23 [F4M] open minded

Governador da Província de Luanda Luís Manuel da Fonseca Nunes Data de Nomeação: 31/10/2024. Vice-Governadores. para a área Técnica e Infra-Estrutura Calunga Francisco Zage Quissanga. SECTOR POLÍTICO E SOCIAL Manuel António Gonçalves. PARA O SECTOR ECONÓMICO Jorge Miguêns Augusto. Município Comunas Luanda é uma das 18 províncias de Angola, localizada na região centro-norte do país. Tem como capital a cidade e município de Luanda, a capital nacional. No ponto de situação das acções do Plano de Desenvolvimento Local e Combate à Pobreza, os membros da sessão tomaram conhecimento do relatório síntese do ano de 2023 e as perspectivas para 2024, tendo-se recomendado maior articulação no mecanismo de reporte das informações sobre o programa. O valor total da hora 23:23 é 46. Esse número mostra um alto nível de independência. Você gosta de ter liberdade para agir mas, mais do que isso, gosta de ser livre para fazer escolhas. Desconfie de quem quiser impor suas opiniões a você. Suas opiniões sobre o livre arbítrio são fortes, e você é um símbolo de integridade. Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Geofísica, Mar, oceano, atmosfera, Instituto de Meteorologia, IPIMAR, o tempo, previsão do tempo, previsão meteorológica ... Luanda, capital de Angola, é uma cidade portuária na costa oeste da África subsariana. Segundo as projecções populacionais de 2022, elaboradas pelo Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE), a Província de Luanda conta com uma população de (9.079.811) habitantes, sendo a província mais populosa de Angola. O Governo Provincial de Luanda é o órgão desconcentrado da Administração Central que visa assegurar a realização das funções do Poder Executivo na Província, promover e orientar o desenvolvimento socioeconómico, bem como garantir a prestação dos serviços públicos da respectiva área geográfica. Ao Governo Provincial de Luanda incumbe: a cerimónia de tomada de posse dos novos membros da Comissão Tutelar de Menores da Província de Luanda, órgão responsável por zelar pela garantia dos direitos das crianças e adolescentes, acto presidido pelo Governador Provincial de Luanda, Manuel Gomes da Conceição Homem. Luanda OTE é a capital e a maior cidade de Angola. Localizada na costa do Oceano Atlântico, é também o principal porto e centro económico do país. Constitui um município subdividido em seis distritos urbanos [4] e é também a capital da província homónima. 23:23 é o horário de trabalhar suas energias: veja como superar os obstáculos que estão no seu caminho. Força para seguir em frente: você precisa usar toda a sua resiliência, a sua determinação e a sua coragem para se aprimorar.

2025.02.01 22:11 Entire-Ad-465 23 [F4M] open minded

submitted by Entire-Ad-465 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 Thebullishbull Wtf

Wtf What kind of BS is this?!🤣
submitted by Thebullishbull to UberEatsDrivers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 jonas_lufc1919 How to get coins with trading

I have done 7/23 squads for bale and have got about 40 k and want to finish it without spending any money on u7buy etc. With that can anyone tell me the best ways ro get coins with such a limited amount
submitted by jonas_lufc1919 to fut [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 SubjectTumbleweed216 Another view on the tackle made on Mbappe

Another view on the tackle made on Mbappe submitted by SubjectTumbleweed216 to realmadrid [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 Johnny_Sh Best UberEats Referral For First Time Sign Up - Latest 2025

For the first order you get $20 off with $25 minimum purchase
PROMO CODE: eats-ak4wxg
submitted by Johnny_Sh to CoupynCom [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 Jarble1 Tiger Tiki Temple

Tiger Tiki Temple submitted by Jarble1 to weirddalle [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 dire-reah Cheap Thrills

 $10 dollar tattoos, In-N-Out, Ellis Island, gambling a bit off strip, the list goes on! I'm wondering what other cheap delights are out there. Share your faves? 
submitted by dire-reah to vegas [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 nickoli594 Reusing sensors in oil filter housing

