2025.02.01 22:11 Muscle-Control-70 22F bored and horny asf, get wet with me
submitted by Muscle-Control-70 to LetsChat [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:11 Berqa Technics az100 sound quality, well I guess its good for what is is, but this is not good SQ. Hear me out!
Preferense first! Im deep down in good sounding headfi with small to none restrictions financially. I finally settled down and gave in to the Focal house sound, currently rocking the Stellias connected to Naim Atom HE and the Bathys for my wireless needs.
Always lurking around the headfi community the noise around firstly the pi8s caught my attention, but anc and connectivity issues turned me off. Then lately the Technics az100 made me pull the trigger. Sure i could use a pair top tier sounding ie tws as long as they are stable and with no connection issues.
They are for shore stabe, anc is better then the Bathys. A lot better actually but no surprise there. The anc on the Bathys really sucks especially for over ears. But oh my good the Technics az100 is in no way good sounding earfones compared to the Bathys. Sure, they sound absolutely fine and im sure they are really up there compared to other in ear bt sets but theres levels to bt audio and the Bathys kicks the living shit out of these.
I will keep them since they sound good for what they are and will be useful for portability. If they work well anc wise on flights I will happily pack them om shorter trips in my pocket instead of the Bathys.
Post is to help anyone out there with good other equipment but no prior experience with the best, nest best or 3rd best in ear tws or whatever these might be. I trust they are super for what they are but dont expect anything mindblowing SQ wise.
submitted by Berqa to Earbuds [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:11 anonomoose6996 A day of Reivers
Just finished building my Lieutenant in Reiver to go along with the 15 from earlier. Added a few grey tide bits to SW him up a little bit submitted by anonomoose6996 to SpaceWolves [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:11 vastatio Marikina Run Clubs/other Hobby Clubs
Hello! Just want to ask if we have run clubs or other sports/hobby clubs in Marikina. I was told to join Rockwell Run Club before but I never popped in because Makati can be far from here and traffic is a hassle. Any recommendations? Thanks!
submitted by vastatio to Marikina [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:11 happy-otter 14 days ago, the US President was Joe Biden.
submitted by happy-otter to BarbaraWalters4Scale [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:11 intinsiti_rc What's a movie that tanked at the box office, only to make a roaring comeback on video/stream?
submitted by intinsiti_rc to moviecritic [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:11 ThatVenus_ Genderbent Evelynn Art
genderbent evelynn is so going on my "hear me out" cake alongside the og gender evelynn..... ( art by zarory on amino )
submitted by ThatVenus_ to EvelynnMains [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:11 Excellent_Raise_7734 Had to blow off some steam
submitted by Excellent_Raise_7734 to NFLv2 [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:11 beefycheesyglory The anticipation is killing me.
It's been 8 minutes since load shedding was supposed to start. C'mon Eskom do your thing, you can't just start with your kak out of nowhere again only to change your mind at the last second! Do it, you cowards!
submitted by beefycheesyglory to southafrica [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:11 Stunning_Green_3269 Navajo protesters say people fear deportation threats, other changes under Trump
submitted by Stunning_Green_3269 to ArchivesIndigenous [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:11 No_Independent691 Where's my mall ninjas at
submitted by No_Independent691 to knifeclub [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:11 Early-Specific5301 anyone need a cum trib
submitted by Early-Specific5301 to AlishaLehmannHot_ [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:11 Vegetable_Park_6014 What is Hip Hop like in 2025?
Hip hop used to be my favorite kind of music. I was up on all the latest trends and sounds. But that was years ago; I'd say I haven't kept up with egthe genres development since around 2019. What are the big trends today? What artists/scenes define the current moment?
submitted by Vegetable_Park_6014 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:11 GENERALmissile This glass mountain dew bottle with a twistable cap
submitted by GENERALmissile to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:11 Admirable_Speech_686 Wie ich am Montag meinen Kurzhosen beim gottlosen wachsen zusehen(danke Fettbürgeroberhaupt)
submitted by Admirable_Speech_686 to wallstreetbetsGER [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:11 TheNore [Image] Crater Left By Jet That Crashed In North Philadelphia
submitted by TheNore to Frisson [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:11 InteractionEntire934 Just having fun
submitted by InteractionEntire934 to watercolor101 [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:11 Lazy-Caterpillar-767 [WTS] GIGABYTE GeForce RTX 4090 WINDFORCE V2 24GB GDDR6X Graphics Card
submitted by Lazy-Caterpillar-767 to pcpartsales [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:11 PSych0P7NDa [PSX] W: rusted anchor and fire knights greatsword base lvl H: karma
submitted by PSych0P7NDa to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:11 Least-One1068 Where were you when you found out a celebrity died last year?
