How do you if something is the holy spirit or just your feelings?

2025.02.01 23:51 CrazyNicly How do you if something is the holy spirit or just your feelings?

Sometimes i feel like the holy spirit is telling me something. And then after a couple.of hours, i feel completly different. And i wonder if sometimes im just being led by feelings. Sometimes i dont think its the holy spirit acrually comvicting us of something, i think sometimes its social conditioning.
Ill give you an example, i know this young who was raised in an evsngelical church and she was raised woth people around her being totally against catholics and she was told her whole life that she couldnt ebter a catholic church. And i was with her a couple lf nigbts ago, and she was talking against the catholic church and she said one time sje entered one that was opened just see how it looked inside, and when she was there she felt and ugly heavy feeling on her chest like it felt sinful being there. Which to me made no absolute sense, even tho im not catholic, simply me entering a catholic church wouldnt bring me comviction. I was in europe and entered several catholic churches just to see the architecture and the buliding and how come i never felt bad abojt it? How come the "holy spirit" talked tl her like that and to me it didnt? Does that mean i should t enter a catholic church either? Ive also heard this from tje other side. People who were raised atholics going to protestant churcges and feeling wierd there. So i was wondering how do we know if its the holy spirit, feelings or just social conditioning?
Another example i see of this is in churcbes where you see people jumping up and down while worshipping and singing but i feel like the emotion you get isnt actually the spirit, i think its just the emotion of the music.
submitted by CrazyNicly to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 According_Quarter_17 Do you know what you're talking about?

My math experience is just how to prove It, so I'm a novice
According to my education, school books do not care to define precisely the objects they're talking about.
Take as an example euclidean geometry. The books I have read do not build the concepts. They want you to know some properties and to use them with guessing in order to solve problems
However I have started to read Hung Hsi wu books on elementary math and he makes the effort to build the concepts precisely. But this makes the subject more difficult than It would be without and makes me question if this Is deepening my understanding or not
As another example, consider fraction addition
One could memorize a/b+c/d=(ad+cb)/bd and do the exercise without caring about what rhs and lhs mean, as I have done in highschool.
Does really knowing what a/b+c/d means and how can I write It as rhs make my understanding more grounded?
Sometimes I feel that being rigorous,i.e. trying to understand what one is talking about is a loss of time. Books are exercise oriented. They want you to be good at using equation and rules they don't care about what they're talking about so much
What's the approach of a math student? Do you always make sure you know what you're talking about? If the books Is not rigorous enough are you able to build the theory on your own?
Or do you just accept that maybe the author goal Is to make you memorize formulae and do as required?
submitted by According_Quarter_17 to learnmath [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 n0ahbody Tariffs against neighbours

Tariffs against neighbours submitted by n0ahbody to editorialcartoons [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 ckriley59 MASSIVE 30” TPM $138

MASSIVE 30” TPM $138 Plus calculated shipping based on zip code
submitted by ckriley59 to sanpedrocactusforsale [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 yvk0 My ‘19 ND and my friends ‘90 NA

My ‘19 ND and my friends ‘90 NA submitted by yvk0 to Miata [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 stkadria Who to contact about refund?

I got my final golden letter on 11/4 ( I was discharged in two different groups) and confirmed with Mohela that I was entitled to a refund, and confirmed my address for it to be sent to me.
It’s been 90 days now and I still haven’t received my refund—who do I reach out to? Has it taken this long for anyone else?
submitted by stkadria to PSLF [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 Canuckinmerica23 AITAH for letting my sister stew in her self-imposed silence?