I'm replacing the filter housing/Cooler on my '18 jku with 60k miles on it. Would I be an idiot for reusing the old oil temp sensor and pressure sender in the new housing? It's a part time vehicle I'm fixing on a budget. Any know how much of a pain it would be to swap them? Thanks
submitted by nickoli594 to Jeep [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 No_Winter_180 Gespräch mit Vertriebler

Hallo zusammen,
Heute klingelte es an meiner Tür und dort stand ein Mann, der mich unvermittelt fragte, ob ich mir schonmal überlegt hätte eine PV Anlage auf das Dach zu bauen. Ganz ehrlich: Ziehe ich schon seit längerem in Betracht, aber hatte bisher keine Zeit mich in das Thema PV Anlagen einzuarbeiten. Keine Ahnung zu haben, aber trotzdem was kaufen endet meistens teuer. Aber da jetzt die Gelegenheit mich damit zu beschäftigen auf dem Silbertablett lag, machte ich kurzerhand einen Termin aus. Wohlwissend, dass es meist keine gute Idee ist, etwas an der Haustür zuzusagen. Aber, ein erster Check im Internet ergab: Lokale Firma, länger schon tätig.
Naja, ich will hauptsächlich erstmal lernen und dann Angebote vergleichen. Daher: Welche schlauen Fragen sollte ich stellen? Was sind Knackpunkte die ein Vertriebler ohne Rückfrage des Kunden wahrscheinlich nicht erwähnen wird? Wie locke ich ihn aus der Reserve?
Danke für eure Hilfe!
submitted by No_Winter_180 to DeutschePhotovoltaik [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 justfrancis60 10% Tariff’s Imposed on Alberta Oil

Let’s focus on buying Canadian!
submitted by justfrancis60 to Calgary [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 goat_eating_sundews GDT KINGS @ HURRICANES, 7PM START TIME, 02/01/2025

Guys and Gals its a new month, its time to slay some invading kings and have our names ring loud!!!
submitted by goat_eating_sundews to canes [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 Own_Art1411 Console won't show any servers was fine yesterday anyone know how long this will last

Console won't show any servers was fine yesterday anyone know how long this will last submitted by Own_Art1411 to dayz [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 Competitive-Rice4035 Super cheap tickets to Something in the way fest (Boston, tonight)

Hey, my friend is experiencing medical issues so we’re selling our tickets for tonight. $20 each. We have 2, maybe 3 tickets. Dm me. AXS wont let us resell them. Thanks
submitted by Competitive-Rice4035 to indieheads [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 vengedwrath Importing a Japanese Lexus, good idea or bad?

Obviously the steering will be on the left, but anything I should look out for?
submitted by vengedwrath to DubaiPetrolHeads [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 RedNosedLugia I made custom Scar & Mufasa Pokémon cards

I made custom Scar & Mufasa Pokémon cards submitted by RedNosedLugia to lionking [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 FutureAlfalfa200 Type R Skirts on 03 EP3

Anyone here have advice/experience on installing Type R skirts on a pre face lift ep3? They dont come with the mount holes stock.
I've heard people use these: https://513design.com/products/ep3-side-skirt-mounting-clips with double sided tape. And the only hard mounts are on the fender and under the car.
Any insight is appreciated it. Thanks.
submitted by FutureAlfalfa200 to EP3 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 devastation-nation White Paper D: The Isolation of Exceptionality – How Æ’s Unique Identity Creates Empathy Gaps

White Paper D: The Isolation of Exceptionality – How Æ’s Unique Identity Creates Empathy Gaps
In this paper, we analyze the structural and psychological factors that contribute to the isolation of Æ, focusing on how their exceptional self—marked by continual reinvention and a high degree of abstraction—creates a rift between themselves and others. The study discusses how Æ’s distinct modes of thinking and emotional processing defy conventional categorization, leading to an empathy gap that hinders genuine interpersonal connection. Implications for both personal alienation and broader sociopolitical discourse are explored, suggesting that this isolation may both empower and hinder transformative potential.

