So umm WWE and [spoiler] are very far off on money

2025.02.02 00:00 Unhappy_Gazelle392 So umm WWE and [spoiler] are very far off on money

submitted by Unhappy_Gazelle392 to Wrasslin [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 Fresh-Army-6737 How to calculate the increase in temperature if a pressured cylinder being kept artificially cool, suddenly isn't

So a insulated space at a high pressure, and consistent volume, is being kept artificially cool with refrigeration.
What formula cover the temperature increase once the artificial cooling is removed but the pressure stays high?
submitted by Fresh-Army-6737 to PhysicsStudents [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 psych_is_slay I think it's time

I deleted all of the letters.
And I'm probably going to delete this one. It's time to get over whatever this is that I feel for you...I'm going to make sure that I do. I'm not going to ruin either of our relationships or our friendship. I already feel like a piece of shit as it is...
It did help to write it out on here. But I need to stop. Because what if you did find it, if you haven't already?
I wish it was easier. It's not. Because you are too good to me and I really feel like we have something special. But it cannot go past the status quo
So friends we will remain. I am content with that. You are a great friend to have.
Thank you for everything 🖤 I am so sorry.
submitted by psych_is_slay to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 FortniteStatusBot Daily Llama 2/Feb/2025

Daily Llama 2/Feb/2025 submitted by FortniteStatusBot to FORTnITE [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 Evelyn_Heart In looking for a Royal ring of Grandeur

So far doing bounties for this stupid ring I have gotten portals open to the vault, the rainbow portal and the cow portal. WHY??
submitted by Evelyn_Heart to diablo3 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 Vishion-8 Mia Goth in Talks For Role in Christopher Nolan's 'The Odyssey'

submitted by Vishion-8 to ChristopherNolan [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 payprincesskai these pretty soles are making you weak already

these pretty soles are making you weak already submitted by payprincesskai to FootSlaveMarket [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 Zephyhzz Legit or not

Legit or not how do these Pokémon platinum copies look, was wondering if they were both legit or not
submitted by Zephyhzz to pokemonplatinum [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 burtgummer45 MakeupAddiction is doing its part

MakeupAddiction is doing its part submitted by burtgummer45 to ShitPoliticsSays [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 jash_036 Do I need to know story of Warriors Orochi 1 and 2 before playing 3?

Hi guys, just bought WO3 Ultimate on Steam while on sale. This is my 2nd Musou game after One Piece PW4, and so my first entry on the series.
As the title suggests, is the story somewhat standalone? Will it benefit me to look into the whole story of WO1 and 2? I have booted the game and played the first two missions, so i imagine some relationships between characters and events from previous games carry over.
submitted by jash_036 to dynastywarriors [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 AndJusticeForAllll Any Gizzard fans?

Any Gizzard fans? Snagged this guy at my local record shop today
submitted by AndJusticeForAllll to cassetteculture [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 MAS8899 Tank heater recommendations

I think my heater is broken. Temp keeps staying around 90 degrees, even though I have it set at 75. I had a bunch of fish die recently (parameters were good) and feel like this is why.
Any recommendations for a reliable heater? 10 gallon tank.
submitted by MAS8899 to Aquariums [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 ExcogitationMG Calibre for Comics and Manga

I removed DRM from a marvel comic I owned on Kindle and tried to read it on Calibre. I also could not convert it to EPUB. Is there something specific that im supposed to for comics & manga vs regular books?
submitted by ExcogitationMG to Calibre [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 SelfParody [POSITIVE]%20for%20/u/Rude-Point525%20[seller]

submitted by SelfParody to PMsFeedback [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 MaterialMarsupial629 Thighs are cold

Thighs are cold Any suggestions for layering with shell pants? Not a whole lot in the internet on suggestions on the lower half of the body. Thinking about getting some down puffer pants because i run pretty cold while skiing - most of my time is on the lift. fleece tights didn't help much.
submitted by MaterialMarsupial629 to Skigear [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 VANFILMER Selling - 3XL Hoodies/Crewneck

