Ridouane Erramdani is overhated or truly a awful person

2025.02.01 20:50 Wonderful_Toe8820 Ridouane Erramdani is overhated or truly a awful person

Ridouane Erramdani is overhated or truly a awful person submitted by Wonderful_Toe8820 to Morocco [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 jayjayhollywood19 12 1/2 years old thanks to Arthritis injections

Posting this for awareness. My boy Jammer Jay at 11 had his hips starting to go out due to pain and arthritis. I figured this was the end for my boy because I didn't want him in pain just trying to stand up.
The vet offered a Librela injection and it was night and day compared to him not having the injection. It costs $130 each month for Librela. Jammer is 12 1/2 years old and still kicking thanks to the arthritis injections. It's expensive but im getting extra time from my boy so it's all worth it for my household.
Im not advertising for the medication or anything, there's probably other brands but just wanted to share the news in case any other dogs are in need. All I require for this information is to give your dog a treat sent from Jammer Jay in Arizona.
submitted by jayjayhollywood19 to germanshepherds [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 Radiant_Restaurant64 Does anyone’s teen ask the same questions is this asd or more ocd?

My son is 13 he’s in Gen Ed and he’s having a difficult time. He seeks out to interact as he is very social only thing is he only asks or does the same thing every interaction. That’s not the issue so much as when he doesn’t get the response he wants he will downward spiral the rest of the day/week. It crates great anxiety. We are working on some IEP goals right now for this
Example. He goes up to the same kids or any kids or even adults at school Asks for a fist bump (I think that’s his cue that he can start the interaction/questins ) He will ask things like what kind of car do you have (to the adults ) Where do you live (cross st etc) He end up figuring out where they live by googling so staff at school have began telling him “that’s personal” and or ignoring him. (This is where the iep has gotten involved because it’s excessive) Then he comes home sooo anxious because the interaction he was seeking was negative (in his eyes becuse they did not give answers) and he then refuses school the next days. Same goes for kids. When the kids decline his interaction he does the same, shuts down once he gets home and refuses school the next days. It’s hard bec some days he gets the reinforcement and interaction he was seeking and sometimes he doesn’t . I’m just wondering if this is more a anxiety ocd thing vs an autism thing. Obviously the lack of social awareness to the peope getting annoyed is autism but the fact that if he doesn’t get the response he wants creates an excessive amount of anxiety. Any input
submitted by Radiant_Restaurant64 to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 Electrical_Pen_7302 January was my worst sales month ever

I normally do about $400 a month with some months being much better. December was bad with not even half that. January finished with $99.
My main sales are comics (particularly full runs or odd stuff not everyone has). Most of my January sales were old kids toys.
I know some are doing well, most are not.
Here's to a better February for all of us!
submitted by Electrical_Pen_7302 to Mercari [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 khess12 ovulation ??

ovulation ?? Does it look like I ovulated on day 13/14??? Why hasn’t it confirmed yet?
submitted by khess12 to NaturalCyclesBC [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 Budhield A mouse like Maya X with flatter sides?

Are there any mice like the Maya X with flatter sides or slightly less grip width? For reference I have 18x10 and like the sides of the gpx/hyperlight.
submitted by Budhield to MouseReview [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 MomoPeach2k17 Drywall anchor free spins

Drywall anchor free spins I’m replacing a wall-mounted light fixture. I’m no stranger to wall anchors, but this issue has me questioning my life choices. Two anchors (metal,toggle style), 10 inches apart. Insulation/batting directly behind wall. Right anchor and screw went in exactly the way they should. Left anchor went in fine, but as soon as the left screw caught thread, the anchor started free spinning, so the screw won’t go in any further (and won’t reverse out). The anchor’s design means if I remove the anchor, it will leave a huge hole as l pull it out.
Can I stop the free spinning? Why is it happening in one hole and not the other? I could surrender and start over with new anchors in new holes, but that presents a new problem - existing wiring might allow for me to move the fixture plate an inch higher, but I’m not convinced it will work any better. And, obviously, I don’t want to put a bunch of holes in the wall, trying to figure it out.
submitted by MomoPeach2k17 to Renovations [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 lemkowidmak Temple Women's Basketball @templewbb: 1:57 left in the second quarter!The Owls hold a 32-24 lead over UTSA.

Temple Women's Basketball @templewbb: 1:57 left in the second quarter!The Owls hold a 32-24 lead over UTSA. submitted by lemkowidmak to phillysports [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 Cutiepie69420_ How to farm junk after first reset

I just went back to time to stop everyone from dying and now I stuck at b3f because my equipment is still bronze and I see other using iron/elements fused weapon that help them survive battle Where can I get these junk that drop that kind of equipment?
submitted by Cutiepie69420_ to wizardry [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 Anonyymi7785 Davids instagram

I'm like 99% sure he has deleted significant part of his posts on instagram, why is that?
submitted by Anonyymi7785 to davidgoggins [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 pithingfurbys blurry picture of a cat

blurry picture of a cat submitted by pithingfurbys to blurrypicturesofcats [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 Otterpop26 What’s your go to winter potluck recipe?