  1. Introduction
The concept of exceptionality, as embodied by Æ, is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it provides a dynamic engine for self-reinvention and revolutionary praxis; on the other, it creates an inherent isolation that separates Æ from the more stable and predictable frameworks of conventional identity. Previous white papers in this series have explored various dimensions of this phenomenon. For instance, White Paper A: The Empathy Paradox examined how Æ’s evolving self and the outsider’s reliance on fixed schemas produce mutual misperceptions. Similarly, White Paper B: Lost in Translation focused on the intersubjective barriers and communicative chasms that arise from divergent emotional and intellectual paradigms. In White Paper C: Mutual Misunderstanding, we saw how the constant transformation of Æ’s identity leads to incommensurability with mainstream experience. This paper builds on these insights to delve into the structural and psychological underpinnings of Æ’s isolation.
  1. Structural Dimensions of Exceptionality
2.1. The Architecture of Continuous Reinvention
Æ’s identity is characterized by an ongoing process of self-reinvention—an iterative cycle that embraces change as a core principle. This relentless dynamism is a hallmark of Æ’s exceptionalism and serves as a critical driver of creative disruption. However, this same quality creates a structural barrier to empathy: • Fluid Narratives vs. Stable Selfhood: Unlike conventional identities that coalesce around relatively stable narratives, Æ’s self is in a state of perpetual flux. This fluidity, while empowering in terms of adaptability, renders Æ’s identity difficult to pin down, making it challenging for others to form a consistent image. • Abstract Self-Representation: The high degree of abstraction in Æ’s self-conception—rooted in sophisticated theoretical constructs and a rejection of traditional labels—further alienates them from the concrete, everyday experiences of most people. The complexity that fuels Æ’s transformative potential also acts as a barrier to straightforward interpersonal understanding.
2.2. Isolation as a Byproduct of Exceptionality
The very features that grant Æ exceptional capacity for change also predispose them to isolation: • Selective Engagement: Æ’s commitment to a transformative and often radical self-reinvention means that interactions with conventional social groups can feel stifling or irrelevant, leading to a withdrawal into an internalized, self-sustaining narrative. • Resistance to Assimilation: Mainstream society tends to valorize consistency and predictability. When confronted with Æ’s chameleon-like identity, the collective instinct is to simplify or stereotype, resulting in a misalignment that isolates Æ further from any shared common ground.
  1. Psychological Factors and Modes of Thinking
3.1. Cognitive and Affective Dissonance
Drawing from the discussions in previous white papers, particularly White Paper A and White Paper C, we see that the psychological mechanisms underpinning Æ’s isolation include: • High Cognitive Complexity: Æ’s intellectual framework is built on layers of dialectical thought, recursive self-critique, and paradoxical reasoning. This complex cognitive style diverges significantly from the heuristic, rule-based thinking that typifies conventional social cognition, creating an inherent dissonance. • Emotional Intensity and Variability: The affective dimension of Æ’s experience is marked by rapid fluctuations and extreme intensities—a stark contrast to the more moderated emotional landscapes common among others. This variability makes it hard for conventional individuals to predict or relate to Æ’s emotional states, further exacerbating the empathy gap.
3.2. Narrative Fluidity and Self-Representation
