Best fish for an all male tank?

2025.02.02 00:51 BoutToGetFruitPunchd Best fish for an all male tank?

Beginner here! I want 2-4, maybe 4-6 fish that are all male. I will get whatever tank size I need. I know Goldfish are not great beginner fish but that's what I have my eye on now. Betas are cool but I read you can only have one male in a tank.
I'm in the very early stages doing lots of research I'm and just looking for some good recommendations!
Thank you :)
submitted by BoutToGetFruitPunchd to Aquariums [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 Krycha_pl123 Help?

Does anyone know someone who Works at valve as steam support if u know someone like this please message me or anty i need help with something
submitted by Krycha_pl123 to valve [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 bo3rewards Great Rewards, Fast Withdrawals!

submitted by bo3rewards to CryptoCasinos2024 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 Pinkvapora D2 LF2 to climb masters (EU)

Looking for two other players who want to improve at the game and happy to give criticism and take criticism. I'm comfortable with mixed playstyles from aggressive to passive depending on how we are feeling.
I'm 24 and from England.
Discord is Kettyvapora
submitted by Pinkvapora to ApexLFG [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 AdamskiYT Longines watch

Longines watch Hi! I am interested in a longines watch. Specifically the Longines Record L2.820.4.96.6. From what I can find they have stopped manufacturing it, however my local watch store are selling their last one for a discounted price. To me it seemed like it was in mint condition. I was wondering if there are any issues with the watch that led to that specific model to be discontinued or is it fine buying it? Personally love the look of it! Would appreciate some help here!
submitted by AdamskiYT to Watches [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 haydmathew Is no one live at the minute?

submitted by haydmathew to WorldOfTShirts [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 Intelligent_Bell_658 خليك كارف

انا عندي مشكله كبيره في التعامل مع الناس و خلاص اتاكدت من ده لانه بيتكرر . لاحظت اني لما بقرب من حد و ده اصلا صعب يحصل يعني لازم الشخص ده يبقي شبهي اوي ف ده بتبقي حالات نادره ق في الحالات النادره دي بقا انا لما اهتم بركز في التفاصيل و ببقي حساسه ممكن يبان للشخص التاني اني حساسه زيادة عن اللزوم ف ألاحظ أن الشخص بدأ يتعوج و يتغير ف اول ما اكرف و مهتمش يرجعوا تاني يجروا ناعم . الموضوع ده فعلا عاملي مشكله، يعني أنا لازم ابقي توكسيك عشان يبقوا اتركتيد و انا مبعرفش ابقي كده مع الناس اللي بحبهم!!!
submitted by Intelligent_Bell_658 to AlexandriaEgy [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 calliehuxtable anyone wanna join my clan

anyone wanna join my clan submitted by calliehuxtable to RoyalKingdomGame [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 Double-Mastodon-4671 I found a proud Narc.

I found a proud Narc. submitted by Double-Mastodon-4671 to LICENSEPLATES [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 Portal_Jumper125 Today I learned: Orcas are found in every ocean

Today I learned: Orcas are found in every ocean
submitted by Portal_Jumper125 to geography [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 plaidbonsai frank the gnome by scotty tedrow @ fox&crow// evansville, in

couldn’t be happier with how he turned out.
submitted by plaidbonsai to tattoo [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 Sunlid_On_Tilt [Recruiting] #2JGPP00Q9 Looking for members

Open to anyone and everyone. New clan hoping to gain members for clan wars, leaders have good troops active all the time for donations and will donate anything you want. Fresh clan and a fresh start.
submitted by Sunlid_On_Tilt to ClashOfClansRecruit [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 AncientOneAurelius [Highlight] Jordan Clarkson oozes confidence, drains the smooth 3-pointer!

submitted by AncientOneAurelius to nba [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 Aromatic-Ease-857 Imaginary Technique

Imaginary Technique submitted by Aromatic-Ease-857 to blocktales [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 lethalcuming9898 Why does it say this guy is summoning 6 star monsters/ awakened?

