Potty training is so hard with the rain right now, I'm lost.

2025.02.02 00:35 Equivalent_Ad512 Potty training is so hard with the rain right now, I'm lost.

It's raining here for the next week and I'm trying to potty train my new puppy. She's gone twice inside and I haven't yelled at her and I've just cleaned it up. As others have recommended to do. I take her out after she eats wakes up plays and she doesn't go. I have turf at the front of my house but she won't go because it's raining. I have a cover in my backyard but she'd have to potty on cement and I don't know if that affects anything.
submitted by Equivalent_Ad512 to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 No_Clothes4993 anyone else remember these and the more you had the cooler you were

anyone else remember these and the more you had the cooler you were especially at the school discos 😭😭😭
submitted by No_Clothes4993 to AustralianNostalgia [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 BigAd3903 What if family Guy wasn't cancelled

How would tv change
submitted by BigAd3903 to HistoryWhatIf [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 VividTardisBuho Disconnection with HR Strap

submitted by VividTardisBuho to GarminWatches [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 amethystzen24 Help with a $95.20 bill

My family is needing help with a $95.20 bill while we are waiting for disability to come through for my husband. He has Epilepsy that has not been responding to medication and his seizureshave progresed to almost daily. He can't be left alone while I work and his seizures make it almost impossible for him to leave the house now. Our only option currently is waiting on disability.
submitted by amethystzen24 to Assistance [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 No-Scar8950 EVELYN GOT ME ON CHOKEHOLD FOR 6 MINUTES

EVELYN GOT ME ON CHOKEHOLD FOR 6 MINUTES submitted by No-Scar8950 to ZZZ_Official [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 _funnyfeeling R/youtubedrama: is there something Hasan has said/done that you dislike?

youtubedrama: is there something Hasan has said/done that you dislike? submitted by _funnyfeeling to Hasan_Piker [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 CoffeeMan1ac Hi, I came with peace!

So, apparently, the opposite side of the world to Dublin is Papatowai, New Zealand. I could not find Papatowai, so writing here. Just wanted to say that I wish I could have done more today and been more productive. Instead, I was sick and watching ASL videos on Coursera. hbu?
Peace guys ✌️
submitted by CoffeeMan1ac to newzealand [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 Saviko Thoughts?

Thoughts? submitted by Saviko to GodofWar [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 Delicious-Food972 Should I keep my discovery flight tomorrow or cancel it?

I want to get into aviation with my private pilots license (zero experience) but I am really worried about seeing the most recent plane crashes and how people are blaming the FAA the most. I have a discovery flight tomorrow scheduled and I’m unsure of whether to go and begin this journey. Any advice is welcomed. Location: California
submitted by Delicious-Food972 to flying [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 Euphoric_Voice_5448 Need to trade for some quartzite

So did the worlds quest and the planet i made was one with a storm which means i only have access to the activated quartzite meaning i can’t progress the quest
submitted by Euphoric_Voice_5448 to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 Randygonn Food containers

I am looking for a supplier to build me some catering boxes.
I have 0 background in manufacturing or dealing with them. But I have a catering company and have realized how shitty packaging containers are. So I am trying to get one built, the goal is so the outside is made of some hard plant based bio plastic (sugarcane fiber) and then the inside have a lining of aluminum (food grade)
Any help on how I could potentially get this made or which direction to go would help
submitted by Randygonn to manufacturing [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 MiddleAd3651 One trade left today

One trade left today submitted by MiddleAd3651 to Projectmakeover [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 ansyhrrian meirl

meirl submitted by ansyhrrian to meirl [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 donemehammy What were some of the fan theories that you remember before the end of the series?

What kind of theories do you remember in between the books that people talked about on Muggle.Net? Like I remember there being a theory that McGongall was really a death eater, but I'm curious what other ones you remember.
submitted by donemehammy to harrypotter [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 Gab-Caixista Né André? Espuma de isolamento é luxo

Né André? Espuma de isolamento é luxo submitted by Gab-Caixista to andreyoung [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 Leading_Wafer9552 Dogecoin TO THE MOON?

Dogecoin TO THE MOON? https://preview.redd.it/l0f7khbufmge1.png?width=1634&format=png&auto=webp&s=49a7b7ee922713fefefd20484a354ea60a429c60
...but the patterns repeat, right?
submitted by Leading_Wafer9552 to dogecoin [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 Accomplished_Leave47 Randle is out conveniently ahead of trade deadline

Anyone else think it is sus that Julius Randle gets a groin injury that will keep him out for "more than a few days" right as the trade deadline is a week away? This could be a clear sign that he is traded next week. Thoughts?
submitted by Accomplished_Leave47 to timberwolves [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 s-raphim Looking for these trades!!