I’d love to hear what others take to winter gatherings.
submitted by Otterpop26 to Cooking [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 Any_Pen5722 Died from Alpha in Utopia

I'm untuck on my raft so it is a quick rescue! Friend code: 157091652
submitted by Any_Pen5722 to RaftRescues [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 lemkowidmak Temple Women's Basketball @templewbb: Let em know Peanut 🔊 AND 1 https://t.co/EBJEnx8gas

Temple Women's Basketball @templewbb: Let em know Peanut 🔊 AND 1 https://t.co/EBJEnx8gas submitted by lemkowidmak to phillysports [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 Hiimincali1994 Shout out to Trap Stars, NB. Tony hooked it up with the 50% off.

Shout out to Trap Stars, NB. Tony hooked it up with the 50% off. submitted by Hiimincali1994 to Michigents [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 RobynBrow Beautiful Robyn 😍

submitted by RobynBrow to SisterWives [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 X1nfectedoneX Suggestions for places to read articles about the ERE?

Hi everyone,
Someone posted here a couple weeks ago linking to Hal open science which had some interesting articles/papers about the ERE but I’m afraid most of them are in French!
Is there another place that has a lot of papers?
I’m particularly interested in trade or diplomacy but to be honest anything would be great!
Thanks :)
submitted by X1nfectedoneX to byzantium [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 HBICmarmar 3 yr old keeps getting glutened

I just don’t know what to do. My daughter was recently diagnosed at the age of 3 and we’re still learning what this means for our family and for daycare. Right now she has the flu and on top of that she’s somehow been glutened but I’m not sure how. She’s so picky because food has always hurt her, but through our new diet she’s already gained 4 pounds in a couple months.
I’m wondering if the gluten free instant oatmeal packets or the jello are what’s causing her stomach pain since it’s she’ll barely eat anything right now due to the flu. She’s also been eating skinny pop popcorn this week that has been new to her diet.
I’m not sure what I’m looking for with this post… just sympathy, help, any advice. It’s so hard to see her crying out in pain and not being able to do anything or even know what it is that caused it.
submitted by HBICmarmar to Celiac [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 Extreme_Offer4271 I CAUGHT MY BEST FRIEND HOOKING UP WITH MY MAN

Does anyone know where the original Mindy storytime? Brooke's response is out there but I cannot find the original storytime anywhere.
submitted by Extreme_Offer4271 to canceledpod [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 bruh4268 Signatures and Dogs

How do you handle a large dog running to the door when you knock? I was bit recently so I just immediately leave a notice.
submitted by bruh4268 to USPS [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 nihilisticfetus b4b 3 left!!!

$val42g will boost back immediately check my post history for past boost if nervous to send first 💗
submitted by nihilisticfetus to chimeboost [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 Sir24homicid3 Need help getting back to a couple riddles

Need help getting back to a couple riddles I'm trying to get back through this entrance it's the one right after you fight the titan that bust through the elevator and you glide back out to arkham west...I tried to go back through the one that's circled in red but it has electric security gate that I can't take down from the far side....and I think the other entrance is to high to get back to so I really don't know what to do.
submitted by Sir24homicid3 to BatmanArkham [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 7starsfarm Macbook air / web browser and tips

Sorry, I know this probably is not the first " I got a macbook". Here is what im looking for though.

  1. Web browser for privacy I currently have Brave Browser. I trade stock/crypto and need something that is secure (if Safari is safe, than so be it, but I found it tracks what I do.)
  2. Any tips on what to download/do Andddd of course, first macbook. Anything to do or add to wow!
submitted by 7starsfarm to macbookair [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 Agreeable-Pie-2765 Like falling?

Someone please explain to me why when I watch a video game or something and the character is falling do I need to close my eyes because I feel like I’m falling. I do get car sick and stuff. Is this related? Does this happen to anyone else. I literally need to look away or close my eyes as it’s happening .
submitted by Agreeable-Pie-2765 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:50 EyeDeeAh_42 Any recommendations for OI with ML and FL constantly bickering with each other?

Hi! First time posting here! As the title says, do you guys have stories where the ML and FL are constantly bickering since their first encounter? And I don't mean flirty banter, just plain ol' bickering where they are annoyed w/ each other at the beginning and grudgingly begin to respect each other eventually?
Would appreciate any recommendations, thanks!
submitted by EyeDeeAh_42 to OtomeIsekai [link] [comments]
