Should I wait for Season 2 or read the manga?

2025.02.01 21:48 Local-Top-7808 Should I wait for Season 2 or read the manga?

I just finished season 1 and it is my favorite anime to date. I'm new to watching anime so this is only my third one (beyblade, and one piece), but I'm craving more and I've heard around the dandadan subreddit that the manga is way ahead of the anime, so should I wait till July for season 2, or read the manga?
submitted by Local-Top-7808 to Dandadan [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 Icy_Pomegranate_6181 Ik it isn't original but I'm happy with how it turned out/ Very proud of myself. This is like the 5th time trying to post this

Ik it isn't original but I'm happy with how it turned out/ Very proud of myself. This is like the 5th time trying to post this submitted by Icy_Pomegranate_6181 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 Xabre1342 Homebrew AoR: Goroan Fallen

Creating my own Army of Renown, just for funsies. This is meant to best represent the Ogroid legions as they fall to Chaos.
Allowed units: Demon Prince (no more than one) Ogroid Thaumaturge Ogroid Myrmidon Ogroid Theridons Fomoroid Crushers
Terrain, Spell Lore and Manifestation Lore is all taken from the Beasts of Chaos.
All Myrmidons get 0-1 Thaumaturge in their regiment. All Thaumaturges get 0-1 Myrmidons in their regiment.
Battle Trait: All Ogroids gain the ENRAGED keyword when damaged. Ogroids and Demon Prince gain ‘Blessings of the Destroyers’, which work exactly like Marks or Chaos before the battletome changed them to Pledges.
Heroic Traits: (You may take all 3) DP only: deal 1 damage to a friendly unit within 12”, roll a d6 for all other friendly units; on a 4+ Heal(d3) Thaumaturge only: while ENRAGED, +1 power level. Myrmidon only: while ENRAGED, once per then use All Out Attack for free.
Artifact: Theridons only. Select a Blessing of the Destroyer. While ENRAGED and has a banner, gain this Blessing along with the original selected.
submitted by Xabre1342 to ageofsigmar [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 verdedefome any tools or apps for teaching people mahjong over the internet?

doesn't have to be a mahjong platform where we can play while I'm teaching, but something where I can have control of all the pieces to show examples of yakus and how to build a hand and answer questions visually while screen sharing/streaming to them on discord.
I basically want to get my friends to the point where we can play on friend room in mahjong soul.
submitted by verdedefome to Mahjong [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 Radiant_Way5857 Alle "non scelte": che impatto ha avuto nella vostra vita adulta?

A tutte le ragazze che per un motivo o per un altro erano le ultime della compagnia, la ruota di scorta, la simpatica del gruppo, la brava a scuola che passa i compiti e che non sono mai state oggetto di attenzione da parte dei maschietti: come vi è andata quando siete diventate grandi? Quali sono stati i motivi che vi hanno ostacolato? Siete riuscite a recuperare la vostra personalità e autostima nonostante gli ostacoli?
submitted by Radiant_Way5857 to Italia [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 Puzzleheaded-Ad6023 Ever have an opponent low roll so hard you feel bad?

Double Taskmaster on Black Vortex is ROUGH. I'm glad opponent didn't roll Orca mid turn 6, but c'mon RNG gods, at least give em a chance 😭
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Ad6023 to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 Brandon133243 What do you think of when you see this Fortnite skin?

What do you think of when you see this Fortnite skin? submitted by Brandon133243 to sypherpk [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 AccidentalPandas2 Kevin Danso has said YES to Spurs ⌛️

Kevin Danso has said YES to Spurs ⌛️ submitted by AccidentalPandas2 to coys [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 C-10_lover Speedo bullet and drive gear

Speedo bullet and drive gear This part is leaking and I’m replacing it but I don’t see any matches this is a Speedo “bullet”, adapter, and the drive gear. Is it ok to replace it with something that isn’t the same exact part but is the same part?
submitted by C-10_lover to chevyc10 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 simmons-productions Help

How do i move moni between computers?
submitted by simmons-productions to MASFandom [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 kaptandob This is THE weather I think about when I think of the perfect day.

What about you?
submitted by kaptandob to Dallas [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 Dazzling-Giraffe-482 Pamela Anderson, Tommy Lee - Harpers Bazaar Magazine December 1995

Pamela Anderson, Tommy Lee - Harpers Bazaar Magazine December 1995 submitted by Dazzling-Giraffe-482 to PamelaAndersonHub [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 noskcajcp Looking at a '22 Toyota Sienna LE Hybrid

Looking at a '22 Toyota Sienna LE Hybrid Hello - we had a snafu with a recently purchased 2015 Honda Odyssey and are looking at a 2022 Toyota Sienna LE Hybrid with 65k miles ($32k). I'm interested in any feedback, things to be on the lookout for, etc.
submitted by noskcajcp to ToyotaSienna [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 weird-dumbass7 Do you hate ugly gay men?