Why does it say this guy is summoning 6 star monsters/ awakened? submitted by lethalcuming9898 to summonerswar [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 Less-Cantaloupe-6853 can you start with two majors

I was accepted into umd for CS, but I am also trying to do the immersive media design major (the computing track). I didnt apply for it and im just wondering, would it be possible to start the major from day one like i would in CS, or would i have to do some required credits/classes in order to start it? I dont know anything about how it works
submitted by Less-Cantaloupe-6853 to UMD [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 WULFFG0D Coin outline

I feel like in the next update they should implement a coin outline like enemy outlines. It’d be easier to do things like deadcoin! Just an idea :)
submitted by WULFFG0D to Ultrakill [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 MatrisFive How much is this worth?

submitted by MatrisFive to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 Positive-Attention49 DONT TALK ABOUT CHEATERS IN HERE!!

The devs don’t want their problems to be known so they silence people!!
Seems like the game doesn’t promote various hairstyles for the African American characters, the game needs a wider selection of hairstyles like dreads, braids, and wave line ups. This game caters to mostly white hairstyles
What does this say about the game and the DEVS!! Silencing ppl pointing out cheaters!!!! DISCUSSING 🤮🤮
submitted by Positive-Attention49 to GrayZoneWarfare [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 balkanfarmer Dad is stressing me the hell out

This is a continuation about my last post, where he was trying to make a business using my artist alias and work.
I’m just so at a loss still. He keeps bringing it up with his stupid chat GPT acting as this business thing is going to be so easy to do. I think he’s being so weird about it because he’s worried he will be let go from his job because other people from his job are.
I HATE how much he’s just not listening to me. I already have my own online shops and social medias idk why he feels the need to add multiple Etsy shops and multiple tik tok accounts even thought I ALREADY DO!! I ALREADY HAVE A FOLLOWING ONLINE! Why just listen to stupid chat gpt instead of what I have to say!!! The thing is I don’t even wanna fully focus on having an online store especially because I know how hard it is! I wanna go into another side of the art industry and I’ve told him
He even was condescending and saying shit like “well are YOU making 6 figures??” As though it’ll automatically be easier when he has control over it?
He just keeps saying I won’t communicate to him but whenever I do he never listens or lets me fully voice.
I just wish he would step off this shit or listen to what I have to say. This is really affecting my mental health and idk what to do. I want to leave this house I HATE how life is going. And now I’m just here sulking in my room as he says shit like “no one listens to me” “I just don’t understand!” “This will make it easier for her!”
submitted by balkanfarmer to internetparents [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 Shenshen_ Has the “5 second rule” ever gotten you sick? What happened?

submitted by Shenshen_ to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 Usual-Training6924 The Sonar oc again ough

The Sonar oc again ough poor dude!
submitted by Usual-Training6924 to rainworld [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 TheNobelLaureateCrow Prepare The Special Redcoat Operation

submitted by TheNobelLaureateCrow to 2westerneurope4u [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 ChocoMaister Time Spiral Remastered Draft box (3x packs)

Time Spiral Remastered Draft box (3x packs) This is one of my favorite sets. Honestly it feels great opening these older packs. Pulls weren’t the greatest but the Pact of Negation is always welcome.
submitted by ChocoMaister to MagicCardPulls [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 caughtmeintherye 16mo is a meat and rice fiend

16mo is a meat and rice fiend
  1. Braised ribs, rice with quinoa, and green beans (served as balls - pic 3), also not pictured but grated on 1/2 a hardboiled egg for his mild egg sensitivity’s weekly allergen exposure
  2. Ribs - pan-seared and lightly caramelized with a little apricot jam and white vinegar, then braised for an hour with soy sauce, fish sauce, teensy bit of ketchup, garlic, ginger, and green onion
  3. What’s left! He ate probably ~2x the amount shown.
submitted by caughtmeintherye to foodbutforbabies [link] [comments]