Æ’s identity is constructed as an evolving narrative that continuously challenges fixed definitions: • Multilayered Self-Narrative: As explored in White Paper C, Æ’s narrative identity is deliberately complex and resistant to simplification. This multilayered approach, while intellectually stimulating, creates challenges for mutual understanding because it defies the expectation of a coherent, singular story. • Abstract Symbolism: The use of high-level symbolism and mythic constructs to represent personal experience often leads to misinterpretation. Conventional interlocutors may dismiss these symbols as esoteric or impenetrable, further isolating Æ from genuine engagement.
  1. Implications for Interpersonal and Sociopolitical Discourse
4.1. Personal Alienation and Its Double-Edged Impact
The isolation experienced by Æ has significant personal ramifications: • Empowerment Through Isolation: On one level, isolation can be a source of empowerment. It allows Æ the freedom to innovate, to resist conformity, and to cultivate a unique perspective that fuels revolutionary ideas. • Interpersonal Disconnect: However, this same isolation impedes the formation of meaningful interpersonal connections. The inability to fully communicate or be understood by others can lead to a profound sense of alienation, which may undermine collaborative efforts and limit the diffusion of Æ’s transformative ideas.
4.2. Broader Sociopolitical Consequences
At a societal level, the empathy gap produced by Æ’s exceptionalism contributes to polarized discourse: • Barriers to Collective Integration: When individuals or movements are perceived as too alien or exceptional, they risk being marginalized, regardless of their potential contributions to social change. The exceptional is often met with skepticism or outright dismissal, impeding the integration of innovative ideas into the mainstream. • Creative Tension vs. Social Fragmentation: While the creative tension generated by radical difference can spark innovative transformations, it can also lead to fragmentation. Without sufficient bridges for understanding, the exceptional remains isolated, limiting the broader impact of its ideas on societal evolution.
  1. Pathways Toward Reconciling Exceptionality and Common Experience
5.1. Developing Translation Mechanisms
To bridge the empathy gap, it is necessary to create channels that translate Æ’s complex narratives into more accessible terms without diluting their transformative power: • Interdisciplinary Dialogue: Encouraging dialogue across diverse fields—combining art, philosophy, and social science—can help create shared vocabularies that make Æ’s ideas more relatable. • Symbolic Re-Signification: By strategically reinterpreting key symbols within more conventional frameworks, there is potential to foster mutual understanding while preserving the core insights of Æ’s exceptional perspective.
5.2. Fostering Reciprocal Vulnerability
Both Æ and conventional individuals must engage in reciprocal acts of vulnerability: • Open Narrative Sharing: Initiatives that invite individuals to share personal narratives can help reduce the distance between Æ’s ever-changing self and the more fixed identities of others. • Emotional Bridging: Creating spaces for genuine emotional exchange—where both sides acknowledge their limitations and strengths—may gradually erode the defenses that fuel the empathy gap.
  1. Conclusion
The isolation of exceptionality, as experienced by Æ, is a multifaceted phenomenon rooted in structural, cognitive, and affective factors. Æ’s continuous self-reinvention and abstract modes of self-representation create an empathy gap that challenges conventional modes of interpersonal connection and collective discourse. While this isolation can empower radical innovation, it simultaneously risks alienating potential allies and fragmenting social cohesion. By developing translation mechanisms and fostering mutual vulnerability, there is a possibility to narrow the empathy gap, thereby enabling transformative ideas to achieve broader resonance. Ultimately, addressing the isolation of exceptionality is critical for integrating revolutionary potential into a collective vision for change.
End of White Paper D.
submitted by devastation-nation to GrimesAE [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 StrawberryOk7520 Is this Banksy??

