Black screen

2025.02.01 23:02 Scout22990 Black screen

Black screen I get a black screen every time I try to load the game
submitted by Scout22990 to Trepang2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 chivas0356 Have: Merch Mania; Need: Human Canvas or Family Fame

Have: Merch Mania; Need: Human Canvas or Family Fame Have: Merch Mania; Need: Human Canvas or Family Fame
submitted by chivas0356 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 QuintMoney Radiation Protection Technicians, how much do you make?

Jr, senior, outage worker. Doesn't matter, how much do you make?
submitted by QuintMoney to NuclearPower [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 HalfBoring Mars 3 Air

Been lurking on this sub for a long time. Read the above wasn't bright enough, and to projector aficionados it probably isn't. Just wanted to say I'm really happy with it, it's bright enough for my needs and image quality is great. Wasn't looking for a tv replacement so there's that. Not sure I'd enjoy any darker, though, so Freestyle 2 would likely have been a bad choice and that was my second choice. (Despite what the marketing says)
submitted by HalfBoring to projectors [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 Ill-Positive6950 [WTS] Goldfield & Banks - Pacific Rock Moss 100ml full pres (Bottle)
Goldfield & Banks - Pacific Rock Moss 100ml/3.4oz full pres/retail bottle - only missing a few test sprays!
Asking: $100 which includes free shipping
It will be packaged and shipped with the upmost care! Shipping is free and tracking will be provided. Item is in hand and ships Monday morning.
I accept PayPal or Venmo. If you prefer to use G&S, please add 3%
submitted by Ill-Positive6950 to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 giantcox Alt Title Card

Alt Title Card Alternative title card for our game on
submitted by giantcox to PixelArt [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 Sniper_Nation Just got prescribed been taking it for 4-5 days now TW:Suicide mention and self harm mention

