Ask this gambling addict anything

2025.02.01 23:41 finnyboy125 Ask this gambling addict anything

This is steven, hes an proffesional poker player, and i want to flesh out his character more, so ask anything and i'll respond in character
submitted by finnyboy125 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 Alive_Rest1256 Why do people get mad that Nesta is credited for…

… killing King Hybern
Ive seen people rant online how Nesta shouldn’t be credited for killing hybern or that she is stealing all of the glory when it wasn’t her. I thought it was written quite plainly in the text that Elain stabbed him which allowed Nesta to then twist the knife and behead him. Hybern was still technically alive when Elain stabbed him and was actively trying to pull out the knife . Nesta then stepped in and finished him off. Elain states this in the book too.
“I heard you made the killing blow,” he said. Elain studied the trees ahead. “Nesta did. I just stabbed him.”
I believe that they should both be credited for their role, simple as that.
submitted by Alive_Rest1256 to acotar [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 Fun-Perspective-6217 Let me hurt you a little, and if you react, I'll hurt you even more. This sounds exactly like my toxic ex. Canada, you're in a toxic relationship!

Let me hurt you a little, and if you react, I'll hurt you even more. This sounds exactly like my toxic ex. Canada, you're in a toxic relationship!
submitted by Fun-Perspective-6217 to halifax [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 No-Examination-3524 Wife cheated

Here’s a revised version of your message with corrected grammar, punctuation, and structure for clarity:
Wife Cheated - Need Advice
I have an interesting story, and I need some advice. I got together with a girl when I was 19. We moved in the same day because she got kicked out, and my parents were cool with it. It wasn’t a big deal, and I wasn’t expecting to catch feelings or anything— but I did.
Fast forward: she got kicked out for a while because of my other siblings being jealous (my brother was a year younger than me), so she moved in with a friend for a bit. Eventually, my parents reconsidered and decided it was fine for her to come back. At this point, we weren’t dating yet—only about a month and a half in.
About 4-5 months later, we started dating. At 19, I got my first apartment and moved out. Eight months later, we got engaged, and 8 months after that, we got married. Everything seemed fine, though we had our differences. I was a clean freak, and she wasn’t really experienced in that area, so I helped teach her.
Anyway, fast forward again: a few months after we got married, I started having a gut feeling that something was going on. I decided to set up a voice memo on my phone, and I caught some disturbing things. In the middle of the night, she cheated on me with a guy on our couch where my phone was hidden. She turned on the loud AC, which covered up most of the sounds, but I did hear him coming in and accidentally kicking over my alcohol bottle at the front door.
I didn’t have video proof, so I confronted her, and she denied everything. At that point, I didn’t know what to believe, so I decided to wait and see if I could catch her again. Our apartment was leaking from the ceiling, so they moved us to a hotel (a Red Roof Inn) for a week. I got another gut feeling, so I set up voice memos again. She was in the bathroom, and I used two phones to record while I slept.
In the middle of the night, I heard her bring a guy into the hotel room while I was passed out. I heard her combing her hair (a sound she only makes when doing something intimate), and I also heard her typing on my laptop. She didn’t use her phone. Then, I heard footsteps and my hamster going crazy when he saw the guy. The loud pop of my lube bottle’s plastic lid sealed the deal. I confronted her again, but she denied everything.
I threatened to get the hotel’s security footage, and that made her try to talk me out of it, which confirmed my suspicions. A few months later, I found more evidence. She had cheated again with the same guy. By that time, I had set up a hidden camera, but somehow she found the app on my phone and turned it off. I knew then she was hiding something. Eventually, I got the footage, and there it was.
By this point, I was suffering from severe trauma and PTSD. I couldn’t sleep, and I had nightmares. I tried to kick her out, but the police wouldn’t let me because her ID was at the apartment, and her parents wouldn’t take her back. I had no choice but to get a new apartment, and even then, she refused to admit her cheating.
A few months later, I came up with a plan. I had a friend pretend to be a girl who could be a “best friend” to her, and I told her to meet up with her. I stayed in the car while they went into Walgreens together. Later, they went to sit in their car, and I saw her crying. She admitted everything to her. That night, she called me, and I confronted her. She played the innocent card, but after a 3-way call with my friend, she finally admitted it.
About 5-6 months later, while on vacation visiting my family, she told me about the cheating, a year and a half after it had happened. At that point, I was 22 or 23, and I filed for divorce. We had signed a prenup, so I wasn’t worried about money. The divorce process took some time, but I finally got my own apartment.
To get her out, I needed her name off the lease, so I told her she could stay on it for a year, and then I’d remove her name. I tried to get her out sooner, but the police wouldn’t help. She still refused to leave, even though I had given her a 30-day notice. It’s been really tough— emotionally, mentally, and financially.
I feel lost and stuck, even though I’m doing better financially. I’m getting very depressed, and my mental state is slowly declining. I don’t know what to do at this point. I’m 24 now, and we were together for a total of 5 years. She was 18 when we got together, and I was 19.
Sorry for the long message, but I didn’t know how else to explain everything. I’m just looking for advice or any similar experiences from others.
I’ve fixed the punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure while trying to preserve the details and emotional tone of your story. Let me know if you need further adjustments!
submitted by No-Examination-3524 to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 wolfguardian72 Alex offers you a Ramuné. Would you take it?

submitted by wolfguardian72 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 jeffgq Getting limited link results RD

