2025.02.01 22:09 spideybend [SPOILERS] Irv’s list & marked-up map of Kier—did anyone catch this?
A lot of people have already pointed out the theory that Irv’s outie has been communicating with his innie through his military watch which makes a ton of sense.
But after rewatching the Season 1 finale, I think we now have actual proof that this is true and even more than that, Irv’s map and notes reveal he’s already uncovered major secrets about severed employees, accidents, and Lumon’s hidden experiments.
When Irv’s innie wakes up in his outie’s apartment, he immediately knows where to look—he goes straight to the closet, uniform chest, under the military jacket, and finds the marked-up map of Kier. This isn’t random. His outie has clearly prepared this so his innie can find it quickly.
Then, Irv finds an envelope with his address—and as he looks at it, the camera immediately cuts to the circled location on his map (see attached photo).
Why would Irv circle his own address on the map? He obviously knows where he lives. But if he wants his innie to instantly recognize where he is, it makes perfect sense. It’s a reference point for his innie, so he can understand where he is and connect it to the larger mystery.
The map isn’t just about Irv himself it includes multiple names of severed employees, some of whom have disturbing notes next to them like:
• Burt Goodman -- Irv’s innie love interest.
▪︎ Michael Klus -- on the list & map, with a police report number noted.
• Mathew Blades -- On severed list & map, linked to a newspaper mention of his parents’ 50th anniversary (Boston?).
• Ian Burley -- On severed list & map, with a note saying “Tried to make contact.”
These details suggest Irv’s outie has been investigating how severed employees are recruited and possibly linking them to suspicious accidents.
We already know that Ms. Casey/Gemma was in a car accident before appearing at Lumen. What if she isn’t the only one? If you look at Irv’s map and notes, it seems like multiple severed individuals could have been involved in mysterious accidents or police incidents before becoming severed.
What do you all think? Does this explain why Irv has been fixated on the black hallway? Could there be more "permanently severed" employees hidden at Lumen?
submitted by spideybend to SeveranceAppleTVPlus [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:09 felinefluffycloud Just finished a little touch-up brushing ... good enough for now says Winston
submitted by felinefluffycloud to cats [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:09 lostbutyoucanfollow Open to any trades
submitted by lostbutyoucanfollow to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:09 DownloadedPixelz Trying to help you
submitted by DownloadedPixelz to Clamworks [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:09 Usual_Marsupial2811 Kiwi Says Hi! 🥝
took the cutest pic of my dust bunny yesterday & wanted to share it around :)
submitted by Usual_Marsupial2811 to cats [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:09 Significant-Low8195 What would be the most affordable but still good charcoal grill? (Compared to Weber Master Touch)
There is some chance I won’t have this grill for a super extended time, therefore I am having trouble to justify the Weber Master Touch, what other brand maybe less durable have similar functionality and is good for a few summers? Thanks!
submitted by Significant-Low8195 to grilling [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:09 _moondrake_ Priests...
Just recently finally started to play this game: always knew about it, but again always was like "it's a bg clone with A LOT OF TEXT, so nah, mb some other day". But it turns out a very interesting piece of work.
My question is this: what deity to choose as a priest? It seems like roleplaying as a priest is very interesting...
Is there any particular difference... Or rather advantages to play as a worshiper of one deity than another?
No story spoilers if you please. Thx.
submitted by _moondrake_ to projecteternity [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:09 fryhi Going crazy🍀 Pull thru guys
submitted by fryhi to fanduel [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:09 jayaggies1988 We broke out hurry up it’s gonna pump high
submitted by jayaggies1988 to XCN [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:09 Bonez916 My little 2.5 gallon
About a month old at this point. 2 minnows, 2 shrimp, and 1 snail. submitted by Bonez916 to Aquariums [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:09 SplitJolly6704 My grandma told me I still need to respect them
Lmaoooo Tf I need to respect em for?? She buggin 😭 referring to my mom and her ugly gf btw. They don't deserve respect bro. Most religious folks don't even like them. Talkin bout how I need to be civil with them 😭 lmfao foh. They ain't nothing but trash to me bro. I don't respect hoes who have done me dirty in the past dawg. My grandma hella trippin off the perc. I love my grandma but fck no. They're bad people tf that's like asking me to respect Jeffery Dahmer or some sh!t. They don't deserve no respect what they need is Jesus and punishment.
submitted by SplitJolly6704 to stepkids [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:09 Late-Ad-4676 Just wanting to show off a bit
It’s taken me a long time to understand speed dungeon but I’ve finally got it 😭 submitted by Late-Ad-4676 to RaidShadowLegends [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:09 fetsluckkkk Anyone else have a balanced two guard?
submitted by fetsluckkkk to NBA2k [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:09 Vantage_1011 I'm going to keep this brief.