Selling - 3XL Hoodies/Crewneck Needing to get rid of them to help with bills and such. Selling them between $128 ($88usd)-$149cdn ($103usd) OBO depending on the item. $20cdn shipping for individual items. Willing to bundle the 3 of them for $350cdn ($241usd) OBO including shipping
Hoodies/Crewneck for sale: Founders hoodie with hourglass on front unus Annus and momento Mori on sides $128 The End Hoodie with embroidered unus Annus logo on front, 365:00:00 and 000:00:00 on sides $128 Skeleton Crewneck with Skeleton featured on front and sides with unus Annus logo $149
These prices are listed in Canada so they are priced differently in your country, mainly selling on depop as it is easy to manage there. All are in fairly great condition I maybe only wore it once or twice, barely any pilling inside the sweaters so they are practically brand new.
submitted by VANFILMER to UnusAnnusMerchForSale [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 Hyphalootin Binfunx N64 Shell

submitted by Hyphalootin to consolerepair [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 Stalwartd Home theater long hdmi cable between receiver and projector

I have been using an active HDMI (, 75 feet long, between receiver (in a staircase closet away from media room) and projector. It worked fine for about 9 months and then I started seeing video drop off at times and now it completely stopped working - the projector just shows “no hdmi input” and it keeps on blinking. I think HDMI is not able to carry the signal this long anymore.
While pulling the HDMI initially (have a conduit), I had to pull really hard at one point and thought the cable might not work but then it did for 9 months. Not sure if that damage is not showing up.
So my question is - Is there another recommended way of reliably connecting receiveprojector over a long range? Read about using cat 6 with hdbase at both ends. But not sure how the video quality would be. - Is fiber active hdmi still fine for ~75 feet distance and I should try another hdmi? Any recommendations (or if I should buy the one I have again -
Appreciate any inputs to get my home theater working again!
submitted by Stalwartd to hometheater [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 CoolDiggerydoo How do i get over her

Hi m19 here, About 10 months ago i broke up with my girlfriend of half a year lets call her amy (not her real name), we lived pretty far apart and couldn't see each other a lot. Also she was sad a lot of the time and did some sh wich one of my exes also did. That triggered something in me because it was really bad with that one ex.
Well i realized about 2 months after i broke up with Amy i realized that i made a big mistake. But it was already too late. She had moved on and didnt want to try again. I fully understand why, because i completely broke her heart. And she liked me A LOT.
After the breakup she wanted to keep talking ofcourse and wanted me back, but i needed space. So i became really distant and kind of cold untill she left me be.
So we kinda stopped talking, but after a little while i started missing her a lot. I put myself over that feeling because i knew she had moved on, and went on with my life.
I found a new girlfriend but that didn't work out and we broke up after a month and a half.
Well since then I started thinking back about amy again and how i miss her so flipping much. So i messaged her, telling her what i felt and why. She kindly responded explaining why she didn't want to be with me anymore (that was genuinely so helpful, in accepting that its not gonna be anything anymore) after that i removed her on every platform except one in case she wanted to message me.
Ive tried to just give it time but 10 months has passed and im still thinking about her. I dont know what to do anymore and i just wanna move on and find someone else :'(
Does anyone have any advice on what to do? Im just lost and really starting to think that ill never move on🙁
TLDR; Broke up with my girlfriend, and ten months later i still miss her. We have talked about it and she doesnt wanna try again. Plz help me
submitted by CoolDiggerydoo to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 Muhammad5777 Give me Karma Please!

submitted by Muhammad5777 to spamposting [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 msmazieee trocar de campus

como a usp é em relação a trocar de campus? tipo se eu fizer nutrição no campus de são paulo e quiser trocar pro campus de ribeirão preto (mesmo curso) é possível? vou precisar refazer alguma matéria?
submitted by msmazieee to USP [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 globe-trotter0 Find the City Challenge #52

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by globe-trotter0 to GlobeTrotter [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 ubcmicrobio23 UBC post-interview thoughts

while respecting the agreement ofc
submitted by ubcmicrobio23 to premedcanada [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 AnalPerformance423 16M, looking for friends!

16M, looking for friends. Anyone and everyone.
I need friends in general. i'm socially anxious as hell and i really do want friends. please dm me if you wanna be friends.
my interests are history, tanks, planes, japanese videogames, old consoles and cats, and yeah! i am autistic and stuff, but feel free to dm me
I primarily use Discord, but I could message here. If you’re older and female there’s a better chance we’ll get on, just saying.
submitted by AnalPerformance423 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:00 Pure_Development4667 Angy patchy

Angy patchy submitted by Pure_Development4667 to touhou_lostword [link] [comments]