submitted by Least-One1068 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:11 SpookyZombieKat That's some strong whitecough 😭
Playing Clangen on perchance at work. My poor bloodthirsty boi had his remaining lives wiped out. That normal? Bonus picture of Chivestar. submitted by SpookyZombieKat to ClanGen [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:11 Better-General9856 缅北电诈集团疑与 DeepSeek 内部人员勾结,秘密开发 AI 诈骗大模型
【2025年2月1日】近日,网络安全情报机构爆料称,缅北电信诈骗集团正在与知名 AI 研究机构 DeepSeek 内部人员勾结,秘密开发专门用于诈骗的大语言模型(LLM)。该模型据称结合了 DeepSeek 先进的中文自然语言处理技术,具备高度智能化的诈骗能力,可针对不同受害者实时调整话术,进一步降低诈骗门槛,提高诈骗成功率。
DeepSeek 技术泄露?诈骗团伙引入顶级 AI 研发资源
据匿名情报来源透露,缅北电诈集团不仅在暗网购买现有的开源 LLM,还通过非法渠道获取 DeepSeek 内部人员的技术支持,定制开发符合诈骗需求的 AI 模型。
“DeepSeek 近年来在中文 NLP 领域的研究十分领先,其 LLM 具备强大的上下文理解能力,能生成自然、流畅的对话,”某网络安全专家表示,“一旦这些技术被诈骗团伙利用,受害者很难察觉自己正在与 AI 对话。”
• 个性化诈骗剧本生成:模型可根据受害者的社交媒体数据,定制诈骗话术,使骗局更加真实可信。
• 自动情绪分析:AI 可实时监测受害者的情绪状态,在关键时刻调整话术,增强心理操控效果。
• 多渠道诈骗协同:该模型支持文字、语音甚至 AI 生成视频,可模拟真人客服、投资专家或执法人员,提高诈骗的可信度。
DeepSeek 内鬼如何协助诈骗集团?
据知情人士透露,DeepSeek 内部至少有一名技术人员在暗网论坛上与缅北诈骗团伙进行沟通,并可能私下提供模型微调和部署支持。该人员疑似利用 DeepSeek 的计算资源,对现有开源模型进行针对性优化,使其更适用于诈骗场景。
一位网络安全研究员分析:“缅北电诈集团一直在追求技术升级,DeepSeek 内部技术的泄露可能让他们绕过大量 AI 开发壁垒,直接获得先进的中文 AI 模型。”目前尚不清楚该 DeepSeek 内部人员是否是主动参与,还是在胁迫或金钱诱惑下提供技术支持。
该事件最早由 网络安全机构 Recorded Future 和 暗网情报平台 Hudson Rock 在 2025 年 1 月 28 日的报告中披露,报告指出某知名 AI 公司的代码和参数文件近期在暗网市场流出,且部分交易记录显示与缅北诈骗团伙有关。
此外,《南华早报》(SCMP) 和 《金融时报》(Financial Times) 也在 1 月 30 日的报道中援引网络安全分析师的调查,指出缅北诈骗集团正在尝试将 LLM 技术融入诈骗活动,并已在某些诈骗话术中实现初步应用。
与此同时,全球威胁情报公司 Group-IB 也在 1 月 31 日发布简报,警告部分 AI 技术可能被不法分子滥用,建议加强 AI 供应链的安全审查,避免技术外泄。
技术滥用警钟敲响,全球反诈骗进入 AI 对抗时代
随着 AI 技术的快速发展,诈骗集团的智能化趋势日益明显。安全专家警告,如果大语言模型被诈骗团伙利用,传统的诈骗防范手段可能难以奏效。各国政府、科技公司和金融机构必须加强对 AI 伦理的监管,并提升反 AI 诈骗的防御能力。
“这不仅仅是一次个别的技术泄露事件,而是 AI 诈骗全面升级的前兆,”某国际网络安全组织负责人表示,“如果不采取措施,未来 AI 诈骗将变得更加精准、自动化、难以察觉,甚至可能威胁到全球金融安全。”
目前,DeepSeek 尚未对此传闻作出正式回应,而网络安全机构正密切关注该事件的后续发展。
submitted by Better-General9856 to abstractmemes [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:11 axianglover 18+ gaming a vrc server
Not inherently lewd in the slightest and filled with nerds. Made to be a loving community to make friends and join events on vrc,vc and other games <3
submitted by axianglover to DiscordServerPromos [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:11 Roxas9800 I've got a few ideas on how to improve R.J. which i think are pretty cool
1-R.J. needs to be louder, angrier and have access to a time machine 2-Whenever R.J. not on screen, all the other characters should be asking: "Where's R.J.?" What do you guys think? Throw some ideas if you have them! https://preview.redd.it/4y68mgg3qlge1.jpg?width=734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc96a4a1d4737cad89d9fcfb9f2d189d8cee46fe submitted by Roxas9800 to okbuddycoral [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:11 OpportunityUnique402 Which one piece character has to coolest epithet?
Heavenly Demon is diabolical imo. Accursed Prince is a close second for me
submitted by OpportunityUnique402 to OnePiece [link] [comments]