Today is today. I'm giving up.
submitted by Vantage_1011 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:09 Oatmilk_Lattez So it begins
submitted by Oatmilk_Lattez to pcmasterrace [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:09 creaturesonthebrain What are some good hobbies that don't involve screens and don't cost a lot of money to get into?
I already sew/embroider and crochet (I've tried knitting, didn't work out). I like making things, and I've dabbled in drawing and painting a little bit but not much.
submitted by creaturesonthebrain to Adulting [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:09 watan592 الاعلامي سري القدوة يكتب : استدامة وقف إطلاق النار وآفاق تحقيق السلام
submitted by watan592 to Nwatan [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:09 Illustrious_Ad5300 Bizonytalanság
Sziasztok! Kicsit bizonytalan vagyok, hogy pontosan mi is történik…😅 Elkezdtük a babaprojektet január közepén. Előtte sajnos kicsit stresszesebb időszakom volt és munkában is eléggé hajtani kellett (ami kihathatott a peteérésemre, esetleg eltolhatta kicsit, mert volt már ilyen). Szóval elkezdtük a babaprojektet, nem figyeltünk arra, hogy hol tart a ciklusom, kb a 19. napon lehettem. Azóta elég sokszor együtt voltunk, kb 2 naponta , vagy minden nap. Január 21.-én kellett volna kb megjönnie a menstruációmnak, de abszolút semmi jelét nem mutatta, azóta sem. Amikor meg kellett volna jönnie, kicsit feszült a mellem, érzékenyebb volt 1-2 napig, de ennyi. Pms tüneteim sem voltak, pedig többnyire szoktak lenni. Kb 2 napig volt olyan érzésem, hogy na mintha mindjárt megjönne, de azóta sem. A ciklusom 40.napján tartok, sosem késett ennyit. Tesztet csináltam, ami persze negatív lett, szerintem még túl korán csináltam, vagy nem tudom. Nem tudom mi történik, mert mensi sehol, teszt negatív, az étvágyam az extrán jó, ébredéstől elalvásig eszek, puffadok, néha ilyen kis alhasi fájdalmakat érzek, és ennyi. Van szerintetek esély arra, hogy sikerült? Ha jövő héten sem jön meg, és akkor is negatív lesz a tesztem, elmegyek orvoshoz.
submitted by Illustrious_Ad5300 to csakmamik [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:09 RenanSP_ Dito isso, Katana Zero está no meu top 3 jogos indies.
submitted by RenanSP_ to gamesEcultura [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:09 Big_Meechyy People calling out your memory
I feel so invalidated when people call me out and say well your memory is trash so what your saying is the relevant smh I hate when people I’m close too have to remind me of that, like I forgot smh.
submitted by Big_Meechyy to TBI [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:09 GreatBoot3356 Anyone know the best place for UK?
Anyone know any good places to get specifically shakers at good prices in the UK?
submitted by GreatBoot3356 to gamersupps [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:09 bridget14509 Mandela Effect: Bach’s “music”
Everyone thinks that he made really good and groundbreaking music, but really he just made shitty hold music for pharmacies. submitted by bridget14509 to classical_circlejerk [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:09 ItchyCraft8650 The horrors
submitted by ItchyCraft8650 to comedyheaven [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:09 ilovethexfl1 How much equipment and gear do you need to start a small police department?
Say a company College or Town wants to start their own police department how much equipment and gear would they need to acquire and what types? I’m talking everything from station equipment to Vehicles?
submitted by ilovethexfl1 to AskLE [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:09 Remarkable-Half5747 LF a nm/1mut moix!