I have a face deformity and a lot of dudes tell me I don't deserve to be gay and that I'm just a straight loser who thinks I have a chance with guys. Today an attractive guy on Grindr started to insult me out of the blue and ranting that I'm actually a straight incel pretending to be gay but no guy will ever like me. I didn't message him first or tap him, he just dmed me and started insulting right awaym It hit me too hard so I deleted my account. What's up with this gatekeeping?
submitted by weird-dumbass7 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 DP_goatman Y'all need to chill with the backseating

Let him discover shit telling him a pumpkin needs two blocks is fine he doesn't need to know how to cure a zombie villager or make an obsidian generator
submitted by DP_goatman to PaymoneyWubby [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 laptopthrowaway147 Blizzard

Blizzard submitted by laptopthrowaway147 to Sizz [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 smartybrome List of FREE and Best Selling Discounted Courses

Udemy Free Courses for 02 February 2025 Note : Coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE.

submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreeebies [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 Traditional-Net8223 Some nights my CPAP gives me clarity, rest, relief. Others (like today) I feel my brain fogged old self. Why is it such a binary with the same treatment?

submitted by Traditional-Net8223 to CPAP [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 Ok-Paint-8784 Is my foster fail kitty a NFC?

Is my foster fail kitty a NFC? submitted by Ok-Paint-8784 to NorwegianForestCats [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 Traditional_Try_36 Vrienden groep

Ik (V26) heb een wat ingewikkelde situatie met vrienden waar ik graag perspectief op zou willen krijgen.
Ik ben opgegroeid in het buitenland en had altijd veel losse contacten met mensen. Ik ben gewend om nieuwe vrienden te moeten maken omdat mensen weer gingen verhuizen of de situatie veranderende. Dat betekend niet dat ik geen goede vrienden heb maar meer dat dingen niet altijd hetzelfde bleven.
Ik heb uit mijn jeugd toch een paar vrienden overgehouden omdat ik toen in Nederland woonde. Dit zijn dus mensen die ik al best lang ken en we zijn erg close.
Ik ben een paar jaar geleden bevriend geraakt met de middelbare vriendengroep van een basisschool vriendin van mij. Alleen het probleem is dat ik het eigenlijk alleen goed kan vinden met 2 mensen uit die groep en de rest niet echt. Dat heeft ervoor gezorgd dat ik en die andere 2 met name met z’n 3en gingen afspreken zonder de rest erbij en hun zagen elkaar dan ook vaak zonder mij. Dat leek mij dus ook geen probleem totdat die basisschool vrienden me zei dat ze vond dat ik de dynamiek van de groep had veranderd. Het probleem is dat er de afgelopen jaren zoveel ruzies zijn geweest over dit hele groep gebeuren dat ik het nu bijna ongemakkelijk vind als we elkaar wel als volledige groep zien op verjaardagen bijvoorbeeld.
Ik denk dat deze mensen erg close zijn en al heel lang alleen in deze groep afspreken waardoor ze moeite hebben met verandering. Ik heb nooit zo’n soort vriendengroep gehad dus ik heb moeite ermee dat het altijd samen als groep word geforceerd. Omdat ik in de afgelopen jaren alleen close ben geworden met 2 mensen uit die groep voelt het nu alsof er een inside groep is ontstaan en het chillen met iedereen voelt wat ongemakkelijk omdat we dat meerdere keren hebben geprobeerd maar er is niet echt een natuurlijke klik. Veel gesprek onderwerpen gaan bijvoorbeeld ook over mensen in hun middelbare schooltijd maar ik was er toen nog niet in die periode.
Ik merk dat de vriendschap met m’n basisschool vriendin slechter is geworden. We hadden afgesproken om vanaf nu altijd iedereen uit te nodigen zodat niemand zich buitengesloten voelt maar ik voel dat het awkward is en erg geforceerd als we samen zijn.
Iemand iets vergelijkbaars mee gemaakt?
submitted by Traditional_Try_36 to nederlands [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 n0thingtoexplain How do Demigods compare to the most powerful of mortals?

I was reading about Velsharoon and got thinking. How do the most powerful of mortals compare to Demigods in terms of their power? Naturally a lot of variables are at play in terms of specific match-ups but I'm just thinking of general terms. Lesser, intermediate and greater deities seem to be a no-go but what about demigods?
Anyone have any examples of a mortal successfully taking on a demigod and emerging victorious?
submitted by n0thingtoexplain to Forgotten_Realms [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 marblehouses Does anyone here have an Academy Museum membership?

Sorry I know this is a long shot but I'm going to a matinee there tomorrow and would love to check out the Steampunk exhibit afterwards but I couldn't justify spending on a ticket as I'm trying to tighten the belt after having the project I worked on cut short just yesterday. I know members get free visits, so I'd hugely appreciate it if anyone could hook me up. I don't have anything to trade right now but might do in the future. Just send me a DM and we can work something out, thank you. :)
submitted by marblehouses to AmericanCinematheque [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 oranjemania Figure Ajax Want From West Ham In Brian Brobbey Deal Identified

Figure Ajax Want From West Ham In Brian Brobbey Deal Identified submitted by oranjemania to NetherlandsWorldCup [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 BudgetCod007 Sandfest

I am looking forward to Sandfest this year....who else will be there? Holla!
submitted by BudgetCod007 to portaransas [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:48 _alkalinehope I built an agency of Automated Developers

I’ve created an MVP that trains a dedicated software engineer for the businesses needs. Which can hookup to a git repository and make merging commits.
These agents can be anything from TypeScript/JS to Python/Django and even Php/Laravel.
This allows myself (and other developer) to monitor the changes of the code and allows you to 10-20x your project load.
Looking for potential partnerships to test my MVP at scale!
submitted by _alkalinehope to smallbusiness [link] [comments]