What visa to do unpaid work experience in the USA

2025.02.01 21:42 dreaming_of_unicorns What visa to do unpaid work experience in the USA

Hi, I'm a veterinary student in the UK, and am wanting to go to America (where some family lives) to do 3-4 weeks of non clinical work experience over the summer. This is essentially voluntary work at somewhere like a zoo, farm, rehoming centre etc, for probably 4 days a week while I'm out there. Like I said I'm not allowed to be payed for it. So what visa would I need to apply for?
submitted by dreaming_of_unicorns to visas [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 JPDG I bought an FX algo bot, here is my performance for January...

I bought an FX algo bot, here is my performance for January... TL;DR: A friend of mine created a reversion-to-the-mean FX trading algo. I took a risk and got on board. This is follow-up to my previous post.
Total return for January was $1,078, which is about a 3.6% return for the month. What's most promising is the bot was on smaller lot sizes until January 12th (see previous post). I was very pleased to see an increase in the win rate, as well (82%+ since inception).
The Cost: The bot isn't cheap ($9,500 + up to $2,500 annually after the first year). I'm viewing it like a real estate investment, however, and plan to add (perhaps) another $20k into the account in February. Ideally, I'd like a monthly return of $2,500 on a $50k investment (5% monthly return).
"Sounds like a Ponzi scheme!" Nah, the owner doesn't have access to my capital (I had to open a third-party brokerage account). He can only turn off and on the algo.
I plan on posting my monthly performance if you wish to follow the results.
Clear disctinciton in returns between the smaller and larger lot sizes.
$1,078 return for January.
submitted by JPDG to passive_income [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 Ahmed-pr0 وين احصل تلفونات قديمة للبيع ... galaxy S6

وين احصل تلفونات قديمة للبيع ... galaxy S6 https://preview.redd.it/e9g2y64vklge1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=231ac54f0ee1ff691d333bedba019dc6c81933c6
احتاج galaxy S6 شاشته اصلية وشغالة
ادري التلفون قديم لكن احتاج ابدل شاشته لاسباب خاصة
اذا تعرفون محل يبيع اجهزة قديمة او احد عنده الجهاز وحاب يبيعه يكلمني رحم الله والديكم
submitted by Ahmed-pr0 to Bahrain [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 Lower-Advertising570 Any advice on a good beard growth routine

submitted by Lower-Advertising570 to beards [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 gfunkdave Loading a table column into an array creates a 2D array?

I've got a structured table comprised of a single column. When I load the column into an array, it creates a 2D array. How do I just create a single dimensional array?

Dim teams() as Variant teams = ws.ListObjects("Teams").ListColumns("Teams").DataBodyRange.Value 
results in an array of
teams(1,1) = value 1
teams(2,1) = value 2
and so on.
I'm sure this is something reaaaally basic...
submitted by gfunkdave to excel [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 Odd_Cucumber_7711 Thinking of buying the game

This game really seems cool but from what I've seen on YT it's mostly punches and very little ability use. Getting the game is a pretty big investment for me bc I would have to upgrade from ps4 to ps5. Is it worth it?
submitted by Odd_Cucumber_7711 to SparkingZero [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 RaidingPartyActual [WTB] RMR Adjustable 3.25 Black

In search of the best deal on an adjustable RMR color black, 3.25 MOA. The nicer condition the better. $385 depending on condition of course.
submitted by RaidingPartyActual to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 TechnicalyNotRobot Final hits should be visible to everyone

It is so annoying to play characters with little splash damage like Spiderman and get flamed for having low kills despite the fact kills are actually assists that dealt damage.
I've had games where I am single handedly half of the final hits, so every second time someone actually got sent to spawn it was me, where I get shittalked for having less "kills" than the other DPS. And I know from experience during the match that that those will be the stats, but all my teammates see is the "kill" stat until we finish the game at which point noone cares anymore.
submitted by TechnicalyNotRobot to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 AlternativeTruck4212 AITA For Wanting To go Back to my home Country

I’m 16M and when I was 11 My parents took me to from the U.K back to Africa as they wanted us to get an education here instead(Because they didn’t want me and my siblings to be taught and sex and LGBTQ+ things aswell.)
I accepted it but when I finished Year 11 I thought I would go back but turns out I had to stay for 2 more years until I finished A-Levels. However this hit me really hard because I felt very homesick and all my friends were leaving after Year 11. I started Year 12 In a new school but didn’t focus much and made some bad friends.
My mum took me out of the school in December because of that and now I basically have a choice of doing Home-Schooling but I will probably get worse grades or do nothing Until next year when I can restart Year 12. This has made me really depressed and sad But talking to my parents Is like talking to a brick wall. It’s gotten so bad that now I wonder if I should just shut up and stop complaining or If I’m valid for wanting to go back.
submitted by AlternativeTruck4212 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 tonyjoe3 [H] 2 $22.99 Fortnite Vbucks Cards [W] $20(each) Paypal

submitted by tonyjoe3 to giftcardexchange [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 IllustriousAd2518 Do you think Brook is the most useless Strawhat? (Please read the body section before commenting)

Ima start this off saying I do not believe this. Every strawhat has their use and Luffy can’t make it without them, this question comes from a conversation I had with my Uncle who’s also a One Piece fan. We just talking about common stuff like devil fruit or haki, what race we’d wanna be, etc. But then he asks me who do I think is the most useless SH he said Brook, I was confused and I told him about Brook’s powers and how much of a mvp he was in Whole Cake and Wano with Robin he says “yeah I know but outside of that what else has he done?” I told him about his ice and soul powers plus him being a swordsman but then he says “He should be doing so much more with his powers, he’s not doing it to his full potential.” I just wanna know what ya’ll think.
submitted by IllustriousAd2518 to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 emmasbowtie Anywhere I can find a mk2 Jag in the UK?