submitted by StrawberryOk7520 to Banksy [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 BlGTY Chart downloaded from chorus not working

I downloaded a chart from chorus and it just doesn't work. The song plays in the background while on the main menu but the chart/song is just not playable. I don't know if it's the chart/song itself or something I'm not doing correctly.
submitted by BlGTY to yarg [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 Hauwhsi Estoy mal por odiar a mi futura "hermana"?

Cuando tenía 6 años mis padres se separaron por una infidelidad por parte de mi papá, infidelidad que yo descubrí lo cual me afecto mucho mediante crecía, en esos seis años que viví con mi papá fueron horribles para mí pues sentía que el no me quería, siempre veía como pasaba más tiempo con mi hermano menor y como le compraba regalos dejandome de lado. Una de las tantas veces que venia borracho a casa el me golpeó a mi a mi hermano y mi mamá como vivíamos con los hermanos de mi papá su hermano mayor salio a defendermos, mi niñes no fue buena, crecí rodeada de hombres borrachos y con insultos por partes de mi tía las cuales me generaron inseguridades por mi apariencia, mi mamá aveces me defendía pero ella estaba tampoco se encontraba bien, estaba pasando por una depresión que hacía que se aislara de todo. Después de descubrir la infidelidad de mi papá mi mamá por fin decidió separarse de él y aunque comenzó a ir a terapia había veces en la que ella se desahogaba conmigo golpeandome. Mientras estaba tirada en el piso veía como mi madre lloraba a mares, en ahi había entendido que yo había arruinado su vida ya que si yo no hubiera nacido quizás ella no hubiera pasado por eso, había noches en las que le rezaba a Dios que me llevara con él por que ya no podía más. La situación empeoró cuando después de dos años mi papá se fue a mi vivir con la mujer con la que engaño a mi mamá y ella quedó embarazada. Mi mamá ya se encontraba mejor pero esta noticia le había afectado, yo la consolé y le dije que el bebé que iba a nacer no tenía la culpa. Quiero aclarar que mi papá siempre me visitaba todos los fines de semanas, mi relación con él había mejorado pero un día que salí con él y mi hermano nos hizo esperar a alguien yo creí que era mi prima pero no, era su mujer, ahí fue cuando toda mi confianza en él se destruyó, le rogué que no quería salir con ella, pero el me dijo molesto que tenía derecho a "rehacer su vida" fui forzada a convivir con esa mujer, lo único que pasaba por mi mente era patear su maldita barriga de 7 meses, después de esa salida llegué llorando a mi casa y le conté todo a mi mamá. Mi papá no volvió a serlo pero claramente esa distancia que tenía conmigo había vuelto. Después de lo que sucedió toda mi perspectiva había cambiado, odiaba a su hijo, odiaba a esa mujer, odiaba a mi papá, sentía que ya no podía confiar en nadie por que sino me terminarían lastimando. Me vi obligada a madurar lo antes posible y volverme independiente para no causarles más problemas a mi mamá ya que tenia que cuidar a mi hermano menor. Mi papá tuvo dos hijos con esa mujer, hijos con los cuales me obligo convivir aunque yo ya había expresado que no quería ninguna relación con ellos, al contrario de mi hermano menor que si se lleva bien con esos dos niños, el tenía 5 años cuando todo y según él, no recuerda nada de lo que había pasado así que no le afecto todo eso. Mi mamá me prometió que llevaría a un psicólogo pero solo fueron palabras, mi papá también dijo lo mismo, pero esa vez que me llevó el habló primero con la psicóloga, casi como media hora hablando, cuando fue mi turno, la psicóloga dijo que la culpa era del teléfono, por más que trate de hablar con ella, dijo que la infidelidad de mi papá era algo que no me incumbia y que lo olvidará. De regreso a casa mi papá trató de evitar el tema de su infidelidad diciendo que el no había hecho nada malo.(nunca volví a ir a terapia) Aparte de cargar con los problemas del pasado la ansiedad que me había causado los estudios hicieron que me pusiera peor al punto de auto lesionarse pero nunca dije nada, como mi mamá no me presta mucha atención no se dio cuenta. Con el tiempo empecé a convivir con mis medios hermanos, ya no quería causarme más daño a mi misma, estábamos bien. Yo que soy la única hija, mi hermano menor y mis dos hermanos del medio, siempre pensé que si yo soy la única hija mujer mi papá me seguiría queriendo ya que aveces me hace de lado por sus hijos varones. Pero la cosa ahora cambió, hace poco me enteré que su mujer está embarazada de una niña de 7 meses, lloré toda la noche al enterarme de la noticia, se que cuando nazca esa niña ya no habrá ninguna razón para que mi papá me quiera, hace unos años el había dicho que si tenia otra hija le pondría mi nombre, como si fuera un reemplazo, el me reemplazará.
Y si que me obligará a verla como lo hizo con sus otros hijos, siento que no puedo, se que esa niña se parecerá a su madre, simplemente no puedo más.
submitted by Hauwhsi to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 ItsHorrifying Oh

submitted by ItsHorrifying to NSFWCentrall [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 tdotshark Which trade will go down as the better fleece: The SGA for Paul George trade or the KG/Pierce trade for picks that became Jaylen Brown and Jayson Tatum?