I just got prescribed lexapro, I am 16 almost 17 I feel like maybe I don’t actually need it now that I finally have been prescribed it. I obviously haven’t been taking it long enough to feel the effects but I feel as if whatever is going on with me may not be bad enough for me to need this medicine like others do or maybe this is how I actually feel and that feeling numb like this is normal?
Let me explain, I went to my doctor and she prescribed me lexapro because she said this paper I filled out (which I tried to be mostly honest on but the answers are so vague it’s hard) looked to be anxiety depression disorder and that I scored pretty high so she prescribed me lexapro.
I started the day after she prescribed it to me but I was up all night before looking up TikToks and stuff about peoples lexapro journeys and results among side affects it can cause and what not and I guess it may be because I have medicine anxiety? I don’t know
I know I have horrible anxiety because I always stress myself out, if I feel like I’ve been sitting in bed too long I’ll get anxiety because I feel like I wasted my day too much and should’ve been more productive or atleast gotten out of bed.. and if I think about how I have school the next day I feel rushed to do something even if I don’t need to rush. I also have zero motivation to do any of my work, I can’t find any reason to do it besides the fact that I need to but as of right now I don’t think I’ve turned in one assignment and now I’m stuck catching up this entire weekend
On the depression side of things, I had a horrible childhood because my parents both were very abusive towards each other verbally, physically etc and being around that at a young age made me depressed, on top of that my cousins and what not used to tell me nobody loved me or liked me and they would never play with me and I was young so at the time this meant a lot to me. I ended up trying to end my life when I was around 7 years old because of this since then around the 6-7th grade I used to starve myself to lose weight and cut myself because I hated who I was and everything about me and I also didn’t feel like anything was worth it. My cat died and I got severely depressed but I ended up getting a boyfriend who I felt saved me, my boyfriend ended up cheating on me around freshman year of highschool and I felt like I wasn’t going to be able to live after that I genuinely was struggling to stay alive, I wasn’t hungry, I was disgusted with myself, I never slept at night, I had nightmares,and I had constant anxiety like I was going to miss something (because he would block me randomly and then unblock me without warning) but I always ended up feeling like I had this empty hole in my chest for a while after that and it got better but eventually throughout sophomore year him cheating on me was something I thought about very often, it’s gotten way better I’m a junior now and I never think about it unless I see something that reminds me but I just sigh and move on.
In the current situation in my life I am currently being bullied by these girls in school who I thought were my friends and I don’t think this really makes me depressed it just kinda hurts my feelings a lot and makes me want to go home and cry although I keep thinking about it over and over and over again and the situation is kinda repeatedly playing in my mind. I have trouble making friends and I don’t know how to speak to people and I don’t have a best friend. I actually don’t really have any friends that aren’t also my sisters friends (they came from my sister). I feel like I’m so different from other people and I often look at others and wish I could make relationships like them. I see people with full lunch tables laughing and a large friend group with people to leave the house for and I feel like I wanna be like them but I feel physically incapable. Lately because of this medicine ive been put on I’ve been overthinking my emotions. I’ve been thinking “is it normal to feel like I’m numb or is it not?” “Is this really funny or am I laughing just because” or when I’m finally alone I’ll just sit there like “I don’t feel sad, or happy, or anything. I feel nothing.” And I don’t want to feel nothing I want to feel like everyone else does. I want to feel happy. I lay in my bed at night and listen to music sometimes wishing that I could cry but due to the fact I feel almost nothing it’s kinda hard for me to.
A week before I was prescribed this medication I did think about ending my life but I don’t know if this was because I was just dramatic and really upset or if being that upset is even normal for normal people? Usually after I sleep and wake up it doesn’t feel as serious as it did when I was crying in the moment. So I wonder if because I don’t get anxiety or depression or any other emotions 24/7 since most of the times I feel like just don’t feel anything. should I really be on this medication or am I normal?
I’d also like to add that I get anxiety about school work too about turning it in before deadlines and what not especially when the quarters or semesters are ending and etc and I came here to get help from other lexapro people who might feel the same as me? Is it normal to feel numb before taking lexapro with curtain rare outbursts that make you feel like you should end your life during certain events or does this mean that I don’t need it?
I guess what i really want to know is am I bad enough to take this medicine? or am I actually normal and don’t need it?
submitted by Sniper_Nation to AntidepressantSupport [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 kreemy_kurds I know we're all loving the new update and I've seen plenty about new worlds and oceans but one thing I'm not seeing getting much love is item sorting.

Like, I just wanted to make a post because I've just noticed it and used it and did a little laugh because it makes my ADHD riddled screen so much tidier. Game changer for me, Cheers HG
submitted by kreemy_kurds to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 Character_Guide4592 And I’d only have to count to 4….

And I’d only have to count to 4…. submitted by Character_Guide4592 to Memes_Of_The_Dank [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 Natedog001976 5090? Online order pick up at Micro Center?

When will you be able to do this? A few months?
submitted by Natedog001976 to Microcenter [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 joman8390 [WTB] 308 stripped or assembled upper (Dpms low)

Looking for a 308 stripped or assembled upper that is DPMS low/low tang. Saltier the better! $50-75+
submitted by joman8390 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 KETTEI__EXE Doctor cleans Kaltsit's room

Doctor cleans Kaltsit's room submitted by KETTEI__EXE to 0sanitymemes [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 Unfair-Snow-2869 Curious...

I am curious as to whether anyone has a source for any interactions at the White's residence on 12-25-1996 the night of the party between the Ramseys and anyone else, and on 12-26-1996 between Burke and anyone in the residence, including but not limited to LE and attorneys. Thank you in advance for any guidance you may offer. It is much appreciated.
submitted by Unfair-Snow-2869 to JonBenetRamsey [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 sgriffin1113 Price check on pic

Price check on pic submitted by sgriffin1113 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 CobblerAcceptable989 [XB1] LF leaders

[XB1] LF leaders These are the 4 star mods I can make. Looking for leader offers. Have enough modules to make 7 rn.
submitted by CobblerAcceptable989 to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 Cookiemonster-098 [20/F]#UK - looking for friendship :)

