⬆️ Up Game Shop | Microsoft Xbox Series S 1 Tb Black + Original Controller + Box. Great | Seller: virginia1quality (100.0% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: UsedPrice: 270.00 USDBuy It Now

2025.02.01 22:00 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Game Shop | Microsoft Xbox Series S 1 Tb Black + Original Controller + Box. Great | Seller: virginia1quality (100.0% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: UsedPrice: 270.00 USDBuy It Now

submitted by GameProfessional to UpGameShop [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 alejandroserafijn Deuteronomy 27:15 says cursed be the man who makes a divine image or cast image, which is a detestable thing for God. So why did God instruct Moses then to make the gold Cherubs on the Ark of the Covenant?

In Orthodox Christianity we have Ikons (Holy Images), which even St.Luke the Evangelist made. Does iconography goes against this commandment?
submitted by alejandroserafijn to Bible [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 tvgirlfan9000 H: GHB and GAlien W: Offers

Mainly looking for mods, weapons, & plans
submitted by tvgirlfan9000 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 Amazing_Glass2144 Grinkrak's pdf

Hi, does anyone know where I can download a pdf for Grinkrak's Looncourt warband cards? I refuse to pay £20 for 7 bits of cardboard off eBay scalpers.
submitted by Amazing_Glass2144 to WarhammerUnderworlds [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 GameProfessional 🛍️ eBay Video Games | Microsoft Xbox Series S 1 Tb Black + Original Controller + Box. Great

🛍️ eBay Video Games | Microsoft Xbox Series S 1 Tb Black + Original Controller + Box. Great submitted by GameProfessional to eBayVideoGames [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 Lord_Quac Just started a New run(still New to the game) and ED-E Just decides to kill ALL the powder gangers important npcs even when they weren't hostile is this normal?

submitted by Lord_Quac to falloutnewvegas [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 Graciously_yours Bro: “yo we should start a podcast” The podcast:

Bro: “yo we should start a podcast” The podcast: submitted by Graciously_yours to mmamemes [link] [comments]



2025.02.01 22:00 Dangerous_Victory_94 Xd

Xd submitted by Dangerous_Victory_94 to Fracassopolis [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 Careless_Way_3818 Posti interessanti Mirafiori sud?

Salve, sono un ragazzo campano neolaureato di 25 anni, a breve mi trasferirò a Mirafiori sud per lavoro, volevo sapere com'è la zona se si può camminare la notte tranquillamente e volevo sapere locali o le piazze universitarie in zona dove poter bere una birra e fare due chiacchiere o comunque posti in generale per poter passare una serata tranquillamente. Grazie per le risposte.
submitted by Careless_Way_3818 to torino [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 whoisthismahn How I’ve made some meaningful progress in the last few months, and why I finally believe therapy can actually help me