When the Celtics blew up their team, here is the trade they made with Brooklyn in 2013:
Nets received: Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett, Jason Terry and D.J. White.
Celtics received: Gerald Wallace, Kris Humphries, MarShon Brooks, Kris Joseph, Keith Bogans, 2014 first-round pick (became James Young), 2016 first-round pick (became Jaylen Brown), first-round pick 2018 (became Colin Sexton), and the right to swap 2017 first-rounders (Jayson Tatum).
The Nets proceeded to flame out in the first round and blew that super-team up the next season, while the Celtics went through many iterations of a contender (building around various All-Star point guards with Brown/Tatum as pillars) and eventually won a championship 11 years later with those two as the 1-2 punch.
Here's what it took for the Clippers to acquire George from the Thunder in 2019:
Clippers received: Paul George
Thunder received: Danilo Gallinari, Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, 2021 first-round pick (became Tre Mann), 2022 first-round pick (Jalen Williams), 2023 first-round pick (Jaime Jaquez Jr.), 2023 first-round pick swap, 2024 first-round draft pick (Dillon Jones), 2025 first-round pick swap, 2026 first-round pick
Although Paul George was an All-Star selection and helped the Clippers make their first appearance in the Western Conference Finals in 2021, his 5 year tenure can be looked at as a slight disappointment (not entirely his fault though).
At the same time, the Thunder appear to be at the beginning of enjoying the fruits of this trade, with the first of those 5 first round picks becoming an All-Star in Jalen Williams.
Which trade will eventually go down as the better trade?
submitted by tdotshark to nba [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 Terrible_Love_7725 Whats the other Queen Season pass in february

Hey guys i‘m so obsessed with angerias season pass! But i want to know which queen next to her can we get this season too? And which Outfit do we get from the other Queen ?🥹❤️❤️✨❤️
submitted by Terrible_Love_7725 to RDRSuperstar [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 jtomalo Question for experienced Sprocket Rocket users - any advice for me Re: uneven focus?

Attn: Sprocket Rocket users. Help please! Do you have any tips/tricks for achieving a slightly more uniform focus across the entire plate of film? I find the left-side zone approx. 4-5 sprocket holes in length is typically much blurrier than the right side of frame. I've wondered if perhaps altering the plane of the film plate to bring it closer to perpendicular to the lens axis might help a little. For example, adding some type of backing material (e.g., piece of index card) behind the film against the backplate on the left side. I have 3 of these and the effect is mostly consistent, though of course is more pronounced on f/10.8 "cloudy" than f/16 "sunny" for the reasons we all know.
Please don't misunderstand the intent - and the question. I'm not seeking a perfect focus from a plastic lens toy camera. If the full-frame was crisp and clear then the SR would lose half it's charm and appeal - at least to those who appreciate its imperfection, unpredictability. I love the SR, but it was the HOLGA 120 that first taught me back in 2002 how to stop obsessing over lens/shutteaperture and just go have some fun in the sun. Kind of changed my whole perspective on photography.
Curious if others have any tips for slightly improving the L-R focal symmetry. Appreciate any serious thoughts - and possibly non-serious thoughts too if they make me smile.
Thank you!
submitted by jtomalo to toycameras [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:11 kevlarian Call me crazy! I just purchased an RG ARC S in 2025

I had one previously, and I gave it to my daughter. I've really missed it and decided to get another one. Even with newer (and arguably) more advanced devices on the market. I really love the form factor and Sega vibe that nothing else really has.
Amazon had it for $59 and I'll receive it tomorrow. So why the hell not!
Tell me I'm crazy! It's OK.
submitted by kevlarian to RGARC [link] [comments]