Hi, I want to find my dad a good condition mk2 jag for my dad that isnt crazy expensive. I most indefinitely can't afford one right now anyway but in the near future i really do want to get my dad one since it's his favourite car and he's starting to get old so I really want to make just one of his dreams come true before he can't drive anymore. Cars have been a long-standing obsession in my family with my great grandad being a rally coordinator, grandad a rally driver, dad who has a passion for cars on the side and me whose dad taught her to drive at 14 and loves toying around with old shitboxes even though I'm a law student. i dont mind doing any small mods/fixes myself since I've got good experience with fixing up cars but little-no rust, corrosion or major engine issues is preferred. won't be buying the jag anytime soon but was just hoping someone could point me in the way of some good dealers or auction places that are likely to have a mk2 for a decent price so i can have a look. Thanks!
submitted by emmasbowtie to carsforsale [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 theonebelowall789 Random Gride stuff

First Artist: Pokebox Second Artist: lemonierk41
submitted by theonebelowall789 to Eevee [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 samjenkins02 Colt commander price check

Is a series 80 colt commander for $545 a good deal? I found one at my local sportsman’s and was curious
submitted by samjenkins02 to 1911 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 A_Dubs_999 Too good to be true?

Too good to be true? Does anybody else find this weight range to be false? Does anybody have experience with this today? Sounds too good to be true.
submitted by A_Dubs_999 to BFSfishing [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 AmanNamedJoJo Does the UK have any alternative “weird” rappers?

Didn’t quite know how to phrase the title properly but what I mean by this is rappers like Outkast, Tyler The Creator, Kanye does the UK have anything similar or nah?
submitted by AmanNamedJoJo to ukhiphopheads [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 ShenFull Obs and cs2

I recently downloaded obs to start recording cs2 but ran into some problems,
When i record when i speak ingame obs record both the voicechat and my mic so my voice plays double
And i wanna record the steam ingame menu but cant seem to find a setting to make it work it only records cs2 any help?
submitted by ShenFull to obs [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 Axzyy Just spent 75k for an 85 overall Harrison Safety

Do these players ever go down within these 30 days or what? Should have been able to buy 3 of them for that price. It would probably cost 1 million coins or more just to get the 91 overall TOM if you don't have any players because you're impatient and sell like me. I'd imagine yo finish it would cost me 3 to 4 million possibly even 5 or 6. At that point I mineaswell just buy a 96 cornerback from the market. Greed ruins this game i swear. To many retired no lifers controlling the market. (No offense if you're retired)
submitted by Axzyy to Football_Head_Coach [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 haningf Kæmpe fejring

Kæmpe fejring Hej alle Fantino og Bonde
Lørdag d. 22 februar fylder vores elskede hund, Bendtner, 3 år gammel!!! Vi vil i den forbindelse gerne invitere jer alle til fødselsdagsfest i Haderslev. Der vil naturligvis være kage, brunsviger og bajer. I er velkommen til at tage jeres firbenet venner med - vi har en stor lukket have, så der er rig mulighed for leg.
Bendtners ønskeliste: Bandanaer Balsam Snacks
SU. senest et par dage inden
Mvh Bendtner & Co
submitted by haningf to FantinoOGBonde [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 Igotthehookup0 Francis

Francis submitted by Igotthehookup0 to Igdamn [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 10ofCups1977 1976 - 1987 Chevrolet Chevette - Simple Yet Practical

1976 - 1987 Chevrolet Chevette - Simple Yet Practical submitted by 10ofCups1977 to Youtube_Video_posts [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 Wasteland_Radio Are there other beds to use?

I want to replace the bunk bed so I can make some space in the bedroom, I’ve seen screen caps of other beds used in the bedroom (I assume these are from older versions) I’ve also noticed that the bunk bed is nailed to the floor, is there a way to get these nails out?
submitted by Wasteland_Radio to Voicesofthevoid [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 xMommyySweet Abs finally coming through! Very happy girl:))

Abs finally coming through! Very happy girl:)) submitted by xMommyySweet to FemmeFitness [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 Zzyxzz SkyPatcher Update – Random Visual Styles for NPCs + Tutorial!

SkyPatcher just got a major update with an awesome new feature—Random Visual Styles for NPCs!
Tired of seeing the same faces in every playthrough? With this feature, NPCs can be completely overhauled—randomly changing race, sex, face, skin, and even voice!
How it works:

Once set up, it works automatically and brings infinite variety to Skyrim. Imagine walking into Whiterun and seeing a completely different set of NPCs every playthrough!
I’m also making a video to showcase this in action. What kind of wild NPC transformations would you like to see?
Tutorial and Showcase (Youtube)
SkyPatcher at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community
submitted by Zzyxzz to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:42 Xyllas Looking For An Old Naruto/Pokemon Crossover

Hey, guys, new poster here, sorry to bug you guys, but I am looking for an old deleted fanfic on FanFiction.Net, it was called Darn Me PokeBall's Jammed or something like that, from what I remember it involves Pein killing everyone and finishing his plan and wiping everyone out, leaving Kami to reset the world, and then it crosses over into Pokemon, where some of the characters become Trainers, the only other things I rememeber is it had a cheeky Buizel and an Ursaring who attacks the Buizel cause they provoked them, I cannot remember the author as this was like 10 years back I think, and I cannot remember the genre, but if you guys can help a guy out, Id be very grateful, if need be I can try and provide more information from what I remember, but I dont remember much else, but please try and help.
submitted by Xyllas to DeletedFanfiction [link] [comments]
