Shameless Self Promotion Saturday

这里给出一个图文并茂的方法,手把手的教你,核查期刊质量,快速判断期刊是否被SCI收录,国内外两种方案都介绍,保证查得到! 在上一篇文章 (循证医学杂谈:期刊质量评价)中,提到期刊质量评价的最简单方法 —— 查看期刊是否被SCI收录。 如果没有被收录,基本上可以判定上面的文献大多是 ... IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence 这个刚建立的期刊怎么样呀? 该系列包含两款机型,iPhone 16 Pro配备6.3英寸OLED屏幕,分辨率为2622 x 1206,而iPhone 16 Pro Max则拥有更大的6.9英寸屏幕,分辨率为2868 x 1320,均支持120Hz ProMotion自适应刷新率,最大亮度达1000尼特,峰值亮度高达2000尼特,显示效果惊艳。 独家 情难独钟:赴一场春花落雪 除了搭载以下处理器的 MacBook Pro 有高刷,其它 MacBook 的刷新率都是60Hz; M1 Pro M1 Max M2 Pro M2 Max 搭载以上处理器的 MacBook Pro 14寸以及16寸的版本均支持 ProMotion 自适应刷新率技术,且刷新率最高可达120Hz; 2.你得承认“由于每个人的经验学识和理解力的不同,我们常对概念定义产生分歧” 3.通常来说,业界(营销传播行业)都有一套通俗理解,默认当我们提到“营销marketing”、“推广promotion”、“运营operation”指的是“那些内容”。 2011年,汉娜 · 赫克斯福德和她丈夫在布里德灵顿散步,一个沿海小镇。 她的丈夫买了一包炸薯条。忽然一只银鸥 (Larus argentatus) 孰若无睹地朝她两飞来,用汉娜的话来说就是“英勇无畏”,她的丈夫向银鸥身上丢了几根薯条,饥饿的银鸥则顺势张嘴去叼了根。 汉娜赶忙掏出她的iPhone 3G拍下了银鸥的 ... 知乎知学堂 - 知乎旗下职业教育品牌,专注于成人用户职业发展,聚集各领域优质教育资源,依托自身科技实力打造的一站式在线职业教育平台。知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者张集的原创内容平台,于 2011年1月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」 ... 最近好像蛮多国内公司在做NPS调研,大家来说说吧 ⭐⭐由于手机上存在大量的ui动画交互,120Hz的提升还是十分明显的,最直观的体验就是感受到操作会十分流畅,再去切换60Hz甚至90Hz都会感受到明显卡顿。 现在13系列 Pro和Pro Max都搭载了ProMotion技术,相信表现也一定会是十分亮眼的。 对于一直期待苹果搭载

2025.02.01 21:54 foundit808 Shameless Self Promotion Saturday

Guys I’m documenting my journey to become a cerified Pilates teacher. Check out my Instagram:
Pilates helped me through an injury and I want to help people get stronger & bring them that feeling of “you can still do it”. Plus I love the way it makes me feel and the flow and precision almost makes me feel like I’m dancing again.
The whole “like and subscribe” is against my nature, but I tried to have a barre class 2 years ago and the feeling of having no one show up to a single class is something I never want to experience again. So I’m pushing myself to be more visible by being more active on social media. Plus it’s the 1st of the month and community guidelines say this content is ok today.
If you are interested in becoming certified and want to see how it plays the process plays out, check out my page. In person class is March 1!!
submitted by foundit808 to pilates [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 Sufficient_Pear4230 Aline Mineiro - Que mama bonito

Aline Mineiro - Que mama bonito submitted by Sufficient_Pear4230 to Lindas_Atrizes_Brasil [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 Bob_Guy96 Does R211 (NYC) have fixed next stop, this, and last stop announcements

submitted by Bob_Guy96 to trains [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 ohmauro Subreddit background

I know it's probably space issue but I wish they could be - somehow - all of the girls on the background picture. Jewels and Hormona are missing and that's a bummer and unfair.
submitted by ohmauro to rupaulsdragrace [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 Current_Bit_752 Can anyone give me a good quality upgrade list for this? Performance (hdzero mob6 freestyle)

Can anyone give me a good quality upgrade list for this? Performance (hdzero mob6 freestyle) Also what is a buy once cry once soldering kit? And all the things I would need? What motors, frame, anything else? Links too plz
submitted by Current_Bit_752 to TinyWhoop [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 Sarbearr_x Week early period??