Not sure whats up, but I'm getting very limited link results all the sudden. Like piratebay is the only one..what happened to torrentino?
submitted by jeffgq to Addons4Kodi [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 Sensitive_Ad297 Tips para caerle bien a un profe estricto y chapado a la antigua????

submitted by Sensitive_Ad297 to JudgeMyAccent [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 udontgottaknoww 🆘 Boredom won… i need HELP. My hair color is uneven and looks almost orange😭

🆘 Boredom won… i need HELP. My hair color is uneven and looks almost orange😭 -I don’t have experience dying my hair -I did this SO RANDOMLY out of boredom -I was aiming for a lighter brown
😭😭😭 this is so bad and I know it’s my fault…
Background: I got bored so I went to Walmart to grab a blonde hair dye after googling how to lighten dark hair.
My hair is naturally really dark brown, almost jet black. Google and some YouTube videos with the same hair as mine used a blonde hair dye and got the result I wanted so I followed that.
But my hair looks so bad rn😭😭 Will it be okay if I bought black hair dye and used that to go black? Pls help!!
submitted by udontgottaknoww to haircoloring [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 mbr902000 A dozen eggs and 2 light bulbs for 20 or more dollars. What a bargain

submitted by mbr902000 to inflation [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 peder56789 Any sites to download Prison Architect for free?

So I was scrolling through a few subreddits and most of them were recommending steam unlocked, but that was almost 4 years ago. So now I'm asking y'all to give me any alternatives to get Prison Architect for free.
submitted by peder56789 to CrackSupport [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 OtherwiseHistorian41 Best place for a philly fan to watch super bowl?

submitted by OtherwiseHistorian41 to Omaha [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 Sensitive_Muffin6324 What does my art taste like

What does my art taste like submitted by Sensitive_Muffin6324 to teenagersbuthot [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 georgeestepp Tracker vs. Lowe vs. Lund etc.

Is there a real difference in quality between these for fishing/ski boats? Scoping out my first boat, and price is obviously a factor. Personally I like the Lowe boats I’ve seen so far. Is it a quality or just a status/branding situation with people that say Lund is king.
submitted by georgeestepp to boating [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 cladoceran Stuck in 5 oct

Stuck in 5 oct Checked other topics, disassembled everything but nothing works
submitted by cladoceran to pAIperclip [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 Wirax-402 [USA-RI] [H] Ryzen 9800X3D [W] Local cash, PayPal

AMD Ryzen 9800X3D - Used and in good condition. $500 shipped in the domestic US.
submitted by Wirax-402 to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 freddyyoo Dialga 964841053721

submitted by freddyyoo to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 lordgreenofbiscuit 4th pour in 8 months

4th pour in 8 months What do you think? This is my 4th pour this year, I took an 8 month break. Initial pour and finished but wet painting.
submitted by lordgreenofbiscuit to PourPainting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 That_Win_6798 Rx350h-In Transit

With expected delivery 2/7-2/16. Coming from Canada to US. Is there a way to track the vin to know where it is in transit? Hoping we’re not hit with the additional Tariffs coming.
submitted by That_Win_6798 to Lexus [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 Vegetable-Manner-189 Case Approved!!

Case Approved!! My wife and I cried when we saw the approval today. It's time for us to celebrate!
Here is my full timeline:
Processing Office: NBC
The evidence we've submitted:
Photos 3 Years of video call screenshots WhatsApp and Facebook chat screenshots Facebook post screenshots Amazon and Grubhub Receipts (My name and my bill address - Delivered to my wife's name and address) Affidavit of Support from my mother-in-law, my mom and my brother
Field Office: Philadelphia
The evidence we've submitted during interview:
More Photos Joint Checking Account Joint Savings Account My credit card with my wife as an authorized user 2 more Affidavit of Support
submitted by Vegetable-Manner-189 to USCIS [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 gotablankspace Polo Ralph Lauren sweatshirt, real or fake?

Polo Ralph Lauren sweatshirt, real or fake? Got this off Grailed, not sure if it’s real.
submitted by gotablankspace to CoutureReps [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 Unusual-Way-6187 Party composition help

I want to play a 2-man party magic comp and I don't exactly know how to do it.
I was thinking that 1 character will be a mage frontline/tank (hydro/geo/aero in skills) but I want that character to be pure INT build. So, most of his skills will be for buffing himself etc. BUT the issue is there's only Shield/Wand to do this type of build. Coz giving this character a physical weapon will split the damage horribly.
The other character will be the dps mage (Aero/Pyro) but the thing is I want this character to mainly focus on DPS spells.
I saw mods adding element based weapons but idk if they necessarily scale off of INT. And adding mods might ruin my first playthrough.
Man, I just want an INT based comp having a INT Fighter + mage. Any advise?
submitted by Unusual-Way-6187 to DivinityOriginalSin [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 TheRealAydenBobReal Just some nice fan art of everyone's favorite Vocaloid. (Featuring Kasane Teto)

Just some nice fan art of everyone's favorite Vocaloid. (Featuring Kasane Teto) submitted by TheRealAydenBobReal to hatsune [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 Silver-Cicada5276 Large HO Model Train Set-Up

Large HO Model Train Set-Up submitted by Silver-Cicada5276 to modeltrains [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 jvc72 Buy Signal Stably USD USD - 1 Feb 2025 @ 18:32 -> USD1.059

Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 1 Feb 2025 @ 18:32
Price: USD1.059
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:41 2towerz1plane I mean….

I mean…. submitted by 2towerz1plane to hearmeoutbro [link] [comments]