I just wanted to mention my most recent experience with therapy, because I think a lot of people here can probably relate to the dead set belief that we are individuals that can’t be helped and that we are completely immune to therapy. This might not be helpful for the schizoids that are content with themselves and their nature, but for the ones that are not, I hope this may help in some way.
I’ve spent the 8 years trying various therapists, usually dropping within a few months, always reinforcing my belief that they don’t understand me, can’t help me, don’t know what to do with me. Importantly, for a long time I also didn’t even have the words to explain what was wrong with me, (this is before I knew about schizoid and dissociating and splitting and all that) so I just knew that something was very very wrong, but had no way of conveying the extent. So I gave up on therapy entirely for a long time. But in the last couple years I learned about schizoid and trauma and so much other stuff, and realized how much my parents messed me up. Long story short I asked them if they would ever consider therapy, assuming they would say no and I would have more ammo against them, but they immediately agreed so I couldn’t back out. lol. They meet with her together and I meet with her by myself, but she’s also just like a regular one-on-one therapist for me.
We all have different backgrounds and families and trauma so I won’t get into the specifics of what I discuss with my new therapist, but I do want to say she is a trauma-based family therapist who is older, very experienced, CONFIDENT, and has ADHD, and something about this combination of traits made me finally understand why everyone says the relationship with your therapist is more important than anything else in therapy. I do not do well with anything that feels overly formal or professional or scripted, because the slightest sign of inauthenticity makes me close up and determine they’re not safe. I also don’t do well with younger therapists (or at least less experienced ones) because I can see on their faces that they don’t know what to do with me, and it would make me use a fake self that acted like they were helping me in order to make sure they didn’t feel incompetent. I’m also extremely avoidant, so anytime I actually did have a rare moment where I was honest, I’d feel too exposed and not go back.
But once I started meeting with someone I actually felt safe with, I realized it was a real opportunity for me to make genuine changes within myself. She was already meeting with my parents by the time she was meeting with me so there was no way for me to avoid the hardest topics to talk about-family and childhood- because they were the main reason I was there. I’ve never mentioned the word schizoid to her, but I describe all my traits as honestly as possible. It’s so interesting to witness my defensive mechanisms pop up as soon as I feel misunderstood - there’s some sessions I spend entirely convinced she’s stupid, can’t understand me, doesn’t get it just like everyone else, and my body is so physically tense during those hours that I’m in physically pain as soon as I end the call and release the tension that comes from wearing a hard shell around myself. I also usually dread the entire session up until the minute begins, and each time I log on I’m hoping her face won’t appear so I can get out of it. But I force myself to log on.
The sessions where I’m entirely honest with her and myself and just let myself sob or stare off into space are genuinely the fastest 60 minutes of my life. For the first time ever I feel how nice it is to have someone entirely focused on listening to you and hearing you out. I never knew I had so much to say, and there’s so many things I only realize after I hear myself talk about them out loud. And every so often, at least once a session or so, my therapist will mention something or make a connection that I hadn’t made before, and it forces me to realize that I actually don’t have all the answers, as much as I want to believe I do. So then this gives me a new angle to look at things, and new content to consider, and new things to say.
And right now I think that’s the thing that’s improving the most - the alogia (poverty of speech). I think a lot of schizoids struggle with it even if they don’t know the same for it, but it’s basically a lack of content in your head when you’re talking to someone, so you feel like you never have anything to say and can never carry on a conversation. Sometimes people with schizophrenia experience this as an effect from the onset of the disorder or their medications, but I feel like I’ve been experiencing it for my entire life, and it’s probably the most debilitating thing in terms of socializing and making connections (for pretty obvious reasons). I’ve always been extremely shy, nervous, quiet, selectively mute, and as a child I never felt comfortable around fun adults the way other kids did.
So the first few sessions would basically go like this: she would ask me a question, I would answer in a way that was very specific to the question, and then I would wait for her to ask the next one. Normally lots of silence followed. Like a q&a or awkward interview or something. I just didn’t have anything else to say besides the relevant answer to her question. I also struggled with losing my train of thought anytime I spoke more than a couple sentences, because I genuinely have almost no experience talking for extended periods of time, so by the time I was a few sentences in I would forget what I was even initially talking about. This is why her experience and confidence is so important; she always knows how to continue the conversation or switch topics in a way that doesn’t make me feel incompetent.
But we’re a couple months in now, and I can feel my thoughts flowing more freely. I can’t explain exactly how or why, but thoughts seem to pop up one after the other, or they remind me of some other experience, or remind me of an example, and the content keeps coming in the way I imagine it would in an ordinary conversation.
I’ve always been fascinated with learning, and I think one of the best things schizoids have on their side is the fact that most of us have a very genuine desire to be better. Unlike most other personality disorders, we are highly interested in learning about ourselves and understanding why we are the way we are. So even if we’re not invested in therapy from an emotional perspective, I think there’s often a psychological perspective that’s very appealing to us.
So the one thing that motivates me more than anything else in the world is this fact: If you force your body to physically do something over and over and over, it has no choice but to get better at it. It is guaranteed to feel more natural after some time. So the more I talk, the more I will eventually have things to say. The more I force myself to continue logging onto our sessions no matter how much I dread it, the more the avoidance decreases as it begins to feel more natural and normal. The more my body feels safe talking to her, the more it will feel safe talking to others. The content of the talking itself doesn’t even matter nearly as much as the fact that I’m talking.
And the best part is that I feel this carrying over to my life outside the sessions as well. As a schizoid, you are in dire need of having positive interactions with people. Right now you have no evidence to believe they could ever be rewarding. You NEED to give yourself the opportunities to rewire your brain. Every single time you share a positive moment with someone or smile or laugh, cling onto this moment and remember it. Tuck it into your arsenal and let it be the reason you interact with someone again next time.
I genuinely notice myself interacting with people the slightest bit more freely now. I went into a new plant shop a few weeks ago, and I noticed how I’ve never been to a plant shop where every single plant was so healthy and thriving. Instead of tucking this thought away to be buried and forgotten, I acknowledged it and let the man ringing my plants up know that everything there looked so healthy. He told me about where they came from, I asked if he was the owner, asked how long the store has been opened, etc etc. He was smiling and genuinely flattered, and I walked away from that conversation with the vital evidence that it was one worth having. I’ve had multiple other interactions since then. There was one night recently where I was having a horrible day, so depressed from the state of the world and the country, and drove myself to a dispensary because I needed a joint to numb myself before bed. But the cashier ringing me up happened to be one of the kindest woman that could’ve rung me up, and the more she engaged in casual conversation with me, the more I felt my body soften, and I got back into my car and sobbed at the kindness of the way she interacted with me and how badly I needed it.
I hate cheesy therapy stuff, I’m not big into inner child stuff or parts stuff, I don’t like imagine putting my emotions on a train and watching them ride away… but I love the idea of progression and learning. I take piano lessons and feel the same way about my fingers - I look at them and cannot believe they are capable of doing something that felt so unnaturally painful just a few days before. It’s the most reassuring thing in the world to me; get through this discomfort enough times and it will eventually dissolve. Maybe not entirely, but enough to make it bearable. So this is the stance I take towards being a schizoid in therapy; I don’t think these traits will ever fully leave me, but I also know there’s no limit to how much they may disappear, so long as I keep acting against them.
(And important to mention, I know therapy is often inaccessible, unaffordable, not an option for whatever reason. So if you’re lucky enough to have the opportunity, please consider using it. If not, there is still nothing stopping you from practicing these things, even if it’s not in a one-on-one professional setting)
submitted by whoisthismahn to Schizoid [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 josylad Finance Manager at Primark