Some initial details: my (41f) sister (44f) and I have always had a strained relationship. We have ups and downs, but mostly it's in relation to what she is getting out of me. She takes my clothes, cosmetics, shoes, etc., and is super happy to use them and then sell them later. She is fairly judgemental and passive-aggressive, believing that jokes are only funny when there is "truth" behind it. I generally pick my battles, but it's tough. Sort of a "death by a thousand cuts" situation. I've begged her to go to therapy with me over the years, but she has zero interest, telling me she has nothing to work on. I have tried almost everything to make things better and more tolerable. There was a brief period of calm after she had twins girls and I helped her out one day each week. I did this until the twins were 3. As a result, I have a very close relationship with them.
I married a moved away a year ago. Recently I was visiting with my family and the twins came for a promised sleepover. During this time, they asked me: Twin A: "Auntie, do you still spend all your money?" Twin B: "ya, on the first thing you lay your eyes on" Me: "whaaat? Who said this?" Both twins: "mummy" When she came to pick them up, I sat down with her and told her about the conversation. I had given myself time to prepare and think how to express myself in "I" statements and ensure I was being calm and non-confrontational. Immediately she starts yelling at me that she didn't do it, they don't know what they are talking about, and I'm crazy to believe a pair of 7yr olds. I explained that the language wasn't how they normally speak and it sounded like they were parroting it. She again is gesticulating, yelling and I ask her to stop yelling. I'm still quite calm, and repeat that it came from somewhere. She provides an example of what it could be from (an example from being kids and being given money while on spending and her saving). I just said that I didn't want to be used as a teachable moment; an example of who not to be. Her response was to yell "you will continue not to be". She then got up, collected the kids and left. Since then, she has repeatedly texted me, stating nothing was ever said and that I took her example out of context. She called to yell at me again and berate me for thinking the kids know what they are saying. She also told me I couldn't possibly know how a 7yr old speaks. I sent her a text to try to quash it all and said "Hey. I been thinking a lot about our last conversation and want you to know that I'm not looking to fight or argue with you. My goal was to let you know what was said and how it made me feel. Ultimately I was looking to feel heard by you and there being some understanding. I wasn't expecting you to agree with everything, and I get that it's hard to know when the girls took any message (even inadvertently). All I was really looking for was for my feelings to be acknowledged."
Since then (1 week) it has been radio silence. AITAH for being willing to let this be the end?
submitted by Canuckinmerica23 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 my1958vw Some books came this weekend…

Some books came this weekend… Looked for this version of the miller Daredevil Omnis… and some infinity Omnis…
submitted by my1958vw to OmnibusCollectors [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 More_Future_4798 Proton Rocket Variation

Proton Rocket Variation submitted by More_Future_4798 to SpaceflightSimulator [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 renditecloud Die größte Revolution aller Zeiten: Warum unser Geld stirbt und wie Sie davon profitieren. Der Spiegel-Bestseller über Bitcoin

submitted by renditecloud to dieboerse [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 Heavy-Imagination489 Worth help?

So I have 2 mystical spike collars in salmon and green, and I remember a while ago these were pretty rare, but someone told me they are only worth about blackout now. Is this true? And what are blackout collars typically worth? I have one of those as well. I haven’t traded in many years so I’m kind of confused with the value of a lot of items now. 😅
submitted by Heavy-Imagination489 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 foxplys Anyone wanna draw my sona? Anything goes

Anyone wanna draw my sona? Anything goes submitted by foxplys to ICanDrawThatFurry [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 Successful_Coach_634 Could Anglo-Saxons and Normans understand one another? If not, how did they communicate?

Reading into the period around 1066, given the extended resistance after the invasion and the level of interaction between surviving Anglo-Saxon nobles and the Norman aristocracy, I’m wondering how the two ethnic groups understood one another? I know later medieval interactions often used Latin as a lingua franca for trade etc, but would this have been the case so early on? If not, how would they have communicated? Or were they entirely reliant on those few individuals/priests etc who could have played translator?
submitted by Successful_Coach_634 to AskHistorians [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 salty_spree A rave and a rant

Rave: went in extra today (Saturday) to help the PT traveler (newer grad) shower an ICU pt (severe GBS, trach, vent on occasion, young with kids) because the poor guy hasn’t had one in over 3 months. He absolutely melted when we got the hot water on him. The PA said in his 16 yrs of working critical care here no one has asked for or tried to shower an ICU pt. It went very well!
Rant: I think I’m literally the only acute therapist that has people do resistance exercises with weights….!!! Example: saw a cancer pt 2 weeks ago, got him doing some loaded exercises because he 1. Used to power lift and is familiar with exercise, and 2. Knows he needs strength to tolerate chemo etc. he’s going to be in the hospital for weeks doing treatments. Didn’t see him for a week, checked in yesterday and whatdayaknow EVERYONE else who saw him has just been ambulating him 800+ ft FWW supervision. Like for effs sake whyyyyyyy am I the only one to actually have people exercise!!!! Especially if they really want it!!! I’ve got DPTs and PTAs alike doing shit, lazy treatments and it drives me crazy! (Especially the DPTs, they’re all making $60 + and hr and can’t be bothered.) We’re trying to get approval for a new rehab gym (old one is gone) and part of me says you guys aren’t doing any structured exercise anyways, why should the hospital invest in this project? (Fine, I’ll be the only one and it’ll be my gym, whatever).
submitted by salty_spree to physicaltherapy [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 Alarming_Concept_542 Chain mail can be stacked-crafted

