance, 1,500 Hashflow, and 350 Zetachain. Should I move the Ondo, Hash, and Zeta into XRP?
submitted by Unfair_Government_29 to XRP [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:49 drosophila69 little house

little house submitted by drosophila69 to TerrariaDesign [link] [comments]



2025.02.01 20:49 Puzzled_MJ Sister and brother napping

Sister and brother napping submitted by Puzzled_MJ to CatsBeingCats [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:49 saltzhaker Post mint damage?

Post mint damage? I’m hunting wounded eagle SAC $1. Curious if you all think this happened post-mint? I’ve never seen the cut in this location.
submitted by saltzhaker to coincollecting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:49 Oil_And_Lamps If you’re made redundant, what is current stand down period for jobseeker benefit?

I see on the website it looks like it’s currently two weeks (unless you leave because of stress with a doctors cert, then there may be no stand down).
Is this playing out as true, currently?
(And doesn’t look like it’s mean tested or depend on what you have in savings currently?)
submitted by Oil_And_Lamps to newzealand [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:49 Oswarez Question for locals.

I’d like to ask anyone who knows why my supermarket membership doesn’t cover alcohol. I’m a club member for most of the supermarket chains here and often I see bottles of wine with a members discount but when I check the receipt I see that I paid full price for it.
Does anyone know why? Is there another tier for the membership or what?
submitted by Oswarez to florence [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:49 Go1denHollow Help

Is anyone available to help me with sprouts? ill most likely be on for a few hours. Im on ps5 so i wont be able to chat, but i probably will need a good amount of sprouts, but any will help.
submitted by Go1denHollow to BeeSwarmSimulator [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:49 Tomate_Thomas How can I add this effect in the arp in my tracks?

How can I add this effect in the arp in my tracks? submitted by Tomate_Thomas to FL_Studio [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:49 vtec_go_brrr16 More bags!

More bags! submitted by vtec_go_brrr16 to kandi [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:49 Ok-Reason-3497 Sou babaca por levar meu próprio bolo para o aniversário da minha irmã?

Oi, Reddit. Estou escrevendo porque minha família está me chamando de egoísta, e eu realmente não sei se fiz algo errado. Vou tentar ser breve.
Minha irmã, Ana, fez 25 anos no último fim de semana, e minha mãe organizou uma festa surpresa para ela. Tudo foi planejado com antecedência, e como eu amo confeitaria, me ofereci para fazer o bolo. Minha mãe recusou e disse que já tinha encomendado um de uma confeitaria famosa da cidade. Ok, sem problemas.
O único detalhe é que eu sou alérgico a nozes. Nada grave ao ponto de precisar de uma EpiPen, mas se eu comer, fico com a garganta coçando e mal-estar por horas. Sabendo disso, perguntei para minha mãe se o bolo teria nozes. Ela disse que sim, porque minha irmã ama. Perguntei se teria outra sobremesa sem nozes, e ela disse que não, mas que eu poderia "comer outra coisa depois".
Fiquei chateado, mas não queria fazer drama. No dia da festa, decidi levar um pequeno bolo só para mim. Nada chique, só um bolinho de chocolate simples. Eu cortei um pedaço quando todos começaram a comer o bolo principal.
Minha mãe e minha irmã notaram e perguntaram por que eu não estava comendo o bolo da festa. Expliquei sobre as nozes e disse que, como não havia outra opção para mim, trouxe um bolo pequeno. Ana ficou visivelmente irritada e disse que parecia que eu queria chamar atenção. Minha mãe concordou e disse que eu deveria ter simplesmente ficado sem bolo como qualquer outra pessoa faria. Algumas tias começaram a comentar que foi rude da minha parte trazer outro bolo para uma festa que não era minha.
Eu argumentei que ninguém pensou em mim ao encomendar o bolo e que só trouxe o meu porque não queria ficar de fora. Mas a discussão só cresceu, e agora estão dizendo que eu estraguei o momento da minha irmã. Meu pai foi o único que ficou do meu lado e disse que estavam exagerando.
Então, Reddit, fui babaca por ter levado meu próprio bolo?
submitted by Ok-Reason-3497 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:49 SalamanderLive6098 I thought today would be the day.

I don’t even enjoy drinking, most of the time, and I constantly plan to quit. I struggle with a lot of things, (mentally and physical pain), and unfortunately have found relief with alcohol. I know it is a temporary solution. I wanted to stay away starting today, and I failed once I got the opportunity. I’m sorry, I feel horrible and I don’t know what to do.
submitted by SalamanderLive6098 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:49 cosmicslaughter69 The Wellness Session Facts?

I’ve never seen it in here, and I’ve been curious what other people think for a while, but who do you think writes the facts for the wellness sessions? My personal opinion is that Gemma definitely wrote Mark’s because it mentions ‘Your outtie knows the difference between a beautiful rock and a dull one’, which I’m almost 99% positive is symbolic of her wedding ring. Additionally, I think that Bert wrote the wellness facts for Irving. The first watch through, I thought Irving enjoyed the wellness session so much just because they were really nice things to hear about yourself, but maybe the reason he really enjoyed it is because somewhere deep in his subconscious, he knew that Bert wrote them. Anyways, thoughts? This sub keeps me going until Thursday nights.
submitted by cosmicslaughter69 to SeveranceAppleTVPlus [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:49 Sudden_Researcher493 Wheel setup

Wheel setup Wheels are installed 16x9 +15 sq , needed a 5mm spacer upfront as the wheel was rubbing strut.. Tires are 205/45
submitted by Sudden_Researcher493 to E30 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:49 gravelsyrup Archive Wooden Box

Archive Wooden Box Just got myself a wooden box that I have been thinking about getting for some time which I don't know why I didn't get it sooner as my old method was just a plastic open top storage box haha. Will have to order a few more to get all of my unopened and completed books.
submitted by gravelsyrup to FieldNuts [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:49 Imaginary_Aside2976 Alternativas de Porcesadores Ryzen 7 5800X3D/5700X3D

Hola buenas queria saber si me podrias ayudar a buscar una alternativa de los Ryzen 7 5800X3D/5700X3D, ya que los eh buscado en amazon y mercado libre para pero no hay stock, y tampoco me quiero ir por un Ryzen 7 7800X3D ya que me parece demasiado caro, solo busco un procesador con el cual pueda sacarle el mayor rendimiento a mi placa de video RX 7600 XT
submitted by Imaginary_Aside2976 to ArgamingConsultas [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:49 propsharkio 🏀 NBA Last 10 Game Hit Rates - 02/01/25

🏀 NBA Last 10 Game Hit Rates - 02/01/25 Check out more at
submitted by propsharkio to sportsbetting [link] [comments]