New Internship Opening: Finance Manager at Primark
Dublin, Ireland
Apply: https://internplug.com/jobs/finance-manager-110638/
submitted by josylad to InternPlug [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 Hairy_Visual_5073 Can't get mental health appts

I've been trying to get a therapy appt for months. I always get the "no appointments available" message. I've tried calling and getting a list of providers who take kaiser. None have openings, all have long wait lists. I spent the morning on with a national crisis hotline chat because I am not okay. And I've put in the effort and pay my deductibles but can't get help. Fighting the "bridge is better" thoughts hard. My copay on temfya doubled to $300 a month. I left the pharmacy this morning without it obviously. That was the tipping point for needing the crisis line.
submitted by Hairy_Visual_5073 to KaiserPermanente [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 protoman2k1 Goyard GM- Saint Louis- Pearlized- Bibi

Goyard GM- Saint Louis- Pearlized- Bibi Item: Goyard- Saint Louis GM- Pearlized Bags- Green and Blue.
Condition: Brand New.
Seller: Purchased from Olly who sourced it from Bibi Factory.
Price: 160 shipped with shopping bag.
Location: Southern CA.
RFS: I don't know what it is but I keep coming back to this bag even though it doesn't work for me. It may be the pearlized effect, the beautiful clip that seals the bag, but cannot stare away. Yet I know I wont wear it out, and would rather wear a simple black goyard. I've spent over 2.5k on goyard over the last two months and I gotta say it. Bibi factory nailed these
I paid 145 for the bag plus shipping from CN. I've seen the same bag sell for 230 dollars elsewhere. Just trying to break even here as shipping cost from CN was generally high.
Please Note: All sales are final Please do your own QC More images available if needed.
Once items shipped and tracking started. Seller is not responsible for lost or damage
submitted by protoman2k1 to RepladiesDesigner [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 Leozito996 Sheila Magalhães

Sheila Magalhães submitted by Leozito996 to AsMelhores18 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | Microsoft Xbox Series S 1 Tb Black + Original Controller + Box. Great | Seller: virginia1quality (100.0% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: UsedPrice: 270.00 USDBuy It Now | |

🌐 24/7 Video Game | Microsoft Xbox Series S 1 Tb Black + Original Controller + Box. Great | Seller: virginia1quality (100.0% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: UsedPrice: 270.00 USDBuy It Now | | submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 Master-Database2729 Do you ever wake your cat up because they didn’t let you sleep in ?

My cat is persistent in waking me up around 6 A.M. every morning even though she has automatic feeders, so I know she isn’t starving. So sometimes I want to wake her ass up in the middle of the day during her “cat nap” because she didn’t let me sleep in. God forbid, it’s the weekend and I wanna sleep in an hour. I’m convinced my cat is doing a pulse check to make sure I am alive.
submitted by Master-Database2729 to cats [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional | Microsoft Xbox Series S 1 Tb Black + Original Controller + Box. Great | Seller: virginia1quality (100.0% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: UsedPrice: 270.00 USDBuy It Now | |

🏆 Game Professional | Microsoft Xbox Series S 1 Tb Black + Original Controller + Box. Great | Seller: virginia1quality (100.0% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: UsedPrice: 270.00 USDBuy It Now | | submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 richchri2 Wynn Las Vegas Golf Pro Shop

Anybody know if the remodel/renovation is done for the golf pro shop in Wynn Las Vegas? I like stop in and buy a few items (logo golf balls, logo golf tees, and ballmarkers) everytime I am in Vegas. It was closed last time I was there in October. I am wondering because I’ll be there again in April.
submitted by richchri2 to LasVegas [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 DabSloth710 Free Digital codes, let me know what you want.

Free Digital codes, let me know what you want. submitted by DabSloth710 to Sardonicast [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 RadioEfficient7295 schedule question

what does “FDA” mean on the omni-channel schedule— i came in today and i am FDA PM?
submitted by RadioEfficient7295 to BestBuyWorkers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 Independent-Panda-57 any one got a challenger/demon with f1 wheels??

any one got a challengedemon with f1 wheels?? submitted by Independent-Panda-57 to GTACarMeetMarket [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 Interstellore Does it make sense to buy cards of this year when last year has Wemby?

submitted by Interstellore to sportscards [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 Bayousbest Ezra blowing hard

Ezra blowing hard Chicago night 2 (my birthday) last summer.
submitted by Bayousbest to Vampireweekend [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 Known-Package-148 That dickhead Captain Fraker was a pencil neck geek back in high school.

That dickhead Captain Fraker was a pencil neck geek back in high school. submitted by Known-Package-148 to nypdblue [link] [comments]