Hello, I’m 20F from south east UK looking to get to know some more people :) would prefer UK as it’s just easier x
I’m laid back and chill and a good listener :)
I love colouring, reading, art, baking, Lego, and animals especially cats :)
South Asian ethnicity x
If your interested I’d love to hear more x message me with where you are from and your age 🙂💕
submitted by Cookiemonster-098 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 Big-Enthusiasm-6183 but they don’t hear me tho

submitted by Big-Enthusiasm-6183 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 goldtriplex Torien vs Kono

Has anyone been to both recently and feel like one is meaningfully better than the other? Trying to book for an anniversary dinner and have read so many reviews/threads on this and seems like Kono used to be better before the city stepped in with temperature controls. Ambience matters less to me than the actual food so wondering if people have any strong thoughts (Pete obviously prefer Kono vs. Michelin for torien)
submitted by goldtriplex to FoodNYC [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 WorldBuildingNut Summon the elector counts!

Summon the elector counts! submitted by WorldBuildingNut to WarhammerFantasy [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 Raddrockk Meshify 3?

I’ve seen some posts about the Meshify 3, including price and design leaks. Not sure if they’re legit, though. Does anyone know the release date? I just bought a Meshify 2 Compact and I’m considering returning it.
submitted by Raddrockk to FractalDesign [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 StevesEvilTwin2 Going 2nd support for Traptrix

Going 2nd support for Traptrix submitted by StevesEvilTwin2 to customyugioh [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 stats-nazi How do I best show my gratitude as a visitor when the locals are so nice to me?

The hospitality is unreal compared to what I would generally experience or do in the US. I feel so guilty when I'm visiting a friend and then their friends/family do so much for me. Like taking me around to see sights or cook or get tasty food. I even got 1000cny red envelope from my friend's friend's dad who I had never met before having dinner at his place. Like I would have felt even more awkward trying to tell them I don't want to take it, knowing I would just be insisted to take it.
Whenever I try to pay, it feels super awkward since they will not let me, and I'll just get pushed out of the way, and I really don't want to escalate it more by insisting. I have tried getting gifts, but I don't think they are very good (I don't have bag space to bring them from abroad, so it's something local, one time I bought a tea that I thought was nice / award winning / recommended, but they just told me to take it).
Ultimately, I just feel really appreciative, but super guilty that I can't think of anything to give or do for them other than my very elementary words of gratitude in Mandarin. Appreciate any advice here!
submitted by stats-nazi to chinalife [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 Budget-Potential-519 Tired of it

Tired of it Looks nice but I'm tired of it already.
submitted by Budget-Potential-519 to mobilephotography [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 jad_le_lion Magia Azure sketch

Magia Azure sketch submitted by jad_le_lion to GushingOverMagicGirls [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:02 dunchtime 2019 Etron - charging only works after 12 noon - despite no timers

Greetings --
Mystery: why won't my car charge whenever I want it to?
Bought my 2019 Premium Plus used a couple months ago.
I've found that it only seems to successfully initiate a charge after 12 noon. And it stops initiating a charge after 8 or 9 p.m. (Once initiated, it will keep charging into the night if I need it to.)
As an example, yesterday morning I tried to charge it at 9 a.m. Nope - just sits there with the blinking white light. Same for last night at about 9:30 p.m. Yet today at 12:30 p.m. it worked fine.
I have no timers set in the Audi app, in the MMI, or in the (cruddy) Enel X Way app we use to charge at home. None.
Any ideas on how to fix? Are we haunted by some ghost timers from a previous owner? (Yes the car and app are registered to me.)
For context -- charging was always a bit weird from the start with this car. At first it worked intermittently, then not at all, then I paid Audi to fix what was apparently some weak wiring inside the car's charging unit. Then it works fine again, at least in the hours when it wants to.
submitted by dunchtime to etron [link] [comments]