Irish Water Spaniel —> 2 Winged Tigers
2 Fly Potions —> 1 Winged Tiger
Lemur + Adds of your choice —> 1 Winged Tiger
Can also do all of these pets plus an extra fly potion for 4 no potion Winged Tigers! <3
submitted by s-raphim to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 ExcellentSunset [Just Got Into Watches] And I Think I’m Set For Now!

[Just Got Into Watches] And I Think I’m Set For Now! Hunted online for these styles for awhile. Seemed that the most cost effective way to go about the two metal watches I was looking for was to search vintage watches in the style I wanted. Ended up with a the newer Casio f91w, a Seiko 5 (ever heard of it?) and an ‘85 Citizen Eagle 7.
submitted by ExcellentSunset to Watches [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 BlydHorin Como eu acabaria com os problemas do Brasil em 30 passos se eu fosse o presidente

Como eu acabaria com os problemas do Brasil em 30 passos se eu fosse o presidente Eu fiz um de 20 passos, mas eu tive ideias melhores e mais coerentes
1° diminuiria a carga tributária
2° aumentaria o teto de gastos
3° daria um calote nos EUA fingindo que venderia a amazônia
4° anexaria todos os países que fazem fronteira com o Brasil
5° venderia argentinos como mão de obra escrava para os emirados árabes
6° substituiria o Real pelo BCT
7° trocaria toda a grade escolar para formar funkeiros e prostitutas
8° o SUS só seria gratuito para pessoas de ressaca
9° substituiria todos os médicos do SUS por médicos Indianos sem formação
10° demitiria todos os funcionários públicos incluindo as forças armadas
11° faria experimentos nucleares usando o Bluezão como elemento radioativo
12° traria a primeira bomba atômica brasileira e explodiria ela no centro do RJ
13° carnaval o ano inteiro com parada de travesti financiado pelo governo
14° desmataria a floresta amazônica e venderia toda a madeira para a China
15° legalizaria o aborto com limite de que o feto tenha no máximo 15 anos
16° derrubaria todos os canais de TV
17° criaria um canal de TV único que só passasse o Privacy da Beiçola e da Andressa Urach
18° proibiria o uso de carro elétrico no Brasil
19° faria todos terem em suas casas câmeras para que o governo espionem
20° faria as pessoas carecas serem tratadas como deus
21° reduziria os ministérios para ter apenas 2 o Faz Tudo e o de Cultura
22° nomearia a Beiçola para ser ministra da Cultura
23° mandaria prender todos os políticos em bangu
24° declararia guerra contra o Oceano Atlântico
25° criaria minhas próprias olimpíadas onde todos os atletas teriam que ser anões
26° substituiria 250 palavras da língua portuguesa pelo meu nome
27° faria Portugal devolver nosso ouro
28° faria o mandato presidencial durar mais de 80 anos
29° privatizaria a Petrobras e venderia tudo na baixa
30° nomearia o tigrinho para ministro da economia
submitted by BlydHorin to farialimabets [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 Aleksandresi Update.-8 months

Update.-8 months 8 months progress. Was 5500 grafts. Topical minoxidil and finasteride once a day.
submitted by Aleksandresi to HairTransplants [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 ArchDukeNemesis Judas Priest

  1. Painkiller
  2. Defenders of the Faith
  3. British Steel
  4. Killing Machine
  5. Fire Power
  6. Screaming For Vengeance
  7. Stained Class
  8. Ram It Down
  9. Jugulator
  10. Sin After Sin
  11. Sad Wings of Destiny
  12. Turbo
  13. Angel of Retribution
  14. Redeemer of Souls
  15. Rock n' Rolla
  16. Demolition
  17. Nostradamus
  18. Point of Entry
submitted by ArchDukeNemesis to albumsranked [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 Historical-Roof-3406 I just stole something and I'm terrified.

Okay, I'm really freaking out. I went to Sephora a few hours ago with friends and I stole something, it was around 14 dollars. I bought two other things with cash and I gave them my phone number and email. My friends don't know I stole it. I'm also under 18.
I feel so so so bad. I've never stolen before and I've been crying for the past hour or so. I don't even know why I did it, it was so stupid. It was pretty empty but the employee didn't see me and I don't know if they saw it on the security cameras. I just took it out of the packaging box to see what it looked like (it was a lash applicator thing), showed my friends, and was planning on putting it back in the box but I just took it because it was so small.
Are they going to find me and arrest me because they have my phone number and email and they may have seen me on the cameras? Am I a really terrible person? I feel absolutely horrible.
submitted by Historical-Roof-3406 to confessions [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 raven70 I’ve only ever watched 4K digital movies, want to try a 4K Blu-ray, suggestions?

I have a PS5 as a player, which I know isn’t the best, but tired of hearing how much better I will like disc over streaming. Was thinking about Wicked, but open to other suggestions.
I have hundreds of digital movies, so comparing might be fun if a popular title or classic.
submitted by raven70 to 4kbluray [link] [comments]