Someone suggested this earlier, and I quite like the idea: full-health chainmail should be able to be combined with like pieces (i.e. helmet + helmet) to increase its effectiveness. This could be done multiple times to accomplish an armor that maxes maybe above diamond armor, but below netherite(?). It would be a great way to incentivize players to actually use the chainmail they collect from mobs (spawner farms tend to generate a lot), and also create a fun alternate progression path to the innate diamond -> netherite.
I was thinking the armor could stack linearly, or have to be combined exponentially like enchantments, i.e. two base chainmail pieces combine to one “chainmail 2” piece, two “chainmail 2” pieces combine to one “chainmail 4” piece, so on. This would mean that the maxed out chainmail reflects a considerable amount of time/chainmail armor pieces invested.
submitted by Alarming_Concept_542 to minecraftsuggestions [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 Jim_Dizzy How do I wipe my SSD of all memory?

I am selling my PC to start a new build and I need to know how to wipe the SSD of all memory. I have windows 10 installed.
submitted by Jim_Dizzy to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 FORESTMAN100 Warioland ? - Suppose you found this game in a mysterious circumstance, and you decided to play it. What was the experience?

Warioland ? - Suppose you found this game in a mysterious circumstance, and you decided to play it. What was the experience? submitted by FORESTMAN100 to Wario [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 June_Fatality What is it like working in financial aid right now?

I was considering a career move, but now I'm not sure it is a stable move. Is the federal upheaval affecting day-to-day operations?
submitted by June_Fatality to financialaid [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 Watermelonseeds8U Made my OC Tyler real!

He holds my hats now lol
submitted by Watermelonseeds8U to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 Flavrtown14 Sell FUT account

Do people sell fut accounts? I’ll sell mine man, I have to let this game go lol
submitted by Flavrtown14 to fut [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 astro7kkk Pharmacy labels

It really shows the people who actually don’t score if you think not taking off the label is burnt out…. This ain’t 2018 days 🤣🤣🤣 it really be the ones who don’t even really sip like that, that talk the most nonsense
submitted by astro7kkk to Drank [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 YZflygirl Those who opted NOT to take Lupron, Orlissa, etc. prior to surgery

Hi all,
While waiting for my specialist appointment in May, went to speak with an gynecologist studying under her… she basically told me in order to manage my endo/fibroid pain in the meantime, she’s like to either inject me with a tri-monthly dose of Lupron or for me to take Orlissa. While the immediate thought of my period disappearing is tempting, and all the recent discomfort with it, the research Ive done on my end seems to tell me that the effects of both simply aren’t worth the short term gain…
Id love to hear YOUR experience - positive or negative!
submitted by YZflygirl to Endo [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 Difficult_Bend_8573 Do you choosr the white or the yellow corn

submitted by Difficult_Bend_8573 to interesting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 ExactBee201 Our local bread /bakery /rolls are casually making some landed best tasting bread products in the word! This is top tier food staple in Philly: _ these are only $0.59/ea, fresh every morning, and sold every where . Any bread makers have a clue about this ! 😂

Our local bread /bakery /rolls are casually making some landed best tasting bread products in the word! This is top tier food staple in Philly: _ these are only $0.59/ea, fresh every morning, and sold every where . Any bread makers have a clue about this ! 😂 I thought I posted this early on. But the “basic” bread /rolls market here is a delicious unmatched raise and store to its.‘something that Philadelphians don’t realize into they love aqua for a whole and taste the feast of the worlds “standard”
submitted by ExactBee201 to Breadit [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:51 Sure-Weird-1368 Murder bird posing for me this evening

Murder bird posing for me this evening submitted by Sure-Weird-1368 to Albuquerque [link] [comments]