Hi all! I had my CIUD inserted a lil over a week ago! And I just stopped taking the mini pill. I’m cramping and have semi heavy bleeding. Im also passing some clots. I’m on day 19 on my current cycle. Could this be my period? A week early cycle? Is that common?
submitted by Sarbearr_x to CopperIUD [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 Hobbie-Collector Any tips on how to make my dreadnought look more noght lordish?

Any tips on how to make my dreadnought look more noght lordish? My only idea is to darken everything and add the classic night lords lightening pattern, any other ideas?
submitted by Hobbie-Collector to NightLords [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 RedditorsRSoyboys Why the hell are we throwing every international ally we have under the bus for no reason?

Tariffs on Canada, tariffs on the EU, tariffs on Taiwan. What on earth is trump even thinking???
submitted by RedditorsRSoyboys to Hanania [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 Icy_Ship_987 Young Love in Bondage, gotta love Romance Comics

Young Love in Bondage, gotta love Romance Comics Apparently young love was a lot different than I remember it. So is that dungeon in his house?
submitted by Icy_Ship_987 to comicbookcollecting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 corrosive14 D487 Exam Attempts

Has anyone had to redo the OA for D487? I'm curious as to the retake policy and if it is subject to the retake policy for the CompTIA exams (D483/D484).
I'd also be curious if anyone has taken the exam on a Linux box as that's my daily driver.
submitted by corrosive14 to WGUCyberSecurity [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 Potential-Stomach577 Selling my og fortnite account had it since the first month of when fornite came out this account also has Save the world and og skins, im willing to change the email and ect

Selling my og fortnite account had it since the first month of when fornite came out this account also has Save the world and og skins, im willing to change the email and ect submitted by Potential-Stomach577 to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 Eltoncornwalker [SETLIST THREAD] PHISH RIVIERA MAYA, MX, 2/1/25 N4

Happy Phebruary good people!
Here we are, last night of the run! LETS GET IT!!! Needless to say, and not to beat a dead horse, but these guys are on point. Absolutely killing it! Masters of their craft! Well i gotta say, after listening thru nights 1-3, these guys picked up right where they left off of in '24. And last year was the "Just in case you forgot who we were" year. Some highlights from the first few nights were Cities, Piper, and i enjoyed Sightless Escape. Hope everyone has been doing well and crushing it this wonderful new year, Ive been busy learning how to install medical gas systems. ICE COLD PHATTIES!!!
Show 630 est
Set 1- (xxx-xxx)
Set 2-(xxx-xxx)
Post a greeting, say where you are from and call your opener!
S1- Party Time
S2- 2001
Preshow/Set break tunes
Festy 8 (10/30)
moe. 2005/04/05 Denver Co
Eggy 2024/11/02 Chicago IL
submitted by Eltoncornwalker to phish [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 gatorgamesandbooks BLOOD & VALOR END OF EMPIRES EXPANSION RULEBOOK. Sale $35.00 MSRP 39.95. Back in Stock.

BLOOD & VALOR END OF EMPIRES EXPANSION RULEBOOK. Sale $35.00 MSRP 39.95. Back in Stock. submitted by gatorgamesandbooks to GatorGamesandBooks [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 HomelessAssRetard I (M27) might be the dirtiest, laziest and most antisocial person you have ever had the chance to ask anything. So go ahead and AMA!

That's right, I haven't taken a shower in like 2 months. I just browse Reddit everyday until I fall asleep. My contribution to society is like zero. I don't wash my hands after using the toilet. I'm literally just surviving.
submitted by HomelessAssRetard to AMA [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 Infamous-Virus6167 Since Trump is putting tariffs on Canada is there any future left here in this country?

Since Trump is putting 25% tariffs in Canada , the economy is going to suffer like never before . Even how bad the job market is now , how is the job market going to be when the tariffs are implemented? Is it worth living in Canada anymore?
submitted by Infamous-Virus6167 to AskCanada [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 Abject-Life-4315 My lips 👄 have you spiraling 🌀 just in time for Valentine’s Day.

My lips 👄 have you spiraling 🌀 just in time for Valentine’s Day. submitted by Abject-Life-4315 to ebonywithbiglips [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 CarlosClair or Kraken?

Hi, I’m looking to get into crypto trading. I’m however confused which exchange to use. I used to use Binance but since I’m a regular traveler to Canada I cannot trade on Binance as it has stopped its operations in Canada. I reside in UAE and was looking to change platforms. Heard numerous misconceptions about any1 has tried it? Let me know your experience in using or kraken. Is it easy to withdraw and sell crypto which is a reliable exchange? Thank you!
submitted by CarlosClair to DubaiCrypto [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 Live-Promotion4362 How can I change an endless zone's lawn/map to roman without the game crashing trying to load the endless zone?

submitted by Live-Promotion4362 to PlantsVsZombiesMods [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 OwnIndependence6267 Weekend rips and package arrived!

Weekend rips and package arrived! submitted by OwnIndependence6267 to footballcards [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 BlackLanternWitch Help sourcing carnelian disc

Help sourcing carnelian disc Hi! I got a similar antique fob from eBay and it has the bloodstone side but not the carnelian side. I knew this when I bought it - I thought it’d be easy to get a replacement. My jeweler is saying I need 20.85mm disc but can work with 20.5mm and I’m having a really hard time finding that size. I also looked into other gemstone coins but cannot find that size.
What do you guys think?
submitted by BlackLanternWitch to jewelry [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 ZestyclosePollution7 Cānticum nunc, o populī Turris Anoris!

Cānticum nunc, o populī Turris Anoris, Nām Regnum Saurōnis in aeternum termināvit, Et Turris Obscūra deiecta est.
Cānticum et jubilātis, o populī Turris Custodiāe, Nām vigiliae vestrae fūtile nōn fuit, Et Porta Nīgra fracta est, Et rēx vester per eam intrāvit, Et victor est.
Cānticum et laetāminī, omnēs o proles Occidēntis, Nām rēx tuus iterum adveniet, Et inter vōs habitābit Omnibus diēbus vitae vestrae.
Et arbor ista aruit, renovābitur, Et il(le) in positās altās seret, Et urbs benedicētur. O populī, omnia cantāte!
submitted by ZestyclosePollution7 to latin [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 sofifreak Mal wieder ein erfolgreicher Backtag.

Mal wieder ein erfolgreicher Backtag. Erfolgreicher Backtag. ❤️😀
submitted by sofifreak to brot [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 PokeyPot Tips for pulling?

Hi all!
This is Mongo. He just turned one and is already at 106 pounds. So a very massive pointer.
He’s great, but walking him can get wild. He was doing amazing with walking, but he’s regressed as he’s entered the jerk teenage phase.
We have a second pointer who isn’t a perfect walker 100% of the time, but manageable. They’re never walked together because our other pointer is older and a bit arthritic.
Any tips/tricks? Preferably we’d not use a pinch collar or e-training.
submitted by PokeyPot to germanshorthairs [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 Cweeperz Helblaster Volleygun with working joints... Made of paper!

Helblaster Volleygun with working joints... Made of paper! submitted by Cweeperz to WarhammerFantasy [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:54 Many-Day8308 I live with a “Mean Girl”

I live with a “Mean Girl” I love her, I feed her, I’m keeping her alive
submitted by Many-Day8308 to CalicoKittys [link] [comments]